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National Diet Library
- Contents...he whole world by Louis Leroy exercices, containing eight t......t printed page by Thomas Blundev......e A treatise, concerning the cau......o three bookes by Sig by Giovanni Boter...... best obseruations that haue beene made by English or strangers by anon The cavse of t......diously handed by Lewes Roberts Men-miracles by Martin Lluelyn......s from the East-Indies A mement......e humble petition and remonstrance of Richard Wylde by Richard Wylde ......icall description of the world by Denis Petau A ......hical description of the whole world by Thomas Porter ......exact description of the growth, quality, and v...
- ISBN (set)4-89439-443-X
- Author Heading島田, 孝右, 1942-
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingReligion and science.
- Author HeadingRomanes, George John, 1848-1894 Gore, Charles, 1853-1932
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)ローマネス ゴア, チャールズ Gore, Charles, Bp. of Oxfor...
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- Related Material...r 1820 The motion of fluids, nat......ichines, which by description only, might not r......matiques : ou sont inserées les ......tiques ... Newton's laws of motion Geologische Fr......Élements d'astronomie Lettres su......leur distribution géographique d......phy of expression A treatise upon artificial ele...... générales des ondes dans les mi......x visqueux et non visqueux Memoir, containing an abridged treatise on the cultivation and, et perfectionner les vins worlds than one : the creed o......turgeschichte von einigen Liebha......ften Introduction a l'étude de l......atique The foot-prints of the creator : or, Th...
- Author Heading (ID)DA15940101
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- Related MaterialStability and variation in Hopi song The copepodol......Early transactions of the Americ......5 Charles Willson Peale Under he......en's brow : pre-Christian religious tradition in Chuuk After...... Bainbridge Colby and Wilsonian diplomacy, 1920-1921 A The production, distribution and readership of a conservative journ......French Revolution : the Ami du r......l history, 1790-1830 Science an......a : essays in honor of Whitfield......en the Norman Conquest and the G......t Charter, 1066-1215 John Haygarth, FRS (1740-1827) : a physi......enment The harmony of the world ......n independence by the American Philosophical So...
- Author Heading (ID)DA00817859
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher varies: London : H. Frowde : G. Richards
- Related MaterialSelected poems of John Greenleaf Whit......lub The Decameron Pride and prej......tures of Robinson Crusoe Princip......of political economy ; and Chapters on socialism The ......ern Verse, 1900-1940 The struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson The Romance of...... the thirteenth-century old Fre......rose Tristan' Confessions of an English opium-eater Reflections on the Revolution in France and ...... Browning, 1833-1842 No name Up......chael Lord of Montaigne Ancient law its connection with the early...... and its relation to modern idea...... and documents on international affairs, 1918-1937 Alexander'......oyage out The monk The adventures of David Simp...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Edited by Heiko A. Oberm......l and reformation thought"--Vol. 111 Series......l and Reformation traditions : history, culture, religion, ideas Series editor of v. 23...
- Related MaterialWurzeln der Reformation in Zürich : zu......enordnung für London (1555) und die reformierte Konfessionsbildung Emotions and health, 1200-1700 Consilium theologicum privatim conscriptum Via Au......, and Reformation : essays in honor of Damasus Liberty and religion : church and s......den's reformation, 1572-1620 Queen's Empire, 1554-1569 Early mode......unities in East-Central Europe ......ity, denominational plurality, a......nsylvania (1526-1691) De arte dubitandi et confidendi, ignora......r and the fashioning of politica......ntity, ca. 1475-1536 "News from......Provinces, 1650-1750 Inimici ecclesiae : das e...
- Alternative Title...l and Reformation traditions SMRT Studies ......l and Reformation traditions : history, culture, religion, ideas
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Editor: Herbert B. Adams Publisher varies: Johns Hopkins University; Johns Hopkins Press
- Related Material... French freemasonry under the Third Republic Econimics and polit...... Maryland, 1720-1750 and the pu......der Fashoda reconsidered : the i......estic politics on French policy in Africa, 1893-1898 Renaissanc...... and churchmen on the eve of the Reformation God in La Manc......of Cuenca, 1500-1650 A study administration in the state o......for unity, 1745-1815 Recent pro......alty jurisdiction Studies in state taxation with particula......Baltimore, 1900-1926 The self-reconstruction of Maryland, 1864-1867 Workmen's compensation in Maryland Th......The Virginia frontier, 1754-1763 . The ordinance-making powers of the President...
- Alternative TitleJohns Hopkins University studies i...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...Scotland : 1485-1640 Business diversification strategy : mea......nt and effects on corporate perf......erials : relationships between s......The early editions of the Roman ......Fula Prodigal sons : a study in the Revolution : a dictionary of provinci......cellanies, 1821-1750 The nihilism of John Dewey Sweden :......the middle way on trial The prob...... sciences : Bacon to Kant A list...... The accumulation of capital : an anti-critique The Ph......her of the common man : essays in honor of John Dewey to celeb......h birthday Hand-lists of books printed by London printers, 1501-1556 Seasons of the spirit : t...
- Alternative TitleUMI out of print books on demand
- Alternative TitleUMI out of print books on demand
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related purposes : containing a sketc...... of Chinese chronology, geography, government, religion & customs : de......the use of persons who study the......hinese : their religion, character, cu......he life of Taou-Kwang, late Emp......Christian missions and missionary life in a s...... Religious notions and popular superstitions in north Chin......hina as a mission field A retros......journeys in Ssŭ-ch'uan, Kuei-chow, and Yün-nan The aborigi......ture and imprisonment, when homeward bound, on board the rebe......graphical dictionary Through the Yang-Tse gorges, or,......few chapters upon the customs, language, & condition of the Chinese Report o...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Also published by University of Chicago Press
- Related MaterialPower and personality Forming a......ent under the Constitution Public goods a......y Charles Willson Peale Proceedi......oward competition : new antitrust directions The myths of ...... and fees Environmental effects ......mulating a rational public polic...... Public education : as affected by the minutes of......: with suggestions as to future ......y The soviet economy in theory a......f the celebration of the 50th an......ic administration Public administration organizations : a directory......cial organizations in the field ......ic administration in the United ......ic administration of natural res......erity Handbook on public personnel administrati...
- Alternative TitleUMI books on demand
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)On spine of v.59: STDS
- Related Material...: from the Hasmoneans to Bar Kok......ourth International Symposium of the Orion Center for the...... Literature, 27-31 January, an international conference at St. : a comparison of two commentary traditions from the Hellenistic-Roman period Th......umran and the concept of a libra......Third international symposium on the Hebrew of ......rness : papers on the Qumran scr......enesis Apocryphon : a new text and translation with introduction and special tr......t of columns 13-17 Reworking th......oint symposium by the Orion Center for the......Research Group on Qumran, 15-17 January, 2002 The mermaid a...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...uity Introduction and from the o...... Greek history On Seneca's "Ad M...... natura III 830-1094 Ein neuer ...... at court Apollonius' Argonautica : a Call......ander of Colophon's Theriaca : a......and communication in Euripides' ......ays : between song and silence Petron : Überlieferung und Rekonstruktion The textual tradition of Plato's Rep......tence, perception, and text in t......atyrica of Petronius Xenophon : ethical prin......y A commentary on selected speec......s A commentary on Hesiod : Works......and days, vv. 1-382 Tragic prop......ognitive function : aspects of the function of images in t...... : themes and contexts Processes of integration...
- Alternative TitleMnS MnS : HACA Mnemosyne : monographs on Greek and Roma......e Mnemosyne : monographs on Greek and Lati......supplements : monographs on Greek and Latin language and ...
- Alternative TitleMnS MnS : HACA Mnemosyne : monographs on Greek and Roma......e Mnemosyne : monographs on Greek and Lati......supplements : monographs on Greek and Latin language and ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Also published by T&T Clark International, London
- Related Material...tthaean redaction Jesus' exposition of the Old of interaction and identity formation in Early Imper...... Rome Christian-Jewish relations through the c......lical Association Millennium Conference Voices ......the Gospels of John and Thomas and......and Christian monotheism Rhetori......1994 Pretoria Conference Digloss......rd and glory : on the exegetical...... background of John's prologue The Colossian controversy : wisd...... From Jesus to John : essays on Jesus and New ......hristology in honour of Marinus de Jonge The unity of......y integrity of John 13.31-16.33 Household......y of Matthew 19-20 Clothed with Christ : the e...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe religion of ancient Sca......remains of Sir John Suckling : Wit......Rhodes The free-trade movement ......days Introduction to Utopia The post impressionists As fine as......Melanctha, 1914-1930 Amy Lowell......tes period 1850-1914 : the present condition of the America...... : four essays on the political .......H. Green Saint-Saëns A budget pieces, 1914-1937 Our revolutionary forefathers......arquis de Barbé-Marbois, during......e French legation, 1779-1785 Religions of ancient Ch......ury : a selection of texts the evolution of taste and t......f Edwin Arlington Robinson : an essay in appreciation Ch...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...m Roderick Hudson American conservatism in th......nterprise, 1865-1910 : a study ......: an introduction Franklin D. Ro...... New Deal, 1932-1940 The house investigations : generally k......or : introduction to a Woodrow Wilson and the progressive era, 1910-1917 The raw an......iscovery A nation of immigrants ......of Andrew Jackson The of : selections The nullification era : a docume......ecord Observation and explanation : a guide to p......tern civilization since the Rena......ussian Revolution, 1917 : eyewit...... the bases of conduct and of fai......strial revolution in the eighteenth century : a...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Under the direction of Professor Erwin A. Stürzl ...
- Related MaterialElizabethan prisons and prison scenes The wor...... Thomas Middleton's tragicomedie......usic of finer tone : musical ima......en : the poems John Webster :'s "This lime-tree bower my prison" Essays in honour of Professo......way A study of John Kaets's [i.e. ......ath in the sermons of John Donne Structural a......ic analysis of George Meredith's tragedy Harmonious madness : ......ey, and Keats Contrasts in the representation of death by Sophocles, Web...... style of Lord Byron's plays Theme,...... the poetry of George Crabbe Jacobea......ism Three versions of the story ......King Lear : (anonymous ca. 1594/1605; William S...
- Author HeadingStürzl, Erwin A. (Erwin Anton)
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialUtopia and revolution : on the origins of......Some illustrations of the proble...... plan in the Bronx A chronicle of jeopardy, 1945-55 Taxation and welfare investigations Studies in the economics of overhe...... : studies in honor of Mircea El......: an introduction to the social ......d its implications for financial......ence to education American railr......erty : reflections and rejoinder......cs of competition and other essa......avid Davis Personality and socia...... essays Clarendon : politics, history and religion 1640-1660 A survey o......erary taste Perón's Argentina Am......ected inscriptions, glossary The intellectuals ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ts of international relations Addresses of John Hay Reviews & ......J. B. Priestley--Sir Philip Gibbs--Philip Guedalla--Somerset Maugham--Sir Hugh Walpol......addresses Our contemporary compo......lectual tradition : from Leonardo to Hegel T......: Pascal, Fénelon, and other ess......eries of twenty-five papers hit......ackage : pages on literature and......s life Transition : essays on contemporary liter...... create : the contemporary novel......anny Burney to George Eliot Leading ......cial justice Among the mystics M......riticism Latter-day pamphlets My confessional The British ......f English fiction Three master builders and ano...
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- Note (General)...iversity Press"--[New York, R. R......ean Background by Frank L. Schick]
- Related Material...the history of religion with special r......ry Four essays on liberty Shakes......ism The evolution of American fo......e imperiled union : essays on the background......nglishmen, 1590-1642 Through di......e perspectives on American race relations Hinduism Vict......ependence, 1607-1776 Existentia...... Lāma Kazi Dawa-Samdup's the Revolution to the present......cinema Refractions : essays in c......iddle Ages, 395-814 D. H. Lawre......Alain Resnais Conversations with Ogotemmê......: an introduction to Dogon religious ideas Milton; modern essays......cism The negro Religion & science Sens......gical imagination The history of the Peloponnes...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...d An introduction to Islamic law......ortrait of Walton Objections to physicalis......nd Dublin, 1791-1798 Judicial in international law Mission and conversion : proselytizin......ty in liberal constitutionalism The refugee in international law Egalitar......nd the generation of inequality ......iams Introduction to the problem......y : a translation of the first edition of the Reine R......nglishman, 1689-1798 The economic history of Italy, 1860-1990 On human conduct The modern......n Africa : 1450-1950 The state : Greek self-definition through traged......ts of international political theory Hare and c...
- Alternative TitleClarendon paperback
- Alternative TitleClarendon paperback