検索結果 558 件
- 要約等This book brings together Eng......pers published in recent years by Chinese historians,....... These papers investigate vario......he legacy of Chinas historic The......ties which continues to inspire higher education reform in China even in the twenty-fir......e Liberal Arts Education in the Chinese context. Besides embracing some ideals in common with Liberal Arts Education developed in the West, their Liberal Arts Education curriculum had......mphasis on readings in the classics, ...... traditional Chinese values. The......al citizenship education. This book emp......s Liberal Arts Education that focused on the whole per...
- 内容細目...sionaries to Chinese Professors ......Historical Destiny of Chinas Christian Un......e from the Writings of Miner Searle Bates......ligion at Yenching University Ch......formation of Chinese Research on Religion in the first half......Wu Yifangs Upbringing and Religious......th Part 2. Distinctive Character......ristian Higher Education in China Chapter 5. Th......om Other Mountains may Become Ja......ok on Research into Chinas Christian un......epartment of Chinese Literature and Chinese Studies at ...... University during the Republica......l Arts at Yenching University, A......ty and South China Womens University as Example...
- 件名...nd colleges--China Education, Humanistic--China Education, Higher--Aims ...... objectives--China Education and globalization--China Universités ......ssionnelles--Chine Éducation humaniste--Chine Enseignement supérieur--Finalités--Chine Éducation et......dialisation--Chine Christian uni......s and colleges Education and globalization Education, Higher--Aims and objectives Education, Humanistic China
- 要約等...tic government inherited a divid......qual system of education. Under aparthe......th Africa had nineteen different educational departments ......ideology. This education system prepared learners in different ways......cted to occupy in social, econom...... and resourced in ways that favo......people who remain in the working class. The ne......tic government in 1994 laid a fo......ndation for a single national education system. Twenty...... of democracy, education is still in a parlous state in many communities in South Africa, but it is in the rural areas mainly in the former homelands that lea...
- 内容細目Contextualising the provision of basic education in rural public s......Phikisile Dhlamini and Nicholus ......tions on rural education and rural real......Govender Rural education for social change in South Africa :......uleke Transforming a teacher pre......nt of rurality education / Maria Tsakeni Making in-service profes......ment effective in a rural context : enhancing social justic......ender, Oluwatoyin Ayodele Ajani,......Thandiwe Ngema Induction of novice educators in rural schools ......praxis of redefining rural education in South Africa /......nd Lawrence Kehinde Rethinking rural education in South African schools : to...
- 件名Education, Rural--South Africa
- 要約等"Featuring leading voices in the field from......islative determinants of inclusive education in Canadian schools. Covering four thematic areas including the structure......d practices of inclusive education, the volume of......rs comparative insights from a E......spective, engaging critically wi......a world leader in inclusive education. Providing rich comparisons with educational systems in Germany, Spain, and Finland, chapters explore in-depth the asse......da, as well as educational policy, and ...... and practices in relation to di......t populations, including refugee and indigenous people......s with special educational needs. This volume will ben...
- 内容細目Introduction: Inclusion in international 'di......eson, and Kerstin MerzAtalik Canada as a 'driving force' for inclusion activists in European count......erspectives on inclusive education in Europe and Canada / Kerstin Merz-Atalik Doing belonging and social co......urses of belonging in Canada and their influence on soci...... discourses' : inclusion in Canada / Joachim Schroeder Inclusive education in Canada : an ov......rview / Jacqueline Specht and S.......Current trends in inclusive and special education in Newfoundland a......or, Canada and in Finland / Markku Jahnukainen, Kimberly Ma......abrielle Young Education for young refugees--processes...
- 件名Inclusive education--Canada Inclusive education--Europe Inclusive education--Cross-cultura...... Multicultural education--Canada Multicultural education--Europe Multicultural education--Cross-cultural studies
- 要約等"Vocational Education in the Nordic Countries: Learning from Diversit......oks that disseminates new and sy...... of vocational education and training (VET) in four Nordic co......es. Vocational education in Europe has res......ther fields of education, and during the last deca...... been a growth in international, co......or comparative education studies, the literature in English on the Nordic VET sys...
- 内容細目Vocational education and training in the Nordic cou......rom vocational education to employment in the Nordic cou......sion to higher education from vocational education in Nordic countri....../ Maarit Virolainen and Anna Hag......n Tønder Balancing the esteem of vocational education and social inclusion in four Nordic co......st Reforms and innovations in Nordic vocational education: improving transitions t...... and to higher education / Christian He......sen Vocational education for health care workers in the Nordic cou......ne Larsen Building and construct...... of vocational education / Ole Johnny O......Hallqvist Learning from vocational education an...
- 件名Vocational education--Scandinavia. Occupational training--Scandinavia. Employability--Scandinavia.
- 要約等"The Sustainable Developmen......United Nations in 2015 restated ......versal primary education for all and sp......y, equity, and inclusion in basic education. To achieve th......e a "buzzword" in international dev......espite the growing attention to ...... participation in school managem...... mixed results in terms of its a......y, equity, and inclusion in education. This book dee......tual understanding of community in developing countries and its involvement in school in general, and i......y, equity, and inclusion of school education in particular. By presenting various case studies in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and a post-conflict ...
- 内容細目...University of Minnesota) Chapter 1. Introduction / Mi......iko Nishimura (International Chr......Part 1. Revisiting the theoretic....... Williams, Romina Kasman, Parom......The George Washington University......lize for schooling and learning?: Bottom up p......s from Pratham in India / Rukmini Banerji (Pratham Education Foundation) Pa...... participation in school managem......d pupils' learning outcomes: The......azuro Shibuya (International Coo......pter 6. Connecting parental involvement, adult education, and community organizing though social...... of Texas, Austin), Anne Spear (......llary Hartley (Institute of International Educa...
- 件名Community and school--Developing countries. Education--Developing countries. Inclusive education. Community and school. Education. Developing countries.
Intercultural studies in higher education : policy and practice (Intercultural studies in education)
- 要約等... and practices in Higher Education by comparing systems, institutions, programs, innovations, resu...... and cultures. In a rapidly changing global and international mar......owth of higher education has occurred within distinct cultural contexts, meaning that change i...... reflected within local, regiona......erspectives. Using a single data method......ntries and continents, the edito......explore higher education reforms betwee......levant aspects in the organisati......ment of higher education. In doing so, this book......t an understanding of higher education at a truly intercultural lev......stic understanding of policies and practices in...
- 内容細目...erstand higher education in the contempora......cies deal with international models of higher education; Maria Ligia B......aul Chapter 3. Interaction system of global education and the national system of education: the social te......eis Chapter 4. Internationalisat......g universities in Austria, Chile......; Ligia Pasqualin, Christian Fri......h and Rupert Beinhauer Chapter 5. An international com......tive on higher education institutions' gov......nt: Portugal, Finland and Brazil......cess to higher education in Portugal, Braz...... vulnerability in Latin American higher education; Joaquín Gair......x Barrera-Corominas Chapter 8. Higher Education...
- 件名Education, Higher--Cross......ltural studies Education, Higher--International cooperation Intercultural communication in education Education and globalization Education, Higher--International cooperation. Education and globalization. Education, Higher. Intercultural communication in education.
- 要約等"This interdisciplinary collection ......t and physical education can serve as a unique point of commonality in an era of reli...... polarity. Originally published ......port, Physical Education, and Social Ju...... multiple ways in which sport ca......ed to overcome inequalities and marginalization relating to gender, ra...... posits sports education as a powerful ......ism for addressing school-based issues including bullying, racism, and citizenship education. Truly international in scope, the text includes contribu......cholars addressing issues in both formal and in-formal sports education settings, communities, and lo...
- 内容細目... Parker Sport, Christianity and social justice? considering a theological......tion statement in honor of Tessa......Social justice in sport and exer....../ Robert J. Schinke, Thierry Mid......ll and Rob Millington Physical education, citizenship, ......ice, character education, and sport : a......tice, physical education, and bullying : a figuratio......e / Mark Mierzwinski, Steven Coc......usan Ahrens Taking a knee, making a stand : social justice, Tr...
- 件名...pects Physical education and training--Social aspects Physical education and training--Religious as......ciale Physical education and training--Religious as......ects. Physical education and training--Social aspects. Social just...
- 要約等"This edited volume examines the implicat......istance and online learning, discussing how the move to online teaching and learning modes proved ......rce of immense institutional, or......nizational and educational challenges. ......pters grounded in theoretical an......approaches pertinent to education and pedagogy, ...... theory to the educational situation br...... distance learning has to account for in crisis situati......pics discussed include innovations and best practices in online learning, research and......; developments in computer-suppo......aborative learning, training and research; the use of intelligent tutoring and mentori...
- 内容細目Introduction : remote learning is a mode of distance learning? /Linda Daniela and ......new era : learning and living in difficult time......knowledge building community : a new learning analytics too......o Digital learning, teaching and collaboration in an era of ubiquitous quarantine / Alexander Henlein, Giuseppe Abra......transfer to online : pedagogical......ctions on teaching presence / Ag......lyčėnaitė, Vineta Silkāne, A......fectiveness of education in military universities in Poland / Marek......vid19 pandemic in higher education / Adela Acitor......Álvarez What kind of support di......lty receive during emergency distance education...
- 件名Internet in higher education Computer-assisted instruction Distance education Social distancing (Public health) and education Social distancing (Public health) and education. Computer-assisted instruction. Distance education. Internet in higher education. EDUCATION / Distance Education & Learning
- 要約等...tian ideas and institutions played in the constructi......dern womanhood in East Asia. While contributing to gender dyn......ivileged women in China, Japan, and Korea, Christianity was also instrumental in women's effort......nd participate in the public sph......fs, knowledge, institutions, and...... and craft original responses. T......e chapters examine East Asian wo...... were markedly influenced by Christianity as students, trainees, educators,......d activists. Using their increased visibil......nity for women in their countries"--
- 内容細目Christianity, modernity, an......men physicians in China : the Souther......ent to medical education for Chinese women in Suzhou, 1891-1......Connie Shemo Chinese Christian n...... of YWCA women in the 1920s and ......ihua Zhang "Saving the children"...... social reform in Republican China / Anthony E. ...... Sasaki Nobuko in Meiji Japan / ......nogamy, and defining "modern" for ......izabeth D. Lublin Christianity and "true education" : Yasui Tetsu......ion to women's education in imperial Japan......Garrett L. Washington Esther Par......hristian women in Korea's early ......ng Park Revisiting the mission subject : the fi...
- 件名...gious aspects--Christianity. Women in Christianity--East Asia. Wo......n women. Women in Christianity. Women--Religious life. East ...
- 内容細目Introduction : higher education in federal countr......es / Simon Marginson and Martin Carnoy The Uni......and challenges in a highly decen......m / Anthony Lising Antonio, Martin Carnoy and C. ......n Canada : provincial responsibility, federal influence, and th......llenge of coordination / Glen A.......ch / Simon Marginson Germany : continuous inter-governmenta......obert Evan Verhine and Lys M.V. Dantas India : the unful...... of federalism in a highly polit......tic centralism in a large and he......ry / Isak Froumin and Oleg Leshukov China : the "commanding heights" strategy revisited ...
- 件名Higher education and state--Case studies. Fede...
- 関連情報SAGE studies in higher education
- 要約等"This selection of texts introduces studen......the multi- and interdisciplinary field of mi......t discussions, insights and theo......this book acquaint the readers w......ions and recurring themes in the academic s......n, mission and education, women and mis......iety of disciplines, authors and......e complexities involved in studying the history o....... Critical Readings in the History of......work and other educational purposes."--
- 内容細目Volume 1. Introduction / Do...... Recent trends in the historiography of Christianity in southern Afric...... / Norman Etherington Writing of past times : an interdisciplinary approach to......a Schultze "Trained to tell the ......d black voices in history: some pertinent issues in (South) Africa......toriography / Tinyiko Sam Maluleke Sources in mission archiv...... The midwest China oral history ......From beyond alpine snow and home......ct / Terry Barringer Missionarie......entators : the Indian case / Geo......rey A. Oddie Thinking missiological......tific activity in the overseas m......lobal "bookkeeping" of souls : quantification a...
- 内容細目Part one: The introduction of Catholicism in the late 18th ...... of Protestant Christianity in 1884 (including questions of ......heological terminology and encou......ation projects in education and medical care introduced by the......s) Part three: Christianity and politics, including Protestant re...... colonial rule in the first half...... The impact of Christianity on the status ......roles of women in Korea Part five: Diversity in Korean Christianity Part six: Christianity and other reli......ous traditions in Korea Part seven: Christianity in Korea today.
- 件名Christianity--Korea. Christianity. Korea.
- 資料の内容に関する注記... no Christians in Korea. Today K......tian countries in Asia, with ove......h Koreans claiming Christianity as their relig....... The articles in these volumes ......the history of Christianity in Korea from its......nth-century beginnings to the prese......ss differences in how Catholicis......ll as the changing relationship of Christianity to political p...... the impact of Christianity on gender role...... They also examine how Christianity has interacted with t......ther religious institutions in Korea, and how Christianity has become Koreanized. They p...
- 内容細目Introduction : Th......olitics of Rankings : Critique H......History of Rankings / Alex Usher Rankings as Global (Monetising) Scopic Syste......University Rankings in Policy and Policymaking : The Malaysi......di Sirat, Norzaini Azman and Cha......The Impact and Influence of Rankings in European Higher Education / Tia Loukkola......: Developments in and Impacts of......University Rankings in East Asia / Ak......Yat Wai Lo Rankings in Africa : Important, Interesting, Irritating, or Irrelevan......ayiwa-Mayega, Vincent Ssembatya,......a Russia : Ranking Fever : Do We...... / Larisa Taradina and Maria Yudkevich Latin American Higher Education, Un...
- 件名Universities and colleges--Ratings and rankings--Cross-cultu......tudies. Higher education and state--Cro......s. Comparative education--Cross-cultura......s. Comparative education. Higher education and state. Uni......d colleges--Ratings and rankings.
- タイトル標目International studies in higher education.
- 要約等...t only to explain the problems, ......ith the people in power so that research findings will make a ......dare to engage in debates on dem...... role of media education in relation to th......mental values. In such a context......dbook on Media Education Research makes......ontribution to increasing our knowledge and understanding of media education on a global ba......40 well-known, international res......s and valuable insights into the dynamic and evolving field of media education research in the digital ag......ork for discussing critical issu......and practical; educational, pedagogic a......he goal stated in the introductory chapter to p...
- 内容細目...arch and media education : Understanding fan practices......ism and parody in young people's......edia practices in Latin America : a mo......ns / Rosalía Winocur & Inés Dussel Yout......ism'"- a media education perspective / ......a literacy : doing media education research on the margins / Annamária ......alian's change in media viewing habits : What...... meme cultures in India / Devina Sarwatay Towa......uth identities in Africa? From o......lities and imaginations / Chikez......m Social media influences on you......h disabilities in the Global Sou......ransmedia learning : practices, ......hi Youth media education in the age of algorithm-drive...
- 件名Mass media--Study and teaching--Research Media literacy--Study and teaching--Research
- 要約等"Early School Leaving in the European U......rly school leaving (ESL) in nine European Unio......ously enrolled in educational institutions inside and outside mainstream secondary education. The comparati......ds to the existing body of knowl......s an understanding of how young ......ough different educational systems"--
- 内容細目Disengaged students: insights from the RESL.eu international sur......rly school leaving in Hungary: ethnicised inequalities in education and the case o......lia Szalai Shaping the policies ......rly school leaving (ESL) in Portugal, Swed......ka-Pekala, Paulina Marchlik, Anna Wrona & Cristina Rocha The individual and ec......rly school leaving / Marie Gitsc......approach exploring youngsters' e......ences of schooling and leaving school early in Flanders (Belg......mmerman Struggling against the waves or taking another cours...... disengagement in the educational trajectories......m Warsaw / Paulina Marchlik, Anna Wrona, Hanna ...
- 関連情報Routledge research in international and comparative education
- 内容細目Introduction / Lamin Sanneh, Michae...... Christian origins / John J. Collins The "triumph"...... Hellenization in early Christianity / Wendy Elgers......ncient Eastern Christianity : Syria, Persi......tral Asia, and India / Scott W. Sunquist Christianity and the Europe......tium and Islam in the Mediterran......esto Bibles, printing, books, churc......iber B. Issues in the modern per......m / Philip Jenkins Slavery, antislavery, and Christianity : Africa, Latin America, and t......dt-Nowara Medicine, agriculture,......and technology in the missionary......nn Schools and education in the missionary...... / Norman Etherington Conversion, converts and ...
- 件名Christianity. Church history.
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Companion to world Christianity World Christianity
- 内容細目...s and trends : insights from sur......ion and higher education in the United States : extending the research ......ion and access in UK higher education Religiously un......iated students in the United Sta......erience : learning from qualitat......stian students in UK universities Invisible Islam :......yday practices in French secular......horns come out in my attitude!' : negotiating Jewish studen......identification in Canada Samosas......Sikh societies in Britain Secularism, fr......h Israel-Palestine in a British campus Navigating the secular :......ences of attending a red-brick u......slamic studies in UK universities : challenging...
- タイトル標目Research into higher education (SRHE)
- 著者標目Aune, Kristin. Stevenson, Jacqueline.
- 要約等"Grounded in the discipline of Religious ......heological and institutionally-c......ed research on Christianity. Drawing on a range of......xtual and doctrinal matters to i......Themes covered include sacred sp......objects, cyber-Christianity, food, prayer, education, family life, ......and sexuality. In addition, issu......academic study in the field and explores areas in which future r......kly locate key information and a......ysis, the book includes an A to ......phy and a timeline of major developments in the field, making it a unique resource to uppe...
- 内容細目...ms. Vernacular Christianity / George D. Ch......egg ; Who owns Christianity? Changes in demographical ......ughrity ; Denominations / George......gg ; Fieldwork in studying Christians / ......s / Sue Yore ; Interreligious en......argaret Z. Wilkins ; Children, f......wn Llewellyn ; Education / Tim Jensen ; Death / Christina Welch ; Spiri......s ; Christians in Africa / Louis......dy Higgs ; Healing / George D. C......New directions in studying Christians. M......; Food / Benjamin E. Zeller ; Li......tsch ; Digital Christianity / Tim Hutchings ; Science and technology / ...
- 件名...Study and teaching--Handbooks, m......Study and teaching--Handbooks, m......Study and teaching
- 内容細目... Ancient Palestine 2. Cities of Learning: The Intellectual Revo......tions of Byzantine Palestine (Third to Ear......eek and Syriac into Arabic and the Palestinian Translation......teries of Learning, Mar Saba and......Century) 4. Latin Learning and the Crusader Kingdoms of Palestine: The Library ......lem: The Palestinian Madrasas un......World of Palestine in the Seventeent......airo and Palestinian Muslim Scho......zhar' of Palestine: The Ahmadiyya Seminary of Acre (17......dernity, the Printing Press and Mas...... Literacy: The Educational Revolution o...... Ottoman Palestine and the Manda......and Arab Nahda Education: Khalil Sakakini and Reformin...
- 件名Education--Palestine Palestinian Arabs--Intellectual life Palestiniens--Vie intellectuelle Education. Intellectual life. Palestinian Arabs--Intellectual life. Palestine--Intellectual life......le East--Palestine.
- 要約等This book examines how the Global Education Industry (GEI) ha......ions of 'good' education. With a focus ...... policy actors in education, the authors o...... of the GEI on educational research, po......r voices heard in school reform ......ogies and data infrastructures on teaching and learning, and should t......cialization of education? Moving beyond single-country cas...... of the Global Education Industry in an international context, discussing the rationale......ook will be of interest and value to scholars a...
- 内容細目1. Introduction: Researching the global education industry / Christ......reneurs, angel investors, and ca......x light edu-business start-ups in India : philanthropy, impact investing, and systemic educational change / Ste......n of corporate influence in education : a synthesis of main policy reform ......ket models for education / Christopher ......ski 5. UNESCO, education, and the priva......ppels 6. Embedding education research in the European economic imaginary? / Marcelo ...... 7. The global education industry, data infrastructures, ...... the restructuring of government......systems / Bob Lingard 8. The transformation of ...
- 件名International education. Education--Research.