Search results 32
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Reprint of the 1941 ed., Garden City "The Burwash edition of the complete works in prose and verse of Rudyard Kipling"
- Related MaterialThe collected works of Rudyard Ki...
- Periodical TitleThe collected works of Rudyard Ki...
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingShort stories in English, 1837-1900 - Texts Children's stories in English, 1837-1900 - Texts
- Subject Heading (ID)Short stories in English, 1837-1900 - Texts Children's stories in English, 1837-1900 - Texts
National Diet Library
- ContentsI. Plain tales from the hills II. Soldiers three. The story of the Gadsbys. In black and white III. Under the deodars. The phantom 'rickshaw. Wee Willie IV. Life's handicap V. Many inventions VI. The day's work VII. Traffics and discoveries VIII. Actions and reactions. IX.......ures X. Debits and credits XI. Limits and renewals XII. The jungle books XIII. Just so stories XIV. Puck of P......l. XV. Rewards and fairies. XVI. Land and sea tales and "Thy servant & co XVIII. The light that failed XIX. The naulahka XX. C......rom sea to sea and other sketches XXIV....... from speeches and addresses delivered between 1...
- Note (General)"Five hundred and twenty-five copies, signed and numbered, of which 500 are fo...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe collected works of Rudyard Ki...
- Periodical TitleThe collected works of Rudyard Ki...
- Alternative TitleWee Willie Winkie and other stories
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe writings in prose and verse of Rudyard Kipling
- Periodical TitleThe writings in prose and verse of Rudyard Kipling
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Half-title: The Burwash edition of the complete works in prose and verse of Rudyard Kipling
- Related MaterialThe light that failed ; The Naulahka The jungle books Stalky & Co. ; Land and sea tales Debits and credits ; Actions and reactions A di......y of creatures The Irish Guards in the Great War : edited and compiled from their Diaries and papers Limits and renewals ; "Th...... prose Just so stories Songs from books and Later songs from books The seven seas ; The five nations ; The years between ......mental ditties and Barrack-room ballads The war ; A fleet ......Winkie ; Under the deodars ; The phantom 'rickshaw, and other stories A book of word......ain tales from the hills Puck of ......Hill ; Rewards and fairies Many inventions Soldi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)"The dominions edition"
- Related MaterialThe Bombay edition of the works of Rudyard Kipling
- Periodical TitleThe Bombay edition of the works of Rudyard Kipling
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe writings in prose and verse of Rudyard Kipling
- Periodical TitleThe writings in prose and verse of Rudyard Kipling
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe writings in prose and verse of Rudyard Kipling
- Periodical TitleThe writings in prose and verse of Rudyard Kipling
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingShort stories in English, 1837-1900 -- Texts Children's stories in English, 1837-1900 -- Text...
- Subject Heading (ID)Short stories in English, 1837-1900 -- Texts Children's stories in English, 1837-1900 -- Text...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingShort stories in English, 1837-1900 -- Texts Children's stories in English, 1837-1900 -- Text...
- Subject Heading (ID)Short stories in English, 1837-1900 -- Texts Children's stories in English, 1837-1900 -- Text...
- Related MaterialMacmillan's colonial library The works of Rudyard Kipling
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Other title from hal......ed ed. of 1000 and 10 sets copies...... presentation, and the first volume of each of the remaining 1000 sets numbered and signed by the auther
- Related MaterialMany inventions Traffics and discoveries The day's work Plain tales from the hills Debits and credits ; Actions and reactions From sea to sea, and other sketches Depar......mental ditties and Barrack-room b......Winkie ; Under the deodars ; The phantom 'rickshaw : and other stories The seven seas ; The five nations ; The years between The war ; A fleet ......ldiers three ; The story of the Gadsbys ; In black and white Stalky & Co. ; Land and sea tales Capt...... prose Life's handicap : being stories of mine own people The Irish Guards in the Great War : edited and compiled from their diaries and papers The light that failed ...
- Alternative TitleThe Burwash edition of the complete works in prose and verse of Rudyard Kipling
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialLand and sea tales The phantom 'rickshaw and other stories A diversity of......eatures Debits and credits Traffics and discoveries Stalky & Co. The day's work The light that failed The second jungle ......Soldiers three and military tales The Irish guards in the great war : edited and compiled from their diaries and papers Actions and reactions Under the deodars ; The story of the Gadsbys ; Wee Willie Winkie The five nations ; The years between and Poems from his......y War writings and poems Kim Rewards and fairies In black and white Plain tales from the hills The jungle book Fr......" : a story of the grand banks Early verse ; Ver...
- Alternative TitleThe works of Rudyard Kipling Rudy...
- Alternative TitleThe works of Rudyard Kipling Rudy...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialPlain tales from the hills 1886-188......friends, known and unknown Songs from books The five nations ; The seven seas Puc......906 Kim Debits and credits The Naulahka : a story of west and east Letters o......vel, 1892-1913 and other sketches The second jungle book Actions and reactions Traffics and discoveries We......Winkie ; Under the Deodars ; The phantom 'rickshaw, and other stories Limits and renewals Depar......-room ballads, and other verses Life's handicap : being stories of mine own pe...... from speeches and addresses deli......d between 1906 and 1927 Just so stories : for little children The light that failed Many invent...
- Alternative TitleThe works of Rudyard Kipling
- Alternative TitleThe works of Rudyard Kipling