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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."How we can stave off economic disaster by freeing millions from debt bondage"--
- ContentsHigh levels of private debt stifle the eco......The paradox of debt Policy solutio......ath to private debt jubilee The en...... of government debt
- Subject HeadingDebt relief Loans, Personal Debts, Public Financial crises Debt relief. Debts, Public. Financial crises. L...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Debtors have been m......mal to go into debt to get medical......of people into debt while a small ......lth and power. Debtors of the worl......d individuals, debtors have little......n leverage our debts and devise ne......ividually, our debts overwhelm us....... together, our debts can make us powerful"--
- Contents... in the age of debt How did we get...... the household Debt strike: cities, countries, em...
- Subject HeadingDebt Debt cancellation Debt. Debt cancellation.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.When we talk about debt and its "government debt." However, thi...... these private debts are vital to ......rising private debt. The paradox is that while debt is essential and student debt. Underpinned by pioneering da...
- ContentsWhy Debt Grows –- Openi......g the Books on Debt -– Company Sha......e Dark Side of Debt -– The Limits of Debt -– Policy Thoughts and Provoc...
- Subject HeadingDebt Finance, Personal Dettes
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book analyzes public debt from a that public debt has been a def......the problem of debt has never been......lity of public debt today by revea......lems of public debt have and will ......onsider public debt as a source of......entury, public debts and capital m......oth out public debt crises (inflat......tory of public debt is a contribution to this deb...
- Contents...macy of Public Debts (1770s-1860s)....... An Empire of Debts? Spain and It...... 2. Publicity, Debt, and Politics:......eden 4. Public Debt and Democratic......lities: Public Debt and European I......reseen Path of Debt Imperialism: L......apital? Public Debt in West Africa......apital: Public Debt and Regional I......eralism: Local Debt and the Constr......tion of Public Debts (1914-1970s) ......ring Sovereign Debt in Germany fro......orld of Public Debt (1917-1991): T......ntermodel? 14. Debt Without Taxati......ets and Global Debt Crisis (1970s) 15. From Debt Dirigisme to Debt Markets in Economy of Debt Crisis: State, Banks, and the...
- Subject HeadingDebts, Public Debts, Public.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingDebts, Public Economic policy Debts, Public. Economic policy.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... for sovereign debt restructuring,......d for highly indebted sovereign st...... for sovereign debt restructuring at various stag...
- Contents... for sovereign debt discourse Sove......over sovereign debt disputes Admissibility of sov...
- Subject HeadingDebts, Public--Law ......nd legislation Debts, External--La......nd legislation Debt relief Dispute......International. Debt relief. Debts, External--La......d legislation. Debts, Public--Law and legislation...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ods, Raise the Debt shows how a deeper understand...
- Subject HeadingDebts, countries. Debts, countries. Debts, External. Debts, Public. Developing countrie...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The recent Eurozone Debt Crisis, coming on the heels o...
- Subject HeadingDebts, Public Finance, Public
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...elf-fulfilling debt crises Long-term bonds Conclu...
- Subject HeadingDebts, External Debts, Public Default (Finance) De...
- Note (Content)...hind sovereign debt markets, shedd......s to sovereign debt management. Th......s of Sovereign Debt and Default lo......e to sovereign debt-the lack of st...... and sovereign debt's distortion o......e government's debt and default de......h to sovereign debt and default, this incisive an...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingDebts, Public--Africa Debts, External--Af......eures--Afrique Debts, External. Debts, Public. Economic history. A...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... how sovereign debt has financed t......enforcement of debt contracts has important conse...
- Contents...ions Sovereign debt Napoleonic war...... and sovereign debt Franco-Prussian War indemniti...
- Subject injustices Debts, Public--Law ......nd legislation Debts, External--Law and legislati...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....obal sovereign debt reached the 1970s, when debt fell back to p......des. Sovereign Debt: A Guide for E......s of sovereign debt to help guide ......ect. Sovereign Debt brings togethe......s in sovereign debt to cover a ran......c. It explores debt management with debt sustainability; debt reduction poli......d in sovereign debt, with a particular focus real...
- Subject HeadingDebts, Public.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMoney Monetary policy Debts, Public Expen......nses publiques Debts, Public. Expenditures, Publi...
- Note (General)... Is government debt net wealth? / ......s the national debt matter? / L. R......-- 4. External debt matters: What are the limits ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....rine of odious debt. The surge in ......on that Iraq's debt might be regar......some sovereign debt claims are not......ulation of the debtor state, or wo......ions on odious debt were deliberat......sion to public debts. And the pict......nt that public debts be for public purposes"--
- ContentsInternational law, sovereign debt and odious debt The status of odious debts in internatio......lity of odious debts in domestic law
- Subject HeadingDebts, External--La......nd legislation Debts, Public--Law ......nd legislation Debt relief Interna......tional. Odious debt.
National Diet Library
- Summary,'s sovereign debt drama, a compl......faulted on its debt in 2001, decade. The debt restructuring ......t on sovereign debt law, sovereign debt markets, and sovereign debt policy: Argent......F in sovereign debt restructurings; Argentina's d...
- Contents...e IMF over the Debt Deal Kirchners......gentina's 2005 Debt Restructuring Backstory : Ell...
- Subject Heading...nd legislation Debts, External--La......nd legislation Debts, Public--Law ......ate bankruptcy Debts, Public--Arge......flict of laws--Debts, External--United States--Ca...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ies Paris Club debt rescheduling a......cess: the IMF, debt rescheduling and export credi...
- Subject HeadingExport credit. Debt relief. Debts, External.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingDebts, Public--History. Debts, Public. Öffentliche Schuld...
- Note (Content)The European debt crisis has rek......many heavily indebted countries co...... international debts? In this comp......y of sovereign debt and internatio...... describes the debt crises of deve......f contemporary debt crises in Mexi......over heavily indebted borrowers, e...... uninterrupted debt service during times of crisi...
- Alternative TitlePolitical economy of sovereign debt
National Diet Library
- Contents...anaging public debt crisis in Arge...... incur foreign debt : the Brazilia......ador's 2008-09 debt restructuring ......ays out of its debt / Jürgen Kais......rish sovereign debt crisis post-20......cher Sovereign debt : lessons from......South Africa's debt crisis / Danie......le of managing debt overhang in an imperfect mone...
- Subject HeadingDebts, Public--Case......-Case studies. Debt countries. Debt relief. Debts, Public. Financial crises. D...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingDebts, Public--Euro......ion countries. Debts, Public--Law ......ion countries. Debts, Public. Debts, Public--Law and legislation...
- Note (General)...n of sovereign debt crises with special considera...