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Applications of nuclear and radioisotope technology : the atom for peace and sustainable development
National Diet Library
- Contents1 History of the atom and the emergence of n......clear energy 2 The role of intern......tion, hydrogen economy, and transport 4 Applications...... technology in the industries, an...... technology in the sustainability......tific research(space, nuclear forensics, nuclear......rradiated food for human consumpt......s and Response for a Nuclear or R......ix 5 Treaty on the Non-Proliferat...... Convention on the Physical Prote......PNM Appendix 7 The Convention on ...... Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or...
- Alternative TitleApplications of nuclear and radioisotope technology : for peace and sustainable develop...
- Alternative TitleApplications of nuclear and radioisotope technology : for peace and sustainable develop...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingTransportation.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingTransportation.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, edition of 'The Sustainable Ur......ntroduction to the topic that is ......ate audiences. The 'Reader' begins by tracing the roots of the sustainable de......ent concept in the nineteenth and......c readings. It then explores dime...... urban design, transportation, ecologic......ns cover tools for sustainable from around the world. 'The Sustainable Ur......cing it within the context of overview of the field using or......ighly readable format, this book ......uable resource for general reader......ental studies, the social sciences, and related ...
- Copyright information Illustra...... credits About the Editor Acknowl......ntroduction to the Fourth Edition...... 1. Origins of the Sustainability......ion to Part 1 "The Three Magnets" and "The Town-Country M......enezer Howard "The Land Ethic" fr......x Planning and The North End" from 'The Death and Life....../ Jane Jacobs "The Development of...... Models" from 'The Limits to Grow....... Behrens III "The Steady-State Economy" from 'Toward a Steady-State Economy' (1973) / Herm...... Nature" from 'The Granite Garden......d Development (The Brundtland Commission) "The End of Nature" from 'The End of Nature' (1989) / Bill ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingTransportation
- Subject Heading (ID)Transportation
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingTransportation
- Subject Heading (ID)Transportation
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... insights into the locational asp......sion-making in the context of loc......on, specifying the motivation for firms to move their factories provided by the corporate tax ......tems, offering theoretical clues ......clarifies from the empirical analysis the relations betw......ty systems and the performances of regio......3 investigates the topic of indus......onstrating how they form a basis for establishing i......n, it examines the economic phase......, generated in the process of development.
- Contents...nal Factors; 1 Transport Costs in Space-Geographical M......1 Introduction-Theories and Reali......evelopments in Transport; 1.3 The Neoclassical Approach to Transport in Space; 1.4 Bid Rent Theories and Trade......1.5 Victory of the Segmented Mark......tting Ends Together-Marginal Cost......tion Economies for a Self-Sufficient Regional Economy; 2.1 Introduct......Policy; 2.5 Further Avenues; 2.6 ...... References; 3 Theoretical Analys...... Derivation of the Profit Function of the Factory 1; 3.2......t Functions of the Factory 2 and the Manufacturing ...... Derivation of the Numbers of Fac......Economies into the Analysis of Industrial Park 3...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Organised into four parts, the handbook begin...... urbanisation, the impact of terr......ure challenges for tourism cities. In Part II the marketing, and markets for tourism cities......y developments for tourism cities, examining their supply and i...... smart cities. The final Part off......erent parts of the world and how adapting to the challenges ahe......lores emerging forms of specialis......ns suggestions for practitioners,......ll as examples for theoretical students in the fields of urban tourism and t...
- Contents...ourism Cities: The Case of World ...... in Cities. 4. The Sharing Economy in Tourism Cit......d Implications for the City of and Markets for Tourism Cities......stinations 10. The Emergence of the Business Touri......nd Promise and the Tourist's Bran......rtunities. 14. The Impact of Mill...... Opportunities for Tourism Cities......y Developments for Tourism Cities...... 20. Something for Everyone? The Challenge of Touristic Urban Spaces. 21. Shaping ...... 'le nouveau': The Ambidextrous Cities. 23. The Transition of ......Maritime City: The Case of Port E......ism Challenges for Urban Tourism Destinations. 2...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ptual model of the progressive co......ed not against the background of ...... as a separate economy and as a self-......lume addresses the contemporary a......olicy outcomes for the future
- ContentsPart I: Transforming Infrastruc......s Chapter 3. Information Society,......ica Chapter 4. The Impact of Obso......ica Chapter 5. The Strategic Bene......ultancy Firms: The Role of Analysis of Transportation Infrastru...... Smart Tourism for Enhancing Tour......and Challenges for Africa Part Union Outer Space Program: Chapter 12. The Malabo Protoco...... Competence of the East African Community in the Economic, Soci...... 14. Framework for Attracting Traffic Back to the Railways in Za......: Implications for Zambia Chapter......reservation of the Pre-Digital Te......ctive Scenario for Neo-Industrialization in the ...
- Alternative TitleTransforming infrastructure developmen...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ys celebrating the life and work ......gly focuses on the comprehensive content for decision scien......ation modeling for environmental ......ality control, the evaluation of ......gement, and synthesized environme......hiro Higano is the past president of the Regional Scien......nal (RSAI) and the current president of the Japan Section of the RSAI (JSRSAI).......tive secretary for the Pacific Region......ce approaches, theory, policy, ev......reference work for researchers, s......nd students in the field of regional science. The volume celebra......ntributions to the JSRSAI, PRSCO, include his former students and a wide array ...
- Contents...nal Science in the 21st Century 2 The Sustainability......rogress around the World 3Methodo......rical Study on the Evolution of U......? Lessons from the Mersey Basin C......emographics of the European Exper......nt Nexus: Does the Local Environm......ants More Open Space? Study of Will...... Preserve Open Space in an Urban En......estment Policy for the Sea Environmen...... Case Study of the Sea of Japan P......odel 14Valuing the Benefits of Cl......Trade Products for Regional Devel......ic Spending in the Countries that Comprises The Andean Communi......l Backward and Forward Multiplier Analysis: The Case Study of Japanese Automo...
- Subject Heading...nal economics. Space in economics. Economics. Regi...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...s Jumpstarting the economy and investing for the future Conclus...... Department of the Interior Depar...... of State and other international...... Department of Transportation Department of the Treasury Depar......eronautics and Space Administration......on Corporation for National and Community Servic...
- Note (General) overview of the full Fiscal Year 2010 Budget ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...ed: Vols. 1-60 for 1990-1995 by "......ts". Vols. 61- for 1996- by "Chel...... Vols. 1-<74 > for 1990-1997 by "......Vols. <76-80 > for 1997 by "Lyme,....... Vols. <83 >- for 1997- by "Nort......ever possible, the articles in these volumes have been reproduce...
- Related MaterialFundraising and the sociality of g......tory economics The history of integration The economic role of the state The theory of inflation Forecasting financial markets The Economics of i......and challenges The economics of the hidden economy A taste for the present The economics of o......res and policy The economics of d......employment and the environment Ed......nd economic performance The economics of s......and innovation The economics of g......usiness cycles The economics of b......iness strategy Theory Teaching co......lege economics The economics of music The economics of r......nd uncertainty The economics of standards Recent...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe micro-empirics......illes Duranton The first cities /......ephen Malpezzi The spatial patter......of land use in the United States ....../ Marvin Kraus Space in general equ......untain Testing for monocentricity......el P. McMillen The economic theory of housing ...... indexes / Bradford Case Urban transport economic theory / Yoshitsug......e Picard Urban transportation and land ......McDonald Urban transport policies : the Dutch struggle......uglas Wilson A theory of municipa......labor economic theory / Yves cities / Matthew E. Kahn Urban......ime, race, and the. criminal justice system in the United States / Stephen Rapha...
- Note (General)...biographical information http: //
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialFiscal systems for hydrocarbons :......a : priorities for action Financi...... dimensions of the Colombian pens......evelopment and the Millennium Development Goals The role of commun......frastructure : the Bumbuna Hydroe......t Sierra Leone The U.S.-Honduras ...... transnational economy Sustainability......ion systems in the new EU member ......Saharan Africa The Malaysia-Indon......ridor : making formal transfers the best option for women and undo......and countering the financing of spending in the new EU member ......riate shocks : the role of index-......ries of Africa The U.S.-Guatemala......tanding better the drivers of remittances interm...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General) S. Hillier Other publisher: Sp......r" in 2004 and the new company name became "Spri...
- Related Material...obability Game theoretic risk ana......and innovators The theory and practic...... programming : theory, algorithms......k on modelling for discrete optim...... Principles of forecasting : a handbook for researchers an......mization Green transportation logistics : the quest for win-win soluti...... making and performance evaluatio......n, and control theory : applicati...... : modeling in the e-business era......tegration of information and opti......ization models for routing in cit......d extensions Mathematical and com...... of tonality : theory and applica......ple effects in the supply chain P......ptimization in the railway industry Design and a...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Fourier transform for certain hyperK......t fixed energy for massless Asymptotics for solutions of l......ated topics On the ideal structur......igroups and on their compactifica......ves on graphs, their homological ......and a proof of the Hanna Neumann ......assical groups Forcing with trees......ctive surfaces The generalized Po......owers Charting the operator terrain The classification of G-spaces Gauge theory on compact ...... hyperboliques The existence of v......ct Ricci limit spaces and applicati...... metrics on conformally compact manifolds The structure of s......pinch dynamics for asymmetric surfaces evolving ...
- Author HeadingAmerican Mathematical Society
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialInformation technolo......ry : issues in the history and ma......t of computers The econometrics o......viet political economy in transition ......n to Gorbachev The intellectual l...... issues Soviet economy today : with guidelines for the economic and s......development of the USSR for 1981-1985 and for the period ending ......ollars through the doors : a in America The Politics of in......development in the American state......ions in Europe The pillage of sus......ommunities and the creeping shadows of hegemony The impact of the federal on national forest planning Cities in the world-system Keynes : a criti...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...c chemistry Synthetic macromolecu......o-sponsored by the Division of Ca...... Chemistry and the Division of Mi...... Technology at the 172nd meeting of the American Chemi......hanisms and synthetic methodologi......cosponsored by the ACS Divisions ......Chemistry, and the U.S. National Resource for Computation in Chemistry at the Second Chemical Congress of the North American......ear energy and the environment En......on by advanced thermal processes ......m sponsored by the Division of En......l Chemistry at the 175th meeting of the American Chemi......, Anaheim, California, March 13-1......ate : bridging the gap between laboratory and fi...
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Contents...Acquisition of The Horaibashi Dis......n of Open Area for Recreational P......Acquisition of The Bachelor Polic......Acquisition of The National Gymna......ium No. 407: Information Relative......Acquisition of The Towdobunkai Bu......Acquisition of Space in Mitsui Japanese in The Philippines No......ion of Storage Space No. 415: Refer......Acquisition of The Daido Shoji Ke......f Occupational Forces No. 419: Request for Gasoline, Oil and Grease for Use of The Central Liaiso......n of Open Area for 2000-Man GHQ C......Acquisition of The Teijiro Eurasa......4: Application for Return to Sout......5: Application for Permission to Enter South Kor...
- Note (General)...reme Commander for Allied Powers