- 資料種別
- 図書
- 著者・編者
- Fifth World Congress of the International Economic Association : Tokyo, 29 August-3 September 1977
- 出版事項
- 並列タイトル等
- Economic growth and resources
- 出版地(国名コード)
- xx
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 関連情報
- The North-South relations and economic developmentMarket structure and the nature of innovative activityR&D, knowledge, and externalities : an approach to the puzzle od disparate productivity growth rates among manufacturing industriesTechnology, natural resources and economic growthRetardation potentials growth structure in colonial India : 1850-1940"Resources constraints" : a problem of the Japanese economyWhat do we know about levels and growth of output in developing countries? A critical analysis with special reference to AfricaNatural resources and regional development : lessons from the Brazilian experienceRent, non-reproduced means of production, growthRural poverty in developing countries : an analysis of trends with special reference to contemporary AsiaComments on "the Kuznets curve and beyond : growth and changes in inequalities" (Edmar L. Bacha)A Vintage model of Swedish economic growth from 1870 to 1975Economic growth and ethical progress : the western experienceExports and economic development of less-developed countriesMacroeconomic policy and economic growthPerspectives on economic growth of the developer countries : Marxist point of viewIndustrial organization and economic growth in JapanComments on "Barriers to development" (K. N. Raj)Factors of economic growth : structural policyA crude model of the effects of price indexation for developing countries' exportsThe environmental protection policy in Japan : brief history and appraisalOptimal technological progress with natural resourcesComments on "Costs of economic growth" (Edmond Malinvaud)Resources potentials of continental east and Japan's material needsComments on "Planned growth and rational utilization of resources" (T. S. Khachaturov and N. Fedorenko)Energy and future economic growthAre we at a turning point in the world demographic situation?An inquiry into the course of poverty in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth CenturiesFundamental rules of optimal growth theory with exhaustible resources : a suggested interpretationEconomic management with moderate growthDid technical progress accelerate in Japan?Development ideas in historical perspective : the new interest in developmentComparative growth rates of "Measurable economic welfare" : some experimental calculationA comparative analysis of industrial growthComments on "Costs of economic growth" (Edmond Malinvaud)U. S. and Japanese economic growth, 1952-1973 : an international comparisonInternational economic relations and economic growth : problems and potentialitiesGrowth and the time dimension of inequalitiesInduced innovation in agricultureThe exchange rate regime and the integration of the world economyJapanese economic growth and economic welfareResources for increasing world food productionThe "Great drain" and industrialization : commodity flows from Periphery to Center in historical perspectivePast economic growth of Japan in comparison with the western case : trend acceleration and differential structureThe Zencap-project : future capital requirements of alternative energy strategies global perspectivesDevelopment of Siberia resources and perspectives of the USSR economic growthThe role of investment in the context of the Kalecki model of economic growth under socialismAre there really depletable resources?Scientific and technological progress and economic developmentOcean resources : an analysis of conflicting interestsUrbanization and land prices : the case of TokyoAgricultural growth in the context of economic growthEventual solution of interdependent bottlenecks preventing growthMeasuring growth in the economically advanced countries problems and prospectsGrowth factors and strategy choices in a semi-developed situationComments on "the Long-run movement of the prices of exhaustible resources" (Geoffrey Heal)Agriculture and growth in developing countries : an experimental study of the tradeoff between agricultural prices and agricultural trade balance by Marc Osterrieth, Eric Verreydt and Jean WaelbroeckPhases of capitalist developmentA 'stages approach' to comparative advantageComments on "the Kuznets curve and beyond : growth and changes in inequalities" (Edmar L. Bacha)International division of labor and economic developmentCenter-Periphery : some aspects of trade and development theoryEconomic development as an evolutionary systemIntercountry differences in the average size of plants by industry : an attempted explanation using a capital intensity proxyComments on "Barriers to development" (K. N. Raj)Models of investment dependent economic growth revisitedEconomic growth in Japan and energyStability growth and structural change in finlandOn the economics of the increases in the value of human time over timeOn the level of employment and the rate of economic growthTotal investment, capital, and economic growthA "Marginal-Efficiency" theory of Japanese economic growthJapanese economic developments : the response to increased raw material prices 1970-1976A social indicators approach to economic developmentComments on "rapid growth petential [i.e. potential] and its realization : the experience of capitalist economics in the Postwar Period" (Moses Abramovitz)Structural change in an open growing economy : the lesson of West GermanyProblems of measuring and interpreting rates of economic growth and levels of living in an industrial revolutionWill the long-run global supply of industrial minerals be adequate? : a case study of iron, aluminum and copperThe structure and solution of a Heckscher-Ohlin model with Cobb-Douglas production functionsComments on "The long-run movement of the prices of exhaustible resources" (Geoffrey Heal)Comments on Costs of economic growth (Edmond Malinvaud)The measurement of social development in relation to economic growthResources in Japan's developmentComments on "the Kuznets curve and beyond : growth and changes in inequalities" (Edmar L. Bacha)Appraisal of environmental policies in JapanCapital accumulation and economic growth : a comparison of Italy and JapanInternational division of labour and international values : a socialist point of viewComments on rapid growth petential [i.e. potential] and its realization : the experience of capitalist economics in the Postwar Period (Moses Abramovitz)Comments on industrial organization and economic growth in Japan (Ken'ichi[i.e. Kenichi] Imai and Masu Uekusa)Factors of economic development and the new international economic orderProductivity wages and nutrition in the context of less developed countriesDevelopment theory and the new international economic orderMethodological questions bearing on economic growth indicatorsComments on "Planned growth and rational utilization of resources" (T. S. Khachaturov and N. Fedorenko)Growth and crisis in an open economy : the Italian caseCan changing consumers' tastes save resources?Measuring economic growth in developing countries : problems, results implicationsEqualitarian tendencies in the distribution of national income and the socio-economic developmentOECD/interfutures research on the international division of labour by J. LesourneInteraction of production factors and economic growth ratesThe effect of increased exports on output and employment in a developing and a developed country : a two-country, multi-sectoral analysisEconomic growth and labour productivityThe minerals theory of growth : the Latin American evidenceRole of technological change in U.S. economic growthRelative productivity of labour in American and Japanese industry and market size, 1958-1972Export expansion and economic growth in some Asian economies : a simultaneous-equation model