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- International Association of Hydrological Sciences
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- Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling : coping with uncertainty : proceedings of the ModelCare'99 conference held in Zürich, Switzerland, from 20 to 23 September 1999Weather radar information and distributed hydrological modellingTechniques for prediction of runoff from glacierized areasGroundwater Management : Quantity and Quality : Proceedings of the Symposium held at Benidorm, Spain, 2-5 October 1989Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling : a few steps closer to reality : proceedings of the ModelCare 2002 conference held in Prague, Czech Republic, 17-20 June 2002Calibration and reliability in groundwater modelling : proceedings of the ModelCARE'96 conference held in Golden, Colorado, USA from 24 to 26 September 1996Research needs and applications to reduce erosion and sedimentation in tropical steeplandsHydrology of natural and manmade lakes : proceedings of an international symposium held during the XXth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at Vienna, 11-24 August 1991Freshwater contamination : proceedings of an international symposium (Symposium S4) held during the Fifth Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) at Rabat, Morocco, from 23 April to 3 May 1997Sustainability of water resources under increasing uncertaintySediment transfer through the fluvial systemLand subsidence : by fluid withdrawal, by solid extraction, theory and modelling, environmental effects and remedial measures : proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Land Subsidence, held at The Hague, The Netherlands, 16-20 October 1995Dissolved loads of rivers and surface water quantity : quality relationshipsSediment dynamics and the hydromorphology of fluvial systemsGroundwater quality : natural and enhanced restoration of groundwater pollutionRemote data transmission : proceedings of an international workshop held during the XIXth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 9-22 August 1987The extremes of the extremes : extraordinary floodsHydrological applications of remote sensing and remote data transmission : proceedings of a symposium held during the XVIIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at Hamburg, FR Germany, August 1983Remote sensing and large-scale global processesSea Level, Ice and Climatic ChangeDrainage basin sediment deliverySediment budgetsFloods : from risk to opportunityRemote sensing and geographic information systems for design and operation of water resources systemsL'hydrologie tropicale : géoscience et outil pour le développement : mélanges à la mémoire de Jean Rodier = Tropical hydrology : a geoscience and a tool for sustainability : dedicated to the memory of Jean RodierSediment problems : strategies for monitoring, prediction, and control : proceedings of an international symposium held at Yokohama, Japan, 19-21 July 1993Large scale effects of seasonal snow coverPredictions in ungauged basins : promise and progressBiogeochemistry of seasonally snow-covered catchmentsRegionalization in hydrologyAgricultural effects on ground and surface waters : research at the edge of science and societyImprovement of methods of long term prediction of variations in groundwater resources and regimes due to human activity : proceedings of a symposium held during the first Scientific General Assembly of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) at Exeter, U.K., 19-30 July 1982 ...Groundwater quality management : GQM 93 : proceedings of an international conference held at Tallinn, Estonia, from 6 to 9 Setpember 1993Sediment and the environmentApplication of geographic information systems in hydrology and water resources management : proceedings of an international conference held in Vienna, Austria, from 19 to 22 April 1993. This conference was jointly organized by the International Commission on Groundwater of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) - as a contribution to subprogramme M-2-3 of UNESCO's IHP-IV, Universität für Bodenkultur, ViennaAdvances in HydrometryHydrological measurements, the water cycleFuture groundwater resources at risk : proceedings of an international conference (FGR 94) held at Helsinki, Finland, 13-16 June 1994Interdisciplinary perspectives on drinking water risk assessment and managementMan's influence on freshwater ecosystems and water useApplication of tracers in arid zone hydrology : proceedings of an international symposium held at Vienna, 22-26 August 1994. The symposium was organised by the International Committee on Tracers of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences and the Isotope Hydrology Section of the International Atomic Energy Agency, ViennaSediment and stream water quality in a changing environment : trends and explanation : proceedings of a symposium held during the XXth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at Vienna, 11-24 August 1991Soil water balance in the Sudano-Sahelian zoneHydrological, chemical and biological processes of transformation and transport of contaminants in aquatic environments : proceedings of the Hydrochemistry 1993, symposium held at Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 24-29 May 1993Calibration and reliability in groundwater modelling : from uncertainty to decision making : proceedings of the ModelCARE 2005 conference : held in The Hague, The Netherlands, 6-9 June, 2005Erosion and sediment yields in the changing environment : proceedings of an IAHS International Commission on Continental Erosion Symposium held at the Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS-Chengdu, China, 11-15 October 2012Snow and ice covers : interactions with the atmosphere and ecosystemsWastewater re-use and groundwater qualityTracer technologies for hydrological systemsDevelopments in the analysis of groundwater flow systemsKarst hydrology : proceedings of an international workshop (Workshop W2) held at Rabat during the Fifth Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) from 23 April to 3 May 1997Calibration and reliability in groundwater modelling : proceedings of the conference held at the Hague, the Netherlands, 3-6 September 1990Impacts of urban growth on surface water and groundwater quality : proceedings of an international symposium held during IUGG 99, the XXII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, at Birmingham, UK 18-30 July 1999Experiencias en el desarrollo y aplicacion de modelos matematicos en hidrologia y recursos hidraulicos en America Latina = Experiences in the development and application of mathematical models in hydrology and water resources in Latin AmericaConsequences of spatial variability in aquifer properties and data limitations for groundwater modelling practiceModelling snowmelt-induced processes : proceedings of a symposium held during the 2nd Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences at Budapest, Hungary, July 1986Interactions between the cryosphere, climate and greenhouse gases : proceedings of an international symposium held during IUGG 99, the XXII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, at Birmingham, UK, 18-30 July 1999FRIEND 2002 - Regional hydrology : bridging the gap between research and practiceForest hydrology and watershed managementGroundwater quality, remediation and protection (GQ'95)Estimation of areal evapotranspiration : proceedings of an international workshop held during XIXth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 9-22 August, 1987Hydrology of warm humid regions : proceedings of an international symposium held at Yokohama, Japan, 13-15 July 1993Bringing groundwater quality research to the watershed scaleThe basis of civilization - water science?Side effects of water resources managementMacroscale modelling of the hydrosphere : proceedings of the international symposium held at Yokohama, Japan, 21 July 1993Hydrology in the humid tropic environment = (La hidrología en el medio tropical húmedo) : proceedings of the international symposium "Hydrology in the Humid Tropic Environment" held at Kingston, Jamaica, 17-23 November 1996The structure, function and management implications of fluvial sedimentary systemsFrontiers in flood research : Le point de la recherche sur les cruesRelation of groundwater quantity and qualityHydrological processes and water management in urban areasHydrogeological processes in karst terranes : proceedings of the International Symposium and Field Seminar held at Antalya, Turkey, 7-17 October 1990Erosion, debris flows and environment in mountain regions : proceedings of the international symposium held at Chengdu, China, 5-9 July 1992Modelling and management of sustainable basin-scale water resource systemsGroundwater contaminationDestructive water : water-caused natural disasters, their abatement and controlErosion, transport and deposition processesHydrological extremes : understanding, predicting, mitigating : proceedings of an international symposium held during IUGG 99, the XXII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, at Birmingham, UK 18-30 July 1999Status and perspectives of hydrology in small basinsHydrogeology in the service of man : proceedings of a symposium organaized by the International Association of Hydrogeologists and held at Cambridge, UK, 8-13 September 1985Atomospheric depositionSoil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer schemes and large-scale hydrological models : proceedings of an international symposium (Symposium S5) held during the Sixth Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) at Maastricht, The Netherlands, from 18 to 27 July 2001Dynamics and biogeochemistry of river corridors and wetlandsApplication of geographic information systems in hydrology and water resources management : proceedings of the HydroGIS'96 conference held in Vienna, Austria, from 16 to 19 April 1996Artificial resevoirs : water and sloplesLarge sample basin experiments for hydrological model parameterization : results of the model parameter experiment - MOPEXSystems analysis for water resources management : closing the gap between theory and practiceSustainable water management solutions for large citiesLand subsidence : proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Land Subsidence held in Venice, Italy, 19-25 March 1984Glaciers-ocean-atmosphere interactions : proceedings of the international symposium held at St. Petersburg, 24-29 September 1990Tracers in hydrology : proceedings of an international symposium held at Yokohama, Japan, 21-23 July 1993Snow, hydrology and forests in high alpine areas : proceedings of an international symposium held during the XXth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at Vienna, 11-24 August 1991The hydrology-geomorphology interface : rainfall, floods, sedimentation, land use : a selection of papers presented at the Conference on Drainage Basin Dynamics and Morphology held in Jerusalem, Israel, in May 1999Regional hydrological impacts of climate change : hydroclimatic variabilityGeomorphological processes and human impacts in river basinsHydrological basis of ecologically sound management of soil and groundwater : proceedings of an international symposium held during the XXth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at Vienna, 11-24 August 1991Sustainabilty of groundwater resources and its indicatorsDebris-covered glaciersSnow cover and glacier variationsEffects of scale on interpretation and management of sediment and water qualityRegionalization in hydrology : proceedings of an international conference held at the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, 10-14 March 1997Extreme hydrological events : precipitation, floods and droughts : proceedings of the international symposium held at Yokohama, Japan, 20-23 July 1993Hydrological interactions between atmosphere, soil and vegetation : proceedings of an international symposium held during the XXth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at Vienna, 11-24 August 1991Tracers and modelling in hydrogeology : TraM'2000 : proceedings of TraM'2000, the International Conference on Tracers and Modelling in Hydrogeology held at Liège, Belgium, in May 2000Scales in hydrology and water management = Echelles en hydrologie et gestion de l'eauRegional management of water resourcesErosion prediction in ungauged basins : integrating methods and techniquesFRIEND : Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data : proceedings of an international conference held at the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, from 11 to 15 October 1993Integrated methods in catchment hydrology : tracer, remote sensing and new hydrometric techniques : proceedings of an international symposium held during IUGG 99, the XXII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, at Birmingham, UK 18-30 July 1999The physical basis of ice sheet modellingErosion and sediment yield : global and regional perspectivesAgricultural effects on ground and surface waters : research at the edge of science and societySustainable reservoir development and managementNorthern Research Basins water balanceNew directions for surface water modelingExchange processes at the land surface for a range of space and time scales : proceedings of an international symposium held at Yokohama, Japan, 13-16 July 1993Groundwater quality, remediation and protection : proceedings of the GQ'98 conference held in Tübingen, Germany, from 21 to 25 September 1998Remote sensing and hydrology 2000Karst hydrogeology and karst environment protection : proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, Guillin, China, 10-15 October, 1988Erosion and sediment transport measurement in rivers : technological and methodological advancesVariability in stream erosion and sediment transportModels for assessing and monitoring groundwater qualityThe influence of climate change and climatic variability on the hydrologic regime and water resources : proceedings of an international symposium held during XIXth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 9-22 August, 1987Hydrology for the water management of large river basins : proceedings of an international symposium held during the XXth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at Vienna, 11-24 August 1991Groundwater contamination risk assessment : a guide to understandig and managing uncertaintiesWater resources systems : hydrological risk, management and developmentHydrology of Mediterranean and semiarid regions : papers selected for the international conference on Hydrology of the Mediterranean and Semi-Arid Regions, held in Montpellier, France from 1 to 4 April 2003FRIEND'97 : regional hydrology : concepts and models for sustainable water resource managementImpact of human activity on groundwater dynamicsFRIENDS in hydrologyLand subsidence : proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Land Subsidence, held at Houston, Texas, 12-17 May 1991HydrochemistryAssessing and managing health risks from drinking water contamination : approaches and applications : proceedings of an international symposium held at Rome, Italy, 13-17 September 1994Human impact on erosion and sedimentation : proceedings of an international symposium (Symposium S6) held during the Fifth Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) at Rabat, Morocco, from 23 April to 3 May 1997Hydrology of mountainous areasGIS and remote sensing in hydrology, water resources and environmentAvalanche formation, movement and effectsIntegrated water resources managementSediment budgetsWater for the future : Hydrology in perspective /edited by J. C. Rodda & N. C. MatalasModelling soil erosion, sediment transport and closely related hydrological processes : proceedings of an International Symposium held at Vienna from 13 to 17 July 1998 ... organized by the International Commission on Continental Erosion of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences ...Groundwater monitoring and managementSnow and Glacier Hydrology : proceedings of an international symposium held at Kathmandu, Nepal, 16-21 November 1992Effects of waste disposal on groundwater and surface water : proceedings of a symposium held during the First Scientific General Assembly of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) at Exeter, UK, 19-30 July 1982. This symposium was organized by the IAHS International Commission on Water Quality with the support of UNESCOWater resources systems : water availability and global changeScientific procedures applied to the planning, design and management of water resources systems : proceedings of a symposium held during the XVIIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at Hamburg, FR Germany, August 1983Regional hydrological impacts of climate change : Impact assessment and decision makingRegional characterization of water qualityHydrological aspects of Alpine and high-mountain areas : proceedings of a symposium held during the First Scientific General Assembly of the International AssociationWater resources variability in Africa during the XXth century = (Variabilité des ressources en eau en Afrique au XXème siècle) : proceedings of the international conference "Water Resources Variability in Africa during the XXth century" held at Abidjan, 16-19 November, 1998Predictions in ungauged basins : international perspectives on the state of the art and pathways forwardHydro-ecology : linking hydrology and aquatic ecologyHydrology 2020 : an integrating science to meet world water challengesHydrological basis for water resources managementThe role of erosion and sediment transport in nutrient and contaminant transfer : proceedings of a symposium held at Waterloo, Ontario, Canada in July 2000 ... convened by the International Commission on Continental Erosion (ICCE) of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), and was a contribution to the International Hydrology Programme of UNESCO (IHP-V, project 2.1)Impact of land-use change on nutrient loads from diffuse sources : proceedings of an international symposium held during IUGG 99, the XXII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, at Birmingham, UK 18-30 July 1999Erosion and sediment transport monitoring programmes in river basins : proceedings of the international symposium held at Oslo, Norway, 24-28 August 1992Hydrology, water resources and ecology in headwatersChallenges in African hydrology and water resources : proceedings of the Harare Symposium, July 1984Hydrogeology in the service of man : proceedings of a symposium organaized by the International Association of Hydrogeologists and held at Cambridge, UK, 8-13 September 1985Cold regions hydrology in a changing climateHydrogeology in the service of man : proceedings of a symposium organaized by the International Association of Hydrogeologists and held at Cambridge, UK, 8-13 September 1985Hydrogeology in the service of man : proceedings of a symposium organaized by the International Association of Hydrogeologists and held at Cambridge, UK, 8-13 September 1985
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