
Bank of Finland discussion papers

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Bank of Finland discussion papers

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Bank of Finland
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Does monetary union reduce employment?Leave the NDL website. Monetary policy and learning in an open economyLeave the NDL website. A model of common monetary policyLeave the NDL website. Staggered prices and trend inflation : some nuisancesLeave the NDL website. Effects of the supply-side channel on stabilisation properties of policy rulesLeave the NDL website. A cross-country study of market-based housing financeLeave the NDL website. Employment and the structure of the Finnish economy : a model for evaluating scenariosLeave the NDL website. Lender of last resort and the moral hazard problemLeave the NDL website. Dynamic effects of demand and supply disturbances on the Finnish economy : did liberalization of capital movements matter?Leave the NDL website. Nonlinear dynamics of interest rate and inflationLeave the NDL website. Comparing alternative Phillips curve specifications : european results with survey-based expectationsLeave the NDL website. A wavelet analysis of scaling laws and long-memory in stock market volatilityLeave the NDL website. Who's driving wages in Finland? Or is anyone?Leave the NDL website. Should unemployment benefits decrease as the unemployment spell lengthens?Leave the NDL website. Monetary consequences of alternative fiscal policy rulesLeave the NDL website. Payment and settlement systems in Finland 1995Leave the NDL website. The BOF5 macroeconomic model of Finland, structure and equationsLeave the NDL website. The transparency of the banking industry and the efficiency of information-based bank runsLeave the NDL website. A data communication network for administrative purposes within the EULeave the NDL website. Divergences in the Euro Area : a cause for concern?Leave the NDL website. Theoretical aspects to the Finnish credit cycleLeave the NDL website. A market based approach to maintaining systemic stability : experiences from New ZealandLeave the NDL website. What's in it for us? : network effects and bank payment innovationLeave the NDL website. Anticipated monetary policy and the dynamic behaviour of the term structure of interest ratesLeave the NDL website. Further evidence on the link between finance and growth: An international analysis of community banking and economic performanceLeave the NDL website. Unintended convergence – how Finnish unemployment reached the European levelLeave the NDL website. The mixed oligopoly of cross-border payment systemsLeave the NDL website. Forecasting with a forward-looking DGE model : combining long-run views of financial markets with macro forecastingLeave the NDL website. Should new or rapidly growing banks have more equity?Leave the NDL website. The Value of publishing official central bank forecastsLeave the NDL website. Financial factors and the macroeconomyLeave the NDL website. Law or finance : evidence from FinlandLeave the NDL website. Equilibrium unemployment and investment under product and labour market imperfectionsLeave the NDL website. From policy rate to market rates : an empirical analysis of Finnish monetary transmissionLeave the NDL website. Assessing the performance of a macroeconomic modelLeave the NDL website. The credit channel of monetary policy and housing markets : international empirical evidenceLeave the NDL website. Return-volatility linkages in international equity and currency marketsLeave the NDL website. Monitoring and market power in loan marketsLeave the NDL website. Relative prices and monetary policy information variables : long run evidence from FinlandLeave the NDL website. Simulating interbank payment and securities settlement mechanisms with the BoF-PSS2 simulatorLeave the NDL website. Chaos and nonlinear dynamics : evidence from FinlandLeave the NDL website. View points on "Three assessments of Finland's economic crisis and economic policy"Leave the NDL website. Irreversible investment under interest rate variability : new resultsLeave the NDL website. The efficiency implications of financial conglomerationLeave the NDL website. Capital structure, wage bargaining and employmentLeave the NDL website. The inflation target and the structure of labour markets : implications for common monetary policyLeave the NDL website. Equilibrium dynamics under lump-sum taxation in an exchange economy with skewed endowmentsLeave the NDL website. Investor protection and business creationLeave the NDL website. Simulating the effects of imperfect credibility : how does the peso problem affect the real economy?Leave the NDL website. Technological development and concentration of stock exchanges in EuropeLeave the NDL website. Policy interaction, learning and the fiscal theory of pricesLeave the NDL website. Delivery networks and pricing behaviour in banking : an empirical investigation using Finnish dataLeave the NDL website. Money as an indicator variable for monetary policy when money demand is forward lookingLeave the NDL website. Cross-border performance in European bankingLeave the NDL website. The overnight rate of interest under averaged reserve requiremets : some theoretical aspects and the Finnish experienceLeave the NDL website. Factors affecting asset price expectations : fundamentals and policy variablesLeave the NDL website. Macro stress testing with a macroeconomic credit risk model for FinlandLeave the NDL website. The effects of competition on banks' risk taking with and without deposit insuranceLeave the NDL website. Labour market flexibility and policy coordination in a monetary unionLeave the NDL website. Incomplete insurance market and its policy implications within European monetary unionLeave the NDL website. Microeconomic and macroeconomic influences on entry and exit of firmsLeave the NDL website. Is there scope for inflation differentials in EMU? : an empirical evaluation of the Balassa-Samuelson model in EMU countriesLeave the NDL website. Recent developments in the Finnish banking sectorLeave the NDL website. Credit crunch or collateral squeeze? : an empirical analysis credit supply of the Finnish local banks in 1990-1992Leave the NDL website. What do we know about productivity gaps and convergence in EMU economies?Leave the NDL website. Fundamental equilibrium exchange rate : a case study of the Finnish markkaLeave the NDL website. Forecasting the electronification of payments with learning curves : the case of FinlandLeave the NDL website. Evolution of retail payments in Finland in the 1990sLeave the NDL website. Stock exchange alliances, access fees and competitionLeave the NDL website. Banking sector output and labour productivity in six European countreisLeave the NDL website. Inflation dynamics in the euro area and the role of expectationsLeave the NDL website. Large value payment systems - principles and recent and future developmentsLeave the NDL website. Competition and regulation in European retail payment systmesLeave the NDL website. Credit growth and moral hazard : an empirical study of the causes of credit expansion by the Finnish local banks in 1986-1990Leave the NDL website. Leading inflation indicators in Finland : pairwise analysis of granger-causality and cointegrationLeave the NDL website. The optimal tax treatment of housing capital in the neoclassical growth modelLeave the NDL website. Multiple uncertainty, forward-futures markets and international trade/ Jean-Marie Viaene, Itzhak ZilchaLeave the NDL website. Stable price level and changing pricesLeave the NDL website. Restructuring securities systems processing : a blue print proposal for real-time/t+0 processingLeave the NDL website. Credit crunch caused investment slump? : an empirical analysis using Finnish dataLeave the NDL website. Unemployment in a small open economy : Finland and New ZealandLeave the NDL website. Bank relationships and small-business closures during the Finnish recession of the 1990sLeave the NDL website. The level of a central bank's international reserves : theory and cross-country analysisLeave the NDL website. Payment systems efficiency, policy approaches, and the role of the central bankLeave the NDL website. Simulation-based stress testing of banks' regulatory capital adequacyLeave the NDL website. Improving banking supervisionLeave the NDL website. Preventing systemic crises through bank transparencyLeave the NDL website. Securities market ATSs concepts, their roles and related policy issuesLeave the NDL website. Reconciling the new Keynesian model with observed persistenceLeave the NDL website. Equilibrium unemployment with credit and labour market imperfectionsLeave the NDL website. Monetary policy in a bipolar international monetary systemLeave the NDL website. Indicators of the cyclically adjusted budget balance : the Bank of Finland's experienceLeave the NDL website. A descriptive analysis of the Finnish treasury bond market, 1991-1999Leave the NDL website. Market structure and risk taking in the banking industryLeave the NDL website. An assessment of alternative lender of last resort schemesLeave the NDL website. Card, internet and mobile payments in FinlandLeave the NDL website. Payments remain fundamental for banks and central banksLeave the NDL website. The pass-through of exchange rate changes to import pricesLeave the NDL website. Stability of the Demand for M1 and harmonized M3 in FinlandLeave the NDL website. Assessing the forecasting performance of a macroeconomic modelLeave the NDL website. Interlinking securities settlement systems : a strategic commitment?Leave the NDL website. Asymmetries in the Euro area economyLeave the NDL website. Evolving voluntary rules for the operation of the European Central BankLeave the NDL website. Effects of fiscal policy on the durability of low inflation regimesLeave the NDL website. Fiscal policy : coordination, discipline and stabilisationLeave the NDL website. Payment and financial innovation, reserve demand and implimentation of monetary policyLeave the NDL website. Fixed rate tenders and the overnight money market equilibriumLeave the NDL website. Identifying the interdependence between US monetary policy and the stock marketLeave the NDL website. Decomposing the co-movement of the business cycle : a time-frequency analysis of growth cycles in the euro areaLeave the NDL website. Central bank independence and wage bargaining structure : empirical evidenceLeave the NDL website. Industry equilibrium wiht outside financing and moral hazard : effects of market ingegrationLeave the NDL website. Optimizing liquidity usage and settlement speed in payment systemsLeave the NDL website. Sustainability of public finances in Finland and the four largest Euro-area economiesLeave the NDL website. Consumption and uncertain access to the asset marketLeave the NDL website. Macroeconomic aspects of systemic bank restructuringLeave the NDL website. Links between securities settlement systems : an oligopoly theoretic approachLeave the NDL website. Testing the expectations hypothesis of the term structure of interest rates in the presence of a potential regime shiftLeave the NDL website. An approach to bank insolvency in transition and emerging economiesLeave the NDL website. Measuring the long-term perception of monetary policy and the term structureLeave the NDL website. Total factor productivity growth in European stock exchanges : a non-parametric frontier approachLeave the NDL website. Testing nonlinear dynamics, long memory and chaotic behaviour with macroeconomic dataLeave the NDL website. Bank capital, capital regulation and lendingLeave the NDL website. The rigidity biasLeave the NDL website. The interest rate sensitivity of output in FinlandLeave the NDL website. Time-varying markups : empirical analysis of markups in Finnish industriesLeave the NDL website. Financial institutions and the allocation of talentLeave the NDL website. Systemic risk in the Finnish payment system : an empirical investigationLeave the NDL website. Performance of monetary policy with internal central bank forecastingLeave the NDL website. Forecasting the macroeconomy with current financial market information : Europe and the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The indicator of underlying inflation : basic idea and useLeave the NDL website. Monetary policy for smoothing real fluctuations? : assessing Finnish monetary autonomyLeave the NDL website. Adaptive learning and multiple equilibria in a natural rate monetary model with unemployment persistenceLeave the NDL website. Implicit interest as price discrimination in the bank deposit marketLeave the NDL website. Wage determination in the Long Run, real wage resistance and unemployment : multivariate analysis of cointegrating relations in 10 OECD economiesLeave the NDL website. Multihoming in the market for payment media: evidence from young Finnish consumersLeave the NDL website. Financial conditions indexesLeave the NDL website. Analysis on the errors and omissions in the finnish balance of payments : restless capital movements, floating exchange rate and errors since 1991Leave the NDL website. Short-selling restrictions, strategic stock holdings and index futures markets in FinlandLeave the NDL website. Banks' equity stakes in borrowing firms : a corporate finance approachLeave the NDL website. Cross-country asymmetries in euro area monetary transmission : the role of national financial systemsLeave the NDL website. The term structure of real interest rates : theory and evidence from UK index-linked bondsLeave the NDL website. Financial contracts and contingent control rightsLeave the NDL website. Settlement in modern network-based payment infrastructures : description and prototype of the E-settlement modelLeave the NDL website. On the problems of home country controlLeave the NDL website. Are there economies of scale in stock exchange activities?Leave the NDL website. Ageing, interest rates, and financial flowsLeave the NDL website. Output gaps and technological progress in European Monetary UnionLeave the NDL website. The role of market discipline in handling problem banksLeave the NDL website. A value-at-risk approach to banks' capital buffers : an application to the new Basel accordLeave the NDL website. Less cash on the counter - Forecasting Finnish payment preferencesLeave the NDL website. Stability consequences of fiscal policy rulesLeave the NDL website. On the role of the single currency ECULeave the NDL website. Accountability of the ECB and a government's incentives to rebel against the common monetary policy in EMULeave the NDL website. Bank interest rates in a small European economy : Some exploratory macro level analyses using Finnish dataLeave the NDL website. Inflation targeting : analyzing indicators of inflation in FinlandLeave the NDL website. Fiscal policy and private consumption - saving decisions : evidence from nine EU countriesLeave the NDL website. The nonlinearity of the Phillips curve and European monetary policyLeave the NDL website. The role of macroeconomic shocks in banking crisesLeave the NDL website. Investment and financing considerations : evidence from Finnish panel dataLeave the NDL website. Macroeconomy and consumer sentiment :performance of the Finnish consumer barometer after ten yearsLeave the NDL website. Fiscal policy and private consumption - saving decisions : evidence from FinlandLeave the NDL website. Stabilisation bias in monetary policy under endogenous price stickinessLeave the NDL website. Are expansions cost effective for stock exchanges? : a global perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Finnish deposit banks 1980-1993 : years of rapid growth and crisisLeave the NDL website. Limited and full information estimation of the rational expectations demand for money model : application to Finnish M1Leave the NDL website. Regime-dependent impulse response functions in a Markov-switching vector autoregression modelLeave the NDL website. A calibrated structural model of the Czech economyLeave the NDL website. Substitution of noncash payment instruments for cash in EuropeLeave the NDL website. Developing the interbank payment system efficiency of public versus private investmentsLeave the NDL website. Why do capital intensive companies pay higher wages?Leave the NDL website. Government size and output volatility : is there a relationship?Leave the NDL website. Informed trading, short sales constraints and futures' pricingLeave the NDL website. Re-engineering payment systems for the e-worldLeave the NDL website. On the estimation of Euler equations in the presence of a potential regime shiftLeave the NDL website. How to evaluate the forecasting performance of a macroeconomic modelLeave the NDL website. Gridlock resolution in interbank payment systemsLeave the NDL website. Are adverse selection models of debt robust to changes in market structure?Leave the NDL website. Extracting growth and inflation expectations from financial market dataLeave the NDL website. Equilibrium in financial markets with adverse selectionLeave the NDL website. International economic spillovers and the liquidity trapLeave the NDL website. Changes in Finland's international investment position, 1985-1998 : a brief statistical analysisLeave the NDL website. Actual and perceived monetary policy rules in a dynamic general equilibrium model of the euro areaLeave the NDL website. Risk sharing in the pricing of payment services by banksLeave the NDL website. Inflation expectations and regime shifts in the euro areaLeave the NDL website. Labour market reform and the sustainability of exchange rate pegsLeave the NDL website. The equilibrium exchange rate for the Finnish markkaLeave the NDL website. Labour taxation and employment in trade union models a partial surveyLeave the NDL website. Macroeconomic effects of looming policy shifts : non-falsified expectations and peso problemsLeave the NDL website. The exchange rate and monetary conditions in the Euro areaLeave the NDL website. Productivity differentials and external balance in ERM IILeave the NDL website. Measuring inflation expectations in Finland : a survey data approachLeave the NDL website. Markets, reserves and lenders of last resort as sources of bank liquidityLeave the NDL website. Optimal discretionary monetary policy in the open economy : choosing between CPI and domestic inflation as target variablesLeave the NDL website. Learning, inflation expectations and optimal monetary policyLeave the NDL website. Bankruptcies, indebtedness and the credit crunchLeave the NDL website. Exchange rate, interest rate and stock market price volatility for value-at-risk analysisLeave the NDL website. Banks' option to lend, interest rate sensitivity, and credit availabilityLeave the NDL website. The time-varying NAIRU and potential output in FinlandLeave the NDL website. Monetary policy delegation, labour market structure and Fiscal-monetary policy coordinationLeave the NDL website. Forecasting the real US/DEM exchange rate : TAR vs. ARLeave the NDL website. The impact of macroeconomic news on exchange rate volatilityLeave the NDL website. Output gaps and the government budget balance : the case of FinlandLeave the NDL website. Asymmetry and the problem of aggregation in the Euro areaLeave the NDL website. Financial market volatility : informative in predicting recessionsLeave the NDL website. Cyclical stabilisation under the stability and growth pact : how effective are automatic stabilisers?Leave the NDL website. Economies of scale and technological development in securitites depository and settlement systemsLeave the NDL website. The role of expectations in the inflation process in the euro areaLeave the NDL website. Inflation dynamics in the euro area and the role of expectations: further resultsLeave the NDL website. Enhancing bank transparency : a re-assessmentLeave the NDL website. Housing markets, liquidity constraints and labor mobilityLeave the NDL website. Monetary policy rules in practice : evidence from New ZealandLeave the NDL website. Buffer funding of unemployment insurance in a dynamic labour union modelLeave the NDL website. Current income and private consumption - saving decisions : testing the finite horizon modelLeave the NDL website. An intuitive guide to wavelets for economistsLeave the NDL website. The use of real time information in Phillips curve relationships for the euro areaLeave the NDL website. Monetary policy in the ERM : internal targets or external constraints?Leave the NDL website. Robust monetary policy in a small open economyLeave the NDL website. Stock return volatility on Scandinavian stock markets and the banking industry : evidence from the years of financial liberalisation and banking crisisLeave the NDL website. Markups and measurement errors in six EU countriesLeave the NDL website. Technology, automation, and productivity of stock exchanges : international evidenceLeave the NDL website. The consumption function revisited : an error-correction model for Finnish consumptionLeave the NDL website. The new basel accord : some potential implications of the new standards for credit riskLeave the NDL website. The anticipated and concurring effects of EMU: exchange rate volatility, institutions and growthLeave the NDL website. Structural reform in New Zealand : a reviewLeave the NDL website. Economic evaluation of bank exit regimes in US, EU and Japanese financial centresLeave the NDL website. Technological transformation and nonbank competition in a model of retail banking oligopolyLeave the NDL website. Do networks in the stock exchange industry pay off? : European evidenceLeave the NDL website. Friendman's money supply rule vs optima interest rate policyLeave the NDL website. Aggregate investment and corporate indebtedness : some empirical evidence from FinlandLeave the NDL website. Labour supply and income tax changes : a simulation study for FinlandLeave the NDL website. The Bank of Finland foreign trade survey 1995-1996 : a quality evaluationLeave the NDL website. Central counterparty clearing: constructing a framework for evaluation of risks and benefitsLeave the NDL website. Adaptive learning and monetary policy designLeave the NDL website. Nominal income as an intermediate target for monetary policyLeave the NDL website. Agency cost of debt and lending market competition : a re-examinationLeave the NDL website. Estimating exchange market pressure and the degree of exchange market intervention for Finland during the floating exchange rate regimeLeave the NDL website. Standard setting and competition in securities settlementLeave the NDL website. Dynamics of investment behaviour in Finland : aggregate and firm level evidenceLeave the NDL website. Surveys on electronic moneyLeave the NDL website. Policy interaction, expectations and the liquidity trapLeave the NDL website. Compilation of early warning indicators for foreign trade employing a cut-off surveyLeave the NDL website. The demand for money market mutual fundsLeave the NDL website. Heterogeneous information about the term structure, least-squares learning and optimal rules for inflation targetingLeave the NDL website. Default risk on Finnish government foreign currency debtLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear dynamics of speculative attacks on the Finnish markka, 1987-1992Leave the NDL website. Bank exit legislation in US, EU and Japanese financial centresLeave the NDL website. Expectational business cyclesLeave the NDL website. The sources of output shocks in Finland and other EU countriesLeave the NDL website. Assessing effects of price regulation in retail payment systemsLeave the NDL website. Interbank funds transfer systems : liquidity needs, counterparty risks and collateralLeave the NDL website. Permanent income hypothesis and saving in FinlandLeave the NDL website. Inflation targeting and the role of money in a model with sticky prices and sticky moneyLeave the NDL website. The term structure of interest rates : estimation and interpretationLeave the NDL website. Capital adequacy regulation and financial conglomeratesLeave the NDL website. Fiat exchange in finite economiesLeave the NDL website. Earmarking of environmental taxes : efficient, after allLeave the NDL website. Trading Nokia: The roles of the Helsinki vs the New York stock exchangesLeave the NDL website. Relationship lending and competition : higher switching cost does not necessarily imply greater relationhip benefitsLeave the NDL website. Exchange rates and import prices in Finland : estimation of exchange rate pass-throughLeave the NDL website. Finnish banks' problem assets : result of unfortunate asset structure or too rapid growth?Leave the NDL website. Finnish monetary and foreign exchange policy and the changeover to the euroLeave the NDL website. Declining labour share : evidence of a change in the underlying production technology?Leave the NDL website. The effects of aging population on the sustainability of fiscal policyLeave the NDL website. A positive theory of monetary policy and robust controlLeave the NDL website. Bidding in fixed rate tenders : theory and experience with the ECB tendersLeave the NDL website. Tax progression is good for employment in popular models of trade union behaviourLeave the NDL website. Cointegrated vector autoregressive processes with continuous structural changesLeave the NDL website. Determinants of the loan loss allowance : some cross-country comparisonsLeave the NDL website. Asymmetric information in credit markets and entrepreneurial risk takingLeave the NDL website. A model for estimating recovery rates and collateral haircuts for bank loansLeave the NDL website. Equilibrium unemployment under negotiated profit sharingLeave the NDL website. The market for electronic cash cardsLeave the NDL website. Variable rate liquidity tendersLeave the NDL website. Monopoly unions, corporatism and optimal structure of labour taxationLeave the NDL website. Labour productivity growth and industry structure : the impact of industry structure on productivity growth, export prices and labour compensationLeave the NDL website. Banking fragility and distress : an econometric study of macroeconomic determinantsLeave the NDL website. House prices and inflation : a cointegration analysis for Finland and SwedenLeave the NDL website. The effects of transmission uncertainty on the flexibility-credibility tradeoff in monetary policyLeave the NDL website. Monopoly rights can reduce income big timeLeave the NDL website. Strategic challenges for exchanges and securities settlementLeave the NDL website. Cash usage in Finland : how much can be explained?Leave the NDL website. Investment plans, innovations and credit market deregulation : empirical results with the Finnish dataLeave the NDL website. Robust monetary policy in the New-Keynesian frameworkLeave the NDL website. Robust expectations and uncertain models : a robust control approach with application to the New Keynesian economyLeave the NDL website. The banking crisis, banking policy regimes and the value of a bankLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Does monetary union reduce employment?

  • Monetary policy and learning in an open economy

  • A model of common monetary policy

  • Staggered prices and trend inflation : some nuisances

  • Effects of the supply-side channel on stabilisation properties of policy rules

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Suomen pankin keskustelualoitteita
Finlands Banks Diskussionsunderlag
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Does monetary union reduce employment?
Monetary policy and learning in an open economy
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Staggered prices and trend inflation : some nuisances
Effects of the supply-side channel on stabilisation properties of policy rules
A cross-country study of market-based housing finance
Employment and the structure of the Finnish economy : a model for evaluating scenarios
Lender of last resort and the moral hazard problem
Dynamic effects of demand and supply disturbances on the Finnish economy : did liberalization of capital movements matter?
Nonlinear dynamics of interest rate and inflation
Comparing alternative Phillips curve specifications : european results with survey-based expectations
A wavelet analysis of scaling laws and long-memory in stock market volatility
Who's driving wages in Finland? Or is anyone?
Should unemployment benefits decrease as the unemployment spell lengthens?
Monetary consequences of alternative fiscal policy rules
Payment and settlement systems in Finland 1995
The BOF5 macroeconomic model of Finland, structure and equations
The transparency of the banking industry and the efficiency of information-based bank runs
A data communication network for administrative purposes within the EU
Divergences in the Euro Area : a cause for concern?
Theoretical aspects to the Finnish credit cycle
A market based approach to maintaining systemic stability : experiences from New Zealand
What's in it for us? : network effects and bank payment innovation
Anticipated monetary policy and the dynamic behaviour of the term structure of interest rates
Further evidence on the link between finance and growth: An international analysis of community banking and economic performance
Unintended convergence – how Finnish unemployment reached the European level
The mixed oligopoly of cross-border payment systems
Forecasting with a forward-looking DGE model : combining long-run views of financial markets with macro forecasting
Should new or rapidly growing banks have more equity?
The Value of publishing official central bank forecasts
Financial factors and the macroeconomy
Law or finance : evidence from Finland
Equilibrium unemployment and investment under product and labour market imperfections
From policy rate to market rates : an empirical analysis of Finnish monetary transmission
Assessing the performance of a macroeconomic model
The credit channel of monetary policy and housing markets : international empirical evidence
Return-volatility linkages in international equity and currency markets
Monitoring and market power in loan markets
Relative prices and monetary policy information variables : long run evidence from Finland
Simulating interbank payment and securities settlement mechanisms with the BoF-PSS2 simulator
Chaos and nonlinear dynamics : evidence from Finland
View points on "Three assessments of Finland's economic crisis and economic policy"
Irreversible investment under interest rate variability : new results
The efficiency implications of financial conglomeration
Capital structure, wage bargaining and employment
The inflation target and the structure of labour markets : implications for common monetary policy
Equilibrium dynamics under lump-sum taxation in an exchange economy with skewed endowments
Investor protection and business creation
Simulating the effects of imperfect credibility : how does the peso problem affect the real economy?
Technological development and concentration of stock exchanges in Europe
Policy interaction, learning and the fiscal theory of prices
Delivery networks and pricing behaviour in banking : an empirical investigation using Finnish data
Money as an indicator variable for monetary policy when money demand is forward looking
Cross-border performance in European banking
The overnight rate of interest under averaged reserve requiremets : some theoretical aspects and the Finnish experience
Factors affecting asset price expectations : fundamentals and policy variables
Macro stress testing with a macroeconomic credit risk model for Finland
The effects of competition on banks' risk taking with and without deposit insurance
Labour market flexibility and policy coordination in a monetary union
Incomplete insurance market and its policy implications within European monetary union
Microeconomic and macroeconomic influences on entry and exit of firms
Is there scope for inflation differentials in EMU? : an empirical evaluation of the Balassa-Samuelson model in EMU countries
Recent developments in the Finnish banking sector
Credit crunch or collateral squeeze? : an empirical analysis credit supply of the Finnish local banks in 1990-1992
What do we know about productivity gaps and convergence in EMU economies?
Fundamental equilibrium exchange rate : a case study of the Finnish markka
Forecasting the electronification of payments with learning curves : the case of Finland
Evolution of retail payments in Finland in the 1990s
Stock exchange alliances, access fees and competition
Banking sector output and labour productivity in six European countreis
Inflation dynamics in the euro area and the role of expectations
Large value payment systems - principles and recent and future developments
Competition and regulation in European retail payment systmes
Credit growth and moral hazard : an empirical study of the causes of credit expansion by the Finnish local banks in 1986-1990
Leading inflation indicators in Finland : pairwise analysis of granger-causality and cointegration
The optimal tax treatment of housing capital in the neoclassical growth model
Multiple uncertainty, forward-futures markets and international trade/ Jean-Marie Viaene, Itzhak Zilcha
Stable price level and changing prices
Restructuring securities systems processing : a blue print proposal for real-time/t+0 processing
Credit crunch caused investment slump? : an empirical analysis using Finnish data
Unemployment in a small open economy : Finland and New Zealand
Bank relationships and small-business closures during the Finnish recession of the 1990s
The level of a central bank's international reserves : theory and cross-country analysis
Payment systems efficiency, policy approaches, and the role of the central bank
Simulation-based stress testing of banks' regulatory capital adequacy
Improving banking supervision
Preventing systemic crises through bank transparency
Securities market ATSs concepts, their roles and related policy issues
Reconciling the new Keynesian model with observed persistence
Equilibrium unemployment with credit and labour market imperfections
Monetary policy in a bipolar international monetary system
Indicators of the cyclically adjusted budget balance : the Bank of Finland's experience
A descriptive analysis of the Finnish treasury bond market, 1991-1999
Market structure and risk taking in the banking industry
An assessment of alternative lender of last resort schemes
Card, internet and mobile payments in Finland
Payments remain fundamental for banks and central banks
The pass-through of exchange rate changes to import prices
Stability of the Demand for M1 and harmonized M3 in Finland
Assessing the forecasting performance of a macroeconomic model
Interlinking securities settlement systems : a strategic commitment?
Asymmetries in the Euro area economy
Evolving voluntary rules for the operation of the European Central Bank
Effects of fiscal policy on the durability of low inflation regimes
Fiscal policy : coordination, discipline and stabilisation
Payment and financial innovation, reserve demand and implimentation of monetary policy
Fixed rate tenders and the overnight money market equilibrium
Identifying the interdependence between US monetary policy and the stock market
Decomposing the co-movement of the business cycle : a time-frequency analysis of growth cycles in the euro area
Central bank independence and wage bargaining structure : empirical evidence
Industry equilibrium wiht outside financing and moral hazard : effects of market ingegration
Optimizing liquidity usage and settlement speed in payment systems
Sustainability of public finances in Finland and the four largest Euro-area economies
Consumption and uncertain access to the asset market
Macroeconomic aspects of systemic bank restructuring
Links between securities settlement systems : an oligopoly theoretic approach
Testing the expectations hypothesis of the term structure of interest rates in the presence of a potential regime shift
An approach to bank insolvency in transition and emerging economies
Measuring the long-term perception of monetary policy and the term structure
Total factor productivity growth in European stock exchanges : a non-parametric frontier approach
Testing nonlinear dynamics, long memory and chaotic behaviour with macroeconomic data
Bank capital, capital regulation and lending
The rigidity bias
The interest rate sensitivity of output in Finland
Time-varying markups : empirical analysis of markups in Finnish industries
Financial institutions and the allocation of talent
Systemic risk in the Finnish payment system : an empirical investigation
Performance of monetary policy with internal central bank forecasting
Forecasting the macroeconomy with current financial market information : Europe and the United States
The indicator of underlying inflation : basic idea and use
Monetary policy for smoothing real fluctuations? : assessing Finnish monetary autonomy
Adaptive learning and multiple equilibria in a natural rate monetary model with unemployment persistence
Implicit interest as price discrimination in the bank deposit market
Wage determination in the Long Run, real wage resistance and unemployment : multivariate analysis of cointegrating relations in 10 OECD economies
Multihoming in the market for payment media: evidence from young Finnish consumers
Financial conditions indexes
Analysis on the errors and omissions in the finnish balance of payments : restless capital movements, floating exchange rate and errors since 1991
Short-selling restrictions, strategic stock holdings and index futures markets in Finland
Banks' equity stakes in borrowing firms : a corporate finance approach
Cross-country asymmetries in euro area monetary transmission : the role of national financial systems
The term structure of real interest rates : theory and evidence from UK index-linked bonds
Financial contracts and contingent control rights
Settlement in modern network-based payment infrastructures : description and prototype of the E-settlement model
On the problems of home country control
Are there economies of scale in stock exchange activities?
Ageing, interest rates, and financial flows
Output gaps and technological progress in European Monetary Union
The role of market discipline in handling problem banks
A value-at-risk approach to banks' capital buffers : an application to the new Basel accord
Less cash on the counter - Forecasting Finnish payment preferences
Stability consequences of fiscal policy rules
On the role of the single currency ECU
Accountability of the ECB and a government's incentives to rebel against the common monetary policy in EMU
Bank interest rates in a small European economy : Some exploratory macro level analyses using Finnish data
Inflation targeting : analyzing indicators of inflation in Finland
Fiscal policy and private consumption - saving decisions : evidence from nine EU countries
The nonlinearity of the Phillips curve and European monetary policy
The role of macroeconomic shocks in banking crises
Investment and financing considerations : evidence from Finnish panel data
Macroeconomy and consumer sentiment :performance of the Finnish consumer barometer after ten years
Fiscal policy and private consumption - saving decisions : evidence from Finland
Stabilisation bias in monetary policy under endogenous price stickiness
Are expansions cost effective for stock exchanges? : a global perspective
Finnish deposit banks 1980-1993 : years of rapid growth and crisis
Limited and full information estimation of the rational expectations demand for money model : application to Finnish M1
Regime-dependent impulse response functions in a Markov-switching vector autoregression model
A calibrated structural model of the Czech economy
Substitution of noncash payment instruments for cash in Europe
Developing the interbank payment system efficiency of public versus private investments
Why do capital intensive companies pay higher wages?
Government size and output volatility : is there a relationship?
Informed trading, short sales constraints and futures' pricing
Re-engineering payment systems for the e-world
On the estimation of Euler equations in the presence of a potential regime shift
How to evaluate the forecasting performance of a macroeconomic model
Gridlock resolution in interbank payment systems
Are adverse selection models of debt robust to changes in market structure?
Extracting growth and inflation expectations from financial market data
Equilibrium in financial markets with adverse selection
International economic spillovers and the liquidity trap
Changes in Finland's international investment position, 1985-1998 : a brief statistical analysis
Actual and perceived monetary policy rules in a dynamic general equilibrium model of the euro area
Risk sharing in the pricing of payment services by banks
Inflation expectations and regime shifts in the euro area
Labour market reform and the sustainability of exchange rate pegs
The equilibrium exchange rate for the Finnish markka
Labour taxation and employment in trade union models a partial survey
Macroeconomic effects of looming policy shifts : non-falsified expectations and peso problems
The exchange rate and monetary conditions in the Euro area
Productivity differentials and external balance in ERM II
Measuring inflation expectations in Finland : a survey data approach
Markets, reserves and lenders of last resort as sources of bank liquidity
Optimal discretionary monetary policy in the open economy : choosing between CPI and domestic inflation as target variables
Learning, inflation expectations and optimal monetary policy
Bankruptcies, indebtedness and the credit crunch
Exchange rate, interest rate and stock market price volatility for value-at-risk analysis
Banks' option to lend, interest rate sensitivity, and credit availability
The time-varying NAIRU and potential output in Finland
Monetary policy delegation, labour market structure and Fiscal-monetary policy coordination
Forecasting the real US/DEM exchange rate : TAR vs. AR
The impact of macroeconomic news on exchange rate volatility
Output gaps and the government budget balance : the case of Finland
Asymmetry and the problem of aggregation in the Euro area
Financial market volatility : informative in predicting recessions
Cyclical stabilisation under the stability and growth pact : how effective are automatic stabilisers?
Economies of scale and technological development in securitites depository and settlement systems
The role of expectations in the inflation process in the euro area
Inflation dynamics in the euro area and the role of expectations: further results
Enhancing bank transparency : a re-assessment
Housing markets, liquidity constraints and labor mobility
Monetary policy rules in practice : evidence from New Zealand
Buffer funding of unemployment insurance in a dynamic labour union model
Current income and private consumption - saving decisions : testing the finite horizon model
An intuitive guide to wavelets for economists
The use of real time information in Phillips curve relationships for the euro area
Monetary policy in the ERM : internal targets or external constraints?
Robust monetary policy in a small open economy
Stock return volatility on Scandinavian stock markets and the banking industry : evidence from the years of financial liberalisation and banking crisis
Markups and measurement errors in six EU countries
Technology, automation, and productivity of stock exchanges : international evidence
The consumption function revisited : an error-correction model for Finnish consumption
The new basel accord : some potential implications of the new standards for credit risk
The anticipated and concurring effects of EMU: exchange rate volatility, institutions and growth
Structural reform in New Zealand : a review
Economic evaluation of bank exit regimes in US, EU and Japanese financial centres
Technological transformation and nonbank competition in a model of retail banking oligopoly
Do networks in the stock exchange industry pay off? : European evidence
Friendman's money supply rule vs optima interest rate policy
Aggregate investment and corporate indebtedness : some empirical evidence from Finland
Labour supply and income tax changes : a simulation study for Finland
The Bank of Finland foreign trade survey 1995-1996 : a quality evaluation
Central counterparty clearing: constructing a framework for evaluation of risks and benefits
Adaptive learning and monetary policy design
Nominal income as an intermediate target for monetary policy
Agency cost of debt and lending market competition : a re-examination
Estimating exchange market pressure and the degree of exchange market intervention for Finland during the floating exchange rate regime
Standard setting and competition in securities settlement
Dynamics of investment behaviour in Finland : aggregate and firm level evidence
Surveys on electronic money
Policy interaction, expectations and the liquidity trap
Compilation of early warning indicators for foreign trade employing a cut-off survey
The demand for money market mutual funds
Heterogeneous information about the term structure, least-squares learning and optimal rules for inflation targeting
Default risk on Finnish government foreign currency debt
Nonlinear dynamics of speculative attacks on the Finnish markka, 1987-1992
Bank exit legislation in US, EU and Japanese financial centres
Expectational business cycles
The sources of output shocks in Finland and other EU countries
Assessing effects of price regulation in retail payment systems
Interbank funds transfer systems : liquidity needs, counterparty risks and collateral
Permanent income hypothesis and saving in Finland
Inflation targeting and the role of money in a model with sticky prices and sticky money
The term structure of interest rates : estimation and interpretation
Capital adequacy regulation and financial conglomerates
Fiat exchange in finite economies
Earmarking of environmental taxes : efficient, after all
Trading Nokia: The roles of the Helsinki vs the New York stock exchanges
Relationship lending and competition : higher switching cost does not necessarily imply greater relationhip benefits
Exchange rates and import prices in Finland : estimation of exchange rate pass-through
Finnish banks' problem assets : result of unfortunate asset structure or too rapid growth?
Finnish monetary and foreign exchange policy and the changeover to the euro
Declining labour share : evidence of a change in the underlying production technology?
The effects of aging population on the sustainability of fiscal policy
A positive theory of monetary policy and robust control
Bidding in fixed rate tenders : theory and experience with the ECB tenders
Tax progression is good for employment in popular models of trade union behaviour
Cointegrated vector autoregressive processes with continuous structural changes
Determinants of the loan loss allowance : some cross-country comparisons
Asymmetric information in credit markets and entrepreneurial risk taking
A model for estimating recovery rates and collateral haircuts for bank loans
Equilibrium unemployment under negotiated profit sharing
The market for electronic cash cards
Variable rate liquidity tenders
Monopoly unions, corporatism and optimal structure of labour taxation
Labour productivity growth and industry structure : the impact of industry structure on productivity growth, export prices and labour compensation
Banking fragility and distress : an econometric study of macroeconomic determinants
House prices and inflation : a cointegration analysis for Finland and Sweden
The effects of transmission uncertainty on the flexibility-credibility tradeoff in monetary policy
Monopoly rights can reduce income big time
Strategic challenges for exchanges and securities settlement
Cash usage in Finland : how much can be explained?
Investment plans, innovations and credit market deregulation : empirical results with the Finnish data
Robust monetary policy in the New-Keynesian framework
Robust expectations and uncertain models : a robust control approach with application to the New Keynesian economy
The banking crisis, banking policy regimes and the value of a bank