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National Radiological Protection Board

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National Radiological Protection Board
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on sale through H.M.S.O.(London)1996.12(NRPB-R291)- : on sale through Stationery Office(London)

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Performance testing of UK personal dosimetry laboratories for external radiationsLeave the NDL website. Assessment of doses and risks posed to the bailiwick of guernsey by the nuclear industryLeave the NDL website. First analysis of the national registry for radiation workers : occupational exposure to ionising radiation and mortalityLeave the NDL website. The seventh report of a working group on atmospheric dispersion : The uncertainty in dispersion estimates obtained from the working group modelsLeave the NDL website. BIOS : a model to predict radionuclide transfer and doses to man following releases from geological repositories for radioactive wastesLeave the NDL website. Human health and exposure to electromagnetic radiationLeave the NDL website. Environmental radioactivity surveillance programme : results for 1988Leave the NDL website. Uncertainly analysis of the predicted consequences of nuclear accidents using the NRPB code MARC-2ALeave the NDL website. The metabolism of iodine in children and adultsLeave the NDL website. Corporate plan 1994/95 to 1998/99Leave the NDL website. Radiation doses to members of the public around AWRE, Aldermaston, ROF, Burghfield and AERE, HarwellLeave the NDL website. Review of decontamination and clean-up techniques for use in the UK follwing accidental releases of radioactivity to the environmentLeave the NDL website. NRPB/HSE workshop : follow-Up to professor Gardner's case-control study of leukaemia and lymphoma among young people near Sellafield Nuclear Plant in West Cumbria : held at NRPB, Chilton, on 9 May 1990Leave the NDL website. Ultraviolet radiation and blue-light emissions from spotlights incorporating tungsten halogen lampsLeave the NDL website. Atmospheric dispersion modelling liaison committee : Annual reportLeave the NDL website. Risks of leukaemia and other cancers in Seascale from all sources of ionising radiation exposureLeave the NDL website. Cellular and molecular effects of UVA and UVBLeave the NDL website. Ionising radiation exposure of the UK population : 1999 ReviewLeave the NDL website. EXPURT : a model for evaluating exposure from radioactive material deposited in the urban environmentLeave the NDL website. Procedures to relate the NII safety assessment principles for nuclear reactors to riskLeave the NDL website. The consequences of a reduction in the administratively applied maximum annual dose equivalent level for an individual in a group of occupationally exposed workersLeave the NDL website. Radon in dwellings in EnglandLeave the NDL website. A review of cases investigated : 1980Leave the NDL website. Measurement of total body radioactivity : the procedures used at the boardLeave the NDL website. The radiological consequences of degraded core accidents for the Sizewell PWR : the impact of adopting revised frequencies of occurrenceLeave the NDL website. Environmental radioactivity surveillance programme : results for UK for 1983Leave the NDL website. Review of occupational exposure to optical radiation and electric and magnetic fields with regard to the proposed CEC physical agents directiveLeave the NDL website. Exposure to radon daughters in dwellingsLeave the NDL website. Fallout in rainwater and airborne dust : levels in the UK during 1979Leave the NDL website. Dose limits for members of the publicLeave the NDL website. Radiation exposure of the UK population : 1988 reviewLeave the NDL website. Review of cases investigated, 1994-1996Leave the NDL website. Current levels of gonadal irradiation from a selection of routine diagnostic x-ray examinations in Great BritainLeave the NDL website. TRIF : A dynamic model for the transfer of tritium through the terrestrial foodchainLeave the NDL website. The effects of actinide separation on the radiological consequences of disposal of High-level radioactive waste on the ocean bedLeave the NDL website. The radiation exposure of the UK population from liquid effluents discharged from civil nuclear installations in the UK in 1978Leave the NDL website. Radiological consequences of food irradiationLeave the NDL website. Assessment of subseabed disposal of vitrified high level waste for the PAGIS projectLeave the NDL website. A review of cases investigated : 1984Leave the NDL website. Measurements of caesium-137 in residents of Seascale and its environsLeave the NDL website. Radiation exposure of the UK population : 1993 reviewLeave the NDL website. Corporate plan 1995/1996 to 1999/2000Leave the NDL website. The influence of including consequences beyond the UK boundary on the radiological impact of hypothetical accidental releasesLeave the NDL website. A review of cases investigated, 1986Leave the NDL website. The second report of a working group on atmospheric dispersion : a procedure to include deposition in the model for short and medium range atmospheric dispersion of radionuclidesLeave the NDL website. The fourth report of a working group on atmospheric dispersion : a model for long range atmospheric dispersion of radionuclides released over a short periodLeave the NDL website. Dosimetric aspectsLeave the NDL website. Environmental radioactivity surveillance programme : results for 1989Leave the NDL website. A national survey of doses to patients undergoing a selection of routine X-ray examinations in English hospitalsLeave the NDL website. Options for the management of foodstuffs contaminated as a result of a nuclear accidentLeave the NDL website. The Design and implementation of the DIRK system for dosemeter issue and record keepingLeave the NDL website. MARC : The NRPB methodology for assessing radiological consequences of accidental releases of activityLeave the NDL website. Protocol for a study of the health of UK participants in the UK atomospheric nuclear weapon testsLeave the NDL website. Assessment of intakes of radionuclides : a summary of investigations, 1975-1980Leave the NDL website. The third report of a working group on atmospheric dispersion : the estimation of long range dispersion and deposition of continuous releases of radionuclides to atmosphereLeave the NDL website. Environmental radioactivity surveillance programme : results for the UK for 1987Leave the NDL website. Radiological protection aspects of shallow land burial of PWR operating wastesLeave the NDL website. An assessment of the radiological impact of the Windscale reactor fire, October 1957Leave the NDL website. Occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields : practical application of NRPB guidanceLeave the NDL website. Dose-effect relationships for early response to total body irradiationLeave the NDL website. Condor 1 : a probabilistic consequence assessment code applicable to releases of radionuclides to the atmosphereLeave the NDL website. FARMLAND : a dynamic model for the transfer of radionuclides through terrestrial foodchainsLeave the NDL website. NRPB emergency data handbookLeave the NDL website. An assessment of the radiological consequences of releases from degraded core accidents for the Sizewell PWRLeave the NDL website. An assessment of the radiation exposure of members of the Public in West Cumbria as a result of the discharges from BNFL, SellafieldLeave the NDL website. Assessment of internal dose to subjects in the HSE follow-up to gardner studyLeave the NDL website. Collective dose to the European Community from nuclear industry effluents discharged in 1978Leave the NDL website. An assessment of the radiological protection aspects of shallow land burial of radioactive wastesLeave the NDL website. Radioactivity in milk and human diet : levels in the UK during 1979Leave the NDL website. Hazard assessment of work with ores containing elevated levels of natural radioactivityLeave the NDL website. Electromagnetic fields and cancer : a review of relevant cellular studiesLeave the NDL website. Investigations of iodine-129 in the natural environment : results and implicationsLeave the NDL website. Revised generalised derived limits for radioisotopes of strontium, iodine, caesium, plutonium, americium and curiumLeave the NDL website. The risks of leukaemia and other cancers in Thurso from radiation exposureLeave the NDL website. Assessment of the present and future implications of radioactive contamination of the Irish sea coastal region of CumbriaLeave the NDL website. Health effects models developed from the 1988 UNSCEAR reportLeave the NDL website. The NRPB nuclear emulsion dosemeterLeave the NDL website. A review of cases investigated, 1985Leave the NDL website. Aspects of examination frequency and quality assuranceLeave the NDL website. Mortality and cancer incidence in UK participants in UK atmospheric nuclear weapon tests and experimental programmesLeave the NDL website. A model to calculate exposure from radioactive discharges into the coastal waters of Northern EuropeLeave the NDL website. Speciation and foodchain availability of plutonium accidentally released from nuclear weaponsLeave the NDL website. Coal-fired power stations : the radiological impact of effluent discharges to atmosphereLeave the NDL website. Mortality and cancer incidence 1952-1990 in UK participants in the UK atmospheric nuclear weapon tests and experimental programmesLeave the NDL website. A review of cases investigated : 1983Leave the NDL website. NRPB etched-track detectors for area monitoring of radonLeave the NDL website. Doses from intaked of radionuclides by adults and young peopleLeave the NDL website. Type testing of the NRPB/AERE film badge dosemeter in terms of the ICRU secondary quantitiesLeave the NDL website. Potential incursion of marine sediment inhand in Northwest EnglandLeave the NDL website. Nuclear enterprises PDR3 dose rate meterLeave the NDL website. Statistical aspects of the interpretation of counting experiments designed to detect low levels of radioactivityLeave the NDL website. Radiation hazards to collectors of geological specimens containing natural radioactivityLeave the NDL website. The radiological impact of postulated accidental releases during the transportation of irradiated PWR fuel through greater LondonLeave the NDL website. Degraded core accidents for the Sizewell PWR : a sensitivity analysis of the radiological consequencesLeave the NDL website. Interim guidance on the implications of recent revisions of risk estimates and the ICRP 1987 Como statementLeave the NDL website. The radiological consequences of notional accidental releases of radioactivity from fast breeder reactors : the influence of the meteorological conditionsLeave the NDL website. A review of environmental radiation protection standardsLeave the NDL website. Protection against natural radiation : optimisation and decision exercisesLeave the NDL website. Verification and validation of NRPB models for calculating rates of radionuclide transfer through the environmentLeave the NDL website. Sources of exposure to radiofrequency and microwave radiations in the UKLeave the NDL website. Recommended soil-to-plant transfer factors for radiocaesium and radiostrontium for use in arable systemsLeave the NDL website. Teratological effects of exposure to 20 mT, 50 Hz magnetic fields in CD1 miceLeave the NDL website. The incidence and origin of radon and its decay products in buildingsLeave the NDL website. The risks of leukaemia and other cancers in Seascale from radiation exposureLeave the NDL website. Second analysis of the national registry for radiation workers : occupational exposure to ionising radiation and mortalityLeave the NDL website. Fallout in rainwater and airborne dust : levels in the UK during 1978Leave the NDL website. Factors affecting skin doses due to radon daughtersLeave the NDL website. ESCLOUD : a computer program to calculate the air concentration, deposition rate and external dose rate from a continuous discharge of radioactive material to atomosphereLeave the NDL website. A review of cases investigated, 1987Leave the NDL website. Organ doses from medical X-ray examinations calculated using Monte Carlo techniquesLeave the NDL website. Accidents and incidents involving the transport of radioactive materials in the UK, from 1958 to 1994, and their radiological consequencesLeave the NDL website. An assessment of the radiological consequences of disposal of intermediate level wastes in argillaceous rock formationsLeave the NDL website. A review of cases investigated : 1981Leave the NDL website. Options for the management of Chernobyl-restricted areas in England and WalesLeave the NDL website. Critical group doses around nuclear sites in England and WalesLeave the NDL website. The influence of countermeasures on the predicted consequences of degraded core accidents for the Sizewell PWRLeave the NDL website. The influence of season of the year on the predicted agricultural consequences of accidental releases of radionuclides to atmosphereLeave the NDL website. Radon in dwellings in Wales : atlas and 1998 ReviewLeave the NDL website. Normalised organ doses calculated using Monte Carlo techniquesLeave the NDL website. Natural radiation exposure in UK dwellingsLeave the NDL website. The choice of individual dose criterion at which to restrict agricultural produce following an unplanned release of radioactive material to atmosphereLeave the NDL website. Radiation exposure from the normal movement of irradiated fuel elements by road and rail from Magnox power stationsLeave the NDL website. Review of cases investigated, 1991-1993Leave the NDL website. The significance of small doses of radiation to members of the publicLeave the NDL website. Human exposure to radon decay products inside dwellings in the United Kingdom : a memorandum of evidence to the Royal Commission on Environmental PollutionLeave the NDL website. NRPB models for calculating the transfer of radionuclides through the environment : verification and validationLeave the NDL website. SPIDER-1 : software for evaluating the detriment associated with radiation exposureLeave the NDL website. The risk of childhood leukaemia near nuclear establishmentsLeave the NDL website. Animal and human responses to UVA and UVBLeave the NDL website. Calibration of photon personal dosemeters in terms of the ICRU operational quantities : calculations of phantom backscatter and depth-dose distributionsLeave the NDL website. Exposure to radon in UK dwellingsLeave the NDL website. Radionuclides in house dustLeave the NDL website. Comparison of the MARC and CRAC2 programs for assessing the radiological consequences of accidental releases of radioactive materialLeave the NDL website. Biological bases of the maximum permissible exposure levels of the UK laser standard BS 4803 : 1983Leave the NDL website. Cancer in the offspring of radiation workers : a record linkage studyLeave the NDL website. Emergency exposure levels for natural uraniumLeave the NDL website. The radiation exposure of the UK population from airborne effluents discharged from civil nuclear installations in the UK in 1978Leave the NDL website. Derived emergency reference levels for the introduction of countermeasures in the early to intermediate phases of emergencies involving the release of radioactive materials to atmosphereLeave the NDL website. Estimation of effective dose in diagnostic radiology from entrance surface dose and dose-area product measurementsLeave the NDL website. Radiation exposure from the normal transport of radioactive materials within the United Kingdom : 1991 reviewLeave the NDL website. Committed equivalent organ doses and committed effective doses from intakes of radionuclidesLeave the NDL website. Biological effects of exposure non-ionising electromagnetic fields and radiationLeave the NDL website. Comparison of data on agricultural countermeasures at four farms in the former Soviet UnionLeave the NDL website. The fifth report of a working group on atmospheric dispersion : models to allow for the effects of coastal sites, plume rise and buildings on dispersion of radionuclides and guidance on the value of desposition velocity and washout coefficientsLeave the NDL website. The development of models for the transfer of [137]Cs and [90]Sr in the pasture-cow-milk pathway using fallout dataLeave the NDL website. An assessment of the radiological consequences of disposal of high-level waste in coastal geologic formationsLeave the NDL website. Environmental radioactivity surveillance programme : results for the UK for 1980Leave the NDL website. Natural radiation and waste disposalLeave the NDL website. The data submitted by the United Kingdom to the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation for the 1977 report to the general assemblyLeave the NDL website. Doses to patients from medical x-ray examinations in the UK : 1995 ReviewLeave the NDL website. Committed doses to selected organs and committed effective doses from intakes of radionuclidesLeave the NDL website. Radon atlas of EnglandLeave the NDL website. Generalised derived limits for radioisotopes of rutheniumLeave the NDL website. Radiation doses to members of the population of ThursoLeave the NDL website. Calculation of the incidence of stochastic health effects in irradiated populationsLeave the NDL website. The radiological impact of routine discharges during 1970-1984 and estimated discharges up to 1989 from the UK civil nuclear power programmeLeave the NDL website. Evaluation of some hand-held instruments for measuring radioactive surface contaminationLeave the NDL website. Get uptake factors for plutonium, americium and curiumLeave the NDL website. A frequency survey of radiological examinations carried out in national health service hospitals in Great Britain in 1977 for diagnostic purposesLeave the NDL website. Estimates of radiation detriment in a UK populationLeave the NDL website. A procedures for estimating site-specific derived limits for the discharge of radioactive material to the atmosphereLeave the NDL website. Fallout in rainwater and airborne dust : levels in the UK during 1976/ G.J. Hunt, D.J. Elliot and B.M.R. GreenLeave the NDL website. Guidance as to restrictions on exposures to time varying electromagnetic fields and the 1988 recommendations of the international non-ionizing radiation committeeLeave the NDL website. Radiation exposure resulting from the normal transport of radioactive materials within the United KingdomLeave the NDL website. Radiological impact of routine discharges from UK civil nuclear sitesLeave the NDL website. The radiation exposure of the UK population : 1984 reviewLeave the NDL website. A methodology for the evaluation of the collective dose from radioactivity in terrestrial food chainsLeave the NDL website. Radon in dwellings in England : 1997 ReviewLeave the NDL website. Environmental radioactivity surveillance programme : results for 1990Leave the NDL website. Review of cases investigated, 1988-1990Leave the NDL website. The radiological impact on the greater London population of postulated accidental releases from the Sizewell PWRLeave the NDL website. Environmental radioactivity surveillance programme : results for the UK for 1981Leave the NDL website. COCO-1 : model for assessing the cost of offsite consequences of accidental releases of radioactivityLeave the NDL website. Summary and comparison of draft British laser standard on the radiation safety of semiconductor optical emitters with previously published laser codesLeave the NDL website. PC CREAM user group : report of the first meeting held at NRPB, Chilton, 3 and 4 December 1998Leave the NDL website. Protocol for the national registry for radiation workersLeave the NDL website. New radiation quantities recommended by ICRU for practical use in radiological protection : their implementation in the United KingdomLeave the NDL website. An evaluation of the eastman kodak type 2 filmLeave the NDL website. Differences in activity concentrations and doses between domestic and commercial food production in england and wales : implications for nuclear emergency responseLeave the NDL website. The development and operation of a method for the remote determination of x-ray beam parameters used in dental radiographyLeave the NDL website. Distribution of doses received in rural areas affected by the Chernobyl accidentLeave the NDL website. Summary of data held by the National Registry for Radiation WorkersLeave the NDL website. Gamma-radiation levels outdoors in Great BritainLeave the NDL website. Exempt concentrations and quantities for radionuclides not included in the european basic safety standards directiveLeave the NDL website. Optimisation of the radiological protection of the public : (A provisional framework for the application of cost-benefit analysis to normal operations)Leave the NDL website. The effects of actinide separation on the radiological consequences of geologic disposal of high-level wasteLeave the NDL website. Assessment of the potential radiological impact of residual contamination in the Maralinga and Emu areasLeave the NDL website. Advice on the protection of workers and members of the public from the possible hazards of electric and magnetic fields with frequencies below 300 GHz : a consultative documentLeave the NDL website. Environmental radioactivity surveillance programme : results for the UK for 1982Leave the NDL website. A review of cases investigated : 1979Leave the NDL website. A review of cases investigated : 1982Leave the NDL website. Coefficients for estimating effective doses from paediatric x-ray examinationsLeave the NDL website. Accidental releases of radionuclides : A preliminary study of the consequences of land contaminationLeave the NDL website. Quality assurance tests of the NRPB dental monitoring cassetteLeave the NDL website. Contributions by emissions from nuclear installations to concentration of radionuclides in milkLeave the NDL website. Evaluating future detriment from radioactive discharges : judgements and implications for optimisation of protectionLeave the NDL website. Type testing of the NRPB/AERE film badge dosemeter in terms of the new ICRU secondary quantitiesLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Performance testing of UK personal dosimetry laboratories for external radiations

  • Assessment of doses and risks posed to the bailiwick of guernsey by the nuclear industry

  • First analysis of the national registry for radiation workers : occupational exposure to ionising radiation and mortality

  • The seventh report of a working group on atmospheric dispersion : The uncertainty in dispersion estimates obtained from the working group models

  • BIOS : a model to predict radionuclide transfer and doses to man following releases from geological repositories for radioactive wastes

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Note (General)
on sale through H.M.S.O.(London)
1996.12(NRPB-R291)- : on sale through Stationery Office(London)
Related Material
Performance testing of UK personal dosimetry laboratories for external radiations
Assessment of doses and risks posed to the bailiwick of guernsey by the nuclear industry
First analysis of the national registry for radiation workers : occupational exposure to ionising radiation and mortality
The seventh report of a working group on atmospheric dispersion : The uncertainty in dispersion estimates obtained from the working group models
BIOS : a model to predict radionuclide transfer and doses to man following releases from geological repositories for radioactive wastes
Human health and exposure to electromagnetic radiation
Environmental radioactivity surveillance programme : results for 1988
Uncertainly analysis of the predicted consequences of nuclear accidents using the NRPB code MARC-2A
The metabolism of iodine in children and adults
Corporate plan 1994/95 to 1998/99
Radiation doses to members of the public around AWRE, Aldermaston, ROF, Burghfield and AERE, Harwell
Review of decontamination and clean-up techniques for use in the UK follwing accidental releases of radioactivity to the environment
NRPB/HSE workshop : follow-Up to professor Gardner's case-control study of leukaemia and lymphoma among young people near Sellafield Nuclear Plant in West Cumbria : held at NRPB, Chilton, on 9 May 1990
Ultraviolet radiation and blue-light emissions from spotlights incorporating tungsten halogen lamps
Atmospheric dispersion modelling liaison committee : Annual report
Risks of leukaemia and other cancers in Seascale from all sources of ionising radiation exposure
Cellular and molecular effects of UVA and UVB
Ionising radiation exposure of the UK population : 1999 Review
EXPURT : a model for evaluating exposure from radioactive material deposited in the urban environment
Procedures to relate the NII safety assessment principles for nuclear reactors to risk
The consequences of a reduction in the administratively applied maximum annual dose equivalent level for an individual in a group of occupationally exposed workers
Radon in dwellings in England
A review of cases investigated : 1980
Measurement of total body radioactivity : the procedures used at the board
The radiological consequences of degraded core accidents for the Sizewell PWR : the impact of adopting revised frequencies of occurrence
Environmental radioactivity surveillance programme : results for UK for 1983
Review of occupational exposure to optical radiation and electric and magnetic fields with regard to the proposed CEC physical agents directive
Exposure to radon daughters in dwellings
Fallout in rainwater and airborne dust : levels in the UK during 1979
Dose limits for members of the public
Radiation exposure of the UK population : 1988 review
Review of cases investigated, 1994-1996
Current levels of gonadal irradiation from a selection of routine diagnostic x-ray examinations in Great Britain
TRIF : A dynamic model for the transfer of tritium through the terrestrial foodchain
The effects of actinide separation on the radiological consequences of disposal of High-level radioactive waste on the ocean bed
The radiation exposure of the UK population from liquid effluents discharged from civil nuclear installations in the UK in 1978
Radiological consequences of food irradiation
Assessment of subseabed disposal of vitrified high level waste for the PAGIS project
A review of cases investigated : 1984
Measurements of caesium-137 in residents of Seascale and its environs
Radiation exposure of the UK population : 1993 review
Corporate plan 1995/1996 to 1999/2000
The influence of including consequences beyond the UK boundary on the radiological impact of hypothetical accidental releases
A review of cases investigated, 1986
The second report of a working group on atmospheric dispersion : a procedure to include deposition in the model for short and medium range atmospheric dispersion of radionuclides
The fourth report of a working group on atmospheric dispersion : a model for long range atmospheric dispersion of radionuclides released over a short period
Dosimetric aspects
Environmental radioactivity surveillance programme : results for 1989
A national survey of doses to patients undergoing a selection of routine X-ray examinations in English hospitals
Options for the management of foodstuffs contaminated as a result of a nuclear accident
The Design and implementation of the DIRK system for dosemeter issue and record keeping
MARC : The NRPB methodology for assessing radiological consequences of accidental releases of activity
Protocol for a study of the health of UK participants in the UK atomospheric nuclear weapon tests
Assessment of intakes of radionuclides : a summary of investigations, 1975-1980
The third report of a working group on atmospheric dispersion : the estimation of long range dispersion and deposition of continuous releases of radionuclides to atmosphere
Environmental radioactivity surveillance programme : results for the UK for 1987
Radiological protection aspects of shallow land burial of PWR operating wastes
An assessment of the radiological impact of the Windscale reactor fire, October 1957
Occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields : practical application of NRPB guidance
Dose-effect relationships for early response to total body irradiation
Condor 1 : a probabilistic consequence assessment code applicable to releases of radionuclides to the atmosphere
FARMLAND : a dynamic model for the transfer of radionuclides through terrestrial foodchains
NRPB emergency data handbook
An assessment of the radiological consequences of releases from degraded core accidents for the Sizewell PWR
An assessment of the radiation exposure of members of the Public in West Cumbria as a result of the discharges from BNFL, Sellafield
Assessment of internal dose to subjects in the HSE follow-up to gardner study
Collective dose to the European Community from nuclear industry effluents discharged in 1978
An assessment of the radiological protection aspects of shallow land burial of radioactive wastes
Radioactivity in milk and human diet : levels in the UK during 1979
Hazard assessment of work with ores containing elevated levels of natural radioactivity
Electromagnetic fields and cancer : a review of relevant cellular studies
Investigations of iodine-129 in the natural environment : results and implications
Revised generalised derived limits for radioisotopes of strontium, iodine, caesium, plutonium, americium and curium
The risks of leukaemia and other cancers in Thurso from radiation exposure
Assessment of the present and future implications of radioactive contamination of the Irish sea coastal region of Cumbria
Health effects models developed from the 1988 UNSCEAR report
The NRPB nuclear emulsion dosemeter
A review of cases investigated, 1985
Aspects of examination frequency and quality assurance
Mortality and cancer incidence in UK participants in UK atmospheric nuclear weapon tests and experimental programmes
A model to calculate exposure from radioactive discharges into the coastal waters of Northern Europe
Speciation and foodchain availability of plutonium accidentally released from nuclear weapons
Coal-fired power stations : the radiological impact of effluent discharges to atmosphere
Mortality and cancer incidence 1952-1990 in UK participants in the UK atmospheric nuclear weapon tests and experimental programmes
A review of cases investigated : 1983
NRPB etched-track detectors for area monitoring of radon
Doses from intaked of radionuclides by adults and young people
Type testing of the NRPB/AERE film badge dosemeter in terms of the ICRU secondary quantities
Potential incursion of marine sediment inhand in Northwest England
Nuclear enterprises PDR3 dose rate meter
Statistical aspects of the interpretation of counting experiments designed to detect low levels of radioactivity
Radiation hazards to collectors of geological specimens containing natural radioactivity
The radiological impact of postulated accidental releases during the transportation of irradiated PWR fuel through greater London
Degraded core accidents for the Sizewell PWR : a sensitivity analysis of the radiological consequences
Interim guidance on the implications of recent revisions of risk estimates and the ICRP 1987 Como statement
The radiological consequences of notional accidental releases of radioactivity from fast breeder reactors : the influence of the meteorological conditions
A review of environmental radiation protection standards
Protection against natural radiation : optimisation and decision exercises
Verification and validation of NRPB models for calculating rates of radionuclide transfer through the environment
Sources of exposure to radiofrequency and microwave radiations in the UK
Recommended soil-to-plant transfer factors for radiocaesium and radiostrontium for use in arable systems
Teratological effects of exposure to 20 mT, 50 Hz magnetic fields in CD1 mice
The incidence and origin of radon and its decay products in buildings
The risks of leukaemia and other cancers in Seascale from radiation exposure
Second analysis of the national registry for radiation workers : occupational exposure to ionising radiation and mortality
Fallout in rainwater and airborne dust : levels in the UK during 1978
Factors affecting skin doses due to radon daughters
ESCLOUD : a computer program to calculate the air concentration, deposition rate and external dose rate from a continuous discharge of radioactive material to atomosphere
A review of cases investigated, 1987
Organ doses from medical X-ray examinations calculated using Monte Carlo techniques
Accidents and incidents involving the transport of radioactive materials in the UK, from 1958 to 1994, and their radiological consequences
An assessment of the radiological consequences of disposal of intermediate level wastes in argillaceous rock formations
A review of cases investigated : 1981
Options for the management of Chernobyl-restricted areas in England and Wales
Critical group doses around nuclear sites in England and Wales
The influence of countermeasures on the predicted consequences of degraded core accidents for the Sizewell PWR
The influence of season of the year on the predicted agricultural consequences of accidental releases of radionuclides to atmosphere
Radon in dwellings in Wales : atlas and 1998 Review
Normalised organ doses calculated using Monte Carlo techniques
Natural radiation exposure in UK dwellings
The choice of individual dose criterion at which to restrict agricultural produce following an unplanned release of radioactive material to atmosphere
Radiation exposure from the normal movement of irradiated fuel elements by road and rail from Magnox power stations
Review of cases investigated, 1991-1993
The significance of small doses of radiation to members of the public
Human exposure to radon decay products inside dwellings in the United Kingdom : a memorandum of evidence to the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution
NRPB models for calculating the transfer of radionuclides through the environment : verification and validation
SPIDER-1 : software for evaluating the detriment associated with radiation exposure
The risk of childhood leukaemia near nuclear establishments
Animal and human responses to UVA and UVB
Calibration of photon personal dosemeters in terms of the ICRU operational quantities : calculations of phantom backscatter and depth-dose distributions
Exposure to radon in UK dwellings
Radionuclides in house dust
Comparison of the MARC and CRAC2 programs for assessing the radiological consequences of accidental releases of radioactive material
Biological bases of the maximum permissible exposure levels of the UK laser standard BS 4803 : 1983
Cancer in the offspring of radiation workers : a record linkage study
Emergency exposure levels for natural uranium
The radiation exposure of the UK population from airborne effluents discharged from civil nuclear installations in the UK in 1978
Derived emergency reference levels for the introduction of countermeasures in the early to intermediate phases of emergencies involving the release of radioactive materials to atmosphere
Estimation of effective dose in diagnostic radiology from entrance surface dose and dose-area product measurements
Radiation exposure from the normal transport of radioactive materials within the United Kingdom : 1991 review
Committed equivalent organ doses and committed effective doses from intakes of radionuclides
Biological effects of exposure non-ionising electromagnetic fields and radiation
Comparison of data on agricultural countermeasures at four farms in the former Soviet Union
The fifth report of a working group on atmospheric dispersion : models to allow for the effects of coastal sites, plume rise and buildings on dispersion of radionuclides and guidance on the value of desposition velocity and washout coefficients
The development of models for the transfer of [137]Cs and [90]Sr in the pasture-cow-milk pathway using fallout data
An assessment of the radiological consequences of disposal of high-level waste in coastal geologic formations
Environmental radioactivity surveillance programme : results for the UK for 1980
Natural radiation and waste disposal
The data submitted by the United Kingdom to the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation for the 1977 report to the general assembly
Doses to patients from medical x-ray examinations in the UK : 1995 Review
Committed doses to selected organs and committed effective doses from intakes of radionuclides
Radon atlas of England
Generalised derived limits for radioisotopes of ruthenium
Radiation doses to members of the population of Thurso
Calculation of the incidence of stochastic health effects in irradiated populations
The radiological impact of routine discharges during 1970-1984 and estimated discharges up to 1989 from the UK civil nuclear power programme
Evaluation of some hand-held instruments for measuring radioactive surface contamination
Get uptake factors for plutonium, americium and curium
A frequency survey of radiological examinations carried out in national health service hospitals in Great Britain in 1977 for diagnostic purposes
Estimates of radiation detriment in a UK population
A procedures for estimating site-specific derived limits for the discharge of radioactive material to the atmosphere
Fallout in rainwater and airborne dust : levels in the UK during 1976/ G.J. Hunt, D.J. Elliot and B.M.R. Green
Guidance as to restrictions on exposures to time varying electromagnetic fields and the 1988 recommendations of the international non-ionizing radiation committee
Radiation exposure resulting from the normal transport of radioactive materials within the United Kingdom
Radiological impact of routine discharges from UK civil nuclear sites
The radiation exposure of the UK population : 1984 review
A methodology for the evaluation of the collective dose from radioactivity in terrestrial food chains
Radon in dwellings in England : 1997 Review
Environmental radioactivity surveillance programme : results for 1990
Review of cases investigated, 1988-1990
The radiological impact on the greater London population of postulated accidental releases from the Sizewell PWR
Environmental radioactivity surveillance programme : results for the UK for 1981
COCO-1 : model for assessing the cost of offsite consequences of accidental releases of radioactivity
Summary and comparison of draft British laser standard on the radiation safety of semiconductor optical emitters with previously published laser codes
PC CREAM user group : report of the first meeting held at NRPB, Chilton, 3 and 4 December 1998
Protocol for the national registry for radiation workers
New radiation quantities recommended by ICRU for practical use in radiological protection : their implementation in the United Kingdom
An evaluation of the eastman kodak type 2 film
Differences in activity concentrations and doses between domestic and commercial food production in england and wales : implications for nuclear emergency response
The development and operation of a method for the remote determination of x-ray beam parameters used in dental radiography
Distribution of doses received in rural areas affected by the Chernobyl accident
Summary of data held by the National Registry for Radiation Workers
Gamma-radiation levels outdoors in Great Britain
Exempt concentrations and quantities for radionuclides not included in the european basic safety standards directive
Optimisation of the radiological protection of the public : (A provisional framework for the application of cost-benefit analysis to normal operations)
The effects of actinide separation on the radiological consequences of geologic disposal of high-level waste
Assessment of the potential radiological impact of residual contamination in the Maralinga and Emu areas
Advice on the protection of workers and members of the public from the possible hazards of electric and magnetic fields with frequencies below 300 GHz : a consultative document
Environmental radioactivity surveillance programme : results for the UK for 1982
A review of cases investigated : 1979
A review of cases investigated : 1982
Coefficients for estimating effective doses from paediatric x-ray examinations
Accidental releases of radionuclides : A preliminary study of the consequences of land contamination
Quality assurance tests of the NRPB dental monitoring cassette
Contributions by emissions from nuclear installations to concentration of radionuclides in milk
Evaluating future detriment from radioactive discharges : judgements and implications for optimisation of protection
Type testing of the NRPB/AERE film badge dosemeter in terms of the new ICRU secondary quantities