ジュール・マスネ[作曲] ; リートン・ルーカス, ヒルダ・ゴーント編曲ワーナーヴィジョン・ジャパン(発売)2000.11
- 著者標目...illan, Kenneth Penney, Jennifer Dowell, Anthony Wall, David R...
choreography and production [by] Kenneth Macmillan ; music by Jules Massenet ; directer by Norman MorriceWarner Music Visionc1998
- 著者標目...orrice, Norman Penney, Jennifer Dowell, Anthony Wall, David R...
a ballet by Kenneth Macmillam ; music by Jules Massenet ; orchestra and arranged by leighton Lucas ; with the collaboration of Hilda GauntPioneer Artistsc1982
- 著者標目...nd). Orchestra Penney, Jennifer Dowell, Anthony Wall, David R...