
University of Toronto romance series


University of Toronto romance series

University of Toronto Press


The Narreme in the medieval romance epic : an introduction to narrative structures外部サイトSubject stages : marriage, theatre and the law in early modern Spain外部サイトThe French fictional journal : fictional narcissism/narcissistic fiction外部サイトReading an erased code : romantic religion and literary aesthetics in France外部サイトLes débuts de la lexicographie française : Estienne, Nicot et le Thresor de la langue françoyse (1606)外部サイトThe long journey : literary themes of French Canada外部サイトFictional meals and their function in the French novel, 1789-1848外部サイトFrancesco Guicciardini : the historian's craft外部サイトEmbodying Pessoa : corporeality, gender, sexuality外部サイトPragmatic plagiarism : authorship, profit, and power外部サイトSurrealism and Quebec literature : history of a cultural revolution外部サイトBlaise Cendrars : discovery and re-creation外部サイトCritical approaches to Rubén Darío外部サイトThe triumphant Juan Rana : a gay actor of the Spanish golden age外部サイトWriting with a vengeance : the Countess de Chabrillan's rise from prostitution外部サイトMolière : an archetypal approach外部サイトNarrative interludes : musical tableaux in eighteenth-century French texts外部サイトLe roman de Renart dans la littérature française et dans les littératures étrangères au Moyen Âge外部サイトPaul Claudel's Le soulier de satin : a stylistic, structuralist, and psychoanalytic interpretation外部サイトDiscourses of poverty : social reform and the picaresque novel in early modern Spain外部サイトThe composition of Pascal's Apologia外部サイトTheatre in French Canada : laying the foundations, 1606-1867外部サイトTowards a history of literary composition in Medieval Spain外部サイトThe idea of decadence in French literature, 1830-1900外部サイトMarivaux外部サイトCorrespondance générale d'Helvétius外部サイトUniversal language schemes in England and France, 1600-1800外部サイトAn index of proper names in French Arthurian verse romances, 1150-1300外部サイトProust and emotion : the importance of affect in À la recherche du temps perdu外部サイトMinority literatures and modernism : Scots, Breton, and Occitan, 1920-1990外部サイトUnwrapping Balzac : a reading of La peau de chagrin外部サイトFécondité d'Émile Zola : roman à thèse, évangile, mythe外部サイトHenry Céard : idéaliste détrompé外部サイトThe narcissistic text : a reading of Camus' fiction外部サイトBalzac's recurring characters外部サイトExorcism and its texts : subjectivity in early modern literature of England and Spain外部サイトAspects of Racinian tragedy外部サイトVictims of the book : reading and masculinity in fin-de-siècle France外部サイトPhenomenological hermeneutics and the study of literature外部サイトBalzacian montage : configuring La Comédie humaine外部サイトMorality and social class in eighteenth-century French literature and painting外部サイトThe concept of reason in French classical literature, 1635-1690外部サイトConscience on stage : the comedia as casuistry in early modern Spain外部サイトThe imagination of Maurice Barrès外部サイトEmery Bigot; seventeenth-century French humanist外部サイトMetaphoric narration : paranarrative dimensions in A la recherche du temps perdu外部サイトTuscan & Etruscan : the problem of linguistic substratum influence in central Italy外部サイトPhenomenological hermeneutics and the study of literature外部サイトEmblematic structures in Renaissance French culture外部サイトNarrative perspective in fiction : a phenomenological mediation of reader, text, and world外部サイトJulio Cortázar's character mosaic : reading the longer fiction外部サイトThe idea of art as propaganda in France, 1750-1799 : a study in the history of ideas外部サイトSondages, 1830-1848 : romanciers français secondaires外部サイトBeckett and Babel : an investigation into the status of the bilingual work外部サイトThe sixth sense : individualism in French poetry 1686-1760外部サイトGaldós and his critics外部サイトAn index of proper names in French Arthurian prose romances外部サイトThe rule of metaphor : Multi-disciplinary studies of the creation of meaning in language外部サイトScience and the human comedy : natural philosophy in French literature from Rabelais to Maupertuis外部サイトDiderot the satirist : Le neveu de Rameau & related works : an analysis外部サイトThe legendary sources of Flaubert's Saint Julien外部サイトReconstructing Beckett : language for being in Samuel Beckett's fiction外部サイトEdgar Allan Poe : sa vie et ses ouvrages外部サイトVerlaine, a study in parallels外部サイトA muse for heroes : nine centuries of the epic in France外部サイトLa chronique de Robert de Clari : étude de la langue et du style外部サイトThe rule of metaphor : multi-disciplinary studies of the creation of meaning in language外部サイトNaturalisme pas mort :lettres inedites de Paul Alexis â Émile Zola : Émil Zole 1871-1900外部サイトLa cité idéale dans Travail d'Émile Zola外部サイトThe writing in the stars : a Jungian reading of the poetry of Octavio Paz外部サイトPlay and the picaresque : Lazarillo de Tormes, Libro de Manuel, and Match ball外部サイトShadows in the cave : a phenomenological approach to literary criticism based on Hispanic texts外部サイトMarcel Proust and the text as macrometaphor外部サイトThe rhetoric of Valéry's prose aubades外部サイトCrispin Ier : la vie et l'oeuvre de Raymond Poisson, comédien-poéte du XVIIe siècle外部サイトStructures from the trivium in the Cantar de mío Cid外部サイト






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The Narreme in the medieval romance epic : an introduction to narrative structures
Subject stages : marriage, theatre and the law in early modern Spain
The French fictional journal : fictional narcissism/narcissistic fiction
Reading an erased code : romantic religion and literary aesthetics in France
Les débuts de la lexicographie française : Estienne, Nicot et le Thresor de la langue françoyse (1606)
The long journey : literary themes of French Canada
Fictional meals and their function in the French novel, 1789-1848
Francesco Guicciardini : the historian's craft
Embodying Pessoa : corporeality, gender, sexuality
Pragmatic plagiarism : authorship, profit, and power
Surrealism and Quebec literature : history of a cultural revolution
Blaise Cendrars : discovery and re-creation
Critical approaches to Rubén Darío
The triumphant Juan Rana : a gay actor of the Spanish golden age
Writing with a vengeance : the Countess de Chabrillan's rise from prostitution
Molière : an archetypal approach
Narrative interludes : musical tableaux in eighteenth-century French texts
Le roman de Renart dans la littérature française et dans les littératures étrangères au Moyen Âge
Paul Claudel's Le soulier de satin : a stylistic, structuralist, and psychoanalytic interpretation
Discourses of poverty : social reform and the picaresque novel in early modern Spain
The composition of Pascal's Apologia
Theatre in French Canada : laying the foundations, 1606-1867
Towards a history of literary composition in Medieval Spain
The idea of decadence in French literature, 1830-1900
Correspondance générale d'Helvétius
Universal language schemes in England and France, 1600-1800
An index of proper names in French Arthurian verse romances, 1150-1300
Proust and emotion : the importance of affect in À la recherche du temps perdu
Minority literatures and modernism : Scots, Breton, and Occitan, 1920-1990
Unwrapping Balzac : a reading of La peau de chagrin
Fécondité d'Émile Zola : roman à thèse, évangile, mythe
Henry Céard : idéaliste détrompé
The narcissistic text : a reading of Camus' fiction
Balzac's recurring characters
Exorcism and its texts : subjectivity in early modern literature of England and Spain
Aspects of Racinian tragedy
Victims of the book : reading and masculinity in fin-de-siècle France
Phenomenological hermeneutics and the study of literature
Balzacian montage : configuring La Comédie humaine
Morality and social class in eighteenth-century French literature and painting
The concept of reason in French classical literature, 1635-1690
Conscience on stage : the comedia as casuistry in early modern Spain
The imagination of Maurice Barrès
Emery Bigot; seventeenth-century French humanist
Metaphoric narration : paranarrative dimensions in A la recherche du temps perdu
Tuscan & Etruscan : the problem of linguistic substratum influence in central Italy
Phenomenological hermeneutics and the study of literature
Emblematic structures in Renaissance French culture
Narrative perspective in fiction : a phenomenological mediation of reader, text, and world
Julio Cortázar's character mosaic : reading the longer fiction
The idea of art as propaganda in France, 1750-1799 : a study in the history of ideas
Sondages, 1830-1848 : romanciers français secondaires
Beckett and Babel : an investigation into the status of the bilingual work
The sixth sense : individualism in French poetry 1686-1760
Galdós and his critics
An index of proper names in French Arthurian prose romances
The rule of metaphor : Multi-disciplinary studies of the creation of meaning in language
Science and the human comedy : natural philosophy in French literature from Rabelais to Maupertuis
Diderot the satirist : Le neveu de Rameau & related works : an analysis
The legendary sources of Flaubert's Saint Julien
Reconstructing Beckett : language for being in Samuel Beckett's fiction
Edgar Allan Poe : sa vie et ses ouvrages
Verlaine, a study in parallels
A muse for heroes : nine centuries of the epic in France
La chronique de Robert de Clari : étude de la langue et du style
The rule of metaphor : multi-disciplinary studies of the creation of meaning in language
Naturalisme pas mort :lettres inedites de Paul Alexis â Émile Zola : Émil Zole 1871-1900
La cité idéale dans Travail d'Émile Zola
The writing in the stars : a Jungian reading of the poetry of Octavio Paz
Play and the picaresque : Lazarillo de Tormes, Libro de Manuel, and Match ball
Shadows in the cave : a phenomenological approach to literary criticism based on Hispanic texts
Marcel Proust and the text as macrometaphor
The rhetoric of Valéry's prose aubades
Crispin Ier : la vie et l'oeuvre de Raymond Poisson, comédien-poéte du XVIIe siècle
Structures from the trivium in the Cantar de mío Cid
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA00213424 : BA00213424