edited by Susan Lonsdale, Adrian Webb, and Thomas L. BriggsCroom Helmc1980
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...rvices Council Syracuse University. School of Social Work
by Mary Lou Balassone, Thomas L. Briggs and Miriam Meltzer OlsonDivision of Continuing Education and Manpower Development, Syracuse University School of Social Work1981
Other Libraries in Japan
by Rosalie A. KaneDivision of Continuing Education and Manpower Development, Syracuse University School of Social Work1975
Other Libraries in Japan
by Thomas L. Briggs, Gerald M. Gross, Marion WijnbergDivision of Continuing Education and Manpower Development, Syracuse University School of Social Work1977
Other Libraries in Japan
[by] Donald Brieland, Thomas L Briggs, Paul LeuenbergerDivision of Continuing Education and Manpower Development, Syracuse University School of Social Work[1973]
Other Libraries in Japan
Syracuse University Press1969-
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Thomas CarlsenSyracuse University Press1969
Other Libraries in Japan