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STINNETT, R.W.// MCINTYRE, D.C.// BUCHHEIT, R.G.// GREENLY, J.B.// THOMPSON, M.O. (SANDIA NATIONAL LABS., ALBUQUERQUE, NM (UNITED STATES))Sandia National Laboratories(Sandia National Laboratories)1994.
Other Libraries in Japan
STINNETT, R.W.// MCINTYRE, D.C.// BUCHHEIT, R.G.// NEAU, E.L.// GREENLY, J.B.// THOMPSON, M.O.// JOHNSTON, G.P.// REJ, D.J. (SANDIA NATIONAL LAB., ALBUQUERQUE, NM (UNITED STATES))Sandia National Laboratories(Sandia National Laboratories)1994.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading... GREENLY, J.B. THOMPSON, M.O. JOHNSTON, G.P. REJ, D.J.
Peercy, P.S., Thompson, M.O., Tsao, J.Y.Sandia National Labs., Cornell Univ., Dept. of Materials Science1986.12.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingPeercy, P.S. Thompson, M.O. Tsao, J.Y.
Stiffler, S.R., Thompson, M.O., Peercy, P.S.Sandia National Lab. Cornell Univ., Dept. of Materials Science1987.1.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingStiffler, S.R. Thompson, M.O. Peercy, P.S.
Peercy, P.S., Thompson, M.O.Sandia National Labs., Cornell Univ.1986.01.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingPeercy, P.S. Thompson, M.O.
THOMPSON, M.O.(et al.)Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. (USA)(Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. (USA))1985.
Other Libraries in Japan
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THOMPSON, M.O.(et al.)Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. (USA)(Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. (USA))1985.
Other Libraries in Japan
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THOMPSON, M.O.(et al.)Sandia National Laboratories(Sandia National Laboratories)1984.
Other Libraries in Japan
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Tsao, J.Y., Aziz, M.J., Peercy, P.S. [et al.]Sandia National Labs., Harvard Univ., Cornell Univ.1987.1.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingTsao, J.Y. Aziz, M.J. Peercy, P.S. Thompson, M.O.
Poate, J.M., Peercy, P.S., Thompson, M.O.Bell Labs., Sandia National Labs., Cornell Univ.1985.01.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingPoate, J.M. Peercy, P.S. Thompson, M.O.
Other Libraries in Japan
Tsao, J.Y., Aziz, M.J., Peercy, P.S. [et al.)]Sandia National Labs., Harvard Univ., Div. of Applied Sciences; Cornell Univ., Dept. of Materials Science1986.01.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingTsao, J.Y. Aziz, M.J. Peercy, P.S. Thompson, M.O.