University of Chicago Press[1972]<DA73-84>
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...ays, lectures. Economic assistance -- Addresses, essays, lectures.
Published for the World Bank by the Johns Hopkins University Press[1975]<DE61-A4>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading... (地理区分) 発展途上国. Economic assistance -- Addresses, essays, lectures. Agriculture -- Economic aspec...
edited by Jagdish Bhagwati and Richard S. EckausPenguin1970
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Satish Raichur, Craig LiskeSage Publications1976
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Ronald RobinsonCambridge University Overseas Studies Committee[1969]
Other Libraries in Japan
by Steve Weissman and members of Pacific Studies Center and the North American Congress on Latin AmericaRamparts Press[1974]
Other Libraries in Japan
with a pref. by Robert S. McNamaraPublished for the World Bank by the Johns Hopkins University Pressc1975
Other Libraries in Japan
Edited and with an introd. by David WallUniversity of Chicago Press1972
Other Libraries in Japan
by Julius K. Nyerere, President of the United Republic of TanzaniaPrinted by the Government Printer1970?]
Other Libraries in Japan
by Albert O. HirschmanYale University Press1971
Other Libraries in Japan
herausgegeben von der Deutsch Gesellschaft für BetriebswirtschaftDeutsch Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft1962
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Richard SymondsHarper & Row1970
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Richard SymondsFaber1970
Other Libraries in Japan