検索結果 75 件
- 内容細目On Guelfs and Ghibellines On the government of a city On the tyrant Appendix I: The preface to Bartolus's Tiberiadis Appendix II: Legislative autonomy and the universality of the Roman Empire Appendix III: The 'city, emperor unto itself.'
- 件名Bartolo, of Sassoferrato, 1313-1357 Municipal government--Italy--History--To 1500 Political science--History
- 要約等"The Cambridge Companion to the Hebrew Bible and Ethics offers an engaging and informative response to a wide range of ethical issues. Drawing connections between ancient and contemporary ethical problems, the essays address a variety of topics, including student loan debt, criminal justice reform, ethnicity and inclusion, family systems, and military violence. The volume emphasizes the contextual nature of ethical reflection, stressing the importance of historical knowledge and understanding in illuminating the concerns, the logic, and the intentions of the biblical texts. Twenty essays, all specially commissioned for this volu...
- 内容細目...Crouch (Fuller Theological Seminary) Part I Legal Ethics 1. The Decalogue: An Icon of Ethical Discourse / Dominik Markl (Pontifical Biblical Institute) 2. The Talionic Principle and Its Calibrations / Sandra Jacobs (King's Co......Deuteronomy / Caryn Reeder (Wes......nt College) 4. The Construction of Gender Roles in the Book of the Book of the Covenant and in Deuteronomy / Carolyn J. Pressler (United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities) 5. Economics and the Law / Albino Barrera (Providence College) Part II Narrative Ethics 6. Creation Ethics in Genesis / Matthew Schlimm (University of Dubuque Theological Seminary) 7. Migrant ...
- 件名Bible. Old Testament--Criticism, interpretation, etc Ethics in the Bible
- 内容細目General introduction ......ms Outline for a play Orozes, King of Albania An address to the prince of Denmark Writings on the new method A proposal to abolish the requirement of ordination for fellows of colleges in Oxford and Cambridge Rules for soci......es Writings on the liberty of the press The preface to Aesop's Fables Memoirs relating to the life of Anthony first earl of Shaftesbury Other writings on the Shaftesbury family Textual introduction Appendices Transcription of manuscripts and presentation of printed texts The transcription of manuscripts The presentation of printed texts ......es on Cromwell and the Dutch war Verses on the...
- ジャンル・形式用語Criticism, interpretation, etc.
- 件名Locke, John, 1632-1704--Criticism and interpretation. Locke, John, 1632-1704.
- 要約等"World literature dwells in our time and in times past. As a treasured heritage of artistic expression in oral, visual and written forms, it is an indelible part of the story of evolution of human civilization. As a scholarly field, howe......er, world literature has had a rather sporadic presence in the disciplinary landscape of modern universities, surging and receding in accordance with political and socio-cultural transformations. The contemporary era is witnessing ......ch resurgence. The term world appears to have made a spectacular re-entry as a literary critical rubric in the twenty-first century. One hears of the 'world' all too freq...
- 内容細目VOL. I. List of figures in Volume I List of contributors to Volume I Acknowledgments ......oduction / Debjani Ganguly I. GENEALOGIES. 1. Ancient world literature / David Damrosch 2. The Silk Roads of world literature / Wen-Chin Ouyang 3. Arabic literary prose, adab literature, and the formation of Islamicate imperial culture / Ahmed H. al-Rahim 4. Worldmaking and early modernity: cartographic poesis in Europe and South Asia / Ayesha Ramachandran 5. Colonial philology and the origins of world literature / Baidik Bhattacharya 6. Globalism's prehistory: technologies of modernism / Julian Murphet 7. After 1945: Holocaust memory, p...
- 件名Comparative literature
- 要約等"This book presents the collectors' roles as prominently as the collections of books and texts which they assembled. Contr......butors explore the activities and networks shaping a range of continental and transcontinental European public and private collections during the Renaissance, Enlightenment and modern eras. They study the impact of class, geographical location and specific cultural contexts on the gathering and use of printed and handwritten texts and other printed artefacts. The volume explores the social dimension of book collecting, and considers how practices of collecting developed during these periods of profound cultura...
- 内容細目Building a library without walls: The early years of the Bodleian Library / Robyn Adams and Louisiane Ferlier Universal knowledge and self-fashioning: Cardinal Bernardino Spada's collection of books / Giulia Weston "A paradise & cabinet of rarities': Thomas Browne, his library, and communities of collecting in ...... / Lucy Gwynn Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn: A "collecting friendship" as told through a reevaluation of manuscript PL 2237 and Print Album PL 2062 in the Pepys Library, Magdalene College Cambridge / Catherine Sutherland "Ye best tast of books & learning of any other country gentn": The Library of Thomas Mostyn of G...
- 件名Book collecting--Europe--History. Book collectors--Europe--History. Libraries--Europe--History.
- 内容細目Collections Sanskrit manuscripts in the Cambridge University Library : three centuries of history and preservation / Camillo A. Formigatti The Cambridge Jain manuscripts : provenances, highlight......, colophons / Nalini Balbir A tentative history of the Sanskrit grammatical traditions in Nepal through the manuscript collec...... Vincenzo Vergiani What information can be gleaned from Cambodian inscriptions about practices relating to the transmission of Sanskrit literature? / Dominic Goodall Codicology (from orality to print) Tamil satellite stanzas : genres and distribution / Eva Wilden Teaching and learning Sanskrit through T...
- 件名Manuscripts, Indic--History. Manuscripts, Sanskrit--History. Manuscripts--South Asia--History. Manuscripts, Indic--England--Cambridge--History. Manuscripts, Sanskrit--England--Cambridge--History. Cambridge University Library.
- 関連情報Studies in manuscript cultures
- 要約等"The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Volume 26 covers a period of transition in Russell's political life between his orthodox and sometimes pugnacious defence of the West in the early post-war, and the dissenting advocacy of nuclear disarmament and détente that started in earnest in the mid-1950s. While some of the assembled writings echo harsh prior criticism of Soviet expansionism and dictatorship, others register growing qualms about the recklessness of American foreign policy and the baneful effects o......ivil liberties of anti-communist hysteria inside the United States. Whether continuing to...... for western rearmament, or highlighting in a ...
- 内容細目Introduction / Andrew G. Bone Chronology Part 1: Australian Broadcasts, Lectures, Articles and Miscellanea : 1. Guest of Honour [1950] Three Broadcasts for Window on the World 2. The World as I See It [195...... My Philosophy of Life [1950] 4. What Hope for Man [1950] 5. Ferment in Asia [1950] 6. Obstacles to World G....... K. Bliss, Semantography [1950] 8. We and U.S. Can Lead and Help Asian People [1950] 9. Science Can Help Australia Support More P......0. Communism, Capitalism, Socialism [1950]: a. Bertrand Russell Tells Us What Communism Is ; b. Private Monopoly Is Bane of Capitalism ; c. Greater Democracy Is Socialism's P...
- 要約等"The field of linguistic anthropology looks at human uniqueness and diversity through the lens of language, our species' special combination of art and instinct. Human language both shapes, and is shaped by, our minds, societies, and cultural worlds"--
- 内容細目Bernard Bate Language and media / lana Gershon, Paul Manning Introduct...... Directions in the anthropology of Language / N. J. Enfield, Paul Kockelman, Jack Sidnell Basics of a language / R. M. W. Dixo The item/system pr...... N.J. Enfield Language and the manual modality: The communicative resilience of the human species / Susan Goldin-Meadow Linguistic diversity and universals / Balthasar Bickel Denotation and the pragmatics of language / Michael Silverstein Language function / Sandra A. Thompson, Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen Language acquisition and language socialization / Penelope Brown / Suzanne Gaskins Language, society,...
- 件名Anthropological linguistics. SOCIAL SCIENCE / Anthropology / General. Ethnolinguistik.
- 内容細目Machine generated contents no....... I TIME 1.Gildas / Magali Coumert 2.Monastic History and Memory / Thomas O'Donnell 3.Apocalypse and/as History / Richard K. Emmerson 4.The Brut. Legendary British History / Jaclyn Rajsic 5.Genealogies / Marie Turner 6.Anglo-Saxon Futures: Writing England's Ethical Past, Before and After 1066 / Cynthia Turner Camp 7.Pagan Histories/Pagan Fictions / Ch......Chism pt. II PLACE 8.Mental Maps: Sense of Place in Medieval British Historical Writing / Sarah Foot 9.Viking Armies and their Historical Legacy across England's North-Sout.......790-c.1100 / Paul Gazzoli 10.Cross-Channel Networks of History Writi...
- ジャンル・形式用語History.
- 件名Middle Ages--Historiography. Historiography--Great Britain--History--Medieval period, 1066-......485. Historiography--Ireland--History--Medieval period, 1066-......485. Historiography--Great Britain--History--Anglo-Saxon period, 449......066. Historiography--Ireland--History--Anglo-Saxon period, 449-1066. Literature and history--Great Britain--History--Medieval period, 1066-1485. Literature and history--Great Britain--History--Anglo-Saxon period, 449......066. Historiography. Literature and history. Geschichtssch......bung Historiographie médiévale--Grande-Bretagne--449-1066 (Période anglo-saxonne) Manuscrits médiévaux-...
- 要約等"Traces conflicts about the definition of human rights and shows how a series of contradictions worked their way into the International Bill of Human Rights"--
- 内容細目What are human rights and where do they come from? From war and politics to human rights: The Cold War and colonial recession Protecting state sovereignty from the 'dangers' of human rights Saving empire: the attempt to create (non)-universal human rights A human rights Treaty that permits lynching? The United States' unequivocal ambivalence toward socioeconomic rights.
- ジャンル・形式用語History.
- 要約等This volume in the highly respected Cambridge History of Science series is devoted to the history of science in the Middle Ages from the North Atlantic to the Indus Valley. Medieval science was once universally dismissed as non-existent - and sometimes it......his volume reveals the diversity of goals, contexts and accomplishments in the study of nature during the Middle Ages. Organized by topic and culture, its essays by distinguished scholars offer the most comprehensive and up-to-date history of medieval science currently available. Intended to provide a balanced and inclusive treatment of the medieval world, contributors ...
- 内容細目Introduction / Michael H. Shank and David C. Lindberg Islamic Culture and the Natural Sciences / F. Jamil Ragep Islamic Mathematics / J.L. Berggren THE MIXED MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES / Elaheh Kheirandish Islamic Astronomy / Robe......ICINE IN MEDIEVAL ISLAM / Emilie Savage-Smith Science in the Jewish Communi......ies / Y. Tzvi Langermann SCIENCE IN THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE / Anne Tihon Schools and Universities in Medieval Latin Science / Michael H. Shank The Organization of Knowledge / Joan Cadden SCIENCE AND THE MEDIEVAL CHURCH / David C. Lindberg Natural Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages / Stephen C. McCluskey Early-Medieval Cosmology, Astron...
- 件名Science, Medieval Science--History--To 1500 Science--History Social sciences--History--To 1500 Social sciences. Sci......Science, Medieval.
- 内容細目pt. 1. Introduction Between art and information: towards a collecting history of photographs / Elizabeth Edwards (De Montfort University, Leicester, UK) and Christopher ......le collections and fluid meanings: Alfred Maudslay's archaeological photographs at the British Museum / Duncan Shields (De Montfort University, Leicester, UK) Self assembled: Isabella Stewart Gardner's Photographic Albums and the Development of her Museum, 1902-1924 / Casey Riley (Boston University, USA) 'An Invitation to Visit W......mere': moments of departure and return in the biography of the Bryan Heseltine Collection / Darren Newbury (University of Br...
- 件名Photography museums. Photograph collections. Photography--Museums. Museum Fotografie Sammlung Photographie--Musées. ......ions de photographies.
- 要約等This is one of the best-known works of Fenton Hort (1828-1892), Professor of Divinity at Cambridge. Compiled in 1897, it is a posthumous collection of a series of lectures deliv......y Hort in 1888 and 1889, covering the origins and development of the early Church. Starting with a discussion on the meaning of 'ecclesia', Hort traces church history from the New Testament accounts of the Last Supper and the Resurrection to the problems Christianity faced in the second century...... conveys his meaning with absolute clarity, taking a scrupulous, almost scientific approach in his consideration of literary evidence. Four of his sermo...
- 内容細目Lectures on the early history and the early conceptions of the ecclesia. The word ecclesia The apostles in relation to the ecclesia Early stages in the growth of the ecclesia The ecclesia of Antioch The exercise of authority St. Paul at Ephesus The ecclesia in the Epistles The earlier epistles of St. Paul The one universal ecclesia in the Epistles of the first Roman captivity Gifts and grace Titus and Timothy in the pastoral epistles Officers of the ecclesia in the Pastoral Epistles Brief notes on various Epistles, and recapitulation Four sermons. At an ordination of priests and deacons At a university commemoration of benefactors ...
- 件名Church--Biblical teaching. Church history--Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600. Sermons, English.
- 内容細目Women, education, and agency, 1600-2000: an historical perspective / Sarah Jane Aiston Self-tuition and the intellectual achievement of early modern women: Anna Maria van Schurman (1607-1678) / Barbara Bulckaert Women and agency: the educational legacy of Mary Wollstonecraft / Joyce Send......entific women: their contribution......culture in England in the late eighteenth and nineteenth c......turies / Ruth Watts Ramabai and Rokeya: the history of gendered social capital in India / Barnita Bagchi Russian women in European universities, 1864-1900 / Marianna Muravyeva "Knowledge as the necessary food of the mind": Charlotte Mason's ...
- 件名Women -- Education -- History. Women -- Education -- Great Britain -- History. Feminism -- History. Feminism -- Great Britain -- History.
- 著者標目Spence, Jean. Aiston, Sarah Jane. Meikle, Maureen M.
- 内容細目Dynamics : geopolitics and economics. The primacy of geopolitics : the dynamics of British imperial policy, 1763-1963 ; The partition of Africa : geopolitical and internal perspectives ; The empire in a comparative global context, 1815-1914 ; The myth of "gentlemanly capitalism" Ethics and religion. Peter Peckard, "universal benevolence", and the abolition of the slave trade ; The view from below : the African response to missionaries Bureaucracy and policy-making. Bureaucracy and trusteeship in the colonial empire ; Africa and the Labour government......; John Bennett and the end of empire Great men. Winston Churchill's fir...
- 件名Imperialism -- History. Imperialismus. Kolonialismus. Great Britain -- Colonies. Great Britain -- Colonies -- Administration -- History. Great Britain -- Colonies ......- Religion. Great Britain -- Colonies -- Social conditions. Gro (0xC7) britannien.
- 内容細目Women and universities Plan of a female college for the help of the rich and the poor by F.D. Maurice The influence of unversity degrees on the education of women The university of London and the graduation of women by a member of Convocation The education of women and how it would be affected by university examinations by F.P. Cobbe The proposed college for women A new college fo......y J. Llewelyn Davies The teaching of science by James Stuart The medical education of women by Sophia Jex-Blake A conservative plea for the higher education of women by J.B. Mayor The education of girls How may the higher education of women be ...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Higher education for women
- 並列タイトル等Higher education for women
- 要約等"This book assembles essays on legal sociology and legal history by an international group of distinguished scholars. All of them have been influenced by the eminent and prolific legal historian, legal sociologist, and scholar of comparative law, Lawrence M. Friedman. Not just a Festschrift of essays by colleagues and disciples, t......olume presents a sustained examination and application of Friedman's ideas and methods. Some of the writers directly assess and comment on Friedman's vast body of work, while others examine his conclu......o see how well they have stood up over time. Various contributors apply concepts and insights der...
- 内容細目...bert W. Gordon and Morton J. Horwitz Lawrence Friedman and the canons of law and society / Lauren B. Edelman "Then and now" : Lawrence Friedman as an analyst of social and legal change / Vincenzo Ferrari Lawrence Friedman and the bane of functionalism / Victoria Saker Woeste Lawrence M. Friedman's comparative law / Tom Ginsbur......o influence, shape and globalize : popular legal culture and law / Jo Carrillo Exploring legal culture : a few cautionary remarks from comparative research / José Juan Toharia The travails of total justice / Marc Galanter "Total justice" and political conservatism / Robert A. Kagan Failures of war tribun...
- NDLCA125
- 要約等"This book fills a major gap in the scholarly literature concerning international criminal law, comparative criminal law, and human rights law. The principle of legality (non-retroactivity of crimes and punishments and related doctrines) is fundamental to criminal law and human rights law. Yet this is the first book-length study of the status of legality in international law - in international criminal law, international human rights law, and international humanitarian law. This is also the first book to survey legality/non-retroactivity in all national constitutions, developing the patterns of implementation of legality in...
- 内容細目Legality in criminal law, its purposes, and its competitors A partial history to World War II Nuremberg, Tokyo, and other Post-War cases Modern development of international human rights law : practice involving multilateral treaties and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Modern comparative law development : national provisions concerning legality Legality in the modern international and internationalized criminal courts and tribunals (with a note on legality in internationally-supervised ......erritories) Legality as a rule of customary international law today.
- NDLCA195
- 内容細目Introduction 1. The eastern march, to 1439. Before Austria, to 1000. The Babenbergs, 1000-1278. Enter the Habsburgs, 1278-1439. 2. AEIOU, 1439-1740. Universal monarchy, 1439-1556. The bastion of Christendom, 1521-1648. The establishment of the Habsburg monarchy, 1648-1740......rm, 1740-1866. The enlightened state, 1740-1792. The legitimate empire, 1792-1848. The challenge of progress, 1848......ce, 1866-1918. The compromised monarchy, 1866-1879. Austria transformed, 1879-1908. An empire falls apart, 1908-1918. 5. The land without qualities, 1918-1945. The orphan republic, 191......1927. Culture wars, 1927-1938. The Hitler time...
- 件名Austria -- History. Oostenrijk. Österreich.
- 一般注記Related URL: Table of contents only ......//www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/fy0709......95319.html. Related URL: Publis......//www.loc.gov/catdir/enhancements/fy0713......319-d.html. Related URL: Contributor biographical information http: //www.loc.gov/catdir/enhancements/fy0729......319-b.html. Related URL: Book r......rg/review/hrev-a0f7c8-aa.
- 内容細目Part 1, Books: A Christ Church scribe of the late eleventh century / Michael Gullick The portrait of Laurence of Durham as scribe / A.I. Doyle Medieval English bookbinding stamps : four new examples / Richard A. Linenthal An illustrated twelfth-century manuscript of Hyginus's De Astronomia / Timothy Bolton Angels, lost and found, in the University Library, Cambridge / Paul Binski A scientific textbook for a noble student : Sacroboscos Treatises in the New York Public Library / Lucy Freeman Sandler Early manuscripts of Jean de Meun's translation of Vegetius / Richard and Mary Rouse The Holkham Bible picture book and the Bible moralisée / John ...
- 件名Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval. Manuscripts, Medieval. De Hamel, Christopher, 1950-
- 著者標目De Hamel, Christopher, 1950- Marrow, James H. Linenthal, Richard A Noel, William