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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Christian doctrine of justification is of immense ......eologians and continues to be of......enical discussions. The present ......its first edition in 1986, and r......reference work on the subject. I......ground of the concept in the anc......rough examination of the doctrine of the medieva......en fourth edition thoroughly upd...... the work, responding to the lat......ource for all concerned with the......development of Christian doctrine, the history of the Reformation debates on the identity of Christianity, and modern discussions between Prote......ture of salvation"--
- ContentsPart I. Justification: the emergence of a concept The Hebraic context: semantic ......spects of the concept of justification Paul and the shaping of the Christian tradition The fountainhe......dle Ages: the consolidation of the doctrine The nature of justification The of God The concept of grace appropriation of justification Justification and the two of God The concept of merit Justification and the sacram......: the Reformation debates on justification Is there a ‘Reformation’ doctrine of justification? Luther’s earl...... to justification Justification in Lutheranism, 1516-1580 Ref...
- Subject HeadingJustification (Christian theology)--History of doctrines Justification (Christian theology)--History of doctrines.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...iphanius Panarion 64 / J. Rebecc......ublic disputation in late antiqu......chard Lim The conversations with the Syri......lims in Syriac Christian texts : from the Muslim-Christian dialogue of th......itical reflections on Ibn Taymiyyah's response to Christianity / Nancy N. ......erts Part 3. Iconoclasm. A dark-......pects of the iconoclastic controversy / Pete......n Texts as weapons : polemic in ...... / Averil Cameron Part 4. Anti-L......antine perceptions of Latin some 'question and answer' collections of the fifth-...... / Gilbert Dagron The first Christians Summa in Arabic : Christian kalām in ninth-century pales...
- Subject HeadingChristianity--Middle East. Eastern chur...
- Note (General)Collection of papers by various authors,...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...Adams International treaties and......patent law harmonization : today and beyond / Tomoko for innovations and entrepren......teral cooperation evolving into ......lobal cooperation / Shinjiro Ono Patenting sof......related inventions in Europe / Stefan Schohe, Christian Appelt, and He......tenting inventions in medical sc......itten description requirement : ...... Holman Claim construction under U.S. and......and the invention disclosed in the specification / Toshiko Take......patent protection for spare part......and its extension through other ...... in a global economy / Rochelle ......Patent litigation reform in the United States /...
- Subject HeadingPatent laws and legislation--United States......s and legislation--Japan. Patent......s and legislation--Europe.
- Note (General)...tly updated second edition of the Research Handbook on Patent Law and......patent protection in three major jurisdictions: the United States, Europe a...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ects (Ian Cameron) The margin of appreciation doctrine : a Letsas) No longer offering fi......lip Leach) National implementation of ECHR rights......he European Union ratify the European Convention for Human Righ......? some remarks on the relations between the E...... of Justice (Leonard F.M. Bessel......the United Nations (Christian Tomuschat) Conclusions (Andreas Follesdal, Birgit P...
- Title HeadingStudies on human rights conventions.
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe definition of responsibility in International law / Alain ......em of International responsibility James ......Primary and secondary rules / Er......the law of responsibility throug......trick Daillier Doctrines of state responsibility / Mart......vate codification efforts / Luci......ier The Hague conference of 1930...... García Amador on state responsibility for in......ILC's articles on state responsibility for internationally wrongful acts and r......for injurious consequences of ac......ed by international law / Alan B......The law of responsibility and th...... Verhoeven Responsibility and the United Nations charter / Vera Gowlland-Debb...
- Subject HeadingGovernment liability (International law)
- Author HeadingCrawford, James, 1948- Pellet, Alain Olleson, Simon. Parlett, Kate.
National Diet Library
- ContentsReligion and the presid......George Washington / by Daniel L.......effry H. Morrison Religious writ......George Washington. Excerpts of t......plains to the Continental Army, ......f the gospel among the heathen, ...... Day proclamation, October 3, the Hebrew congregations of Newport, R......, 1790 Excerpt on religion and morality f......George Washington's farewell add...... Excerpt of second proclamation of thanksgivin...... 3, 1797 Religion and the presid...... Thomas Jefferson / by Thomas E....... Thomas Jefferson. The Virginia ......ptist Association, January 1, 18......e merit of the doctrines of Jesus compared with those...
- Subject HeadingPresidents -- United States -- Religion.
- Author HeadingEspinosa, Gastón.
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingAugustine, 354-430 Robertson, D. W. (Durant Waite) , 1914-
National Diet Library
- Contents...ews' burlesque on the Second Coming of Chr...... Real cooperation of the churche......orld church union--is it of God Progressive Christianity / Harry Emerson Fosdick The st...... : an examination of Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick's "now famous sermon" on progressive Christianity / James M. ......? / Harry Emerson Fosdick The deadline of doctrine around the chu......s / Harry Emerson Fosdick The au......Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick's sermon entitled "The Peril of worshi...
- Subject Heading...undamentalist controversy. Millennialism.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingJustification (Christian theology) Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification Ebeling, Gerha......hurch -- Relations -- Catholic C......hurch -- Relations -- Lutheran Church
- Subject Heading (ID)Justification (Christian theology) Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification Ebeling, Gerha......hurch -- Relations -- Catholic C......hurch -- Relations -- Lutheran Church
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingSin, Original -- History of doctrines
- Subject Heading (ID)Sin, Original -- History of doctrines
- Related MaterialChallenges in contemporary theology
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...dist Church -- Doctrines Theology, Doc......dist Church -- Doctrines -- History -- 18th century
- Subject Heading (ID)...dist Church -- Doctrines Theology, Doc......dist Church -- Doctrines -- History -- 18th century
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingEvolution Religion and science Sermons, American
- Subject Heading (ID)Evolution Religion and science Sermons, American
- Note (General)"This digitally printed version 2009"--T.p. ve......d. published: London : J. Clarke, 1885
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...ishop of Hippo Christian saints -- Alge......Biography Kingdon of God Apologetics -- Early c...
- Subject Heading (ID)...ishop of Hippo Christian saints -- Alge......Biography Kingdon of God Apologetics -- Early c...
- Alternative TitleConfessions City of God On Christian doctrine Augustine Great books
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading... of Hippo. Sermones ad populum G...... -- History of doctrines -- Early chur...... feasts -- Sermons Church year sermons Donatists Church history -- Primi...
- Subject Heading (ID)... of Hippo. Sermones ad populum G...... -- History of doctrines -- Early chur...... feasts -- Sermons Church year sermons Donatists Church history -- Primi...
- Related MaterialStudies in the history of Christian thought
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)"Numerically coded to Strong's Exhaustive concordance" Includes indexes
- Alternative TitleGirdlestone's synonyms of the Old Testament : their bearing on Christian doctrine
- Alternative TitleGirdlestone's synonyms of the Old Testament : their bearing on Christian doctrine
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading... 1596-1650 -- Contributions in concept of the min...... 1596-1650 -- Contributions in philosophy...... -- History of doctrines -- 17th centu...... -- History of doctrines -- 17th century Catholic Chu...
- Subject Heading (ID)... 1596-1650 -- Contributions in concept of the min...... 1596-1650 -- Contributions in philosophy...... -- History of doctrines -- 17th centu...... -- History of doctrines -- 17th century Catholic Chu...
- Note (General)Based on events celebra......ed by special conferences and publications of René Descartes Includes b...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingTheology, Doctrinal Lutheran Church -- Doctrines
- Subject Heading (ID)Theology, Doctrinal Lutheran Church -- Doctrines
- Author HeadingMelanchthon, Philipp Manschreck, Clyde Leonard Engelland, Hans
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading... 1596-1650 -- Contributions in concept of the min...... 1596-1650 -- Contributions in philosophy...... -- History of doctrines -- 17th centu...... -- History of doctrines -- 17th century Catholic Chu...
- Subject Heading (ID)... 1596-1650 -- Contributions in concept of the min...... 1596-1650 -- Contributions in philosophy...... -- History of doctrines -- 17th centu...... -- History of doctrines -- 17th century Catholic Chu...
- Related MaterialArchives internationales d'histoire des idées = International archives of the history of ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)"This is a reproduction of the second edition, which appeared in 1897"--t.p...
- Author HeadingGirdlestone, Robert Baker