著者・編者prepared by R.E. Latham, under the direction of a committee appointed by the British Academy
一般注記Fasc. 3 prepared by R.E. Latham and D.R. Howlett, with the assistance of A.H. Powell, and R. Sharpe -- fasc. 4 prepared by D.R. Howlett, with the assistance of A.H. Powell, R. Sharpe and P.R. Staniforth -- fasc. 5 prepared by D.R. Howlett, with the assistance of J. Blundell ... [et al.] -- fasc. 6 prepared by D.R. Howlett, with the assistance of J. Blundell, T. Christchev and C. White -- fasc. 7-8 prepared by D.R. Howlett, with the assistance of T. Christchev and C. White -- fasc. 9-13 prepared by D.R. Howlett, with the assistance of T. Christchev ... [et al.] -- fasc. 14 prepared by D.R. Howlett, with the assistance of R.K. Ashdowne ... [et al.] -- fasc. 15-16 prepared by D.R. Howlett and R.K. Ashdowne, with the assistance of K. Korn ... [et al.] -- fasc. 17 prepared by R.K. Ashdowne, with K. Gowers ... [et al.]
Fasc. 1. A-B -- fasc. 2. C -- fasc. 3. D-E -- fasc. 4. F-G-H -- fasc. 5. I-J-K-L -- fasc. 6. M -- fasc. 7. N -- fasc. 8. O -- fasc. 9. P-Pel -- fasc. 10. Pel-Phi -- fasc. 11. Phi-Pos --fasc. 12. Pos-Pro -- fasc. 13. Pro-Reg -- fasc. 14. Reg-Sal -- fasc. 15. Sal-Sol -- fasc. 16. Sol-Syr -- fasc. 17. Syr-Z
Vol. 1: Bound 5 fascicules in one, A-L
Includes bibliographies
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA00865345 : BA00865345