検索結果 117 件
- 件名Health behavior in ad......e--Statistics. Health behavior in ad......a--Statistics. Health behavior in adolescence--Scandinavia--Statistics. Health surveys--Europe. Health Behavior--stat......umerical data. Health Status Dispari......umerical data. Healthcare Disparitie......nomic Factors. Health Surveys. Child. Adolescent. Health behavior in ad......nce. Canada. Scandinavia. Europe.
- 一般注記...Denmark -- England -- Estonia -- Finland -- France -- G......reece -- Greenland -- Hungary -- Iceland -- Ireland -- Israel -- I......alta -- Netherlands -- Norway -- Poland -- Portugal --......ration -- Scotland -- Slovakia --......den -- Switzerland -- Ukraine -- Wales -- (former) Yugoslav Republic of Mace...
- タイトル標目Health policy for children and adolescents ; no. 7.
- 件名Teenagers -- Health and hygiene. Youth -- Health and hygiene.
- 一般注記"Edited by Candace Currie ... [et al.]."
- 著者標目World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe.
- 内容細目Violence and mental health: is anything n......ting the stage for later mental health Are children born violent o...... in every way: children exposed to vio...... all the storm and stress about? ......y day lives of children Violence and mental health: two birds of ......ng with stress and violence on a ......is Suggestions for practice and policy: how to get help if you need ...
- 件名Children and violence -- Ps......s. Violence in children. Violence in a....... Child mental health. Teenagers -- Mental health.
- 内容細目The status of care for at risk youth and families in th......ation promised and required The c......s, perception, and profiles Putti......e ordered to reform Local systems of care Walkin...
- 件名Mental Health Services Child Health Health Policy--legislation & jurisprudence ...
- 内容細目The need for integrated health care in the un......ope Integrated health care models and frameworks / W......van Population health / Heather Klus...... A. Cederbaum, and Max Krauss The evolution of health care policy / Jennifer Manuel and Stacey Barreng......ent protection and affordable care act ......toria Stanhope and Meredith Doherty Chapter 6.health care financing......C. Campanelli, Andrew F. Cleek, and Mary M. McKay Workforce development ......ff Capobianco, and Larry Fricks W...... in integrated health care settings ...... Virna Little, and Elizabeth Matthews Screening and brief interven...... Evan Senreich and Shulamith Lala A. Straussner ...
- 件名Integrated delivery of health care--United States. Health services admin......s. Delivery of Health Care, Integrated.
- 内容細目...t, background, and goals / Alan E. Kazdin and John R. Weisz ......ssues in child and adolescent psy......Eaton Hoagwood and Mary A. Cavale......pmental issues and considerations in research and practice / Gra......tie A. Devine, and Elizabeth F. B...... Jami M. Furr, and Jennifer L. Po...... Interventions for anxiety disorders in children using group co......istine M. Pahl and Paula M. Barre......nifer Freeman, and John S. March ......vioral therapy for depression : t......atment program for girls / Kevin ......oral treatment for adolescent dep......gory N. Clarke and Lynn L. DeBar ...... depression in adolescents using individual cognitive-be...
- 内容細目A risk and resilience framework for child, youth, and family policy / Jeffrey M. Jenson and Mark W. Fraser......verty policies and programs for children and families / Tri......illiams Shanks and Sandra K. Danzinger......lfare policies and programs / Peter J. Pecora and Markell Harris......kson Education policy for children, youth, and families / Andy J. Frey, Hill M. Walker, and Armon R. Perry Child mental health policy : promise with......Mary E. Fraser Health policy for children and youth / Kathle......pe V. Huitron, and Thomas C. Ormsby Policies and programs for children and youth with dis......on W. Saville, and Jamie G. Swaine Policies and ...
- 件名Children -- Government policy -- United Stat...... -- Government policy -- United States. Family policy -- United States. Development...
- 一般注記Rev. ed. of: Social policy for children & families : a risk and resilience perspective. 2006.
- 要約等...n body systems and functions, conditions and common disease......, contemporary health care issues and theories, techniques and practices, and devices and equipment. It ......vers all major health professions, i......ratory therapy and more
- 内容細目...d-fast culture and smear Activiti......tion Adrenal gland computed tomog......aphy Adrenal glands Adrenocortica......ministration Affordable Care Act Aging and the aged Aging......ts Alternative and complementary ......ntesis Amylase and lipase tests A...... Anticoagulant and antiplatelet d......l fibrillation and flutter Attent......s Autopsy Back and neck pain, physical therapy for Back pain Bacteria Balance and coordination tests Ball and socket joint B......valvuloplasty Bandages and dressings Bari......ort (BLS) Beds and bed preparatio......injuries Bites and stings Bladder......row aspiration and biopsy Bone radionuclide scan...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Encyclopedia of nursing & allied health
- 一般注記...is, Roxanne M. Andrews, Anne Elix......al description for original version: 107 p. ; 28...
- 原資料等に関する注記... U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, [1996] SUPTDOC番号: H...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Race ethnicity and treatment of children and adolescents in hospitals by diagnosis
- 要約等"The Oxford Handbook of Children and the Law presen...... humans from before birth to adul......gy, education, and philosophy, and by practitioners in law and medicine. An i......thors presents and analyzes the law and science pertai......xic substances and abortion); par......gamete donors, and surrogacy); in......nt development and vulnerability;......ral punishment and religious defences to abuse and neglect); child protection policy and systems; foste......etween parents and other caregive......ivate schools, and homeschooling)......imum-age laws; and child advocacy......pters follow a format wherein they first describ...
- 内容細目Children and the Law : An I......f Reproduction and Best Interests......"Of Sound Mind and Body" : A Call for Universal Drug Screening for All Newborns / Frank E. Vandervort and Vincent J. Pal...... K. G. Jensen, and Charles A. Nel......e Arrangements for the Child : A Quest for Continuity of ......ie Duschinsky, and Guy C. M. Skin......er Procreation and Parenting / Ka......us Alternative Forms of Care / Brian Sloan Race and the Adoption of Children / Ralph Richard Banks Children in Fragile Fam......, Kate Jaeger, and Kristin Catena......tection of the Health of Newborns : ......ral Punishment and the Law in Global Perspective...
- 件名Children--Legal status,......United States. Children's rights--United States. Children--Legal status, laws, etc. Children's rights. United States. Kind...
- 内容細目A risk and resilience framework for child, youth, and family policy / Jeffrey M. Jenson and Mark W. Fraser......lfare policies and programs / Pet......cora Education policy for children, youth, and families / Andy J. Frey and Hill M. Walker Child mental health policy : promise with......Mary E. Fraser Health policy for children and youth / Kathleen A. Rounds and Thomas C. Ormsby Policies and programs for children and youth with dis......usan L. Parish and Alison I. Whisnant Policies and programs for adolescent sub......th K. Anthony, and Matthew O. How......stice policies and programs / Wil...... child, youth, and family policy : applying prin...
- 件名Children -- Government policy -- United Stat...... -- Government policy -- United States. Family policy -- United States. Development...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Social policy for children and families
- 要約等...nts the social and cultural histo...... of childhood, children's literature, play, toys and games, health, physiology, l......justice system and social welfare......cles include information about childhood in cult...
- 内容細目v. 1. Action for Children's Television (ACT) Adolescents, Developmental Needs of, and Media Adolescents, Media Portrayals of Adolescents, Movie Portray......ng, Body Image and Advertising, D......ng, Effects on Adolescents Advertising, Effects on Children Advertising, E......tising, Gender and Advertising, Health and Advertising, Host Selling and Advertising, I......g, Market Size and Advertising, Materialism and Advertising, P......Child Conflict and Advertising, P......chase Requests and Advertising, R......ng, Viewer Age and Advertising Ca......Advertising on Children's Programs Adv......n, Advertising and Aggression, Electronic Games ...
- 件名Children--Encyclopedias......ection. Jeugd. Children.
- 内容細目...riations among children and adolescents--an overview of the research and policy implications /......estic violence and child protecti......Thomas D. Lyon and Mindy B. Mecha......datory parents and the children in their care:...... E. H. Russell and Natalie J. Pur...... Ross E. Cheit and Laura Braslow ...... crime victims and witnesses / Charles Putnam and David Finkelho......ent shadows of children's culture / Jo......lli Protecting children's welfare in a......bara J. Wilson and Nicole Martins......ence? Research and policy perspectives / Dale Kunkel and Lara Zwarun Vi......fects on youth and public policy implications / ...
- 件名Children and violence. Children -- Crimes agai......t. Violence in children. Violence in popular culture.
- 内容細目Family circumstances of children in immigrant f...... Donald J. Hernandez, Nancy A. Denton, and Suzanne E. Macartney Health of children in immigrant families / Fernando S. Mendoza, J......yce R. Javier, and Anthony E. Bur......ean S. Phinney and Anthony D. Ong......ion strategies and adaption / Joh......Neeraj Kaushal and Cordelia Reime......ld development and family interac......c H. Bornstein and Linda R. Cote ......pment of young children in immigrant f......inos D'Angelo, and Natalia Palaci...... : immigration and early educatio......ert H. Bradley and Lorraine McKel......e of preschool and after-school policies in impr...
- 件名Immigrant families. Emigration and immigration. Acculturation.
- 一般注記...biographical information http: //www.loc.gov/cat...
- 要約等"Working as co-editors and with our colleagues on this Handbook during the......of the global pandemic of 2019-20...... unanticipated and unlike any cha......w appreciation for our research o...... our own homes and lives. Future ...... the Covid-19 pandemic on parenting approaches and impacts on children around the globe. For now, we can ho...... both relieved and thrilled to sh......als of science and practice"--
- 内容細目...ional theories and the establishm......n development, and attachment str...... Rifkin-Graboi and Gwendolyn Ngoh ; 3 Parenting and brain developm......tlin C. Turpyn and Eva H. Telzer ; 4 Parenting and children's social and emotional deve......ross childhood and adolescence / Amanda Sheffield Mor......hael M. Criss, and Kelly T. Cosgr......he cornerstone for children's cognitive and language devel......, Dani Levine, and Roberta Michni......; 6 Discipline and punishment in ......ennifer E. Lansford ; 7 Parenting......rom a cultural and Global perspec......retical models and parenting rese......ts / Qing Zhou and Sarah Chung Part II. Parentin...
- 件名Parenting Parent and child Child de......hology. Parent and child. Parenting.
- 内容細目...we don't know, and what we need t......bout welfare reform / Rebecca Blank Welfare reform and the level and composition of......Luis Gonzalez, and James P. Zilia......eeraj Kaushal, and Jane Waldfogel......fter welfare reform : 2005 eviden......obert Moffitt, and David Ribar Th......t of welfare reform on leaver cha......s, employment, and recidivism / P......id W. Stevens, and Kenneth R. Tro......t of welfare reform on health insurance amon...... Xianghong Li, and Lara Shore-She......s affect child and adolescent school performance : investi......reg J. Duncan, and Aletha C. Hust......cts of welfare and child support policies on the...
- 要約等"During my years caring for patients, the ......a, depression, and anxiety" (Murt......r communities, and the surroundin......nment. At the landmark Swampscott......rence in 1965, and in the context......tion of mental health care and the civil righ......luenced mental health and community well......osed gathering and synthesizing d......al, political, and environmental ......cts that shape and influence lives and communities. C...... to individual and societal probl......re established and community-based research proj...
- 内容細目Foreword Part I. F......ly Responsive, and Contextual App......Call to Action for Communities and Community Psyc......enjamin Ethics and Community Psyc......eka L. Gillum, and Gayle Skawenni......h, Assessment, and Program Evalua......West-Olatunji, and Maria Prendes-...... School Mental Health Program / Sama......ck M. Bresnan, and Mark D. Wiest ......rsity Pedagogy for Challenging Cl......rgo A. Jackson and Shannon R. Wai......ngual Figueroa and Meredith McCon......ritical Themes and Areas of Application Women and Leadership: Bu......Donna Baptiste and Kesha Burch Co......se Joan Thulin and Marc A. Zimmer......ity Resilience and Supporting Disaster Risk Redu...
- ジャンル・形式用語Handbooks and manuals.
- 要約等... rights issues and violations as ......enced by women and sexual minorit......ial, economic, and/or cultural do......ns, countries, and contexts. It o......epts, debates, and trends vital to understanding the field and informing practice t......n in political and economic life;......ence in public and private sphere......o reproductive and maternal human......discrimination and violence again......ct situations; and the nexus betw......limate change, and the human righ......e or religion, and the challenges......f women in the form of national r......edial measures and through engage...... international and regional human rights bodies ...
- 内容細目Women, gender, and international ......harlotte Bunch and Niamh Reilly T......lity of rights and substantive equality for women / Savitr......ts of minority and indigenous wom......ination of All Forms of Discrimin...... Freeman Women and the human righ......ender equality and the European C......uman Rights / Sandra Fredman Wome...... the Promotion and Protection of ......ights of Women and Children / Attilio Pisa......ectoral quotas and women's rights......ahra Albarazi, and Deirdre Brenna......vancing sexual and reproductive health and rights of adolescents in Africa : th......stic violence, and human rights / Paul Harpur an...
- 件名Women's rights. Women--Legal status, laws, etc. International law and human rights.
- 内容細目...nt assessments and its impact on educational policy Takashi Hamano...... The education policy agenda and education rese......acquisition in children of internation......ion in Central and West Africa Yu......ounts the most for early literacy......of the generic health-related qualit...... questionnaire for children and adolescents Hiroto Murohas......al involvement and marital relati......著 The internat and suicide Akira ......nternalization and drive for thinness adolescents Yoko Yamazaki,......ship in school children Rui Akasaka, A......us on tracking and pre-entry effe......erminants of information gaps on college tuition...
- 要約等...euroscientific and behavioral kno...... three decades and treatment delivery in clinica...
- 内容細目Emerging health perspectives T......ogy of alcohol and drug disorders......s Federal drug policy Historical per......tion Diagnosis and classification......rders Drug reinforcement in anima......of medications for alcohol and drug dependenc...... drug response and addiction Neur......of drug reward and reinforcement Neurobeh......rature Opiates and prescription d......tive-hypnotics and anxiolytics Cl......ction Anabolic-androgenic steroid......ogens Ketamine and phencyclidine The biology and treatment of p......ory, research, and practice Cogni......vioral therapy for addiction Community reinforcement approach and contingenc...