
British thesis


British thesis

[British Library, Document Supply Centre]


Northern Thai peasant society : a case study of jural and political structures at the village level and their twentieth century transformations外部サイトSociological aspects of revival and change in Buddhism in nineteenth-century Ceylon外部サイトBehind the planter's back : work, change and ideology in a lower-class Afro-Caribbean community外部サイトAntonio Machado, the institución libre de enseñanza and Spanish Krausism外部サイトThe gypsies of East Yorkshire : an ethnological description and a study of the gypsies' response to social and educational provision外部サイトStudies in the neolithic settlement of central Germany外部サイトWeavers among the Tukolor of the Senegal river basin : a study of their social position and economic organization外部サイトThe Ikat textiles of Lamalera, Lembata within the context of Eastern Indonesian fabric traditions外部サイトPopular sanctions in the rural community 1700-1880 with special reference to folk community practices and responses外部サイトGovernment and community in a modern state : a case study of the Shilluk and their neighbours外部サイトRitual tradition and performance : the Beravā caste of Southern Sri Lanka外部サイトEthnology in the museum : A.H.L.F. Pitt Rivers (1827-1900) and the institutional foundations of British anthropology外部サイトApproaches to sacrifice in selected African ethnography外部サイトRitual and music of the Ṣango cults of Recife, Brazil外部サイトThe single woman in Accra, Ghana外部サイトAn annotated translation of the Chung-Lun, with Nāgārjuna's middle stanzas, a basic text of Chinese Buddhism外部サイトThe mafia in Palermo province, 1866-1915外部サイトAn ethnographic study of shebeens in Lesotho外部サイトThe Yortan culture within the early Bronze Age of western Anatolia外部サイトSocial change and rural development in a north Iraqi village : a study of the role of the government and popular organisations, 1958-1981外部サイトMarriage and social organisation among pastoralists of the Dhaula Dhar (Western Himalaya)外部サイトThe role of the shurṭa in early Islam外部サイトKinship and personal network in Andalusia外部サイトA study of social organisation in certain villages in West Khurāsān, Iran, with special reference to kinship and agricultural activities外部サイトAn examination of the Bleek and Lloyd Collection of /Xam Bushman narratives, with special reference to the trickster, /Kaggen外部サイトSome aspects of anthropological themes in creative literature in Britain during the late 19th. and early 20th. centuries外部サイトA study of dermatoglyphic variation in the human populations of the North Pennine Dales外部サイトThe Iron Age cultures of Southern Zambia外部サイトA cultural, physical and pathological study of the Western Desert Aborigines of Australia外部サイトSettlement and economy in the territory of the Trinovantes circa 500 B.C. to A.D. 50外部サイトThe narrative war songs of the Ohafia Igbo : a critical analysis of their characteristic features in relation to their social function外部サイトThe extent and nature of classical religion in Roman Britain外部サイトThe economic, social and cosmological dimensions of the preoccupation with short-term ends in three hunting and gathering societies : the Mbuti Pygmies of Zaire, the ǃKung San of Namibia and Botswana, and the Netsilik Eskimos of Northern Canada外部サイトThe nation-state, the region and the autohaeretical ethnic group in the EEC-Corsica, a case study外部サイトA study of diet in Mesopotamia (c. 3000-600 BC) and associated agricultural techniques and methods of food preparation外部サイトLetlhakeng : a study of accumulation in a Kalahari village外部サイトThe Taruko and their belief system外部サイトThe settlement pattern of Lindsey and the East Riding of Yorkshire in the late Roman and early Anglo-Saxon periods外部サイトSocial organization of a hamlet in Phitsanulok Province, north-central Thailand外部サイトAldrediana : Hebraica, an examination of the interpretations of possible Hebrew words in Aldred's two North Northumbrian glosses to the Lindisfarne Gospels and the Durham Ritual外部サイトStudies in the neolithic settlement of central Germany外部サイトA history of the Southern Temne in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries外部サイトEconomy and beliefs among the Cairo poor外部サイトThe work of Marcel Mauss : an interpretation外部サイトThe Ika and their systems of belief : an interpretation of myth外部サイトThe mafia in Palermo province, 1866-1915外部サイトThe Ikat textiles of Lamalera, Lembata within the context of Eastern Indonesian fabric traditions外部サイトVanuatu and kastom : a study of cultural symbols in the inception of a nation state in the South Pacific外部サイトTurkish migrant workers in Stuttgart : a social anthropological study of ethnic identities外部サイトDreaming, dancing, kinship : a study of yoi, the dance of the Tiwi of Melville and Bathurst Islands, North Australia外部サイトKinship in relation to economic and social organization in an Egyptian village community外部サイトUpholding the veil : Hindu women's perceptions of gender and caste identity in rural Pakistan外部サイトThe Luyia response to death : a case study from Wanga, Western Kenya外部サイトAlliance and elopement : economy, social order and sexual antagonism among the Kalasha (Kalash Kafirs) of Chitral外部サイトTechnology and society in Bima, Sumbawa, with special reference to house bulding and textile manufacture外部サイトKinship and marriage in the Austroasiatic-speaking world : a comparative analysis外部サイトEthnic pluralism in the Northern Thai city of Chiangmai外部サイトSocial change and rural development in a north Iraqi village : a study of the role of the government and popular organisations, 1958-1981外部サイトThe Yortan culture within the early Bronze Age of western Anatolia外部サイトThe Mita congregation : an anthropological study of a revivalist sect in Puerto Rico外部サイトAnthropological aspects of Anglo-Saxon symbolism外部サイトSome aspects of social anthropology, language and meaning外部サイトW.H.R. Rivers : the contexts of social anthropology外部サイトGenetical variation in selected populations in the Isle of Man and neighbouring areas外部サイトStudy of the form and content of a document reporting the trial for witchcraft of licenciado Amador de Velasco y Mañueco, 1576-1578外部サイトProperty and ritual relationships on a Greek island外部サイトThe Iron Age cultures of Southern Zambia外部サイトGreek weighing外部サイトSocial aspects of folk craft production, marketing and aesthetics in a Japanese pottery community外部サイトA study of diet in Mesopotamia (c. 3000-600 BC) and associated agricultural techniques and methods of food preparation外部サイトThe extent and nature of classical religion in Roman Britain外部サイトThe Hadendowa : pastoralism and problems of sedentarisation外部サイトThe structure of roles and their ritual in a yugoslav community外部サイトGanga, a form of traditional rural singing in Yugoslavia外部サイトThe historical tradition of the peoples of the eastern lake Turkana Basin, c. 1840-1925外部サイトAfa symbolism among the Nri : a system of social action外部サイトCaste and sect in an Assamese village外部サイトSettlement and economy in the territory of the Trinovantes circa 500 B.C. to A.D. 50外部サイトSome aspects of public and private in fifth century B.C. Athens外部サイトThe question of race in anthropology from the time of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach to that of Franz Boas with particular reference to the period 1830 to 1890 (approx.)外部サイトSecret knowledge : an analysis of Ommura ceremonies外部サイトThe Israelite bamah外部サイトIdeological formation and change : the case of Zionism外部サイトZionism and the Arabs, 1936-1939外部サイトAn interpretive study of the narrative of the golden calf (Exodus 32)外部サイトThe Tharu of Dang : a study of social organisation, myth and ritual in west Nepal外部サイトEconomic development and social change in a Japanese village外部サイトSocial mobilisation and national consciousness in 20th century Ukraine外部サイトAstrology and divination in later medieval England外部サイトModernity, social structure and mental health of the Eskimos in the Canadian east arctic外部サイトMythology and social structure among the U'wa of Colombia外部サイトProperty and marriage in the Blue Nile rainlands, Northern Sudan外部サイトClan, class and community : power relations and political modernization in late Imperial China外部サイトProtection and healing in a Tswana village : with particular reference to the traditional and Zionist beliefs and practices外部サイトClass, youth and drink : historical analysis of policy and contemporary ethnography of youth外部サイトThe foundations of national identity a study in ancient Northwest Semitic perceptions外部サイトA study of a west Sepik people, New Guinea, with special reference to their system of beliefs, kinship and marriage, and principles of thought外部サイトThe status of women in an Āzarbāyjāni village (Iran) with special reference to carpet manufacture外部サイトChanging socio-economic relations in the Kandyan countryside外部サイトAnthropological considerations for a theory of fertility外部サイトRockites and whitefeet : Irish peasant secret societies, 1800-1845外部サイトCulture and political mobilization in Algeria外部サイトStudies in the myths and oral traditions of the Thulung Rai of East Nepal外部サイトConcepts of sovereignty among the Shambaa and their relation to political action外部サイトRituals of hierarchy and interdependence in an Andhra village外部サイトAspects of social change among the Effutu of Winneba外部サイトMigration and ethnicity : the Mazahua Indians of Mexic[o]外部サイトA study in [i.e. of] social change amongst the Killinirngmiut Eskimo of Canada's East Arctic外部サイトThe vicanal population : a study of the structure of village economies外部サイトMorphogenetic analysis of fields and settlements in Holderness, Yorkshire外部サイトThe economic and social condition of the peasantry in South East Leicestershire, A.D. 1300-1700外部サイトOrganization, space and activity : the relationship of task and status to the allocation and use of space in certain organizations外部サイトSpeculations upon Aristotelian anthropology外部サイトSettlement ecology of the Körös and linear pottery cultures in Hungary外部サイトPastoralism in central Sardinia外部サイトYena : art, myth and ritual in a New Guinea society外部サイトThe settlement pattern of Lindsey and the East Riding of Yorkshire in the late Roman and early Anglo-Saxon periods外部サイトThe significance of oral tradition in the writings of Tutuola, Soyinka and Rotimi外部サイトPatriarch, Shah and Caliph : a study of the relationships of the Church of the East with the Sassanid Empire and the early caliphates up to 820 A.D. with special reference to available translated Syriac sources which is submitted with handbook of source-materials for students of church history up to 650 A.D.外部サイトGreek weighing外部サイトStudies in the ritual traditions of the Kumaon Himālaya外部サイトThe Chamba : a comparative history of tribal politics外部サイトThe central place system of the thessaly region of Greece外部サイトA study of a west Sepik people, New Guinea, with special reference to their system of beliefs, kinship and marriage, and principles of thought外部サイトThemes for translating : an account of the Wayãpí indians of Amapá, Northern Brazil外部サイトThe chemistry of sultones and related compounds capable of skin sensitisation外部サイトA survey of skin-covered heads from the cross river region of West Africa外部サイトSpring valley : a social anthropological and historical inquiry into the impact of the tea estates upon a Sinhalese village in the Uva Highlands of Sri Lanka外部サイトPragmatic and romantic incomers : a study of power and influence in Orkney外部サイトCaste cultures and fertility in South Karnataka外部サイトThe Greeks in Egypt, 1919-1937 : a communal response to change外部サイトPower and order : a study of litigation in a Yoruba community外部サイトEthnology in the museum : A.H.L.F. Pitt Rivers (1827-1900) and the institutional foundations of British anthropology外部サイトA history of the Southern Temne in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries外部サイトNharo Bushman kinship and the transformation of Khoi Kin categories外部サイトThe development of ethnic ideology and pressure politics in Gypsy-Gaujo relations in England and Wales from Victorian reformism to Romani nationalism外部サイトInter-troop transfer and inbreeding avoidance in Papio anubis in Tanzania外部サイトKinship and social change among the Antaisaka of coastal South East Madagascar外部サイトThe historical tradition of the peoples of the Gwembe valley, middle Zambezi外部サイトAn ethnographic study of a Timorese people外部サイトThe distribution and history of elements of the native culture of Roman Phrygia with reference to their ethnic origin外部サイトA study of the impact of social and cultural change upon ethnic identity in Eastern Iran外部サイトThe Lagozza culture in Northern and Central Italy外部サイトA study of Makonde social and religious institutions外部サイトGreek weighing外部サイトThus they once heard : oral initiation in the Pali Nikāyas外部サイトChanging settlement patterns in Botswana : the case of the Eastern Kweneng外部サイト



  • Northern Thai peasant society : a case study of jural and political structures at the village level and their twentieth century transformations

  • Sociological aspects of revival and change in Buddhism in nineteenth-century Ceylon

  • Behind the planter's back : work, change and ideology in a lower-class Afro-Caribbean community

  • Antonio Machado, the institución libre de enseñanza and Spanish Krausism

  • The gypsies of East Yorkshire : an ethnological description and a study of the gypsies' response to social and educational provision





  • CiNii Research

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BL-Document Supply Centre coll. of doctoral theses
Northern Thai peasant society : a case study of jural and political structures at the village level and their twentieth century transformations
Sociological aspects of revival and change in Buddhism in nineteenth-century Ceylon
Behind the planter's back : work, change and ideology in a lower-class Afro-Caribbean community
Antonio Machado, the institución libre de enseñanza and Spanish Krausism
The gypsies of East Yorkshire : an ethnological description and a study of the gypsies' response to social and educational provision
Studies in the neolithic settlement of central Germany
Weavers among the Tukolor of the Senegal river basin : a study of their social position and economic organization
The Ikat textiles of Lamalera, Lembata within the context of Eastern Indonesian fabric traditions
Popular sanctions in the rural community 1700-1880 with special reference to folk community practices and responses
Government and community in a modern state : a case study of the Shilluk and their neighbours
Ritual tradition and performance : the Beravā caste of Southern Sri Lanka
Ethnology in the museum : A.H.L.F. Pitt Rivers (1827-1900) and the institutional foundations of British anthropology
Approaches to sacrifice in selected African ethnography
Ritual and music of the Ṣango cults of Recife, Brazil
The single woman in Accra, Ghana
An annotated translation of the Chung-Lun, with Nāgārjuna's middle stanzas, a basic text of Chinese Buddhism
The mafia in Palermo province, 1866-1915
An ethnographic study of shebeens in Lesotho
The Yortan culture within the early Bronze Age of western Anatolia
Social change and rural development in a north Iraqi village : a study of the role of the government and popular organisations, 1958-1981
Marriage and social organisation among pastoralists of the Dhaula Dhar (Western Himalaya)
The role of the shurṭa in early Islam
Kinship and personal network in Andalusia
A study of social organisation in certain villages in West Khurāsān, Iran, with special reference to kinship and agricultural activities
An examination of the Bleek and Lloyd Collection of /Xam Bushman narratives, with special reference to the trickster, /Kaggen
Some aspects of anthropological themes in creative literature in Britain during the late 19th. and early 20th. centuries
A study of dermatoglyphic variation in the human populations of the North Pennine Dales
The Iron Age cultures of Southern Zambia
A cultural, physical and pathological study of the Western Desert Aborigines of Australia
Settlement and economy in the territory of the Trinovantes circa 500 B.C. to A.D. 50
The narrative war songs of the Ohafia Igbo : a critical analysis of their characteristic features in relation to their social function
The extent and nature of classical religion in Roman Britain
The economic, social and cosmological dimensions of the preoccupation with short-term ends in three hunting and gathering societies : the Mbuti Pygmies of Zaire, the ǃKung San of Namibia and Botswana, and the Netsilik Eskimos of Northern Canada
The nation-state, the region and the autohaeretical ethnic group in the EEC-Corsica, a case study
A study of diet in Mesopotamia (c. 3000-600 BC) and associated agricultural techniques and methods of food preparation
Letlhakeng : a study of accumulation in a Kalahari village
The Taruko and their belief system
The settlement pattern of Lindsey and the East Riding of Yorkshire in the late Roman and early Anglo-Saxon periods
Social organization of a hamlet in Phitsanulok Province, north-central Thailand
Aldrediana : Hebraica, an examination of the interpretations of possible Hebrew words in Aldred's two North Northumbrian glosses to the Lindisfarne Gospels and the Durham Ritual
Studies in the neolithic settlement of central Germany
A history of the Southern Temne in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
Economy and beliefs among the Cairo poor
The work of Marcel Mauss : an interpretation
The Ika and their systems of belief : an interpretation of myth
The mafia in Palermo province, 1866-1915
The Ikat textiles of Lamalera, Lembata within the context of Eastern Indonesian fabric traditions
Vanuatu and kastom : a study of cultural symbols in the inception of a nation state in the South Pacific
Turkish migrant workers in Stuttgart : a social anthropological study of ethnic identities
Dreaming, dancing, kinship : a study of yoi, the dance of the Tiwi of Melville and Bathurst Islands, North Australia
Kinship in relation to economic and social organization in an Egyptian village community
Upholding the veil : Hindu women's perceptions of gender and caste identity in rural Pakistan
The Luyia response to death : a case study from Wanga, Western Kenya
Alliance and elopement : economy, social order and sexual antagonism among the Kalasha (Kalash Kafirs) of Chitral
Technology and society in Bima, Sumbawa, with special reference to house bulding and textile manufacture
Kinship and marriage in the Austroasiatic-speaking world : a comparative analysis
Ethnic pluralism in the Northern Thai city of Chiangmai
Social change and rural development in a north Iraqi village : a study of the role of the government and popular organisations, 1958-1981
The Yortan culture within the early Bronze Age of western Anatolia
The Mita congregation : an anthropological study of a revivalist sect in Puerto Rico
Anthropological aspects of Anglo-Saxon symbolism
Some aspects of social anthropology, language and meaning
W.H.R. Rivers : the contexts of social anthropology
Genetical variation in selected populations in the Isle of Man and neighbouring areas
Study of the form and content of a document reporting the trial for witchcraft of licenciado Amador de Velasco y Mañueco, 1576-1578
Property and ritual relationships on a Greek island
The Iron Age cultures of Southern Zambia
Greek weighing
Social aspects of folk craft production, marketing and aesthetics in a Japanese pottery community
A study of diet in Mesopotamia (c. 3000-600 BC) and associated agricultural techniques and methods of food preparation
The extent and nature of classical religion in Roman Britain
The Hadendowa : pastoralism and problems of sedentarisation
The structure of roles and their ritual in a yugoslav community
Ganga, a form of traditional rural singing in Yugoslavia
The historical tradition of the peoples of the eastern lake Turkana Basin, c. 1840-1925
Afa symbolism among the Nri : a system of social action
Caste and sect in an Assamese village
Settlement and economy in the territory of the Trinovantes circa 500 B.C. to A.D. 50
Some aspects of public and private in fifth century B.C. Athens
The question of race in anthropology from the time of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach to that of Franz Boas with particular reference to the period 1830 to 1890 (approx.)
Secret knowledge : an analysis of Ommura ceremonies
The Israelite bamah
Ideological formation and change : the case of Zionism
Zionism and the Arabs, 1936-1939
An interpretive study of the narrative of the golden calf (Exodus 32)
The Tharu of Dang : a study of social organisation, myth and ritual in west Nepal
Economic development and social change in a Japanese village
Social mobilisation and national consciousness in 20th century Ukraine
Astrology and divination in later medieval England
Modernity, social structure and mental health of the Eskimos in the Canadian east arctic
Mythology and social structure among the U'wa of Colombia
Property and marriage in the Blue Nile rainlands, Northern Sudan
Clan, class and community : power relations and political modernization in late Imperial China
Protection and healing in a Tswana village : with particular reference to the traditional and Zionist beliefs and practices
Class, youth and drink : historical analysis of policy and contemporary ethnography of youth
The foundations of national identity a study in ancient Northwest Semitic perceptions
A study of a west Sepik people, New Guinea, with special reference to their system of beliefs, kinship and marriage, and principles of thought
The status of women in an Āzarbāyjāni village (Iran) with special reference to carpet manufacture
Changing socio-economic relations in the Kandyan countryside
Anthropological considerations for a theory of fertility
Rockites and whitefeet : Irish peasant secret societies, 1800-1845
Culture and political mobilization in Algeria
Studies in the myths and oral traditions of the Thulung Rai of East Nepal
Concepts of sovereignty among the Shambaa and their relation to political action
Rituals of hierarchy and interdependence in an Andhra village
Aspects of social change among the Effutu of Winneba
Migration and ethnicity : the Mazahua Indians of Mexic[o]
A study in [i.e. of] social change amongst the Killinirngmiut Eskimo of Canada's East Arctic
The vicanal population : a study of the structure of village economies
Morphogenetic analysis of fields and settlements in Holderness, Yorkshire
The economic and social condition of the peasantry in South East Leicestershire, A.D. 1300-1700
Organization, space and activity : the relationship of task and status to the allocation and use of space in certain organizations
Speculations upon Aristotelian anthropology
Settlement ecology of the Körös and linear pottery cultures in Hungary
Pastoralism in central Sardinia
Yena : art, myth and ritual in a New Guinea society
The settlement pattern of Lindsey and the East Riding of Yorkshire in the late Roman and early Anglo-Saxon periods
The significance of oral tradition in the writings of Tutuola, Soyinka and Rotimi
Patriarch, Shah and Caliph : a study of the relationships of the Church of the East with the Sassanid Empire and the early caliphates up to 820 A.D. with special reference to available translated Syriac sources which is submitted with handbook of source-materials for students of church history up to 650 A.D.
Greek weighing
Studies in the ritual traditions of the Kumaon Himālaya
The Chamba : a comparative history of tribal politics
The central place system of the thessaly region of Greece
A study of a west Sepik people, New Guinea, with special reference to their system of beliefs, kinship and marriage, and principles of thought
Themes for translating : an account of the Wayãpí indians of Amapá, Northern Brazil
The chemistry of sultones and related compounds capable of skin sensitisation
A survey of skin-covered heads from the cross river region of West Africa
Spring valley : a social anthropological and historical inquiry into the impact of the tea estates upon a Sinhalese village in the Uva Highlands of Sri Lanka
Pragmatic and romantic incomers : a study of power and influence in Orkney
Caste cultures and fertility in South Karnataka
The Greeks in Egypt, 1919-1937 : a communal response to change
Power and order : a study of litigation in a Yoruba community
Ethnology in the museum : A.H.L.F. Pitt Rivers (1827-1900) and the institutional foundations of British anthropology
A history of the Southern Temne in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
Nharo Bushman kinship and the transformation of Khoi Kin categories
The development of ethnic ideology and pressure politics in Gypsy-Gaujo relations in England and Wales from Victorian reformism to Romani nationalism
Inter-troop transfer and inbreeding avoidance in Papio anubis in Tanzania
Kinship and social change among the Antaisaka of coastal South East Madagascar
The historical tradition of the peoples of the Gwembe valley, middle Zambezi
An ethnographic study of a Timorese people
The distribution and history of elements of the native culture of Roman Phrygia with reference to their ethnic origin
A study of the impact of social and cultural change upon ethnic identity in Eastern Iran
The Lagozza culture in Northern and Central Italy
A study of Makonde social and religious institutions
Greek weighing
Thus they once heard : oral initiation in the Pali Nikāyas
Changing settlement patterns in Botswana : the case of the Eastern Kweneng
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books