
SMRP research paper


SMRP research paper

Satellite and Mesometeorology Research Project, Dept. of the Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago


A simplified grid technique for determining scan lines generated by the TIROS scanning radiometer外部サイトOn the determination of the exchange coefficients in convective clouds外部サイトA study of factors contributing to dissipation of energy in a developing cumulonimbus外部サイトOn the "thunderstorm-high controversy"外部サイトThe scanning printer and its application to detailed analysis of satellite radiation data外部サイトComputation of height and velocity of clouds from dual, whole-sky, time-lapse picture sequences外部サイトApplication of ATS III photographs for determination of dust and cloud velocities over the northern tropical Atlantic外部サイトEstimation of tornado wind speed from characteristic ground marks外部サイトAircraft, spacecraft, satellite, and radar observations of hurricane Gladys, 1968外部サイトThe time change of cloud features in hurricane Anna, 1961, from easterly wave stage to hurricane dissipation外部サイトEasterly wave activity over Africa and in the Atlantic with a note on the intertropical convergence zone during early July 1961外部サイトThree-dimensional growth characteristics of an orographic thunderstorm system外部サイトThe control of summertime cumuli and thunderstorms by Lake Michigan during non-lake breeze conditions外部サイトF-scale classification of 1971 tornadoes外部サイトAplicacion del metodo de Fuijita para rectificacion precisa de fotografias tomadas por el satelite NIMBUS I = Application of precise Fujita method on NIMBUS I photo gridding外部サイトSatellite-tracked cumulus velocities外部サイトTyphoon-associated tornadoes in Japan and new evidence of suction vortices in a tornado near Tokyo外部サイトPreliminary results of tornado watch experiment 1971外部サイトDiabatic analysis, a new method for predicting tornado outbreaks外部サイトCloud motion field of hurricane Ginger during the seeding period as determined by the METRACOM system外部サイトDownbursts and tornadoes of 6 August 1977 near Springfield, Illinois外部サイトGeneral and local circulation of mantle and atmosphere, towards prediction of earthquakes and tornadoes外部サイトNew evidence from April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes外部サイトMesoscale aspects of convective storms外部サイトA technique for precise analysis of satellite data : volume II, radiation analysis, section 6, fixed-position scanning外部サイトStorm data : excerpt for hurricane Andrew-August 1992外部サイトUse of tornado path lengths and gradations of damage to assess tornado intensity probabilities外部サイトGreat Bend tornadoes of August 30, 1974外部サイトMesoanalysis of record Chicago rainstorm using radar, satellite, and raingauge data外部サイトRelationship between tornadoes and hook echoes on April 3, 1974外部サイトObjectives, operation, and results of project NIMROD外部サイトAnticyclonic tornadoes in 1980 and 1981外部サイトMesoscale wake clouds in Skylab photographs外部サイトBow-echo induced tornado at Minneapolis on 26 April, 1984外部サイトProposed mechanism of tornado formation from rotating thunderstorm外部サイトAerial survey of Grand Gulf plant and vicinity after the April 17, 1978 tornado外部サイトThe downburst : microburst and macroburst : report of projects NIMROD and JAWS外部サイトDFW microburst on August 2, 1985外部サイトAerial survey of the Palm Sunday tornadoes of April 11, 1965外部サイトA study of cumulus clouds over the Flagstaff research network with the use of U-2 photographs外部サイトDevelopment of a dry line as shown by ATS cloud photography and verified by radar and conventional aerological data外部サイトHeavy snow in the Chicago area as revealed by satellite pictures外部サイトAngular dependence of reflected solar radiation from Sahara measured by TIROS VII in a torquing maneuver外部サイトDetermination of mass outflow from a thunderstorm complex using ATS III pictures外部サイトProposed characterization of tornadoes and hurricanes by area and intensity外部サイトA bibliography of the publications and research reports of Tetsuya T. Fujita (1920-1998)外部サイトA Study of satellite-observed cloud patterns of tropical cyclones外部サイトSpearhead echo and downburst near the approach end of a John F. Kennedy Airport runway, New York City外部サイトManual of downburst identification for project NIMROD外部サイトRawinsonde detection of stratospheric moisture in the vicinity of thunderstorm tops外部サイトProposed mechanism of suction spots accompanied by tornadoes外部サイトIndex to the NSSP surface network外部サイトA concentrated outbreak of tornadoes, downbursts and microbursts, and implications regarding vortex classification外部サイトThe West Bend, Wisconsin storm of 4 April, 1981 : a problem in operational meteorology外部サイトMeteorological interpretation of convective nephsystems in TIROS cloud photographs外部サイトEffects of miso- and mesoscale obstructions on PAM winds obtained during project NIMROD外部サイトThe effect of side lobes upon measured doppler velocities in weak echo regions外部サイトAutomated mapping of maximum tornado windspeeds in the United States as a function of occurrence probabilities外部サイトPrinciple of stereoscopic height computations and their applications to stratospheric cirrus over severe thunderstorms外部サイトMonrovia microburst of 20 July 1986 : A study of "SST"外部サイトA site-specific evaluation of tornado and high-wind risks at West Valley Site, New York外部サイトPapers presented to the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Environment and the Atmosphere at a special review session of the AMS Ninth Conference on Severe Local Storms, Norman, Okla., 23 October 1975外部サイトLong-term fluctuation of tornado activities外部サイトHigh wind and tornado probabilities : appendices for computing外部サイトU.S. tornadoes : 70-year statistics外部サイトTables of scan nadir and horizontal angles外部サイトA proposed method of estimating cloud-top temperature, cloud covers, emissivity, and cloudiness from short- and long-wavelength radiation data obtained by medium-resolution scanning radiometers外部サイトProposed operation of instrumented aircraft for research on moisture fronts and wake depressions外部サイトThe Illinois tornadoes of 17 and 22 April, 1963外部サイトFeatures and motions of radar echoes on Palm Sunday外部サイトEarly stage of tornado development as revealed by satellite photographs外部サイトDeath Valley temperature analysis utilizing Nimbus I infrared data and ground-based measurements外部サイトSynoptic study of cold air outbreak over the Mediterranean using satellite photographs and radiation data外部サイトA model of typhoons with outflow and subsidence layers外部サイトLubbock tornadoes of 11 May 1970外部サイトPreliminary investigation of peripheral subsidence associated with hurricane outflow外部サイトMesoscale modification of synoptic situations over the area of thunderstorms' development as revealed by ATS III and aerological data外部サイトMesoscale motions in oceanic stratus as revealed by satellite data外部サイトA model of typhoons accompanied by inner and outer rainbands外部サイトFormation and structure of equatorial anticyclones caused by large-scale cross equatorial flows determined by ATS-I photographs外部サイトAerial measurement of radiation temperatures over Mt. Fuji and Tokyo areas and their application to the determination of ground- and water-surface temperatures外部サイトA kinematic investigation of the influence of anvil air flow over convective nephsystems on high-level horizontal flow外部サイトAnálisis tropical en mesoscala sobre Latino America外部サイトCloud velocities over the North Atlantic computed from ATS picture sequences外部サイトTornado occurrences related to overshooting cloud-top heights as determined from ATS pictures外部サイトStudy of a splitting anvil over Iowa on May 15, 1977, using 3-minute SMS and Lear Jet pictures外部サイトIn- and outflow field of hurricane Debbie as revealed by echo and cloud velocities from airborne radar and ATS-III pictures外部サイトWorkbook of tornadoes and high winds for engineering applications外部サイトA profile of an easterly wave from SMS photographs and GATE ship reports外部サイトEstimate of maximum windspeeds of tornadoes in southernmost Rockies外部サイトThe Gothenburg tornado family of June 18, 1975外部サイトClear air mesocyclone during the JAWS project外部サイトOvershooting top behavior of three tornado-producing thunderstorms外部サイトSuperoutbreak tornadoes of April 3, 1974 as seen in ATS pictures外部サイトInfrared, stereo-height, cloud-motion, and radar-echo analysis of sesame-day thunderstorms外部サイトObservations of relationships between tornado structure, underlying surface, and tornado appearance外部サイトA detailed analysis of the San Marcos, Texas tornado induced by hurricane "Allen" on 10 August, 1980外部サイトForecasting dry microburst activity over the high plains外部サイトForecasting dry microburst activity over the high plains外部サイトMesoscale structure of hurricane Alicia外部サイトWind fields of Andrew, Omar, and Iniki, 1992外部サイトMesoscale aspects of orographic influences on flow and precipitation patterns外部サイトAerial survey and photography of tornado and microburst damage外部サイトEvaluation of errors in the graphical rectification of satellite photographs外部サイトA proposed mechanism of snowstorm mesojet over Japan under the influence of the winter monsoon外部サイトEstimated wind speeds of the Palm Sunday tornadoes外部サイトSome effects of Lake Michigan upon squall lines and summertime convection外部サイトAngular dependence of albedo from stratiform clouds as measured by TIROS IV scanning radiometers外部サイトComparison of grassland surface temperatures measured by TIROS VII and airborne radiometers under clear sky and cirriform cloud conditions外部サイトA satellite meteorological study of evaporation and cloud formation over the Western Pacific under the influence of the winter monsoon外部サイトResolution of the Nimbus high resolution infrared radiometer外部サイトStability and differential advection associated with tornado development外部サイトUse of wet-beam doppler winds in the determination of the vertical velocity of raindrops inside hurricane rainbands外部サイトEstimate of maximum wind speeds of tornadoes in three northwestern states外部サイトBasic problems on cloud identification related to the design of SMS-GOES spin scan radiometers外部サイトEstimate of areal probability of tornadoes from inflationary reporting of their frequencies外部サイトCharacterization of 1965 tornadoes by their area and intensity外部サイトA mesometeorological study of a subtropical mesocyclone外部サイトYaw corrections for accurate gridding of Nimbus HRIR data外部サイトMETRACOM system of cloud-velocity determination from geostationary satellite pictures外部サイトOvershooting thunderheads observed from ATS and learjet外部サイトOn the determination of exchange coefficients : rotating and nonrotating convective currents外部サイトAndrews AFB microburst外部サイトCloud-motion vectors over the GATE area computed by McIDAs and METRACOM methods外部サイトAnticyclonic tornadoes外部サイトThermal and dynamical features of a thunderstorm with a tilted axis of rotation外部サイトCharacteristics of anvil-top associated with the Poplar Bluff tornado of May 7, 1973外部サイトJoliet tornado of April 6, 1972外部サイトPalm Sunday tornadoes of April 11, 1965外部サイトWind shear at Dulles Airport on 18 May 1977外部サイトThe filling over land of hurricane Camille, August 17-18, 1969外部サイトThe Cabot, Arkansas tornado of March 29, 1978外部サイトAnalysis of anvil growth from ATS pictures外部サイトMicroburst wind shear at New Orleans International Airport, Kenner, Louisiana on July 9, 1982外部サイトUse of ATS pictures in hurricane modification外部サイトA site-specific study of wind and tornado probabilities at the WIPP site in southwest New Mexico外部サイトComputation of height and velocity of clouds over Barbados from a whole-sky camera network外部サイトA kinematic analysis of tropical storm based on ATS cloud motions外部サイトFeeder clouds associated with tornado-producing mesocyclone of March 26, 1976外部サイトSplit of a thunderstorm into anticyclonic and cyclonic storms and their motion as determined from numerical model experiments外部サイトThunderstorm-associated cloud motions as computed from 5-minute SMS pictures外部サイトAn omnidirectional, tilt insensitive wind speed threshold detector外部サイトThunderstorm-scale variations of echoes associated with left-turn tornado families外部サイトCloud-top parameters - a hail indicator外部サイトCommon denominator of three weather-related aircraft accidents外部サイトMesoscale damage patterns of hurricane Frederic in relation to enhanced SMS imagery外部サイトThe life cycle of thunderstorm gust fronts as viewed with doppler radar and rawinsonde data外部サイトJAWS microbursts revealed by triple-doppler radar, aircraft, and PAM data外部サイトMicrobursts in JAWS depicted by doppler radar, PAM, and aerial photographs外部サイトStatistical analyses of U.S. tornadoes based on the geographic distribution of population, community, and other parameters外部サイトApplications of stereoscopic height computations from dual geosynchronous satellite data/joint NASA-Japan stereo project外部サイトDownbursts : meteorological features and wind field characteristics外部サイトAnalysis of wet microbursts by dual-doppler and ground photography外部サイトJAWS microbursts occurring from orographic vortex streets外部サイトDetailed analysis of the tornado outbreak in the Carolinas by using radar, satellite, and aerial survey data外部サイトThe rotor microburst : a new explanation of burst swath damage外部サイトMiso-scale structure of downbursts depicted by doppler radar外部サイトAccurate calibration of doppler winds for their use in the computation of mesoscale wind fields外部サイトInterpretation of cloud winds外部サイトUse of tornado path lengths and gradations of damage to assess tornado intensity probabilities外部サイトInvestigation of squall lines with the use of radar and satellite photographs外部サイトIn search of mesoscale wind fields in landfalling hurricanes外部サイトThe life cycle of thunderstorm gust fronts as viewed with doppler radar and rawinsonde data外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

    連携先のサイトで、CiNii Researchが連携している機関・データベースの所蔵状況を確認できます。



A simplified grid technique for determining scan lines generated by the TIROS scanning radiometer
On the determination of the exchange coefficients in convective clouds
A study of factors contributing to dissipation of energy in a developing cumulonimbus
On the "thunderstorm-high controversy"
The scanning printer and its application to detailed analysis of satellite radiation data
Computation of height and velocity of clouds from dual, whole-sky, time-lapse picture sequences
Application of ATS III photographs for determination of dust and cloud velocities over the northern tropical Atlantic
Estimation of tornado wind speed from characteristic ground marks
Aircraft, spacecraft, satellite, and radar observations of hurricane Gladys, 1968
The time change of cloud features in hurricane Anna, 1961, from easterly wave stage to hurricane dissipation
Easterly wave activity over Africa and in the Atlantic with a note on the intertropical convergence zone during early July 1961
Three-dimensional growth characteristics of an orographic thunderstorm system
The control of summertime cumuli and thunderstorms by Lake Michigan during non-lake breeze conditions
F-scale classification of 1971 tornadoes
Aplicacion del metodo de Fuijita para rectificacion precisa de fotografias tomadas por el satelite NIMBUS I = Application of precise Fujita method on NIMBUS I photo gridding
Satellite-tracked cumulus velocities
Typhoon-associated tornadoes in Japan and new evidence of suction vortices in a tornado near Tokyo
Preliminary results of tornado watch experiment 1971
Diabatic analysis, a new method for predicting tornado outbreaks
Cloud motion field of hurricane Ginger during the seeding period as determined by the METRACOM system
Downbursts and tornadoes of 6 August 1977 near Springfield, Illinois
General and local circulation of mantle and atmosphere, towards prediction of earthquakes and tornadoes
New evidence from April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes
Mesoscale aspects of convective storms
A technique for precise analysis of satellite data : volume II, radiation analysis, section 6, fixed-position scanning
Storm data : excerpt for hurricane Andrew-August 1992
Use of tornado path lengths and gradations of damage to assess tornado intensity probabilities
Great Bend tornadoes of August 30, 1974
Mesoanalysis of record Chicago rainstorm using radar, satellite, and raingauge data
Relationship between tornadoes and hook echoes on April 3, 1974
Objectives, operation, and results of project NIMROD
Anticyclonic tornadoes in 1980 and 1981
Mesoscale wake clouds in Skylab photographs
Bow-echo induced tornado at Minneapolis on 26 April, 1984
Proposed mechanism of tornado formation from rotating thunderstorm
Aerial survey of Grand Gulf plant and vicinity after the April 17, 1978 tornado
The downburst : microburst and macroburst : report of projects NIMROD and JAWS
DFW microburst on August 2, 1985
Aerial survey of the Palm Sunday tornadoes of April 11, 1965
A study of cumulus clouds over the Flagstaff research network with the use of U-2 photographs
Development of a dry line as shown by ATS cloud photography and verified by radar and conventional aerological data
Heavy snow in the Chicago area as revealed by satellite pictures
Angular dependence of reflected solar radiation from Sahara measured by TIROS VII in a torquing maneuver
Determination of mass outflow from a thunderstorm complex using ATS III pictures
Proposed characterization of tornadoes and hurricanes by area and intensity
A bibliography of the publications and research reports of Tetsuya T. Fujita (1920-1998)
A Study of satellite-observed cloud patterns of tropical cyclones
Spearhead echo and downburst near the approach end of a John F. Kennedy Airport runway, New York City
Manual of downburst identification for project NIMROD
Rawinsonde detection of stratospheric moisture in the vicinity of thunderstorm tops
Proposed mechanism of suction spots accompanied by tornadoes
Index to the NSSP surface network
A concentrated outbreak of tornadoes, downbursts and microbursts, and implications regarding vortex classification
The West Bend, Wisconsin storm of 4 April, 1981 : a problem in operational meteorology
Meteorological interpretation of convective nephsystems in TIROS cloud photographs
Effects of miso- and mesoscale obstructions on PAM winds obtained during project NIMROD
The effect of side lobes upon measured doppler velocities in weak echo regions
Automated mapping of maximum tornado windspeeds in the United States as a function of occurrence probabilities
Principle of stereoscopic height computations and their applications to stratospheric cirrus over severe thunderstorms
Monrovia microburst of 20 July 1986 : A study of "SST"
A site-specific evaluation of tornado and high-wind risks at West Valley Site, New York
Papers presented to the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Environment and the Atmosphere at a special review session of the AMS Ninth Conference on Severe Local Storms, Norman, Okla., 23 October 1975
Long-term fluctuation of tornado activities
High wind and tornado probabilities : appendices for computing
U.S. tornadoes : 70-year statistics
Tables of scan nadir and horizontal angles
A proposed method of estimating cloud-top temperature, cloud covers, emissivity, and cloudiness from short- and long-wavelength radiation data obtained by medium-resolution scanning radiometers
Proposed operation of instrumented aircraft for research on moisture fronts and wake depressions
The Illinois tornadoes of 17 and 22 April, 1963
Features and motions of radar echoes on Palm Sunday
Early stage of tornado development as revealed by satellite photographs
Death Valley temperature analysis utilizing Nimbus I infrared data and ground-based measurements
Synoptic study of cold air outbreak over the Mediterranean using satellite photographs and radiation data
A model of typhoons with outflow and subsidence layers
Lubbock tornadoes of 11 May 1970
Preliminary investigation of peripheral subsidence associated with hurricane outflow
Mesoscale modification of synoptic situations over the area of thunderstorms' development as revealed by ATS III and aerological data
Mesoscale motions in oceanic stratus as revealed by satellite data
A model of typhoons accompanied by inner and outer rainbands
Formation and structure of equatorial anticyclones caused by large-scale cross equatorial flows determined by ATS-I photographs
Aerial measurement of radiation temperatures over Mt. Fuji and Tokyo areas and their application to the determination of ground- and water-surface temperatures
A kinematic investigation of the influence of anvil air flow over convective nephsystems on high-level horizontal flow
Análisis tropical en mesoscala sobre Latino America
Cloud velocities over the North Atlantic computed from ATS picture sequences
Tornado occurrences related to overshooting cloud-top heights as determined from ATS pictures
Study of a splitting anvil over Iowa on May 15, 1977, using 3-minute SMS and Lear Jet pictures
In- and outflow field of hurricane Debbie as revealed by echo and cloud velocities from airborne radar and ATS-III pictures
Workbook of tornadoes and high winds for engineering applications
A profile of an easterly wave from SMS photographs and GATE ship reports
Estimate of maximum windspeeds of tornadoes in southernmost Rockies
The Gothenburg tornado family of June 18, 1975
Clear air mesocyclone during the JAWS project
Overshooting top behavior of three tornado-producing thunderstorms
Superoutbreak tornadoes of April 3, 1974 as seen in ATS pictures
Infrared, stereo-height, cloud-motion, and radar-echo analysis of sesame-day thunderstorms
Observations of relationships between tornado structure, underlying surface, and tornado appearance
A detailed analysis of the San Marcos, Texas tornado induced by hurricane "Allen" on 10 August, 1980
Forecasting dry microburst activity over the high plains
Forecasting dry microburst activity over the high plains
Mesoscale structure of hurricane Alicia
Wind fields of Andrew, Omar, and Iniki, 1992
Mesoscale aspects of orographic influences on flow and precipitation patterns
Aerial survey and photography of tornado and microburst damage
Evaluation of errors in the graphical rectification of satellite photographs
A proposed mechanism of snowstorm mesojet over Japan under the influence of the winter monsoon
Estimated wind speeds of the Palm Sunday tornadoes
Some effects of Lake Michigan upon squall lines and summertime convection
Angular dependence of albedo from stratiform clouds as measured by TIROS IV scanning radiometers
Comparison of grassland surface temperatures measured by TIROS VII and airborne radiometers under clear sky and cirriform cloud conditions
A satellite meteorological study of evaporation and cloud formation over the Western Pacific under the influence of the winter monsoon
Resolution of the Nimbus high resolution infrared radiometer
Stability and differential advection associated with tornado development
Use of wet-beam doppler winds in the determination of the vertical velocity of raindrops inside hurricane rainbands
Estimate of maximum wind speeds of tornadoes in three northwestern states
Basic problems on cloud identification related to the design of SMS-GOES spin scan radiometers
Estimate of areal probability of tornadoes from inflationary reporting of their frequencies
Characterization of 1965 tornadoes by their area and intensity
A mesometeorological study of a subtropical mesocyclone
Yaw corrections for accurate gridding of Nimbus HRIR data
METRACOM system of cloud-velocity determination from geostationary satellite pictures
Overshooting thunderheads observed from ATS and learjet
On the determination of exchange coefficients : rotating and nonrotating convective currents
Andrews AFB microburst
Cloud-motion vectors over the GATE area computed by McIDAs and METRACOM methods
Anticyclonic tornadoes
Thermal and dynamical features of a thunderstorm with a tilted axis of rotation
Characteristics of anvil-top associated with the Poplar Bluff tornado of May 7, 1973
Joliet tornado of April 6, 1972
Palm Sunday tornadoes of April 11, 1965
Wind shear at Dulles Airport on 18 May 1977
The filling over land of hurricane Camille, August 17-18, 1969
The Cabot, Arkansas tornado of March 29, 1978
Analysis of anvil growth from ATS pictures
Microburst wind shear at New Orleans International Airport, Kenner, Louisiana on July 9, 1982
Use of ATS pictures in hurricane modification
A site-specific study of wind and tornado probabilities at the WIPP site in southwest New Mexico
Computation of height and velocity of clouds over Barbados from a whole-sky camera network
A kinematic analysis of tropical storm based on ATS cloud motions
Feeder clouds associated with tornado-producing mesocyclone of March 26, 1976
Split of a thunderstorm into anticyclonic and cyclonic storms and their motion as determined from numerical model experiments
Thunderstorm-associated cloud motions as computed from 5-minute SMS pictures
An omnidirectional, tilt insensitive wind speed threshold detector
Thunderstorm-scale variations of echoes associated with left-turn tornado families
Cloud-top parameters - a hail indicator
Common denominator of three weather-related aircraft accidents
Mesoscale damage patterns of hurricane Frederic in relation to enhanced SMS imagery
The life cycle of thunderstorm gust fronts as viewed with doppler radar and rawinsonde data
JAWS microbursts revealed by triple-doppler radar, aircraft, and PAM data
Microbursts in JAWS depicted by doppler radar, PAM, and aerial photographs
Statistical analyses of U.S. tornadoes based on the geographic distribution of population, community, and other parameters
Applications of stereoscopic height computations from dual geosynchronous satellite data/joint NASA-Japan stereo project
Downbursts : meteorological features and wind field characteristics
Analysis of wet microbursts by dual-doppler and ground photography
JAWS microbursts occurring from orographic vortex streets
Detailed analysis of the tornado outbreak in the Carolinas by using radar, satellite, and aerial survey data
The rotor microburst : a new explanation of burst swath damage
Miso-scale structure of downbursts depicted by doppler radar
Accurate calibration of doppler winds for their use in the computation of mesoscale wind fields
Interpretation of cloud winds
Use of tornado path lengths and gradations of damage to assess tornado intensity probabilities
Investigation of squall lines with the use of radar and satellite photographs
In search of mesoscale wind fields in landfalling hurricanes
The life cycle of thunderstorm gust fronts as viewed with doppler radar and rawinsonde data
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books