
Economics, cognition, and society


Economics, cognition, and society

University of Michigan Press


Growth triumphant : the twenty-first century in historical perspective外部サイトThe rebel's dilemma外部サイトPreference pollution : how markets create the desires we dislike外部サイトPreference pollution : how markets create the desires we dislike外部サイトExplaining process and change : approaches to evolutionary economics外部サイトOrigins of a spontaneous revolution : East Germany, 1989外部サイトGrowth recurring : economic change in world history外部サイトThe cooperator's dilemma外部サイトGrowth triumphant : the twenty-first century in historical perspective外部サイトAltruistically inclined? : the behavioral sciences, evolutionary theory, and the origins of reciprocity外部サイトImperfect institutions : possibilities and limits of reform外部サイトIncreasing returns and path dependence in the economy外部サイトInstitutions and economic theory : the contribution of the new institutional economics外部サイトSignaling goodness : social rules and public choice外部サイトThe rebel's dilemma外部サイトReputation : studies in the voluntary elicitation of good conduct外部サイトEvolutionary concepts in contemporary economics外部サイトReputation : studies in the voluntary elicitation of good conduct外部サイトDemocracy, governance, and growth外部サイトThe voluntary city : choice, community, and civil society外部サイトThe great breakthrough and its cause外部サイトTrust, ethnicity, and identity : beyond the new institutional economics of ethnic trading networks, contract law, and gift-exchange外部サイトParadigms and conventions : uncertainty, decision making, and entrepreneurship外部サイトMarket-augmenting government : the institutional foundations for prosperity外部サイトInstitutions and economic theory : the contribution of the new institutional economics外部サイトRegions, institutions, and agrarian change in European history外部サイトEconomics and evolution : bringing life back into economics外部サイトTitles, conflict, and land use : the development of property rights and land reform on the Brazilian Amazon frontier外部サイトThe voluntary city : choice, community, and civil society外部サイトEconomics and evolution : bringing life back into economics外部サイトAltruistically inclined? : the behavioral sciences, evolutionary theory, and the origins of reciprocity外部サイトInstitutions and economic theory : the contribution of the new institutional economics外部サイトSocial science knowledge and economic development : an institutional design perspective外部サイトFrom liberty to democracy : the transformation of American government外部サイトThe cult of statistical significance : how the standard error costs us jobs, justice, and lives外部サイト






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Growth triumphant : the twenty-first century in historical perspective
The rebel's dilemma
Preference pollution : how markets create the desires we dislike
Preference pollution : how markets create the desires we dislike
Explaining process and change : approaches to evolutionary economics
Origins of a spontaneous revolution : East Germany, 1989
Growth recurring : economic change in world history
The cooperator's dilemma
Growth triumphant : the twenty-first century in historical perspective
Altruistically inclined? : the behavioral sciences, evolutionary theory, and the origins of reciprocity
Imperfect institutions : possibilities and limits of reform
Increasing returns and path dependence in the economy
Institutions and economic theory : the contribution of the new institutional economics
Signaling goodness : social rules and public choice
The rebel's dilemma
Reputation : studies in the voluntary elicitation of good conduct
Evolutionary concepts in contemporary economics
Reputation : studies in the voluntary elicitation of good conduct
Democracy, governance, and growth
The voluntary city : choice, community, and civil society
The great breakthrough and its cause
Trust, ethnicity, and identity : beyond the new institutional economics of ethnic trading networks, contract law, and gift-exchange
Paradigms and conventions : uncertainty, decision making, and entrepreneurship
Market-augmenting government : the institutional foundations for prosperity
Institutions and economic theory : the contribution of the new institutional economics
Regions, institutions, and agrarian change in European history
Economics and evolution : bringing life back into economics
Titles, conflict, and land use : the development of property rights and land reform on the Brazilian Amazon frontier
The voluntary city : choice, community, and civil society
Economics and evolution : bringing life back into economics
Altruistically inclined? : the behavioral sciences, evolutionary theory, and the origins of reciprocity
Institutions and economic theory : the contribution of the new institutional economics
Social science knowledge and economic development : an institutional design perspective
From liberty to democracy : the transformation of American government
The cult of statistical significance : how the standard error costs us jobs, justice, and lives
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA14269278 : BA14269278