
Reprint series


Reprint series

University of Cambridge. Department of Applied Economics
[University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Economics]


Les variations de qualité dans les budgets de famille外部サイトAssets and age外部サイトSystems of aggregative index numbers and their compatibility外部サイトInter-country comparisons of the national accounts and the work of the national accounts research unit of the organization for European economic co-operation外部サイトThe a priori and the empirical in economics外部サイトInput-output table for the United Kingdom外部サイトA measure of capital外部サイトOutput and investment for exponential growth in consumption外部サイトThe real product of the United Kingdom 1946-52外部サイトElectricity tariffs in theory and practice外部サイトThe estimation of regression equations when independent variables are otherwise related to the dependent variables外部サイトCapital formation in Britain before the railway age外部サイトPopulation mathematics, demand analysis and investment planning外部サイトThe geographical distribution of wealth in England, 1086-1843外部サイトAn exercise in errors外部サイトMyopia and inconsistency in dynamic utility maximization外部サイトSafety first and the holding of assetts外部サイトAffluence and the British class structure外部サイトNational income and expenditure, 1870-1963外部サイトCompany accounting外部サイトTrends in the consumption of citrus fruit in the United Kingdom外部サイトIrreversible demand functions外部サイトModels of the national economy for planning purposes外部サイトLa Forme des courbes d'Engel外部サイトU.K. export performance : a comparative analysis外部サイトWage flexibility and the distribution of labour外部サイトInvestments of building societies外部サイトA National balance sheet外部サイトA further statistical note on the distribution of individual output外部サイトRegression analysis外部サイトElectronic computation in economic statistics外部サイトA visiting economist's questions外部サイトA dynamic approach to the theory of consumer demand外部サイトSample surveys for the social accounts of the household sector外部サイトOutput and employment 1961-1963外部サイトProfessor Shackle's theory and short period entrepreneurial decisons in the women's clothing industry外部サイトTesting for serial correlation in least squares regression外部サイトThe economics of newspapers外部サイトRecent developments in national income and social accounting外部サイトThe housekeeper and the steersman外部サイトAccounting principles外部サイトSettled property and death duties外部サイトThe estimation of equivalent-adult scales from family budgets外部サイトThe depreciation and mortality of motor cars外部サイトThe effects of rationing on demand elasticities外部サイトProgress in British manufacturing industries in the period 1948-1954外部サイトThe implications of a free trade area for british taxation外部サイトEstimates of the free demand for rationed foodstuffs外部サイトMovements in the real product of the United Kingdom, 1946-1949外部サイトPrivate motoring and the demand for petrol外部サイトThe industrial revolution and economic growth: the evidence of early British national income estimates外部サイトSome calculations on electricity consumption in Great Britain外部サイトMeasuring Soviet economic growth外部サイトMaximum likelihood estimators with heterocedastic errors外部サイトProduction and productivity in the United Kingdom 1920-1962外部サイトRelative income, absolute income and saving外部サイトRegional variations in United Kingdom incomes from employment, 1948外部サイトThe Consumption of food in relation to household composition and income外部サイトPrivate saving in Britain, past, present and future外部サイトThe relationship between input-output analysis and national accounting外部サイトThe Demand for motor-cars in the United States外部サイトA post-war expenditure function外部サイトA framework for economic decisions外部サイトThe Effects of maintained consumption in the unemployed sector外部サイトExtraneous estimates and goodness of fit : a problem in empirical economics外部サイトConsumers' wants and expenditures : a survey of British studies since 1945外部サイトExact tests of serial correlation using non-circular statistics外部サイトA programme for economic growth外部サイトEstimating expenditure, saving and income from household budgets外部サイトRules of thumb for the expansion of industries in a process of economic growth外部サイトSome thoughts on the distribution of earnings外部サイトNon-linear estimates of the Engel curves外部サイトA note on the estimation of long-run elasticities外部サイトThe structure of the British coal mining industry in 1855外部サイトThe income expenditure and saving of old people households in Cambridgeshire外部サイトThe way the money went外部サイトThe demand for food in the United Kingdom before the war外部サイトThe econometrics of family budgets外部サイトMisery and bliss : a comparison of the effect of certain forms of saving behaviour on the standard of living of a growing community外部サイトSocial accounting and standardised national accounts外部サイトThe real product of the United Kingdom, 1946-1950外部サイトSome aggregation problems in demand analysis外部サイトSimple transactions models, information and computing外部サイトClearing bank holdings of public debt, 1930-1950外部サイトInput-output analysis with substantially independent groups of industries外部サイトImportance of time lags for economic planning外部サイトA Test for linear relations between weighted regression coefficients外部サイトA note on Leontief models with non-homogeneous production functions外部サイトThe influence of errors on the correlation of ratios外部サイトA dynamic programming process外部サイトBibliography of applications of mathematical statistics to economics外部サイトThe Form of government accounts I. . The Form of government accounts II.外部サイトSeasonality and elasticity of the demand for food on Great Britain since derationing外部サイトAn estimation problem in quantitative assay外部サイトSeasonal demand and uncertainty in consumer goods industries : some case study data外部サイトSampling for social accounts : some aspects of the Cambridgeshire survey外部サイトA Survey of the holders of local authority debt外部サイトLinear expenditure systems and demand analysis : an application to the pattern of British demand外部サイトSome problems in the measurement of changes in the real geographical product外部サイトPossible worlds外部サイトHow do business men plan production ? : a case study of the radio and television industry 1951-60外部サイトSome limitations of the capital-output ratio外部サイトThe use and development of national income and expenditure estimates外部サイトCompensated changes in quantities and qualities consumed外部サイトThe measurement of industrial growth外部サイトA demonstration model for economic growth外部サイトInput-output problems in relation to projections and programming外部サイトRoad pricing, a cure for congestion ?外部サイトOrderly marketing or competition ?外部サイトDemand analysis and projections for Britain : 1900-1970 : a study in method外部サイトForecasting from econometric equations : a further note on derationing外部サイトThree models of economic growth外部サイトPrediction from autoregressive schemes and linear stochastic difference systems外部サイトSocial accounts at the regional levels : a study外部サイトSome factors influencing share prices外部サイトRestraint of traffic in congested areas外部サイトDomestic capital formation in the United Kingdom外部サイトIndex numbers of the real product of the United Kingdom外部サイトIncome and investment in the United Kingdom, 1856-1914外部サイト






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University of Cambridge. Department of Applied Economics
University of Cambridge. Department of Applied Economics Reprint series
Les variations de qualité dans les budgets de famille
Assets and age
Systems of aggregative index numbers and their compatibility
Inter-country comparisons of the national accounts and the work of the national accounts research unit of the organization for European economic co-operation
The a priori and the empirical in economics
Input-output table for the United Kingdom
A measure of capital
Output and investment for exponential growth in consumption
The real product of the United Kingdom 1946-52
Electricity tariffs in theory and practice
The estimation of regression equations when independent variables are otherwise related to the dependent variables
Capital formation in Britain before the railway age
Population mathematics, demand analysis and investment planning
The geographical distribution of wealth in England, 1086-1843
An exercise in errors
Myopia and inconsistency in dynamic utility maximization
Safety first and the holding of assetts
Affluence and the British class structure
National income and expenditure, 1870-1963
Company accounting
Trends in the consumption of citrus fruit in the United Kingdom
Irreversible demand functions
Models of the national economy for planning purposes
La Forme des courbes d'Engel
U.K. export performance : a comparative analysis
Wage flexibility and the distribution of labour
Investments of building societies
A National balance sheet
A further statistical note on the distribution of individual output
Regression analysis
Electronic computation in economic statistics
A visiting economist's questions
A dynamic approach to the theory of consumer demand
Sample surveys for the social accounts of the household sector
Output and employment 1961-1963
Professor Shackle's theory and short period entrepreneurial decisons in the women's clothing industry
Testing for serial correlation in least squares regression
The economics of newspapers
Recent developments in national income and social accounting
The housekeeper and the steersman
Accounting principles
Settled property and death duties
The estimation of equivalent-adult scales from family budgets
The depreciation and mortality of motor cars
The effects of rationing on demand elasticities
Progress in British manufacturing industries in the period 1948-1954
The implications of a free trade area for british taxation
Estimates of the free demand for rationed foodstuffs
Movements in the real product of the United Kingdom, 1946-1949
Private motoring and the demand for petrol
The industrial revolution and economic growth: the evidence of early British national income estimates
Some calculations on electricity consumption in Great Britain
Measuring Soviet economic growth
Maximum likelihood estimators with heterocedastic errors
Production and productivity in the United Kingdom 1920-1962
Relative income, absolute income and saving
Regional variations in United Kingdom incomes from employment, 1948
The Consumption of food in relation to household composition and income
Private saving in Britain, past, present and future
The relationship between input-output analysis and national accounting
The Demand for motor-cars in the United States
A post-war expenditure function
A framework for economic decisions
The Effects of maintained consumption in the unemployed sector
Extraneous estimates and goodness of fit : a problem in empirical economics
Consumers' wants and expenditures : a survey of British studies since 1945
Exact tests of serial correlation using non-circular statistics
A programme for economic growth
Estimating expenditure, saving and income from household budgets
Rules of thumb for the expansion of industries in a process of economic growth
Some thoughts on the distribution of earnings
Non-linear estimates of the Engel curves
A note on the estimation of long-run elasticities
The structure of the British coal mining industry in 1855
The income expenditure and saving of old people households in Cambridgeshire
The way the money went
The demand for food in the United Kingdom before the war
The econometrics of family budgets
Misery and bliss : a comparison of the effect of certain forms of saving behaviour on the standard of living of a growing community
Social accounting and standardised national accounts
The real product of the United Kingdom, 1946-1950
Some aggregation problems in demand analysis
Simple transactions models, information and computing
Clearing bank holdings of public debt, 1930-1950
Input-output analysis with substantially independent groups of industries
Importance of time lags for economic planning
A Test for linear relations between weighted regression coefficients
A note on Leontief models with non-homogeneous production functions
The influence of errors on the correlation of ratios
A dynamic programming process
Bibliography of applications of mathematical statistics to economics
The Form of government accounts I. . The Form of government accounts II.
Seasonality and elasticity of the demand for food on Great Britain since derationing
An estimation problem in quantitative assay
Seasonal demand and uncertainty in consumer goods industries : some case study data
Sampling for social accounts : some aspects of the Cambridgeshire survey
A Survey of the holders of local authority debt
Linear expenditure systems and demand analysis : an application to the pattern of British demand
Some problems in the measurement of changes in the real geographical product
Possible worlds
How do business men plan production ? : a case study of the radio and television industry 1951-60
Some limitations of the capital-output ratio
The use and development of national income and expenditure estimates
Compensated changes in quantities and qualities consumed
The measurement of industrial growth
A demonstration model for economic growth
Input-output problems in relation to projections and programming
Road pricing, a cure for congestion ?
Orderly marketing or competition ?
Demand analysis and projections for Britain : 1900-1970 : a study in method
Forecasting from econometric equations : a further note on derationing
Three models of economic growth
Prediction from autoregressive schemes and linear stochastic difference systems
Social accounts at the regional levels : a study
Some factors influencing share prices
Restraint of traffic in congested areas
Domestic capital formation in the United Kingdom
Index numbers of the real product of the United Kingdom
Income and investment in the United Kingdom, 1856-1914