Donald G. Langsley, John F. McDermott, Jr. [and] Allen J. Enelow, editors. foreword by C. H. Hardin BranchJossey-Bass Publishers1973
- 著者標目Langsley, Donald G. McDermott, John F. Enelow, Al...
Donald G.Langsley, David M.Kaplan 著, 桑原治雄 [ほか]訳医学書院1978.4<SC381-46>
[by] Donald G. Langsley and David M. Kaplan. With the collaboration of Frank S. Pittman [and others] Foreword by Robert H. FelixGrune & Stratton1968
- 著者標目Langsley, Donald G. Kaplan, David M. Pittman, Fra...