by Dick King-Smith, illustrated by Jez Alborough.Puffin books1989.<Y8-B12948>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
by Dick King-SmithPearson Education2001
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Headingby Dick King-Smith series editor, Melanie Willia...
written by Dick King-Smith ; illustrated by Arthur RobinsWalker Books2012, c2001
Other Libraries in Japan
written by Dick King-Smith ; illustrated by Anita JeramWalker2009
Other Libraries in Japan
[edited by Mark Warner ; based on the book "the water horse" by Dick King-Smith ; screenplay by Robert Nelson Jacobs ; directed by Jay Russell]ソニー・ピクチャーズエンタテインメント [distributor]c2008
Other Libraries in Japan
Adapted from the novelization by JUSTINE KORMAN, and RON FONTES, Based on the motion picture screenplay written by GEORGE MILLER, JUDY MORRIS, MARK LAMPRELL, based on characters by DICK KING-SMITH, Retold by John Escott, Series Editors:Andy Hopkins, and Jocelyn PotterPearson Education2008
Other Libraries in Japan
by Dick King-Smith ; illustrated by Mike TerryPuffin Books1998, c1996
Other Libraries in Japan
written by Dick King-Smith ; illustrated by Anita JeramWalker1999
Other Libraries in Japan
written by Dick King-Smith ; ill. by David ParkinsWalkerc1999
Other Libraries in Japan
byDickKing-Smithillustratedby ; MikeTerryPuffin Books,1999.
Other Libraries in Japan
written by Dick King-Smith, illustrated by Mary Rayner.Crown Publishers, Inc.1985.<Y8-B16782>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
by Dick King-Smith ; ill. by David ParkinsWalker1997, c1995
Other Libraries in Japan
adapted from the novelization by Justine Korman and Ron Fontes ; based on the motion picture screenplay written by George Miller, Judy Morris, Mark Lamprell ; based on characters by Dick King-Smith ; retold by John EscottPearson Education2008, c1999
Other Libraries in Japan
adapted from the novelization by Justine Korman and Ron Fontes ; based on the motion picture screenplay written by George Miller, Judy Morris, Mark Lamprell ; based on characters by Dick King-Smith ; retold by John EscottPearson Education2008, c1999
Other Libraries in Japan
by Shana Corey ; illustrated by Jan Gerardi ; based on the character Babe created by Dick King-SmithRandom Housec1999
Other Libraries in Japan
by Kenny LaFreniere ; illustrated by Fred Marvin ; based on the character Babe created by Dick King-SmithRandom Housec1999
Other Libraries in Japan
adapted by Neil Morris ; from the junior novelization by Justine Korman and Ron Fontes ; based on the motion picture screenplay written by George Miller, Judy Morris, Mark Lamprell ; based on charactes created by Dick King-SmithPuffin1998
Other Libraries in Japan
byDickKing-SmithPuffin Books1986.
Other Libraries in Japan
by Dick King-Smith ; illustrated by Jez AlboroughPuffin1989
Other Libraries in Japan
adapted by Justine Korman and Ron Fontes ; based on the motion picture screenplay written by George Miller, Judy Morris, Mark Lamprell ; based on characters created by Dick King-SmithPuffin Books1998
Other Libraries in Japan