
Oxford early Christian studies


Oxford early Christian studies

Clarendon Press


Union and distinction in the thought of St Maximus the confessor外部サイトDebates over the resurrection of the dead : constructing early Christian identity外部サイトChrist in the life and teaching of Gregory of Nazianzus外部サイトAscetic Eucharists : food and drink in early Christian ritual meals外部サイトJohn Chrysostom on divine pedagogy : the coherence of his theology and preaching外部サイトOrigen and the life of the stars : a history of an idea外部サイトPossidius of Calama : a study of the North African episcopate at the time of Augustine外部サイトSocial justice and the legitimacy of slavery : the role of philosophical asceticism from Ancient Judaism to late antiquity外部サイトAsceticism and anthropology in Irenaeus and Clement外部サイトThe minor prophets as Christian scripture in the commentaries of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria外部サイトThe Asketikon of St Basil the Great外部サイトArnobius of Sicca : religious conflict and competition in the age of Diocletian外部サイトAmbrose of Milan and the end of the Nicene-Arian conflicts外部サイトEunomius of Cyzicus and the Nicene Revolution外部サイトIrenaeus of Lyons and the theology of the Holy Spirit外部サイトAugustine's commentary on Galatians外部サイトCommunities of the blessed : social environment and religious change in northern Italy, AD 200-400外部サイトTradition and theology in St John Cassian外部サイトJohn of Scythopolis and the Dionysian corpus : annotating the Areopagite外部サイトMarriage, celibacy, and heresy in ancient Christianity : the Jovinianist controversy外部サイトCoptic christology in practice : incarnation and divine participation in late antique and medieval Egypt外部サイトLaw and legality in the Greek East : the Byzantine canonical tradition, 381-883外部サイトOrigen and scripture : the contours of the exegetical life外部サイトSt. John Damascene : tradition and originality in Byzantine theology外部サイトGregory of Nyssa and the grasp of faith : union, knowledge, and divine presence外部サイトEthnicity and argument in Eusebius' Praeparatio evangelica外部サイトGrace and Christology in the early church外部サイトThe Old Latin Gospels : a study of their texts and language外部サイトOrosius and the rhetoric of history外部サイトOrosius and the rhetoric of history外部サイトMarriage, celibacy, and heresy in ancient christianity : the jovinianist controversy外部サイトAugustine's text of John : patristic citations and Latin Gospel manuscripts外部サイトThe early development of Canon Law and the Council of Serdica外部サイトThe doctrine of deification in the Greek patristic tradition外部サイトAncient traditions of the Virgin Mary's dormition and assumption外部サイトThe letters of Jerome : asceticism, biblical exegesis, and the construction of Christian authority in late antiquity外部サイトGregory of Nyssa's tabernacle imagery in its Jewish and Christian contexts外部サイトOrigen and scripture : the contours of the exegetical life外部サイトPalladius of Helenopolis : the origenist advocate外部サイトContemplation and classical Christianity : a study in Augustine外部サイトFallen angels in the theology of St Augustine外部サイトThe consolation of Boethius as poetic liturgy外部サイトThe idea of Nicaea in the early church councils, AD 431-451外部サイトDorotheus of Gaza and ascetic education外部サイトClement and scriptural exegesis : the making of a commentarial theologian外部サイトAthanasius and the politics of asceticism外部サイトRegnvm caelorvm : patterns of future hope in early Christianity外部サイトThe theological anthropology of Eustathius of Antioch外部サイトLiturgy and Byzantinization in Jerusalem外部サイトClement of Alexandria and the beginnings of Christian apophaticism外部サイトThe many deaths of Peter and Paul外部サイトHilary of Poitiers on the Trinity : from De fide to De trinitate外部サイトPhilo of Alexandria and the construction of Jewishness in early Christian writings外部サイトPelagius's commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans外部サイトArator on the Acts of the Apostles : a baptismal commentary外部サイトContextualizing Cassian : aristocrats, asceticism, and reformation in fifth-century Gaul外部サイトSt Theodore the studite's defence of the icons : theology and philosophy in ninth-century Byzantium外部サイトDrama of the divine economy : creator and creation in early Christian theology and piety外部サイトThe Greek Historia Monachorum in Aegypto : monastic hagiography in the late fourth century外部サイトSt. John Damascene : tradition and originality in Byzantine theology外部サイトAugustine's commentary on Galatians外部サイトThe Song of songs and the fashioning of identity in early Latin Christianity外部サイトJustinian and the making of the Syrian Orthodox Church外部サイトEnchantment and creed in the hymns of Ambrose of Milan外部サイトAscetics and ambassadors of Christ : the monasteries of Palestine, 314-631外部サイトThe suffering of the impassible God : the dialectics of patristic thought外部サイトThe christology of Theodoret of Cyrus : antiochene christology from the Council of Ephesus (431) to the Council of Chalcedon (451)外部サイトThe irrational Augustine外部サイトEmbodiment and virtue in Gregory of Nyssa : an anagogical approach外部サイトThe desert fathers on monastic community外部サイトAscetics and ambassadors of Christ : the monasteries of Palestine, 314-631外部サイトCyril of Alexandria's trinitarian theology of scripture外部サイトTheophilus of Alexandria and the first Origenist controversy : rhetoric and power外部サイトThe Byzantine Christ : person, nature, and will in the Christology of Saint Maximus the Confessor外部サイトDe officiis外部サイトThe suffering of the impassible God : the dialectics of patristic thought外部サイトThe canons of our fathers : monastic rules of Shenoute外部サイトThe cult of Saint Thecla : a tradition of women's piety in late antiquity外部サイトActivity and participation in late antique and early Christian thought外部サイトContemplation and classical Christianity : a study in Augustine外部サイトMemory in Augustine's theological anthropology外部サイトThe body in St Maximus the Confessor : holy flesh, wholly deified外部サイトThe commentaries of Origen and Jerome on St Paul's epistle to the Ephesians外部サイトAsceticism and Christological controversy in fifth-century Palestine : the career of Peter the Iberian外部サイトAncient traditions of the Virgin Mary's dormition and assumption外部サイトEvagrius of Pontus : the Greek ascetic corpus外部サイトSaint Jerome's Hebrew questions on Genesis外部サイトAugustine's way into the will : the theological and philosophical significance of De libero arbitrio外部サイトThe Eusebian Canon Tables : ordering textual knowledge in Late Antiquity外部サイトHoly city, holy places? : Christian attitudes to Jerusalem and the Holy Land in the fourth century外部サイトPaulinus Noster : self and symbols in the letters of Paulinus of Nola外部サイトThe Roman martyrs : introduction, translations, and commentary外部サイトPelagius's commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans外部サイトCyril of Alexandria and the Nestorian controversy : the making of a saint and of a heretic外部サイトSt. Symeon, the new theologian, and Orthodox tradition外部サイトOrigen and the life of the stars : a history of an idea外部サイトGregory of Nyssa's Treatise on the inscriptions of the Psalms外部サイトEmbodiment and virtue in Gregory of Nyssa : an anagogical approach外部サイトThe chronicle of Seert : Christian historical imagination in late antique Iraq外部サイトLiturgy and Byzantinization in Jerusalem外部サイト






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The Oxford early Christian studies
Union and distinction in the thought of St Maximus the confessor
Debates over the resurrection of the dead : constructing early Christian identity
Christ in the life and teaching of Gregory of Nazianzus
Ascetic Eucharists : food and drink in early Christian ritual meals
John Chrysostom on divine pedagogy : the coherence of his theology and preaching
Origen and the life of the stars : a history of an idea
Possidius of Calama : a study of the North African episcopate at the time of Augustine
Social justice and the legitimacy of slavery : the role of philosophical asceticism from Ancient Judaism to late antiquity
Asceticism and anthropology in Irenaeus and Clement
The minor prophets as Christian scripture in the commentaries of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria
The Asketikon of St Basil the Great
Arnobius of Sicca : religious conflict and competition in the age of Diocletian
Ambrose of Milan and the end of the Nicene-Arian conflicts
Eunomius of Cyzicus and the Nicene Revolution
Irenaeus of Lyons and the theology of the Holy Spirit
Augustine's commentary on Galatians
Communities of the blessed : social environment and religious change in northern Italy, AD 200-400
Tradition and theology in St John Cassian
John of Scythopolis and the Dionysian corpus : annotating the Areopagite
Marriage, celibacy, and heresy in ancient Christianity : the Jovinianist controversy
Coptic christology in practice : incarnation and divine participation in late antique and medieval Egypt
Law and legality in the Greek East : the Byzantine canonical tradition, 381-883
Origen and scripture : the contours of the exegetical life
St. John Damascene : tradition and originality in Byzantine theology
Gregory of Nyssa and the grasp of faith : union, knowledge, and divine presence
Ethnicity and argument in Eusebius' Praeparatio evangelica
Grace and Christology in the early church
The Old Latin Gospels : a study of their texts and language
Orosius and the rhetoric of history
Orosius and the rhetoric of history
Marriage, celibacy, and heresy in ancient christianity : the jovinianist controversy
Augustine's text of John : patristic citations and Latin Gospel manuscripts
The early development of Canon Law and the Council of Serdica
The doctrine of deification in the Greek patristic tradition
Ancient traditions of the Virgin Mary's dormition and assumption
The letters of Jerome : asceticism, biblical exegesis, and the construction of Christian authority in late antiquity
Gregory of Nyssa's tabernacle imagery in its Jewish and Christian contexts
Origen and scripture : the contours of the exegetical life
Palladius of Helenopolis : the origenist advocate
Contemplation and classical Christianity : a study in Augustine
Fallen angels in the theology of St Augustine
The consolation of Boethius as poetic liturgy
The idea of Nicaea in the early church councils, AD 431-451
Dorotheus of Gaza and ascetic education
Clement and scriptural exegesis : the making of a commentarial theologian
Athanasius and the politics of asceticism
Regnvm caelorvm : patterns of future hope in early Christianity
The theological anthropology of Eustathius of Antioch
Liturgy and Byzantinization in Jerusalem
Clement of Alexandria and the beginnings of Christian apophaticism
The many deaths of Peter and Paul
Hilary of Poitiers on the Trinity : from De fide to De trinitate
Philo of Alexandria and the construction of Jewishness in early Christian writings
Pelagius's commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans
Arator on the Acts of the Apostles : a baptismal commentary
Contextualizing Cassian : aristocrats, asceticism, and reformation in fifth-century Gaul
St Theodore the studite's defence of the icons : theology and philosophy in ninth-century Byzantium
Drama of the divine economy : creator and creation in early Christian theology and piety
The Greek Historia Monachorum in Aegypto : monastic hagiography in the late fourth century
St. John Damascene : tradition and originality in Byzantine theology
Augustine's commentary on Galatians
The Song of songs and the fashioning of identity in early Latin Christianity
Justinian and the making of the Syrian Orthodox Church
Enchantment and creed in the hymns of Ambrose of Milan
Ascetics and ambassadors of Christ : the monasteries of Palestine, 314-631
The suffering of the impassible God : the dialectics of patristic thought
The christology of Theodoret of Cyrus : antiochene christology from the Council of Ephesus (431) to the Council of Chalcedon (451)
The irrational Augustine
Embodiment and virtue in Gregory of Nyssa : an anagogical approach
The desert fathers on monastic community
Ascetics and ambassadors of Christ : the monasteries of Palestine, 314-631
Cyril of Alexandria's trinitarian theology of scripture
Theophilus of Alexandria and the first Origenist controversy : rhetoric and power
The Byzantine Christ : person, nature, and will in the Christology of Saint Maximus the Confessor
De officiis
The suffering of the impassible God : the dialectics of patristic thought
The canons of our fathers : monastic rules of Shenoute
The cult of Saint Thecla : a tradition of women's piety in late antiquity
Activity and participation in late antique and early Christian thought
Contemplation and classical Christianity : a study in Augustine
Memory in Augustine's theological anthropology
The body in St Maximus the Confessor : holy flesh, wholly deified
The commentaries of Origen and Jerome on St Paul's epistle to the Ephesians
Asceticism and Christological controversy in fifth-century Palestine : the career of Peter the Iberian
Ancient traditions of the Virgin Mary's dormition and assumption
Evagrius of Pontus : the Greek ascetic corpus
Saint Jerome's Hebrew questions on Genesis
Augustine's way into the will : the theological and philosophical significance of De libero arbitrio
The Eusebian Canon Tables : ordering textual knowledge in Late Antiquity
Holy city, holy places? : Christian attitudes to Jerusalem and the Holy Land in the fourth century
Paulinus Noster : self and symbols in the letters of Paulinus of Nola
The Roman martyrs : introduction, translations, and commentary
Pelagius's commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans
Cyril of Alexandria and the Nestorian controversy : the making of a saint and of a heretic
St. Symeon, the new theologian, and Orthodox tradition
Origen and the life of the stars : a history of an idea
Gregory of Nyssa's Treatise on the inscriptions of the Psalms
Embodiment and virtue in Gregory of Nyssa : an anagogical approach
The chronicle of Seert : Christian historical imagination in late antique Iraq
Liturgy and Byzantinization in Jerusalem
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books