永田璞子 著文理閣1993.1<KH391-E393>
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(明)梅鼎祚纂辑 ; 田璞, 查洪徳校注中州古籍出版社1989.9
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- Author Heading梅, 鼎祚 田, 璞 查, 洪徳
(明)梅鼎祚纂辑 ; 田璞, 查洪徳校注.中州古籍出版社,1989.9.
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[明] 梅鼎祚撰辑 ; 田璞, 查洪徳 校注中州古籍出版社1988.4
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内田璞 [著]<UT51-44-B382>
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内田, 璞Kyoto University1968-01-23
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