
Journal of trainology

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25 Records

Journal of trainology 8 (1)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsThe effects of aerobic fitness on day one physical training session completion in law enforcement recruits The generality of strength adaptation A meta-analysis of non-local heterologous muscle fatigue
Journal of trainology 7 (2)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsThe cardiovascular adaptations to repeated “Strength Snacks” The relationship between measures of lower body power and pitching velocity in professional baseball pitchers The effects of individualized resistance training volume by heart rate variability in collegiate football players Reliability and validity of GPS-embedded accelerometers for the measurement of badminton specific player load
Journal of trainology 7 (1)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsInter-day reliability of a Wattbike cycle ergometer sprint protocol in male rugby players Are there similarities in physical fitness characteristics of successful candidates attending law enforcement training regardless of training cohort? Periodization for optimizing strength and hypertrophy : the forgotten variables Validation of inertial sensor to measure velocity of medicine balls
Journal of trainology 6 (2)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsAsymmetries in single and triple hop are not detrimental to change of direction speed The relationship between isometric mid-thigh pull variables, jump variables and sprint performance in collegiate soccer players
Journal of trainology 6 (1)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsDifferentiation between perceived effort and discomfort during resistance training in older adults : reliability of trainee ratings of effort and discomfort, and reliability and validity of trainer ratings of trainee effort Relationship between concentric velocities at varying intensity in the back squat using a wireless inertial sensor Effects of 6-week squat, deadlift, or hip thrust training program on speed, power, agility, and strength in experienced lifters : a pilot study The acute effects of heavy sled towing on subsequent sprint acceleration performance Establishing a duration standard for the calculation of session rating of perceived exertion in NCAA division I men’s soccer The reliability of the submaximal version of the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test in elite youth soccer
Journal of trainology 5 (2)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsRelationship between isometric strength, sprint, and change of direction speed in male academy cricketers Reliability and validity of the running anaerobic sprint test (RAST) in soccer players Physical profiles of regional academy netball players Anaerobic and aerobic contributions to 800 m and 8 km season bests Bat swing mechanical analysis with an inertial measurement unit : reliability and implications for athlete monitoring Surface electromyography and force production of a novel strength training method suitable for microgravity Effects of self-monitoring of heart rate and additional sprint running on exercise intensity and technical performance during small-sided games in soccer
Journal of trainology 5 (1)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsComparison of peak power output during exercises with similar lower-limb kinematics Periodization : what is it good for? A neck strengthening protocol in adolescent males and females for athletic injury prevention
Journal of trainology 4 (2)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsRelationships between lower body muscle structure and maximal power clean performance Relationships between speed, change of direction and jump performance with cricket specific speed tests in male academy cricketers Relationships between lower body muscle structure and isometric mid-thigh pull peak force
Journal of trainology 4 (1)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsRelationships between jump and sprint performance in first-class county cricketers Relationship between isometric mid-thigh pull variables and sprint and change of direction performance in collegiate athletes Backwards overhead medicine ball throw and countermovement jump performance among firefighter candidates Validity of wireless device measuring velocity of resistance exercises The effects of sodium bicarbonate supplementation on a soccer specific conditioning test in division III soccer players Changes in cell free DNA during a college soccer season
Journal of trainology 3 (2)
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsEffects of exercise intensity on perceived exertion during multiple sets of bench press to volitional failure Age-related muscle loss of the anterior and posterior thigh assessed by means of MRI/CT and ultrasound A comparison of maximal power clean performances performed from the floor, knee and mid-thigh

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