寄与者edited by Chester W. Hartman ; foreword by Chicago Congressman Luis Gutiérrez.
一般注記Toward a Structural Racism Framework / Andrew Grant-Thomas & john a. powell -- Structural Racism: Focusing on the Cause / Cliff Schrupp -- American Indian Tribes and Structural Racism / Sherry Salway Black -- Structural Racism and Rebuilding New Orleans / Maya Wiley -- Race vis-à-vis Class in the U.S.? / john a. powell & Stephen Menendian -- More Than Just Race: Being Black and Poor in the Inner City / William Julius Wilson -- Tensions Among Minority Groups / Symposium with S.M. Miller, Wade Henderson, Don T. Nakanishi, john a. powell, Maria Blanco, Howard Winant -- Indigenous Peoples: Response to the Periodic Report of the United States to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination -- Tribal Self-Government in the United States / John Dossett -- When Affirmative Action Was White / Ira Katznelson -- The Importance of Targeted Universalism / john a. powell, Stephen Menendian & Jason Reece -- Implicit Bias: A Forum -- eds. Intro para -- Does Unconscious Bias Matter? / Ralph Richard Banks & Richard Thompson Ford -- Implicit Bias Insights as Preconditions to Structural Change / john a. powell & Rachel Godsil -- Litigating Implicit Bias / Eva Paterson -- Implicit Bias, Racial Inequality and Our Multivariate World / Andrew Grant-Thomas -- Beyond Bias / Olati Johnson -- Banks & Ford Response -- Tax Aversion: The Legacy of Slavery / Robin Einhorn -- Tax Aversion: The Sequel / Robin Einhorn -- Scapegoating Blacks for the Economic Crisis / Gregory D. Squires -- Speculators, Not CRA, Behind Foreclosures in Black Neighborhoods / John I. Gilderbloom & Gregory D. Squires -- The Missing Class: The Near Poor / Victor Tan Chen & Katherine S. Newman -- Criminalization of Poverty: UN Report -- Can We Think about Poverty without Thinking about Criminality? / Kaaryn Gustafson -- The Criminalization of Homelessness / National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty -- Can We Organize for Economic Justice Beyond Capitalism? / LeeAnn Hall & Danny HoSang -- Beyond Public/Private: Understanding Corporate Power / john a. powell & Stephen Menendian -- The Help / Association of Black Women Historians -- Reshaping the Social Contract: Demographic Distance and Our Fiscal Future / Manuel Pastor & Vanessa Carter -- Social Justice Movements in a Liminal Age / Deepak Bhargava.
Includes index.