Carmen C. Bambach, with essays by Claire Barry, Francesco Caglioti, Caroline Elam, Marcella Marongiu, and Mauro Mussolin.The Metropolitan Museum of Art[2018]<K3-D31>
著者標目...oti, 1475-1564 Bambach, Carmen. Barry, Claire M. Metropolitan...
Carmen C. Bambach, Janet Cox-Rearick, and George R. Goldner ; with contributions by Philippe Costamagna, Marzia Faietti, and Elizabeth Pilliod ; edited by Carmen C. BambachMetropolitan Museum of Artc2010
herausgegeben von Sylvia Ferino-Pagden ; [Übersetzungen: Michael Verhovene, Alexanda Geese, Antje Bommel] ; [Autoren der Katalogbeiträge: Carmen C. Bambach ... et al.]Hatje Cantzc2008
edited by Carmen C. Bambach ; with contributions by Carmen C. Bambach ... [et al.] ; with the assistance of Rachel Stern and Alison MangesMetropolitan Museum of Artc2003
Carmen Bambach and Nadine M. Orenstein ; with an essay by William M. Griswold ; and with the assistance of Allegra PesentiMetropolitan Museum of Artc1996