検索結果 12 件
- 要約等The Future of Creative Wo......ue overview of the changing natur......velopments and the rise of intang......an upheaval in the social institutions of work. ...
- 内容細目...ontributors 1. The future of creative wo......ruption PART I The evolution of c......eative work 2. The creative economy: the rise and risks......le capital and the future of creative work 3. The relationship b......perspective on the economic impac......nfrastructures for creative work ...... supplementary for the future of journalisti......um curation in the digital age PA......eative work 9. The role of casual......e environments for creative work in cities: implications for the future creative city ......illennials and the future of work in the online gig eco......ic culture and the future of creative work 12. Managing...
- 要約等This collection examines implications of technological automation to global pros......g on robots, information communic......nologies, and other automation technologies, ......hat assess how automation may alter exta...... that comprise the global politic......that automates the prospects for human prosperity and peace. .
- 内容細目...y and Peace; Information and the Robotic Revolu...... References; 2 The Politics of Gl......s and Scope of the GVC; IPR and C......CM, Labor, and the Race to the Bottom; Automation, Change, and A......iosis 4 Policy Implications of People Analytics and the Automated Work......Technology and the Future of Primary Hea......ive Robots and the Radical Possib......of Emancipated Automation; Weapons Grade Law Enforcement; Lethal Robots and the Repressive State Apparatus; The Shattered Laws......inking Fromm's Futures in Blomkamp's...... References; 7 The Political Economy of Bots: Theory and Method in the Study of Social Automation; I...
- 件名Automation--Economic aspe......t and science--Automation. International economic relat...
- 要約等Executives already know that the classic approa......g relevance as the business lands......automated. But they don't yet kno...... what replaces the traditional st...... to Ming Zeng, the Chief Strategy Officer of the Alibaba Group,......w companies in the Alibaba Group and the firms it does ......ery second and the algorithms tha......nually improve the decisions and ......alf of serving their customers. Z......resemblance to the principles, pr......hD student and then taught as a p......tutions around the world--when co......rt." Revealing the revolutionary ......ba to leverage these technologica......iness provides the new toolkit for formulating a...
- 内容細目...esame Alibaba: the emergence of a......mart business: the future of strategy Ne......players change the game Data inte......: establishing the strategic foun......ness: upending the business model......organizational implications Self-tuning: m......g to enabling: the role of management The future of smart busin...... what it means for you.
- 内容細目Introduction: Drones Here, There and Everywhe......rum Issues and Future Developments /......cal Impacts of the Intersection B......: Drone Use by the Police / Bart ...... Edo Gillissen The Humanitarian Drone and the Borders: Unveilling the Rationales Underlying the Deployment of ...... / Luisa Marin The Humanitarian U......ing Technology for Emerging Needs......aelides-Mateou The Humanization o...... Psychological Implications on the Use of Lethal ......gman Unmanned? The Bodily Harms a......re: Stretching the Boundaries of ......as a Test Case for the Right to Priva......nd Reparations for Civilian Victi......nd Rachel Finn The Public Acceptance Challenge a...
- 件名Drone aircraft. Law of the Sea, Air and Outer Space Inte...
- タイトル標目Information technology & law series...
- 要約等... empirical and theoretical resear......development in the context of lei......ure management for communities. A...... on leisure in the context of sus......e development, there are still fe......ically address the current challe......nges have made the promotion of a......le behavior on the part of variou......portant gap in the literature and gathers contributions from an inter...
- 内容細目...2. Algorithmic automation of leisure fro......ive Chapter 3. The role of leisur......es in Nigeria: Implications for wholesome comm......st activity of the inhabitants of......al communes of the Poznań Metrop......ry and hotels: The importance of ......lness services for guests' well-b......ary threats to the development of......lding a better future for all Chapter 13....... Glamping and the development of......as a factor of forming European e......urism: towards the concept of a data-based trave...
- 要約等...ions to manage the challenges tha......ims to connect the academics, res......xchange ideas. The areas addresse......gement, among others. The book suggests directions for smart city res...... to cities. At the international ......n India alike, the smart cities c...... a vital topic for universities a......s, and well as for civic bodies, ......kers. As such, the book offers a ......uable resource for a broad readership."--
- 内容細目Analyzing the role of geospa......nfrastructure. The dark side of the Earth : benchm......ighting access for all cities on Earth and the CityNet datase......ented approach for urbanization g......igning streets for smart cities /......ce temperature for two Indian meg......tham Land transformation and future projections of......e sensing data for Allahabad, Ind......nd Arjun Singh The meta-analysis ......l technologies for public health ......ology to study the variation in a......ervice centres for smart cities :......igms in India, the case of Kochi ......dran Assessing the state of homel......erability, and implications for evacuation / Alan T. Murr...
- 件名Smart cities Geographic information systems Geographic Information Systems ...... Systèmes d'information géograp......e geographic information systems. Geographic information systems. Smart cities.
- 要約等...data analytics for sustainable ag......lytics and IoT for predictability......ase occurrence for improved susta......profitability. The book also addr...... IoT ecosystem for agriculture, mobile robot for precision agri......smart farming. The book provides ......iding a medium for the exchange of ex......archers around the world provide ......onal insights. The book provides ...... opportunities for the resolution of ......ributions from the data mining, d......ies working in the farming production sector. The book offers br......ad coverage of the concepts, themes, and instruments of this i...
- 内容細目...le application for hydroponic far......onal framework for IoT-based agri......onal framework for edge-based agr......riculture : weather forecasting for future farming / King......Harika Sammeta The Internet of Th......in agriculture for sustainable ru...... Moringa plant for growth monitor...... smart farming for smart cities /......iculture: Farm automation / K. Rupabanta...... IoT framework for prediction of ......: a gateway to the next revolutio......Biswajit Sahoo The predictive mod......alytics system for crop and lives......r Exploring performance and predi......-making system for crop selection...... socioeconomic implications on sustainable food security ...
- 件名Agricultural informatics Agricultural innovation...
- 内容細目...ation offer in the achievement of...... to innovate : the global institutions for biodiversity innovation in the sustainable de......y technologies for sustainable de......uardo F. Young The systems scienc......toward meeting the sustainable de......istopher Oster The role of techno......und effects in the success of the sustainable de......nce challenges for sustainable de......nd Akira Homma The role of develo......and innovation for global health ......perspective on the global sanitat......in Nairobi's informal settlements......rnhard Truffer The role of animal......gen management for meeting sustai......ent technology for poverty reduction and food se...
- 要約等...ssed to become the integral part ...... directions in the future wireless netwo......ive literature for students, rese......k reference to the subjects of wi......ng Li Big Data for Networking \ E...... Yingying Chen Future Network Archit...... Wei Quan Game Theory in Wireless......an Luo Network Forensics and surveillance, Fault...
- 内容細目...twork Big Data for Networking Cel......nel Estimation Future Network Architecture Game Theory in Wireless......ricing Network Forensics and surv......and OFDM About the Editors Area E......Routing Scheme for Vehicular Netw......Access Control for Internet-of-Th......nd Foundations Implications for the Grid Planning ......maly Detection for IoT Systems Industrial Enviro...
- 内容細目...d Deen Freelon The internet as a ......Peter Dahlgren The social foundations of future digital politi....../ Nick Couldry The Fifth Estate: a rising force of pluralist......, findings and future of an emerging......ternet voting: the state of the debate / Thad ......entation tools for digital politics: addressing the challenge of d......es / Neil Benn The logic of conne......ital media and the personalizatio......itical talk in the Internet-based......reating spaces for online deliber...... a 'science of the social' / Dhav......ics: evidence, theory and challen......ld Research on the political implications of political entertainment / ...
- 内容細目.... Paschetto 2. The role of region......t today and in the near future / by V. Schlägelbauer 3 a. The review and evalution of the economic and t......cal results of the automation of metropolita......ys, effects of the energy crisis on their operation / ......b. Methods and theoretical bases for the traffic planni......4 b. Report on the activity of the Commission / b...... Kijlstra 5 a. Implications of the relationship b...... S. Sasso 7 a. The world energy c......its effects on the operation of p......n transport in the Paris region and the increased cost of petroleum p...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Forty-first International Congres...
- 並列タイトル等Forty-first International Congres...