Carleton L. Dyer . by V. E. Swain and R. A. Goodman . by Eugene R. Kun . by Herbert Doering . C. E. Corum . C. B. BarkerNippon Shuppan Kyodo, Publication Department of the P B Reports1946-1950
著者標目Dyer, Carleton L. Swain, V. E. Goodman, R. A. Kun, Eugene R....
reported by R. H. Boundy, R. L. Hasche . reported by E. R. Owen ... [et al.] . reported by Fred E. Henderson . by V. E. Swain . by Hans ThurnauerNippon Shuppan Kyodo, Publication Department of the P B Reports19--
著者標目Boundy, R. H. Hasche, R. L. Owen, E. R. Henderson, Fred E. Swain, V. E. Thurnauer, Hans