Thermal and ambient-induced deflections of scanning force microscope cantilevers
CiNii Research
Thermal and ambient-induced deflections of scanning force microscope cantilevers
- 資料種別
- 記事
- 著者
- T. Thundatほか
- 出版者
- AIP Publishing
- 出版年
- 1994-05-23
- 資料形態
- デジタル
- 掲載誌名
- Applied Physics Letters 64 21
- 掲載ページ
- p.2894-2896
- <jats:p>The deflection of scanning force microscope cantilevers, metal coated on one side, is significantly influenced by both thermal heating and var...
- 資料種別
- 記事
- 出版年月日等
- 1994-05-23
- 出版年(W3CDTF)
- 1994-05-23
- タイトル(掲載誌)
- Applied Physics Letters
- 巻号年月日等(掲載誌)
- 64 21
- 掲載巻
- 64
- 掲載号
- 21
- 掲載ページ
- 2894-2896
- 掲載年月日(W3CDTF)
- 1994-05-23
- ISSN(掲載誌)
- 00036951
- 出版事項(掲載誌)
- AIP Publishing
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 10.1063/1.111407
- 作成日(W3CDTF)
- 2002-07-26
- 参照
- Repetitive Direct Comparison Method for Odor SensingMechanical analysis and optimization of a microcantilever sensor coated with a solid receptor filmTwo Dimensional Array of Piezoresistive Nanomechanical Membrane-Type Surface Stress Sensor (MSS) with Improved SensitivityEffects of partial attachment at the interface between receptor and substrate on nanomechanical cantilever sensingDual domain acoustic olfactory discriminatorEnhancing thermally induced effects on atomic force microscope cantilevers using optical microcavitiesThin Polyelectrolyte Multilayers Made by Inkjet Printing and Their Characterization by Nanomechanical Cantilever SensorsFinite Element Analysis on Nanomechanical Detection of Small Particles: Toward Virus DetectionRecent Advances in Nanomechanical Membrane-Type Surface Stress Sensors towards Artificial OlfactionCancelation of thermally induced frequency shifts in bimaterial cantilevers by nonlinear optomechanical interactionsDouble-Side-Coated Nanomechanical Membrane-Type Surface Stress Sensor (MSS) for One-Chip–One-Channel SetupDeposition of a titania layer on spherical porous silica particles and their nanostructure-induced vapor sensing propertiesAnalysis of nanomechanical sensing signals; physical parameter estimation for gas identificationCharacterization of Bimetallic Cantilever for Chemical Sensor Application.Detection of Pb〔2+〕 Using a Hydrogel Swelling Microcantilever SensorFinite Element Analysis on Nanomechanical Sensing of Cellular ForcesDetection of Pb²⁺ in Aqueous Solution by Using a DNA-modified MicrocantileverHydrogen Gas Sensing Using a Pd-Coated Cantilever.
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
- 提供元機関・データベース
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