CiNii Research
Compound Chondrule Formation in Optically Thin Shock Waves
- 資料種別
- 記事
- 著者
- Sota Arakawaほか
- 出版者
- American Astronomical Society
- 出版年
- 2019-05-29
- 資料形態
- デジタル
- 掲載誌名
- The Astrophysical Journal 877 2
- 掲載ページ
- p.84-
- <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>Shock-wave heating within the solar nebula is one of the leading candidates for the source of...
- 資料種別
- 記事
- 著者標目
- 出版年月日等
- 2019-05-29
- 出版年(W3CDTF)
- 2019-05-29
- タイトル(掲載誌)
- The Astrophysical Journal
- 巻号年月日等(掲載誌)
- 877 2
- 掲載巻
- 877
- 掲載号
- 2
- 掲載ページ
- 84-
- 掲載年月日(W3CDTF)
- 2019-05-29
- ISSN(掲載誌)
- 0004637X
- 出版事項(掲載誌)
- American Astronomical Society
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 10.3847/1538-4357/ab1b3e
- 作成日(W3CDTF)
- 2019-05-29
- オンライン閲覧公開範囲
- インターネット公開
- 著作権情報
- https://iopscience.iop.org/page/copyrighthttps://iopscience.iop.org/info/page/text-and-data-mining
- 関連情報(URI)
- 参照
- Effects of the Compressibility of Turbulence on the Dust Coagulation Process in Protoplanetary DisksOn the Stickiness of CO<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub>O Ice ParticlesFine-grained Rim Formation via Kinetic Dust Aggregation in Shock Waves Around Evaporating Icy PlanetesimalsCooling Rates of Chondrules after Lightning Discharge in Solid-rich Environments
- 参照
- Shock-generating Planetesimals Perturbed by a Giant Planet in a Gas DiskCoalescence and separation in binary collisions of liquid dropsPLANETESIMAL COLLISIONS AS A CHONDRULE FORMING EVENTVELOCITY-DEPENDENT CATASTROPHIC DISRUPTION CRITERIA FOR PLANETESIMALSOligarchic Growth of ProtoplanetsFrom 2D to 3D chondrule size data: Some empirical ground truthsHarvesting the decay energy of <sup>26</sup>Al to drive lightning discharge in protoplanetary discsROCKY PLANETESIMAL FORMATION VIA FLUFFY AGGREGATES OF NANOGRAINSCompound chondrule formation via collision of supercooled dropletsLow-velocity collisions of chondrules: How a thin dust cover helps enhance the sticking probabilityFORMATION OF COSMIC CRYSTALS IN HIGHLY SUPERSATURATED SILICATE VAPOR PRODUCED BY PLANETESIMAL BOW SHOCKSDust-dust collisional charging and lightning in protoplanetary discsAerodynamics of solid bodies in the solar nebulaSulfur isotope composition of putative primary troilite in chondrules from Bishunpur and SemarkonaReproduction of chondrules from levitated, hypercooled meltsOn the gravitational stability of a disk of starsThe Generation of Lightning in the Solar NebulaOn the collision of a droplet with a solid surfaceDynamic crystallization of chondrule melts of porphyritic and radial pyroxene compositionOn the Maximal Size of Chondrules in Shock Wave Heating ModelFormation processes of compound chondrules in CV3 carbonaceous chondrites: Constraints from oxygen isotope ratios and major element concentrationsProperties of Some Common Igneous Rocks and Their Melts at High TemperaturesKinetic stability of a melted iron globule during chondrule formation. I. Non‐rotating modelTERRESTRIAL PLANET FORMATION FROM AN ANNULUSThe Formation Conditions of Chondrules and ChondritesFractionation of highly siderophile elements in metal grains from unequilibrated ordinary chondrites: Implications for the origin of chondritic metalsEjection of Chondrules from Fluffy MatricesCompositions of chondritesSolar System evolution from compositional mapping of the asteroid beltDrop Impact on a Solid SurfaceMagnetic Fields Recorded by Chondrules Formed in Nebular ShocksA microlevel-based characterization of granulation phenomenaThermal evolution and sintering of chondritic planetesimalsFormation conditions of pyroxene-olivine and magnesian olivine chondrulesParticle stirring in turbulent gas disks: Including orbital oscillationsFree collisions in a microgravity many-particle experiment – II: The collision dynamics of dust-coated chondrulesItokawa Dust Particles: A Direct Link Between S-Type Asteroids and Ordinary ChondritesSINTERING-INDUCED DUST RING FORMATION IN PROTOPLANETARY DISKS: APPLICATION TO THE HL TAU DISKA NEW ESTIMATE OF THE CHONDRULE COOLING RATE DEDUCED FROM AN ANALYSIS OF COMPOSITIONAL ZONING OF RELICT OLIVINEREVISITING JOVIAN-RESONANCE INDUCED CHONDRULE FORMATIONPetrologic, geochemical and experimental constraints on models of chondrule formationCompound chondrulesThe importance of experiments: Constraints on chondrule formation modelsPhase-field simulation for crystallization of a highly supercooled forsterite-chondrule melt dropletChondrules as products of dust collisions with totally molten droplets within a dust-rich nebular environment: An experimental investigationEffects of Particle Size Distribution on Opacity Curves of Protoplanetary Disks around T Tauri StarsThe Absolute Chronology and Thermal Processing of Solids in the Solar Protoplanetary DiskChondrule collisions in shock wavesUbiquitous low-FeO relict grains in type II chondrules and limited overgrowths on phenocrysts following the final melting eventFragment-collision model for compound chondrule formation: Estimation of collision probabilityA Shock Heating Model for Chondrule Formation in a Protoplanetary DiskBreakup of liquids by high velocity flow and size distribution of chondrulesTHE MASS AND SIZE DISTRIBUTION OF PLANETESIMALS FORMED BY THE STREAMING INSTABILITY. I. THE ROLE OF SELF-GRAVITYDetermining chondrule size distributions from thin‐section measurementsCatching drifting pebblesConstraints on compound chondrule formation from laboratory high-temperature collisionsEvaporation in the young solar nebula as the origin of ‘just-right’ melting of chondrulesA shock-wave heating model for chondrule formation II. Minimum size of chondrule precursorsHow to form planetesimals from mm-sized chondrules and chondrule aggregatesThe Allende multicompound chondrule (<scp>ACC</scp>)—Chondrule formation in a local super‐dense region of the early solar systemChondrule formation during planetesimal accretionVapor saturation of sodium: Key to unlocking the origin of chondrulesDie Abhängigkeit der Viscosität von der Temperatur bie unterkühlten FlüssigkeitenEffect of viscosity on droplet-droplet collision outcome: Experimental study and numerical comparisonModelling droplet collision outcomes for different substances and viscositiesImpact jetting as the origin of chondrulesCompound chondrules fused coldChondrule-forming Shock Fronts in the Solar Nebula: A Possible Unified Scenario for Planet and Chondrite FormationHIGH-TEMPERATURE PROCESSING OF SOLIDS THROUGH SOLAR NEBULAR BOW SHOCKS: 3D RADIATION HYDRODYNAMICS SIMULATIONS WITH PARTICLESA powerful local shear instability in weakly magnetized disks. I - Linear analysis. II - Nonlinear evolutionChondrule Accretion with a Growing ProtoplanetEvaluating planetesimal bow shocks as sites for chondrule formationThe Origin of Chondrules at Jovian ResonancesDroplet-wall collisions: Experimental studies of the deformation and breakup processThe initial structure of chondrule dust rims I: Electrically neutral grainsViscosity of magmatic liquids: A modelBouncing, coalescence, and separation in head-on collision of unequal-size dropletsMultiple Formation of Chondrules in the Early Solar System: Chronology of a Compound Al-rich ChondruleFORMATION OF THE TERRESTRIAL PLANETS FROM A NARROW ANNULUSChondrules as direct thermochemical sensors of solar protoplanetary disk gasThe Effect of Jupiter's Formation on the Distribution of Refractory Elements and Inclusions in MeteoritesChondrites and the Protoplanetary DiskDust and neutral gas modeling of the inner atmospheres of cometsThe origin of chondrules and chondrites: Debris from low‐velocity impacts between molten planetesimals?Motion of iron sulfide inclusions inside a shock-melted chondruleSticking in moderate velocity oblique impact: Application to planetologyRELATIVE ABUNDANCES OF CHONDRULE PRIMARY TEXTURAL TYPES IN ORDINARY CHONDRITES AND THEIR BEARING ON CONDITIONS OF CHONDRULE FORMATIONAge of Jupiter inferred from the distinct genetics and formation times of meteorites<i>In situ</i> visualization of crystallization inside high temperature silicate meltsChondrule Formation in Lightning DischargesConcentrating small particles in protoplanetary disks through the streaming instabilityOrigin of three-dimensional shapes of chondrulesI. Hydrodynamics simulations of rotating droplet exposed to high-velocity rarefied gas flowPhysical properties of chondrules in different chondrite groups: Implications for multiple melting events in dusty environmentsRelationships between type I and type II chondrules: Implications on chondrule formation processesZerteilgrenze beim TropfenprallTime and duration of chondrule formation: Constraints from 26Al-26Mg ages of individual chondrulesBinary droplet collisions in a vacuum environment: an experimental investigation of the role of viscosityCHONDRULE DESTRUCTION IN NEBULAR SHOCKSParticle size distributions in chondritic meteorites: Evidence for pre-planetesimal historiesGas dynamic heating of chondrule precursor grains in the solar nebulaEffect of viscosity on droplet-droplet collisional interactionANALYSIS OF RECENT MEASUREMENTS OF THE VISCOSITY OF GLASSESDUST AND GAS IN THE DISK OF HL TAURI: SURFACE DENSITY, DUST SETTLING, AND DUST-TO-GAS RATIOCHONDRULE FORMATION IN BOW SHOCKS AROUND ECCENTRIC PLANETARY EMBRYOSGlass‐rich chondrules in ordinary chondritesSize‐frequency distributions of chondrules and chondrule fragments in LL3 chondrites: Implications for parent‐body fragmentation of chondrulesThermal history modelling of the H chondrite parent bodyFORMING CHONDRULES IN IMPACT SPLASHES. I. RADIATIVE COOLING MODELEvolution of protoplanetary disk inferred from <sup>26</sup>Al chronology of individual chondrulesTemperature conditions for chondrule formationGravitational Instabilities, Chondrule Formation, and the FU Orionis PhenomenonEarly formation of planetary building blocks inferred from Pb isotopic ages of chondrulesThe frequency of compound chondrules and implications for chondrule formationA calculation of the Rosseland mean opacity of dust grains in primordial solar system nebulaeTHERMAL HISTORIES OF CHONDRULES IN SOLAR NEBULA SHOCKSCompound chondrule formation in the shock-wave heating model: Three-dimensional hydrodynamics simulation of the disruption of a partially-molten dust particleRegimes of coalescence and separation in droplet collisionFORMING CHONDRITES IN A SOLAR NEBULA WITH MAGNETICALLY INDUCED TURBULENCEChondrulesSIZE‐FREQUENCY‐DISTRIBUTIONS OF EH3 CHONDRULESThe dynamics of milk droplet–droplet collisionsThe quasi-universality of chondrule size as a constraint for chondrule formation modelsA Shock-Wave Heating Model for Chondrule Formation: Effects of Evaporation and Gas Flows on Silicate ParticlesConstraints on chondrule originsCritical cooling rates for glass formation in levitated Mg2SiO4-MgSiO3 chondrule melts
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