検索絞り込み条件絞り込み条件genre 項目を閉じる絞り込み条件絞り込み条件検索結果 2 件20件ずつ表示50件ずつ表示100件ずつ表示リスト表示サムネイル表示テーブル表示適合度順出版年:古い順出版年:新しい順タイトル:昇順タイトル:降順著者:昇順著者:降順請求記号順タイトルでまとめる一括お気に入りPhase transformations '87 : International conference : Jul 1987, Cambridge. (Book - Institute of Metals ; 404)Phase transformations '87 : International conference : Jul 1987, Cambridge. (Book - Institute of Metals ; 404)紙図書Institute of Metals1988.<M17-89-1254>国立国会図書館ISBN0901462322Phase transformations '87 : proceedings of the conference sponsored and organised by the Metal Science Committee of the Institute of Metals, with financial support from the US Air Force EOARD, the US Army European Research Office (London) and the US Office of Naval Research and held at the Univedrsity of Cambridge on 6-10 July, 1987Phase transformations '87 : proceedings of the conference sponsored and organised by the Metal Science Committee of the Institute of Metals, with financial support from the US Air Force EOARD, the US Army European Research Office (London) and the US Office of Naval Research and held at the Univedrsity of Cambridge on 6-10 July, 1987紙図書edited by G.W. LorimerInstitute of Metals1988全国の図書館ISBN0901462322検索結果は以上です。書誌情報を一括出力RSS