Johann Wolfgang von Goethe : translated by Randall JarrellPenguin Books2001
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atalefromtheBrothersGrimm ; atalefromtheBrothersGrimm ; translatedbyRandallJarrell ; picturesbyMargotZemachFarrar, Straus and Girouxc1980
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- Author Headinga, tale, from, the, Brothers, Grimm translated, by, Randall, Jarrell pictures, by, Margot, Zemach
atalefromtheBrothersGrimm ; atalefromtheBrothersGrimm ; translatedbyRandallJarrell ; picturesbyNancyEkholmBurkertFarrar, Straus and Girouxc1972
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- Author Heading...rothers, Grimm translated, by, Randall, Jarrell pictures, by, Nancy, Ekholm, ...
a tale from the Brothers Grimm ; translated by Randall Jarrell ; pictures by Nancy Ekholm BurkertFarrar, Straus and Giroux1987, c1972
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translated by Randall Jarrell ; pictures by Margot ZemachFarrar, Straus, Giroux1980
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an English translation by Randall JarrellFarrar, Straus & Girouxc1976
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translated by Randall Jarrell ; pictures by Nancy Ekholm BurkertKestrel Books1974
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selected by Lore Segal and Maurice Sendak ; translated by Lore Segal, with four tales translated by Randall Jarrell ; pictures by Maurice SendakFarrar, Straus and Giroux1976, c1973
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a tale from the Brothers Grimm ; translated by Randall Jarrell ; pictures by Nancy Ekholm BurkertFarrar, Straus, and Giroux[1972]
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selected by Lore Segal and Maurice Sendak ; translated by Lore Segal, with four tales translated by Randall Jarrell ; pictures by Maurice SendakBodley Head1974
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selected by Lore Segal and Maurice Sendak ; translated by Lore Segal, with four tales translated by Randall Jarrell ; pictures by Maurice SendakFarrar, Straus and Giroux1973
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The Bodley Head,1977, c1973.
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- Contributor...ith four tales translated by Randall Jarrell. Pictures by Maurice Sendak.