Search results 23
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingPress -- Latin America. Press -- Congresses. Cuba.
- Author HeadingCongreso de la prensa latina (7th : 1928 : Havana) Battemberg, Domingo...
- Publication Date (W3CDTF)1928
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingMatanzas -- Cuba (Province) -- History. Cuba -- History -- 1810-1899. Cuba -- Bibliography.
- Note (General)At head of title: Academia de la historia de Cuba.
- Author HeadingTrelles y Govín, Carlos Manuel, 1866- Academia de la historia de Cuba.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingPí y Margall, Francisco, 1824-1901. Cuba -- History -- Revolution, 189...
- Note (General)At head of title: Academia de la Historia de Cuba.
- Author HeadingDihigo, Juan M. (Juan Miguel) , 1866-1952. Academia de la historia de Cuba, Havana.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingInternational American Conference
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative Title...première conférence internationa......'immigration" tenue à Rome en 1924 travaux :......deuxième conférence internationa......ion" qui sera tenue a la Havane (Cuba) en 1928
- Alternative Title...première conférence internationa......'immigration" tenue à Rome en 1924 travaux :......deuxième conférence internationa......ion" qui sera tenue a la Havane (Cuba) en 1928
- Publication Date (W3CDTF)1928
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe biographic register General ; The Brit......gram of management reform for the Department of State Amer......n republics : Central and South ......s public statements and related documents on the Arab-......ommittee on Scientific Cooperati......national agreements of the Unite......national agreements of the the development of economical......t by the President to the Congre......t to the President of the United......: Western and Central Europe Wes......tional development : a program f......ade of devolopment A report on t......trol of atomic energy America's ......ultural experiment in China, 1942-1949 North Ko...
- Alternative TitleUnited States Department of State publ......on U.S. Department of State Publ...... of the Department of State
- Alternative TitleUnited States Department of State publ......on U.S. Department of State Publ...... of the Department of State
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...Tratados y convenciones suscritos en la Quinta Conferencia Internacion......nos : suscrita en la Novena Conferencia Internacion......national Conference of American ...... na Nona Conferência Internacion......Neuvième Conférence internationa......Tratados y convenciones suscritos en la segunda Conferencia internacion......e 1901 - 31 de enero de 1902 Convención interameri......Tratados y convenciones suscritos en la tercera Conferencia internacion......Tratados y convenciones suscritos en la curta Conferencia internacion...... americana Convención interameri......recho de autor en obras literari......Tratados y convenciones suscritos en la sexta C...
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Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...onaux Le monde enchanté : de la valeur à l'envol inflationni......s de développement Économie et paysanne en U.R.S.S. (1921-1928) : le problème......e socialisée à Cuba : enseignements et perspecti......sous-développement, impérialisme...... du socialisme en Chine Travail ...... la croissance en économie ouver......ion socialiste en Chine L'économ......s de développement Mobilité du t...... irrationalité en économie
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialDocuments and notes on......h special reference to the Organ...... States = Documentos y notas sob......des : con referencia especial a ......Tratados y convenciones suscritos en la Quinta Conferencia Internacion......nos : suscrita en la Novena Conferencia Internacion......national Conference of American ...... na Nona Conferência Internacion......Neuvième Conférence internationa......Tratados y convenciones suscritos en la segunda Conferencia internacion......e 1901 - 31 de enero de 1902 Convención interameri......Economic agreement of Bogotá : s......national Conference of American ......Tratados y convenciones suscritos en la tercera...
Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialConvenio económico de......otá : suscrito en la Novena Conferencia Internacion......Economic agreement of Bogotá, si......national Conference of American ......e Protocolo de enmienda a la Convencion sobre el I......americano de Ciencias Agricolas Tratados y convenciones interame......Tratados y convenciones interame...... Protocol of amendment to the Convention on the Int......gricultural Sciences, opened for 1, 1958 Convenio constitutivo......national Conference of American ......eaties and conventions on indust...... States : as amended by the Protocol of Amendment to the Charte......"Protocol of Buenos Aires", signed on February ...
- Author HeadingOrganization of American States. General Legal Division Pan Americ...
- Author Heading (ID)...hor/DA08697615#entity https://ci......hor/DA10161833#entity https://ci......hor/DA04769441#entity
Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Documents for 1907/190......y the Carnegie Endowment for Internati......nal Peace Documents for the year 1940, nos. 356...
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- Author Heading...ation Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Div...
Other Libraries in Japan
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- Author Heading (ID)...hor/DA01635824#entity
Other Libraries in Japan
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