並列タイトル等Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Molten Salts Technology and Computer Simulation
Applications of molten salts technology to separation and synthesis of materials have a potential to give us a civilized life, for example aluminium refinement. Recently, much attention is given to the pyrochemical reprocessing of spent nuclear fuels in the molten salt research field. On the other hand, computer simulation technique is expected to play an important role for supporting experimental works and predicting unknown physical properties in the molten salts application studies. Research group for Actinides Science, Department of Materials Science, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute(JAERI), together with Reprocessing and Recycle Technology Division, Atomic Energy Society of Japan, organized the 3rd Workshop on Molten Salts Technology and Computer Simulation at Tokai Research Establishment, JAERI on December 16, 2003. Many molten salts researchers in Japan participated in the workshop and many useful presentations and discussions were performed.
一次資料へのリンクURL/JAERI-Conf-2004-008.pdf (fulltext)
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