Clark University1990.<M17-99-0196>
National Diet Library
- Author Heading...Analysis (SRA) United Nations University (UNU)
National Diet Library
- Author Heading...atique (INRIA) United Nations University (UNU) . International Institute of ...
IEEE, Computer Society Press1997.<M17-98-1659>
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingCroucher Foundation. United Nations University (UNU) . International Institute of ...
organized by National Food Research Institute (NFRI), supported by the United Nations University (UNU)The Institute[1982?]<M15-A8350>
National Diet Library
co-sponsors, Independent Commission on International Humanitarian Issues (ICIHI) , United Nations University (UNU) , National Institute for Research Advancement (NIRA)NIRAc1986<DA3-A9>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
edited by Ryokichi Hirono ; jointly organised by Committee to Aid Democracy for Peace Building (ADP Committee), United Nations University (UNU), UNU-Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), Japan Committee for UNICEF, and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)ADP Committeec2004
Other Libraries in Japan
co-sponsored by the United Nations University (UNU) ... [et al.] ; edited by K.T. AchayaUnited Nations Universityc1984
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by David F. Nygaard, Peter L. Pellett ; sponsored by the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) and the United Nations University (UNU)Pergamon Pressc1986
Other Libraries in Japan
editied by K. Meguro and H.C. Shah ; organized by World Seismic Safety Initiative (WSSI), an undertaking of the International Association of Earthquake Engineering (IAEE), the Workshop is co-sponsored and financially supported by the United Nations University (UNU), the International Center For Disaster-Mitigation Engineering (INCEDE)INCEDE, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo[1999]
Other Libraries in Japan
The United Nations University,c1984.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Contributorco-sponsored by the United Nations University (UNU) ... [et al.] ; edited by K.T....