
Leland Stanford Junior University publications


Leland Stanford Junior University publications

Stanford University


The evolution of Brazil compared with that of Spanish and Anglo-Saxon America外部サイトAnnual report of the president of the university for the twenty-fifth academic year, ending July 31, 1916 : this being the thirteenth report submitted, to which is appended the annual report of the treasurer外部サイトThe pathology of nephritis : as illustrated by thirty-two consecutive cases外部サイトA study of verbs compounded with aus, ein, etc. as contrasted with those compounded with heraus, hinaus, herein, hinein, etc.外部サイトDas historische Präsens in der älteren deutschen Sprache外部サイトFlügel memorial volume外部サイトThe original version of "Love's labour's lost" : with a conjecture as to "Love's labour's won"外部サイトThe anoplura and mallophaga of North American Mammals外部サイトBone and joint studies外部サイトStudies in ichthyology : a monographic review of the family of Atherinidae or Silversides外部サイトThe sesamoid articular : a bone in the mandible of fishes外部サイトThe use of ye in the function of thou in middle English literature from ms. Auchinleck to ms. Vernon : a study of grammar and social intercourse in fourteenth-century England外部サイトContributions toward a monograph of the Sucking Lice外部サイトThe evolution of Brazil compared with that of Spanish and Anglo-Saxon America外部サイトAcceleration of development on fossil Cephalopoda外部サイトA study of the magmatic sulfid ores外部サイトCatalogue de tous les livres de feu M. Chapelain外部サイトEmerson : a statement of New England transcendentalism as expressed in the philosophy of its chief exponent外部サイトThe genera of fishes : a contribution to the stability of scientific nomenclature外部サイトThe neo-classic movement in Spain during the XVIII century外部サイトInheritance in silkworms外部サイトExperiments in psychical research at Leland Stanford Junior University外部サイトDudley memorial volume外部サイトOsteology of certain scombroid fishes外部サイトThe effect of a strictly vegetable diet on the spontaneous activity, the rate of growth, and the longevity of the albino rat外部サイトThe fishes of the Stanford expedition to Brazil外部サイトLiberal and vocational studies in the college外部サイトFossil fishes of southern California外部サイトA physical theory of electrification外部サイトFossil fishes of diatom beds of Lompoc, California外部サイトSynopsis of the true crabs (brachyura) of Monterey Bay California外部サイトMatzke memorial volume : containing twounprinted papers外部サイトA study of the normal constituents of the potable water of the San Francisco Peninsula外部サイトAn introduction to the study of the endocrine glands and internal secretions : Lane medical lectures, 1913外部サイトEmerson : a statement of New England transcendentalism as expressed in the philosophy of its chief exponent外部サイトThe Derivation of the flora of Hawaii外部サイトThe electrical charges of atoms and ions外部サイトThe hemolymph nodes of the sheep : studies on hemolymph nodes I.外部サイトThe opisthobranchiate mollusca of the Branner-Agassiz expedition to Brazil外部サイトThe pronoun of address in English literture of the thirteenth century外部サイトThe California species of mealy bugs外部サイトThe birds of the Latin poets外部サイトA morphological study of some members of the Genus Pallavicinia外部サイトA contribution to the knowledge of the Coccidae of Southwestern United States外部サイト






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The evolution of Brazil compared with that of Spanish and Anglo-Saxon America
Annual report of the president of the university for the twenty-fifth academic year, ending July 31, 1916 : this being the thirteenth report submitted, to which is appended the annual report of the treasurer
The pathology of nephritis : as illustrated by thirty-two consecutive cases
A study of verbs compounded with aus, ein, etc. as contrasted with those compounded with heraus, hinaus, herein, hinein, etc.
Das historische Präsens in der älteren deutschen Sprache
Flügel memorial volume
The original version of "Love's labour's lost" : with a conjecture as to "Love's labour's won"
The anoplura and mallophaga of North American Mammals
Bone and joint studies
Studies in ichthyology : a monographic review of the family of Atherinidae or Silversides
The sesamoid articular : a bone in the mandible of fishes
The use of ye in the function of thou in middle English literature from ms. Auchinleck to ms. Vernon : a study of grammar and social intercourse in fourteenth-century England
Contributions toward a monograph of the Sucking Lice
The evolution of Brazil compared with that of Spanish and Anglo-Saxon America
Acceleration of development on fossil Cephalopoda
A study of the magmatic sulfid ores
Catalogue de tous les livres de feu M. Chapelain
Emerson : a statement of New England transcendentalism as expressed in the philosophy of its chief exponent
The genera of fishes : a contribution to the stability of scientific nomenclature
The neo-classic movement in Spain during the XVIII century
Inheritance in silkworms
Experiments in psychical research at Leland Stanford Junior University
Dudley memorial volume
Osteology of certain scombroid fishes
The effect of a strictly vegetable diet on the spontaneous activity, the rate of growth, and the longevity of the albino rat
The fishes of the Stanford expedition to Brazil
Liberal and vocational studies in the college
Fossil fishes of southern California
A physical theory of electrification
Fossil fishes of diatom beds of Lompoc, California
Synopsis of the true crabs (brachyura) of Monterey Bay California
Matzke memorial volume : containing twounprinted papers
A study of the normal constituents of the potable water of the San Francisco Peninsula
An introduction to the study of the endocrine glands and internal secretions : Lane medical lectures, 1913
Emerson : a statement of New England transcendentalism as expressed in the philosophy of its chief exponent
The Derivation of the flora of Hawaii
The electrical charges of atoms and ions
The hemolymph nodes of the sheep : studies on hemolymph nodes I.
The opisthobranchiate mollusca of the Branner-Agassiz expedition to Brazil
The pronoun of address in English literture of the thirteenth century
The California species of mealy bugs
The birds of the Latin poets
A morphological study of some members of the Genus Pallavicinia
A contribution to the knowledge of the Coccidae of Southwestern United States
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA00584437 : BA00584437