by Émile Legouis ; translated from the French by Helen Douglas Irvine ; Modern times (1660-1970) by Louis Cazamian and Raymond Las Vergnas (Book 8)Dent1971
by Émile Legouis ; translated from the French by Helen Douglas Irvine. Modern times (1660-1947) by Louis Cazamian ; translated from the French by W.D. MacInnes and the authorJ.M. Dent1947
by Emile Legouis ; translated from the French by Helen Douglas Irvine ; Modern times (1660-1914) / by Louis Cazamian ; transrated from the French by W.D. MacinnesDent1934
by Emile Legouis ; translated from the French by Helen Douglas Irvine ; Modern times (1660-1934) / by Louis Cazamian ; transrated from the French by W.D. MacinnesDent1933
by Emile Legouis ; translated from the French by Helen Douglas Irvine ; Modern times (1660-1914) / by Louis Cazamian ; translated from the French by W.E. Macinnes and the authorMacmillan1929, c1927
by Emile Legouis ; translated from the French by Helen Douglas Irvine . by Louis Cazamian ; translated from the French by W. D. MacInnes and the authorMacmillanc1935