
検索結果 754 件

Jeanette L. PattersonUniversity of Toronto Press[2022]<HP13-D26>
  • 要約等"From the end of the thirteenth to the first decades of the sixteenth cent...... des Moulins's Bible historiale was the predominant Fr......ch translation of the Bible. Enhancing his......t produced one of the most popular, ......language texts of the later Middle Ages. Making the Bible French investi......oices in terms of anticipated re......ons and frames the biblical text as an object of dialogue with ......s. It examines the translator's n...... visualization of biblical stori......, to encourage their identificati...... it traces how the Bible historiale man......individualizes the Bible for each new intended reader,...
  • 内容細目Making the French Bible, or Making the Bible French Telling......: Narrative Aesthetics and Poetic...... fait mention: The Bible historiale's Two Books of Job The Patient Reader
  • 件名...oximately 1297 Bible--Translating--......story--To 1500 Bible. French--Versi......story--To 1500 Bible--Criticism, Narrative Bible--Critique narrative Bible. Narration in the Bible Lay readers--F......ration dans la Bible Lay readers. Narration in the Bible. France.
edited by Caroline Blyth and Alison Jack, with an afterword by Liam McIlvanneyT&T Clark2019<HP13-D16>
  • 要約等"The Bible has always enj......toriety within the genres of crime fiction ...... traditions as thematic foci to e...... religion, and the search for jus......ice and truth. The Bible in Crime Ficti......ama brings together multi-discipl......holarship from the fields of biblical inter......media spanning the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. The volume conclud......iam McIvanney. These essays explo......ves, analysing the multiple layers of meaning that s......ck Holmes with the murder mystery in the Book of Tobit, observi......olence through the eyes of Christian fund......nkell's Before the Frost, catching the thread of...
  • 内容細目...Alison Jack On the trail of a biblical ser......ock Holmes and the book of Tobit / Matthew A. Collins Ta......red Scripture: the Bible as artefact an...... cold climate: the Bible and violence i......nkell's Before the frost / Caroli...... "Understanded of the people": C.J. ......Where have all the good men gone?...... antiheroes in the Book of Judges and Ame......ixler "Long is the way and hard, that out of hell leads up ......mes C. Oleson "The man who died" ......ael Klangwisan The divine unsub: ......n, Jr. Poirot, the bourgeois prop......gerous world": the hermeneutics of Agatha Christie's later novel...
  • 件名Bible--Influence Bible and literature Popular cultur...
Michael D. Coogan.Oxford University Pressc2011.<HP2-B79>
  • 内容細目v. 1. Acts-LXX v. 2. Macc-Zeph, Topical outline of contents, Directory of contributors, Index.
  • 件名Bible--Encyclopedias. Bible--Introductions.
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Encyclopedia of the books of the Bible
edited by Elizabeth Dillenburg, Howard Louthan, Drew B. ThomasBrill[2021]<UE82-D9>
  • 要約等"Print Culture at the Crossroads investigates how the spread of printing shape...... Europe during the early modern p...... Moving beyond the boundaries of the nation state, ......ntries examine the role of the press in a reg......nists, Jews, Lutherans, and Ortho......hristians used the press to prese......ve and support their communities.......omplicated web of connections linking printers ...
  • 内容細目...terary Culture of Central Europe...... Diversity and the Book: A Hungar...... Study Hearing the Word of God : The Aural and Symbolic Presence of Bibles in Early Hung......Graeme Murdock The Minister's Rea......st : Religious Books in the Libraries of Transylvanian Lutheran Clergy / Maria Crăciun The Posthumous Reception of an Antitrinita......e and Abroad : The Afterlife of György Enyedi......Borbála Lovas Books for Transylvan......ici Liturgical Books after the Council of Trent : Implem......Innovation and the Formation of Local Tradition in the Habsburg Lands......ucreux Part 2. The Renaissance World of Central Europe Making Erasmus...
  • 件名...ntral--History Books--Europe, Centr......ies and trade. Books. Language and languages--Vari...
Konrad Schmid and Jens Schröter, translated by Peter LewisThe Belknap Press of Harvard University Press2021<HP13-D25>
  • 要約等"The Bible as we know it ......that begins in the tenth century ......nowned scholar of Hebrew scriptu......t authority on the New Testament ...... new biography of the Book of Books, reconstructin......es, as well as the underappreciat......ontest between them, from which the Bible arose. Recent ......instance, that the five books of the Torah were wri......ses but during the reign of Josiah centuries later. The sources of the Gospels are al......hröter reveal the long, transfor......ative journeys of these and other texts en rout......o inclusion in the holy books. The New Testament, the authors show, ......not develop in the wake of an Old Testament set ...
  • 内容細目What is "the Bible"? Scribal cult......y Christianity The formation of the Christian Bible The Jewish Bible, the Mishnah, and the Talmud The book of books
  • 件名Bible--Canon Bible--History Bible--Criticism, in......pretation, etc Bible--Histoire Bible--Critique, int......rétation, etc Bible New Testament--History RELIGI...
by Drew B. ThomasBrill[2022]<UE31-D31>
  • 要約等"Of the leading print ......Wittenberg was the only one that ......a major centre of trade, politic......graph examines the rise of the Wittenberg pri......ow it overtook the Empire's leadi......t investigates the workshops of the four leading p......nberg during Luther's lifetime: N......eorg Rhau. Together, these printers conquered the German print world"--
  • 内容細目The Beginnings of the Reformation Print Industry The Title Page Borders of Lucas Cranach Fraud in the Reformation Book Trade The Second Generation of Reformation Printers Bibles and Broadshee......1: A Catalogue of Wittenberg Counterfeits Appen...
  • 件名...y Illustration of books--Germany--16th....... Illustration of books. Printing. Reformation. Witte...
Joel S. Baden.Princeton University Press[2019]<HP18-D3>
  • 内容細目Introduction Before the Bible The Exodus story outside the book of Exodus Exodus ......tual Sinai and the law Social for......hts Liberation theology.
  • 件名Bible. Exodus--Criticism, interpretation, etc. Bible. Exodus. Bibel Exodus Entsteh...
  • 資料の内容に関する注記"Exodus is the second book of the Hebrew Bible, but it may ra......t is here that the classic biblical themes of oppression and redemption, of human enslavem......el Baden tells the story of this influenti......famous account of the Israelites' journey to the promised land ......for millennia, often in unexpect......nction between the Exodus story and the book itself, which is one of the most multifaceted in the Bible, containing po......dus brings together an array of oral and writt......raditions from the ancient Middle...... ritualized in the Passover Seder and the Eucharist. Highlighting the remarkable resilience and fle...
Eyal PolegOxford University Press2020<HP13-D19>
  • 内容細目The late medieval Bible: beyond innova......ion Wycliffite Bibles and the limits of orthodoxy The first printed English Bibles The Great Bible as a useless b...... fast forward: the Bibles of Edward VI
  • 件名Bible--Publication a......ution--England Bible--History Bible--Manuscripts Bible. English--Versions Bible. English (Midd......ions--Wycliffe Bible--Liturgical us......story--To 1500 Bible--Publication e......on--Angleterre Bible--Histoire Bible--Manuscrits Bible. Anglais--Versions Bible. Manuscripts--......--Christianity Books and reading--E......story--To 1500 Books and reading--E...... antécédents Books and reading. Manuscripts. Mat...
  • 資料の内容に関する注記"This book is the first in-depth study of the production and use of Bibles in late medie......enturies, from the nascent univer......ties and Latin Bibles of the thirteenth century to the death of Edward VI in 1......perspective on the advent of moveable type ......form. Based on the analysis of hundreds of biblical manus......tical turmoil. The material evide......mple, evidence of Church worship......glish prior to the Reformation, o......y VIII's Great Bible as a useless book."
edited by C.L. CrouchCambridge University Press2021<HP16-D25>
  • 要約等"The Cambridge Companion to the Hebrew Bible and Ethics offers an engagin......o a wide range of ethical issues......ical problems, the essays address a variety of topics, includ......tary violence. The volume emphasizes the contextual nature of ethical reflec......ion, stressing the importance of historical kno......n illuminating the concerns, the logic, and the intentions of the biblical texts......olume, address the texts' histori......tors affecting their ethical ideas. They also explore how these texts can co......l discussions. The Cambridge Companion to the Hebrew Bible and Ethics is suitable for us...
  • 内容細目...Crouch (Fuller Theological Semina......egal Ethics 1. The Decalogue: An Icon of Ethical Discou...... Institute) 2. The Talionic Princ......nt College) 4. The Construction of Gender Roles in the Book of the Book of the Covenant and i......essler (United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities) 5...... Economics and the Law / Albino B......n Genesis / Matthew Schlimm (University of Dubuque Theological Semina......rant Ethics in the Jacob Narrativ......ne (University of Sheffield) 8. ......r Mandates and the Book of Joshua / Mark ...... David's Ethic of Togetherness and Its V......d Ethnicity in the Deuteronomistic History / Bri...
  • 件名Bible. Old Testament--Criticism, interpretation, etc Ethics in the Bible
edited by Arthur der Weduwen, Malcolm WalsbyBrill[2022]<UE31-D42>
  • 要約等"Anyone who has studied the history of the Reformation, the book and commu......ntributions to these fields. The forty-four ess......ioned to cover the broad scope of Pettegree's areas of interest and e......and build upon them. The pieces, writte......round nine key themes, ranging from the intersections of religion and print to the history of book collecting, the periodical pre......en essays. Together with the second volume, 'The Book World of Early Modern E......says in Honour of Andrew Pettegr...... Volume 2', it offers a wide-ranging survey of the state of current scholarship on religi...
  • 内容細目Andrew Pettegree, a historian of the Reformation and the Book / Malcolm......ijk Boundaries of memory : the mediaeval Bible in the early modern world / Bruce Go...
  • 一般注記Issued in two volumes with distinct titles; companion volume: The book world of early modern Europe
edited by Alexander S. Wilkinson Graeme J. Kemp.Brill[2019]<UE31-B215>
  • 内容細目...ng Censorship: the Rise and Fall of Reformation Pr......on for Freedom of Speech and Thought: Printing the Censurae of the Sorbonne, 1500...... Martine Furno The Bible in Contention:......ical Texts for the Mass / Edoardo...... Publishing in the Dutch Golden A......al Networks in the Dutch Print Wo......Production and the Antwerp Printi......nd Conflict in the Iberian Book T......inted Accounts of Conspiracies A......Modern France: the Wars of the Mother and Son, 1619...... News in Times of Domestic Crisis: the Truce Conflicts, the Thirty Years' War and the Rise of the Dutch Newspape......mers Defending the Fatherland Against the Butche...
  • 件名... Early printed books--Europe, Western--History.
translated with annotations and introductions by Bentley Layton, with additions and revisions by David BrakkeYale University Press[2021]<HC21-D12>
  • 要約等"A collection of extra-biblical......res written by the gnostics, upda......exts including the recently discovered Gospel of Judas."--Publi......ntroduction to the gnostic script......rucial look at the theology, religiou......ary traditions of ancient Christ......e translations of ancient texts ......d annotations. The texts are orga......zed to reflect the history of gnosticism in the second through......xts, including the recently discovered Gospel of Judas"--
  • 内容細目Preface to the first edition Preface to the second edition......od Explanation of typographical ......rence systems Other accepted names for the works in this ......nd manuscripts of works in this ......ollection List of illustrations List of abbreviations ......l introduction The Secret book ac......ording to John The Gospel of Judas The Revelation of Adam The Reality of the rulers The Thunder-perfec......in three forms The Holy book of the great invisible spirit; or, the Egyptian gospe......nos (excerpts) The Foreigner (excerpts) The Three tablets of Seth Satornino...... St. Irenaeus) The Gnostics (acco......t. Irenaeus) "Other" gnostic teachings (accordin...
  • 関連情報The Anchor Yale Bible reference library
Anthony GraftonThe Belknap Press of Harvard University Press2020<UM31-D4>
  • 要約等...ites us to see the scholars of early modern E......hysical tasks, they were artisans of script and pri......ton shows that the life of the mind depends on the work of the hands."--
  • 内容細目Introduction: Making book: the way of the humanists Huma......ergil uncovers the Jewish origins of Christianity Matthew Parker makes ......otebook Annius of Viterbo studies the Jews John Caiu...... Spinoza reads the Bible Conclusion: What the ink blots reveal
  • 件名Early printed books Books--History Human......urope--History Books Humanists Printers Europe Aut...
edited by Donn F. Morgan.Oxford University Press[2019]<HP16-B30>
  • 要約等...t resource for the serious study of the Writings of the Hebrew Bible. It addresses ...... Christianity. The volume provide...... presentations of the messages and import of the books and the canonical division as a whole...
  • 内容細目Studying the writings as po......Donn F. Morgan The writings in the early postexil......ster L. Grabbe The writings in the Hellenistic an......Lim Archeology of the postexilic period and the writings / Ben...... traditions in the writings: prie......and Levites in the postexilic per......traditions and the writings: sage...... and revisions of the end in the writings / Ben...... traditions in the writings: nove...... traditions in the writings / Sus......apientially in the writings / William P. Brown The book of Job in the context of the writings / Kat......s as a book in the writings / Jul......nversations in the dark / Scott Ellington Ruth: ...
  • 件名Bible. Hagiographa--Criticism, interpretation, etc. Bible. Hagiographa.
Timothy Beal.Princeton University Press[2018]<HP41-B60>
  • 要約等Few biblical books have been as r......any hail it as the pinnacle of prophetic vision, the cornerstone of the biblical canon......h eyes to see, the key to understanding the past, present, and future. Others denounce it as the work of a disturbed in......orrific dreams of inhumane viole......n allowed into the Bible. Timothy Beal ......ltural history of Revelation and the apocalyptic im......g readers from the book's composition amid the Christian persecutions of first-century ...... Beal explores the often wildly cont......adictory lives of this sometimes...... and Hildegard of Bingen made Re......ion central to their own mystical worldviews, an...
  • 内容細目...gustine's tale of two cities Cry......ye: Joachim in the forests of history Septem......s testament: Luther's Bible vs. Cranach's ......tion New world of gods and monsters: othering other religions Hea......behind, again: the rise and fall of evangelical rapture horror cu...
  • 件名Bible. Revelation--C......etc.--History. Bible. Revelation--C......retation, etc. Bible. Revelation--I....... Eschatology. Bible. Revelation. 1......interpretation of the New Testament.
edited by Lester L. Grabbe.T & T Clark2019.<GE761-D4>
  • 要約等"These critical readings explore the history of ancient Israel, from the Late Bronze Age to the Persian period...... it relates to the Bible. Selected by one of the world's leading scholars of biblical history, the texts are drawn from a range of highly respect......from a variety of historical and......es, presenting the key voices of the debate in one ......ester Grabbe - the volume first c......fore following the chronology of Israel's earli......cases studies (the reforms of Josiah and the wall of Nehemiah). A f......ummarizes many of the historical pri......that emerge in the course of studying Israe......ers towards further readings and engagements wit...
  • 内容細目Some aspects of working with the textual source...... Herbert Niehr The strange fear of the Bible: some reflections on the 'bibliophobia'......rite a history of Israel without relying on the Hebrew Bible / J. Maxwell Miller Reading the Bible historically: the historian's ap......really deserve the status of a 'high court'......hud Ben Zvi On the problems of reconstructing......as L. Thompson The big max: review of A Biblical History of Israel, by Iai......Grabbe "Who is the prophet talkin......rabbe's review of A Biblical History of Israel / Iain ......r Longman, III The geography of the Exodus / John ...... Diana Edelman The mighty men of Israel: 1-2 Sam...
  • 件名Bible. Old Testament--History of Biblical events. Bible. Old Testament......retation, etc. Bible. Old Testament......0 A.D. History of Biblical events. Jews.
edited by Erik Kwakkel, Rodney Thomson.Cambridge University Press2018.<UM21-B68>
  • 要約等"This book was conceived in the context of Turning Over a...... Innovation in the Twelfth-Centur......5. It fulfills the desire of both editors t......available a synthesizing study de...... subject areas of twelfth-centur......ipt culture in the West. In the fall of 2014 a group of leading schola......for this book. The aim was not only to present the current state of research in the various subjec......o to highlight the possibilities ...... directions in the future" --
  • 内容細目...n Scholars and their books / Constant J. Mews The libraries of religious hous......a Webber Modes of reading / Jenn......ston Practices of appropriation : writing in the margin / Marik......Teeuwen Hebrew books / Judith Olszo......ger Liturgical books / Nicolas Bell Books of theology and Bible study / Lesley......erina Tarlazzi The classical revi......O'Daly Reading the sciences / Cha......urnett Medical books / Monica H. Green Law books / Charles Radding Vernacular ...
  • 件名...tory--To 1500. Books--Europe--History--400-1450. Books and reading--Europe--History-...
edited by Laura Cleaver, Alixe Bovey, Lucy DonkinBrill[2020]<KC482-D27>
  • 要約等"The twenty-eight e......e antiquity to the Renaissance. The volume celebrates the exceptional contribution of John Lowden to the study of medieval books. The authors explore some of the themes and questio......ackling issues of meaning, making, patronage, the book as an obj......and image, and the transmission of ideas. They combine John'...... commitment to the close scrutiny of manuscripts wi...... interrogation of what the books meant in their own time and what they mean to us now"--
  • 内容細目Intro Illuminating the Middle Ages: Tributes to Prof. John Lowden f......eviations List of Illustrations ......Lost Archetype of the Apollonius Pic...... me tangere in the Codex Egberti ......977-93) and in the Gospel Book of Otto iii (Reic......s in Context 4 The Green Tinted Souls of Dives and Lazarus in the Codex Aureus of Echternach 5 Portraits of Terence, the African 6 Manu......ace: León and the Holy Roman Empire in the Mid-eleventh Century 7 The Two Pictures C......ly Manuscripts of St Anselm's Pr......om Clairvaux 9 The Imagery of Noah's Ark in the Mosaic Decoration of Monreale Cathedral 10 Some Observations on the Artists of the Leiden Psalter...
  • 件名Illumination of books and manuscript......l Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval. Ma...
Eyal Regev.Yale University Press[2019]<HP23-B22>
  • 要約等"The first scholarl...... work to trace the Temple throughout the entire New Tes......titudes toward the Temple in the first century ...... understanding of their respective faiths and how they grow out of this ancient institution. The centrality of the Temple in New ......riting reveals the authors' negotiations with the institutional ......ymbolic center of Judaism as they worked to form their own religion." -- Publisher...
  • 内容細目...tion? Q and Matthew: the Sacred Temple ......and dying with the Temple The Gospel of John: Temple and Christology The Book of Revelation: the alternative Temple Hebrews: the new heavenly t...... cult based on the old one Relati......, experiencing the sacred Concluding thoughts.
  • 件名Temple of Jerusalem (Jerusalem) Temple of Jerusalem (Jerusalem)--In the Bible. Bible. New Testament......n, etc. Temple of God.
Gabriel Said ReynoldsYale University Press[2020]<HR44-D2>
  • 要約等The central figure of the Quran is not M......mad but Allah. The Quran, Islams ......ne. Yet who is the God of the Quran? What distinguishes the quranic presentation of God from that of the Bible? In this illum...... depicts a god of both mercy and......y. Remarkably, the Quran is open ......Gods salvation of both sinners a......nbelievers. At the same time, All...... a disposition of piety and fear. Allah, in other words, is a d......nique portrait of the God of the Quran.--
  • 内容細目...roduction: God of Mercy and Veng......nd His Book 1. The Quran and the Bible 2. God and the Prophets 3. He......y 5. Allah and the Fate of Sinners 6. Allah and the Fate of Unbelievers Pa......ivine Wrath 8. The Avenger Part I......nal God 9. God of the Bible and the Quran 10. Rereading the Quran Epilogue: The Quran on Peace......iography Index of Quran Passages Index of Bible Passages General Index