[editors, Huigen Leeflang and Pieter Roelofs]Rijksmuseumc2016-c2017
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tekst, Mireille Cornelis, Eddy de Jongh en Leonore van Sloten ; redactie, Leonore van Sloten, Eddy de JonghW Booksc2016
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[authors, Mireille Cornelis, Eddy de Jongh and Leonore van Sloten ; editors, Leonore van Sloten, Eddy de Jongh ; translation, Lynne Richards, Philip Clarke]W Booksc2016
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John Rowlands ; [aus dem Englischen von Paula Keutner]Prestelc1980
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by John RowlandsGeorge Braziller1979
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by John RowlandsScolar Press1979
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E. Haverkamp Begemann ; with an introd. by K. G. Boon ; and a supplement, Johannes Ruischer / by E. TrautscholdtScheltema & Holkemac1973
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