Clarendon Press1972.<KP72-16>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
by Marcus Wheeler ; general editor, B. O. Unbegaun, with the assistance of D. P. Costello and W. F. RyanClarendon1992
Other Libraries in Japan
by Marcus Wheeler ; general editor, B.O. Unbegaun ; with the assistance of D.P. Costello and W.F. RyanClarendon Press1990, c1984
Other Libraries in Japan
MarcusWheeler ; B.O.UnbegaumOxford Univ.Press1984
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe Oxford Russian-English Dictionary
by Marcus Wheeler ; general editor, B.O. Unbegaun ; with the assistance of D.P. Costello and W.F. RyanClarendon Press1984
Other Libraries in Japan
Clarendon Press1984
Other Libraries in Japan
сост. Маркус Уилер = by Marcus WheelerБаркалая и К゚1994
Other Libraries in Japan
MarcusWheelerClarendon Press1978
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe Oxford Russian-English dictionary
Oxford University Press,1986.
Other Libraries in Japan
Wheeler, MarcusClarendon Press1972年
Other Libraries in Japan
Marcus Wheelerby, B.O.Unbegaungeneral ed.Oxford Universi1972.0
Other Libraries in Japan
WHEELER MARCUS.Oxford at the Claren1972.
Other Libraries in Japan
by Marcus Wheeler ; general editor, B.O. Unbegaun, with the assistance of D.P. Costello and W.F. RyanOxford University Press1972
Other Libraries in Japan
by Marcus Wheeler ; general editor, B.O. Unbegaun ; with the assistance of D.P. Costello and W.F. RyanClarendon Press1972
Other Libraries in Japan
Marcus WheelerOxfordUniv.Press1972
Other Libraries in Japan