検索結果 785 件
- 要約等"In light of the C......lores the changing landscape of International Student Education in Japanese unive...... Through analysing a wide range ......al, cultural, linguistic, and pe...... contexts relating to higher education in Japan. With a ......om surveys and interviews conducted since 2020 amongst......gher Education institutions (HEI......s, decision making behaviours an......tion practices in Japan. The authors also examine the challenge......t mobility and international stu......ctions for the internationalisat......gher education in post-pandemic ......will appeal to researchers, educators ......anyone with an interest in higher education dev...
- 内容細目Internationalizat......istory of studying abroad in Japanese universities (inbound and outbo...... / Akito Okada Internationalizat......on at home and intercultural col......aborative learning / Kazuko Suem......gher education institutions in Japan / Yukiko......ared to resume international educational exchanges during the pandemic ......hiba Survey of Inbound students waiting to enter Japan: Exploring students' voi...... Future of the international student education ...
- 件名...obility--Japan Educational mobility International edu......ndemic, 2020---Influence
- 要約等...cy Fraser, examining how her ideas......mporary issues in higher education and reimagine higher educat......actices. Providing a forum for considering Fraser's work in relation to pa......ipatory parity in higher educati......udent protests in South Africa in 2015 and 2016 ......n impetus to think about how to do things differently in higher education in response to ec...... and political inequities. This ......example of rethinking issues of col......ity and social injustice in higher educati...... puts her work into conversation......ll be of great interest for academics, researchers and post-gr......duate students in the fields of social justice ...
- 内容細目...d subjectivity in higher education 3. Making time for mult......elationalities in times of crisis 4. (Mis)framing higher education in South Africa P......ens on social (in)justice in higher education 6. Becoming a community (educational) psychologist ......nts and constraints of participatory parity in student educational journeys 7. 'When it rains [our house] rains too' : exploring South African......tion 8. Addressing economic constraints impeding the achieveme......ipatory parity in student learning : a study at ...... disadvantaged institution 9. Pa......ipatory parity in South African ......isation debate in South African higher educatio...
- タイトル標目Routledge research in education policy and politics.
- 内容細目Part I: Introduction PISA, policy, and global educational governance / L......ues Problematizing the expansion......act of PISA on international educational discourse and ...... Harvey Goldstein Part III: Topical issues within national and t......xts Shanghai-China and the emerg......ic segregation in secondary scho......iel Gutiérrez Policy implications of PISA in Germany: the c......cation / Christine Sälzer and M......e role of PISA in regional and p......public debates in Italy / Daniel......Verzillo PISA, policy, and strategic planning in federal Switzerland Jeanine Füeg, Vera H......f PISA results in Poland / Maciej Jakubowski Us...
- 件名Programme for International Stu......nt Assessment--Influence Educati......ltural studies Educational change--Cross-cultural studie...
- 要約等"Bringing together expe......tter understanding of the changing nature of tea......fessional learning in national policy contexts and o......fferences existing between vario......sses the new thinking that has emerged in the field of t......flect the changing patterns and policies relating to the ways educational professionals maintain and enhance pr......d practitioner inquiry have a st......e. It also examines briefly the ......c and the ways in which new appr......fessional learning, specifically......sform practice in some countries in Europe"--
- 内容細目Introduction / Ke......work for analysing teacher professional learning and developme......t / Giorgio Ostinelli Using the framework......fessional learning and development in 14 European co......lberto Crescentini and Giorgio Ostinelli Teacher professionalism in Estonia : the ...... lifelong learning? / Ene-Silvia......fessional learning : policy development to policy enactment / Fiona King, Aoife Brenna......al development in Romania : framing learning, responsibili......fessional learning in Finland : providers of education in key role / Jar......ahtivuori-Hänninen and Marjo Vesalainen Career-long ......fessional learning in Scotland : mobilizing the...
- 件名Teachers--In-service training--Europe Teachers--Profession...
- 要約等...perspective on intensified discussions concerning digitalizatio......tal competence in the current trends of educational work. Using a multidisciplinary and holisti...... front-runners in a European and......tal competence in educational work. Chapters......pirical data gained from policy documents, interviews, and q......digitalization in education. Ult......uate students, researchers, and schola......ross the globe involved with dig......education, and educational policy and politics more broadly"--
- 内容細目New digital practices in education : talking about the (r)......& Sarah Howard Introduction / Sa......ofsson J. Ola Lindberg - Norwegi...... comprehension in teacher education : two peas in a pod? / Ann-T......ral resilience in local translat......digitalization policy / Ulrika Gusta......önlund Overcoming barriers to t......ation / Tomas Lindroth & Johan M......ections on leading for digitalization : digging deeper into professional......hool leaders using the PEAT-mode......ia Håkansson Lindqvist A learning analytics driven intervention to s......students' learning activity and ......na Sigridur Islind & María Óskarsdóttir Qual...
- 件名Computer-assisted instruction--Scandinavia Computer literacy--Scandinavia Competency......ducation--Scandinavia
- 内容細目Introducing the Strong St......riculum Reform in Asia / Leonel ......cs of Pedagogy in Singapore / Leonel......ogy, and Power in South Korea / Mi Ok Kang Unintended Hegemonic Effects : Institutional Incorporation of Chinese Schools in Postwar Hong Kong / Ting-Hong Wong Nat......onal Education in Hong Kong : Cu...... Movements and Educational Change in China : The Case of......ren Schools / Min Yu The Struggl......eachers Unions in South Korea an......he Politics of Educational Change / Hee-R......h For/Future China and the Polit......ation Programs in China / Christopher......eral Loanwords in South Korean Cross-National P...
- 件名...-Case studies. Educational change--Asia--Case studies.
- 要約等"Recognizing that institutes of hig......simultaneously in local and glob......lobal policies in a range of industrialized nations in North America ......ia, and developing ones of Brazil, Indonesia, Myanmar, and in Southern Afric...... policies relating to global mat......Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) innovation, and d......and conflicts. In each case, aut......and translated into legislations and formal or informal programs......pon decades of research and executive ......ctives of emerging professionals......ll be of great interest to researchers, scholars, ...... professionals in the fields of higher educatio...
- 内容細目Ruminations on diplo......eface : commencing and completing semi-circles ......ood / Beverly Lindsay The salien......policies affecting higher education / Beverly Lindsay Community-......niversity learning and engagement in Canada : Is the system shifting in a big enough w...... yes and no / Linda DeRiviere Policy and praxis imp......gher education in "closing the gap" / Yo......e Gilbert From inequality to the...... of public and educational policies in Brazil / Tatiane Cosentino Rodrigues, Ana Cristina Juvenal da Cr...... how two-year minority serving institutions serv...... the local and international students / Hugo A....
- 著者標目Lindsay, Beverly
- 要約等This book examines some of the ......on reforms and policy shifts globall......, particularly in the light of recent shifts in quality and st...... education and policy research. It critiques ...... education and policy reforms, and i......y that changes in the relationsh......gher education policy affect current trends in higher education reforms. Using diverse compa......al-comparative research, the chapters ......eforms and examine both the reas......on reforms and policy change. The bo...... evaluates the policy shifts in methodological......t on education policy and pedagogy. ......ok contributes in a very scholarly way, to a mo...
- 内容細目... reforms: Emerging paradigms 2 Conceptualizing Policy for International Educational Development 3 ......iculum reforms in Vietnam in the era of glo......ntity: Negotiating minority rights in expansion and ......lity assurance in public university in Kenya 6 Globalization and Internationalizat......ucation Reform in Japan: Pre and...... Opportunities in a Post-COVID-1......iberal Reforms in Higher Educati......cation Reforms in East Asia 10 Pursuing Neoliberal Pe......ance-Based Funding and Accountability in Higher Education in Ontario, Canada 11 Ethnic Minority and Indigenous Higher Education in the Globalization: Neoliberal...
- 件名Higher education and state Educational change Enseign......ment--Réforme Educational change. Higher education and ...
- 要約等...ectives of leading German schola......nd care (ECEC) in Germany, furthering international understanding of the complexities involved in ECEC topics in Germany. Early......hood Education in Germany provides a unique insight into parts of Ger...... country. Offering in-depth insights into historical d...... and empirical research, the volume di......long tradition in ECEC against the backdrop...... consider ECEC in Germany from t......ves of theory, institutions and ...... book draws on international lit......rities of ECEC in Germany, contributing to dialogue on research into early childh......nd care. Providing a much-needed, international...
- 内容細目Introduction and ......education, upbringing and childcare......dhood pedagogy in the profession......s of childhood in early childhoo...... play and learning / Oktay Bilgi......nger Didactics in institutions of E......hood education in Germany : qualitative research and educational programme / Cl......rms / Nicole Klinkhammer & Anton......childhood / Dominik Farrenberg F......e Kubandt & Dominik Krinninger Primary school in relation to kindergarten / Karin Kämpfe & Brit......tion discourse in German early c...... a key concept in professionaliz......ntradictions : research perspectives o......of tension within professional ECEC practice in...
- 関連情報Routledge research in early childhood education
- 要約等This interdisciplinary book consis......arts which examine the European ......on policies on research and innovation, educa......life-long learning, as well as t......outh policies. In the first part......e the European Research Area and its c......ployability of researchers, especially in times of crises. In the second par......well as the EU institutional fra......Life-long learning is also important for the individual develo......ucation and training policy based on social indicators in the framework ......2020 Strategy. In the third part...... and the balancing between ordo-......ialism. It examines the EU Pillar of Social Rig...
- 内容細目Introduction PART I. EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA Will European Research Area Ever Be a Reality? Researchers and Mobility in the European Research Area Open Labour Market for Researchers in EU, Progress T......s Obstacles on Researchers Career and Mobility in the European Research Area: The Case...... Re-search and Innovation in Times of Crisi......jectives Educating the Socially Vulnerable in the Life-long Learning Era: Reflecti......Qualifications in the European Union: Institutional Fra......for Life: Building Decentralized Learning Synergies to ......nerable Groups in South-Eastern Europe EU Policy on Education and Training in ...
- 件名...nion countries Research--European Unio......ation, Higher. Research. Social conditions. Youth--So...
- 要約等This book examines immigrant st...... and education policy across a range...... It is divided into 3 sections: Part 1 introduces the to......oss a range of international jur...... from scholars in ten countries ......taly, Sweden, Finland, Netherlan......ealand). These educational jurisdictions ......ations engaged in large-scale re...... towards enhancing their immigra......pulation; explains the trajector......vement results in non-immigrant ......student groups in relation to bo......h national and international lar......fectiveness of policy responses that......s. It also examines the relation......ural contexts. In conclusion, Part 3 analyzes c...
- 内容細目Part I: Introduction Immi......nte, and Don Klinger Part II: Na......chievement and educational policy in England / John...... and education policy in Germany / Jann......ltemann and Dominique Rauch Immi......chievement and educational policy in Italy / Marco ...... and education policy in Sweden / Lisbe......l and Michael Lindblad Immigrant...... and education policy in Finland / Heidi Harju-Luukkainen and Nele McE...... and education policy in the Netherland......chievement and educational policy in Ireland / Meri......chievement and Educational Policy in Canada / Liying Cheng and Wei...... and education policy in Australia / Anthony Welch ...
- 関連情報Policy implications of research in education
- 要約等... the understanding of regional smart education in China and promotes sharing of smart educ......n case studies in China and abroad. I......ted nationwide in China. These select...... construction, research findings, and solutio......construction mainly focus on the sustainable developmen......education. The research findings case studies showcase research results produced by research teams and individuals, which involve theories,......ies, practical investigations, or international com......ucation, which include applicati......s, and effects in regions or sch......s around smart educational equipment, platforms, network...
- 内容細目...ter 1 Constructing Regional Smar......ion Ecosystem: Policy, Technology, a...... System Remodeling Application Chapter 3 Group Intelligence Sharing Promotes Prof......nsformation of Integrated Educat......of Urban-rural Integration Chapt......Change of Learning Style and Pro...... Three States" in Education Chap......ect-Based Learning: Let Every Ch......ace "Good Learning" Chapter 12 "......erprise-school-research" Collaboration......ce of Regional Intelligent Opera......apter 15 Promoting the Populariz...... of Artificial Intelligence Educ......istrict-school Integration" Smar......ruction Part 3 Research Findings Chapter 19 Reflectio...
- 件名Educational innovations--China--Case studies Enseignement--Innovations--Chine--Études de cas Educational innovations China
- 要約等"Presenting original contribution......he key experts in the field, the Research Handbook on th......enges and pressing social questions facing education in current times. This Research Handbook cover...... of the discipline; methodologic......modernisation; educational systems; benefits of continued education; ......ion and social integration; and wider policy implications. ......s adults returning to education.......l contexts and influences are al......ievement. Offering an analysis of policy outcomes from ......ve and emphasising the impact of......ial and ethnic inequality in educational opportunity, this influential Research Handbook de...
- 内容細目Part I: Introduction Part......ernization and educational expansion Part......ion and social integration Part VIII: Policy implications of research in the sociology of education.
- 件名Educational sociology--Research. Education--Research. Educational sociology.
- 要約等This handbook gathers in one volume the major research and scholarshi......has developed since the field wa......hed by Atwater in 1993. Culture is defined in this handbook as an integrated patter......roup of people in a particular p......nd or make meaning of their worl......hese to succeeding generations. The research studies include both different kinds of qualitati....... The chapters in this volume reflect differing ideas about c......n science learning and teaching in different K-14 contexts and policy issues. Research findings about groups......derrepresented in STEM in the United States, and in other countries related to la...
- 内容細目...and Methods of Research of Multicultur......n Science Learning Science Teaching Science Curri......ence Education Policy The Future in Multicultural ......ence Education Research
- 件名Science--Study and teaching--Research Multicultural ......Study and teaching--Research. Ensenyament c......fic. Educació intercultural.
- 要約等...pted their routine media pedagog......hardships. Combining an innovative mix of......d dialogue within an intercultural fra......eper understanding of the challe......ange from fighting disinformation, how ......isadvantages using media, transforming educational T.V. or YouTub......iences, supporting students' wellbeing through various online strategies, examining early childho......nd media mentoring using digital tools, reflecting on educators' intersectionality......media to fight injustice, teaching remotely and providing low tech solu...... divide, searching for solutions......laboratively using social media, and many more....
- 内容細目Introduction to t...... Grace Y. Choi Introduction to inclusive practic......edia education in the COVID-19 p......c / Gerard Goggin and Katie Ellis Maintaining inclusive pedagogy in online ELT classrooms during and beyond th......ID-19 pandemic in Japan / Luke L...... Nagashima Zooming while Black : creating a Black aesth......onic discourse in a digital age ......Melo Reconsidering media education following the digital divide in India during the pandemic ......hmita Pandit Using the core of p......milies from Latine communities in the U.S. during the COVID-19 ......ltrán-Grimm, Cindy Beckett and Tarana Khan Intercultural dialogue : inclusi...
- 件名Web-based instruction Internet in education Mass media in education Media literacy COVI...
- 要約等"The challenge for researchers is not only to explain the problems, ......ith the people in power so that research findings will make a ......dare to engage in debates on dem......edia education in relation to th......mental values. In such a context......edia Education Research makes a very i......ontribution to increasing our knowledge and understanding of media educ......40 well-known, international researchers formulate i......s and valuable insights into the dynamic and evolving field of media education research in the digital ag......ork for discussing critical issu......and practical; educational, pedagogic and political; loc...
- 内容細目Micro-celebrity communities, research and media educ......on : Understanding fan practices......ism and parody in young people's......edia practices in Latin America : a mo......ns / Rosalía Winocur & Inés Dussel Yout......a literacy : doing media education research on the margins / Annamária ......alian's change in media viewing habits : What...... meme cultures in India / Devina Sarwatay Towa......uth identities in Africa? From o......lities and imaginations / Chikez......m Social media influences on you......h disabilities in the Global Sou......ransmedia learning : practices, ......edia education in the age of algorithm-driven s...
- 件名Mass media--Study and teaching--Research Media literacy--Study and teaching--Research
- 要約等Providing original observations, this seminal text analyse......ence of social investment policies in both Europe an......fective social investment polici......actical social policy implications a...... future social policymaking
- 内容細目1. Introduction: social investments and welfare reform in Europe and Eas......2. Work-family policy expansion and ......idea of social investment: the c......vate education in South Korea: l......arket outcomes in South Korea? R......ibutive social investment 5. Emp......6. Does social investment make t......y policies and institutional complementarities in Italy, Spain, Japan and Sou...... 7. The social investment approa......omes of social investment in latecomer coun......ation rate: an international comparison and policy implications in South Korea 10. Changing patterns of grandparenting and their imp...... for active ageing in England and South Korea 1...
- 件名...elfare. Social policy. Europe--Social policy East Asia--Social policy East Asia. Europe.
- 要約等"Contributing to the shaping of education ......ation as a distinct field of research, this forward-looking Research Handbook explores cross-cutting questions on ...... challenges facing education sys......ts today. Covering an impressive......, national and educational contexts, this Research Handbook explo...... case studies, educational initiatives, appr......bile students, educational professionals ......road understanding of the multif......n today, exploring varied theore......tives, and examining the educational challenges and......migration. The Research Handbook ultim...... importance of interdisciplinary research into ...
- 内容細目Approaches to the educational inclusion of refu......hildren Supporting practices in schools and th......ge(s) and learning support Vulne......ncy Migration, international mobility and educational opportunity Between the state...
- 件名Immigrants--Education--Research Children of im......on--Government policy Enfants d'immigrants--Éducat...
- 要約等"Drawing on the case o......picture of how policy is enacted between state policymaking and school practice in Japan, focusing on how national policy is enacted locally in the classroom.......om its genesis in central govern......, through the Ministry of Educat......xtbooks to examine how teachers, school administrators and o......and translate, policy into practice in the Japanese c......ce has changed in response to the intentions of national policy, and analyzes ...... for understanding processes of policy enactment in the Japanese e......y of education policy making, practice, and the gaps in between. It will be of intere...
- 内容細目Introduction Hist......s and the changing policymaking processes The disjoint between research on policy and research on practice Policy evolution through the ministry Making textbooks for......bject Constructing a baseline on classroom practice Making sense of curriculum content in the school Enacting pedagogy in the school Translating policy in(to) the school Policy enactment in Japan
- 件名Moral education--Japan Educational change--Japan Education and s...
- 要約等...n with various policy and governance......al differences in the compositio......ation systems. In view of the wide variation in the public and......addressed, how institutional and......evel dynamics, policy approaches and......iety of states in Asia in the race to de...... systems. Focusing on the intersection of g......gher education policy, it addresses ...... challenges facing higher education in Asia and the n......of governments in terms of the organisation of ...
- 内容細目...ion governance in Asia: challeng......jectories Changing patterns in the governance......gher education in Asia Engaging forms of ASEA......s universities in Indonesia Asserting global leadership in higher educati......ong government in China Governing private higher education in Malaysia: chan......gher education in Singapore: the policy state and gove......y and autonomy in higher education in Hing Kong Research, development and innovation: transformation in Taiwanese high......ion governance in Vietnam: statism versus institutional autonomy The changing governance of Thai higher ed...
- タイトル標目Higher education in Asia, quality, excellence and...