
The Broadway series of engineering handbooks


The Broadway series of engineering handbooks

Scott, Greenwood


The driving of machine tools外部サイトSteam boilers and combustion外部サイトPlaning, shaping, and slotting ; drilling, boring, and reaming ; milling and gearwheel cutting ; lathe work ; grinding and lapping ; screw-thread cutting ; interchangeable system of manufacuture外部サイトA graduated course in strength and elasticity of materials外部サイトStability of masonry : and other structures subject to the pressure of earth and water外部サイトThe calculations for steel-frame structures : designed to comply with the requirements of the London County Council (General Powers) Act, 1909 : with notes on the application of theory to practical design外部サイトThe science of works management外部サイトLathes: their construction and operation外部サイトIron and steel constructional work : a concise handbook with examples for practical application外部サイトMotor car mechanism外部サイトForces and stresses ; shafting and bearings couplings ; springs外部サイトHydraulics : A text-book for students and engineers外部サイトThe calculus for engineers外部サイトCranes and hoists : their construction and calculation外部サイトThe stability of arches外部サイトThe testing of machine tools外部サイトSteam turbines : their theory and construction外部サイトFoundry machinery外部サイトThe elementary priciples of illumination and artificial lighting外部サイトHydraulics : a text-book for students and engineers外部サイトMachine and fitting shop practice外部サイトThe calculus for engineers外部サイトThe calculations for steel-frame structures : designed to comply with the requirements of the London County Council (General Powers) Act, 1909 : with notes on the application of theory to practical design外部サイトThe elements of graphic statics : a text-book for students, engineers and architects外部サイトGas and oil engines : a concise account of the most important types外部サイトMeasurements and gauging ; setting-out ; vice work, chipping, flying, and scraping外部サイトThe management of marine engines and boilers外部サイトElementary mathematics for engineers外部サイトThe strength of structural elements : a textbook for students, engineers and architects外部サイトReinforced concrete in practice : a textbook for those engaged upon structural works外部サイトLathes: their construction and operation外部サイトThe Strength of Ships外部サイトBridge foundations外部サイトScrews and bolts ; clutches ; belts and pulleys ; gearing外部サイトConcrete making machinery : including appliances and plant for testing and preparing the constituent materials and for the distribution of mixed concrete外部サイト






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The Broadway engineering handbooks
The driving of machine tools
Steam boilers and combustion
Planing, shaping, and slotting ; drilling, boring, and reaming ; milling and gearwheel cutting ; lathe work ; grinding and lapping ; screw-thread cutting ; interchangeable system of manufacuture
A graduated course in strength and elasticity of materials
Stability of masonry : and other structures subject to the pressure of earth and water
The calculations for steel-frame structures : designed to comply with the requirements of the London County Council (General Powers) Act, 1909 : with notes on the application of theory to practical design
The science of works management
Lathes: their construction and operation
Iron and steel constructional work : a concise handbook with examples for practical application
Motor car mechanism
Forces and stresses ; shafting and bearings couplings ; springs
Hydraulics : A text-book for students and engineers
The calculus for engineers
Cranes and hoists : their construction and calculation
The stability of arches
The testing of machine tools
Steam turbines : their theory and construction
Foundry machinery
The elementary priciples of illumination and artificial lighting
Hydraulics : a text-book for students and engineers
Machine and fitting shop practice
The calculus for engineers
The calculations for steel-frame structures : designed to comply with the requirements of the London County Council (General Powers) Act, 1909 : with notes on the application of theory to practical design
The elements of graphic statics : a text-book for students, engineers and architects
Gas and oil engines : a concise account of the most important types
Measurements and gauging ; setting-out ; vice work, chipping, flying, and scraping
The management of marine engines and boilers
Elementary mathematics for engineers
The strength of structural elements : a textbook for students, engineers and architects
Reinforced concrete in practice : a textbook for those engaged upon structural works
Lathes: their construction and operation
The Strength of Ships
Bridge foundations
Screws and bolts ; clutches ; belts and pulleys ; gearing
Concrete making machinery : including appliances and plant for testing and preparing the constituent materials and for the distribution of mixed concrete
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books