検索結果 67 件
- 内容細目The development of free movement in the EU A continuum of social cohesion The European Union and the promotion of social cohesion Intra-EU migrants in Europe A growing chilly climate for intra-EU migrants What can the EU do? Conclusion and where t...
- 件名Minorities--European Union countries--Soc......ns. Migration, Internal--European Union countries. Fre......m of movement--European Union countries. Europe--Economic integration--Soci......ral pluralism--European Union countries. Binnenwanderung. Einwanderer. Polen. Minderheit. Bürgerrecht. European Union countries--Eth....... Europäische Union. Großbritannien.
- 内容細目The territorial dimension of European policies : a c......uardo Medeiros The territorial ke....../ Jacek Zaucha The territorial di......es / Gordon Dabinett Supporting the Europe 2020 st......nd territorial cohesion : contradictor......jectives of EU cohesion policy / Marti...... De Bruijn Dealing with the challenges of implementing place-based m......ee Pugalis Tracing the place-based coordinative framework......EU territorial cohesion policy : from European spatial planning towards European territorial go...... well Implementing integrated territorial investments / Dor......nska Encapsulating the significance of the EGTC...
- 件名European Union. Regionalism--European Union countries. Reg......l disparities--European Union countries. Str......nomic policy)--European Union countries. European Union countries--Economic policy.
- 内容細目Machine generated contents note: 1. Introduction: Situating the European Parliament in the EU's Political System Introduction The European Union as a political system Main themes Empowerment......rmality Concluding remarks 2. The Gradual Empowerment of the European Parliament Introduction: the EP's empowerment institutional `patriotism' or institutional opportunism? From the Assembly to the first direct elections The Single European Act and the end of the Luxembourg Com......stricht: a turning point Amsterdam: from talking shop to full ......ice to Lisbon: the constitutional......Convention and the eastern enlargement Post-Lisb...
- 件名European Parliament. Le......lative bodies--European Union countries. Leg......odies. Europe--European Union countries. EU countries.
- 資料の内容に関する注記This broad-ranging text examines the political dynamic of the European Parliament (EP), showing how the EP is a key component of the political system of the EU. It looks a......w effectively, the parliament tra......itizen demands into policies, and, in so doing, contributes ......and legitimacy in the EU.
- 要約等"This textbook by two leading experts looks at the realities and ......ntroversies of the European Union's cohesion policy: how ef...... it says about the EU's governanc......connected with cohesion policy are und......s still responding to the effects of the global and eur...... to assess how the policy is benefiting eligible memb......s perceived by European citizens. Taking account of re......nts as well as the changing priorities of the Commission and......all aspects of the policy such as the criteria for e......nded; its role in strategies for...... evaluated. Furthermore, it examines how contempo......ctors, such as the continuing influence of Germa...
- 内容細目The origins and early evolution of cohesion policy The transformation of cohesion policy : alignment with the EU's growth an......eness strategy Cohesion policy and the EU budget Implementing cohesion policy Cohesion policy and mul......vel governance The economic impact of cohesion policy The future of cohesion policy.
- 件名European Union. Regionalism--European Union countries. POL......ICAL SCIENCE / International Rel......alism. Europe--European Union countries. Mit....... Europäische Union.
- 内容細目Introduction / Re......dgyesi Part I. Inequality and poverty in European Union 2. Disposable income inequality, cohesion and crisis in Europe / Micha......Drivers of growing income inequalities in OECD and European countries / Gu......vers of social inequality: the case of the southern European countries / Re......nd categorical inequalities in Europe: struct....../ António Firmino da Costa, Ros......na da Cruz Martins, Nuno Nunes, ......́cia Roma̋o 6. Income poverty in the EU: what do we......hoices, underlying assumptions a......ya lelkes, Katrin Gasior 7. Pove......cial exclusion indicators in the European Union: the role ...
- 件名European Union. Income distribution--European Union countries. Equality--European Union countries. LAW / International. European Union countries--Economic policy. European Union countries--Soc......olicy. Europe--European Union countries.
- 資料の内容に関する注記...nalyses social inequality in the European Union, within and between countries. The work criticall...... both vertical inequality, existing between those with high incomes and low incomes, and horizontal inequality, existing between groups according to nationalit......gender. 0'Reducing Inequalities' has......written by leading academics in the field who describe the current social situation in the European Union, focusing on inequality from a......rspective that includes income, poverty, ......on, education. The authors argue ......issues such as these have become ...... countries within the European Union. In response t...
- 内容細目Introduction: understanding the effectiveness of EU cohesion policy The evaluation of EU cohesion policy A diffe......oach to evaluating cohesion policy : theory-based evaluation What was the problem? Regio......strategies and their relevance to needs The effectiveness of programmes in achieving objectives The relevance of p......plications for the design and implementation of ...
- 件名...nomic policy)--European Union countries. Regional planning--European Union countries. International economic integration. Regi...... Regional planning. Structural a......onomic policy) European Union countries--Economic integration. European Union countries--Reg......ities. Europe--European Union countries.
- 並列タイトル等(連結)European Union cohesion policy in practice
- 要約等"Covering the history, governing institutions, and policies of the European Union, Jonathan Olse......ormick present the EU as one of the world's econom......ought far-reaching changes to the lives of Europeans and has helpe......ertive role on the global stage. Unlike most other books on the EU, this text ......r attention to the implications of the EU for the United States.......s and figures, the sixth edition of The European Union explains developments ...... challenges to the Union, such as the Greek crisis, the possibility of......ussia over Ukraine, and new waves of refugees into Europe. Essential reading for students of European pol...
- 内容細目Machine generated con......te: 1. What Is the European Union? 2. Origins: The Road to Paris ...... Emergence: To the Single Market and ......t, Lisbon, and the Eurozone 5. The European Commission 6. The Council of the European Union 7. The European Parliament 8. The Court of Justice of the European Union 9. The European Council, the European Central Bank, and Other Institutions 10. Representing Public Opinion 11. Public Policy in the EU 12. Economic Policy and the Single Market 13. Cohesion and Other Internal Policies......y Policies 16. The EU and the United States.
- 件名European Union. POLITICAL SCIENCE--International Relations--General...
- 要約等"This innovative text brings together pairs of spec......butions by prominent scholars wh...... controversies in relation to the nature, curren...... and future of European integration. The contributors represent the whole spectrum of thinking about the EU and examine the most fundamental contemporary...
- 内容細目Introduction: Key controversies in European integration / And...... Zimmermann 1. The European Union : success or f......John McCormick The end of the European dream / John Gillingham 2. The political efficiency of the EU. The EU as efficien......ity / Desmond Dinan The EU : quick to ...... supranational Union / Derek Beach The new intergovernmentalism in EU governance ...... democratic is the EU? The inevitability of ......much power for the judges? Understanding the European Court's politi......Karen J. Alter The European Court of Justice : a strange institution / Jeremy Rabkin 6. Can there be a common European identity? The emergence of a ...
- 件名European Union. European federation. Europe--Politics ...
- 内容細目EU policymaking : issues and ......s Zahariadis Principal-agent mod......ory governance in the EU / Alessandr......ed equilibrium theory / Christian......arco Radojevic The internal market /......tion rules and the European integration proje......ch-Hansen Changing governance of cohesion policy / Carol......c and monetary union / Waltraud Shelke Banking policy / Stefaan DeRynck The globalization trilemma and the EMU's second-o......ikitas Konstantinidis and Ruben Treurniet The EU budget / Ga......riele Cipriani European immigration an...... Sarah Léonard European Union privacy and da......eorge Christou The common foreign and security p...
- 件名European Union. Political planning--European Union countries. European Union countries--Economic policy. European Union countries--Social policy.
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Handbook of European public policy
- 内容細目Machine generated con......s a multilevel European democracy 2.The Committee of the Regions: competing interpretations 3.Exercising voice: interinstitutional cooperation and internal organization 4.Exerting control: impa......diarity monitoring 5.The Committee of the Regions and the debate on EU cohesion policy (2014 20): exercising voice to prom......te territorial cohesion 6.The Committee of the Regions and the euro crisis: exerting control on be......lf of substate interests.
- 件名Committee of the Regions. Democracy--European Union countries. Political planning--European Union countries. Europe Union countrires--Po......Political planning. Politics and......urope. Europe--European Union countries. Europäische Union. Ausschuss der......en. Politische Institution. Gove....... Europäische Union.
- 関連情報New horizons in European politics
- 要約等"The policies of the European Union profoundly affect the lives of people in Europe and around the world. The new edition of......l textbook outlines how and why ......de, as well as the key challenges...... policy-makers in the current politi......ate. Policy-Making in the European Union begins by clarifying the institutional framework of the EU and the analytical app......e policies are then explored in detail by subj......s. This volume includes new chap...... ways of analyzing the EU's policy pr......icy. A central theme to the volume is how the recent expansi......cted policy-making across the different policy sectors. The...
- 内容細目Machine generated con......note Part One: Institutions, Pro......ir R. Young 2. Theorizing EU Policy-Making, Mark A. Pollack 3. The European Policy Process in Comparative Pe......R. Young 4. An Institutional Ana......o: Policies 5. The Single Market, Ala......c and Monetary Union, Dermot Hodson 8. The Common Agricul...... Roederer-Rynnning 9. The Budget, Brigid...... and Johannes Linder 10. The Structural Funds and Cohesion Policy, David ......nt Policy, Martin Rhodes 13. Env....... EU Policy-Making in Challenging Times: Adversity, Adaptabili...
- 件名European Union. Political planning -- European Union countries.
- 内容細目...s and acronyms Introduction 1. What is the European Union? The EU in the international system Understanding the process of integration Explaining the EU today Feder......Conclusions 2. The idea of Europe The changing identity of E......ere is Europe? The meaning of Europe 3. The evolution of the EU Postwar Eur...... steps towards integration (1945-58) The European Economic Commu......mic and social integration (1979......m Community to Union (1992- ) 4. The European institutions A co......ion for Europe The European Commission The Council of Ministers The European Parliament The European Court of Justice The European Council 5. The EU po...
- 件名European Union -- Textbooks. ......n. Europäische Union.
- 一般注記...ber=016778431&line_number=0001&func_code=DB_REC...
- 内容細目1. Speaking with a single voice: internal cohesive......fectiveness of the EU in global governa......r 2. When speaking with a single voice isn't enough: bargaining power (a)symm...... effectiveness in global trade g......and conquer? China and the cacophony of foreign investment rules in the EU / Sophie Me...... effectiveness in environmental ......e, but conflicting goals: cohesi......nd consistency in the European Neighbourhood ...... van Hullen 6. The European Union in the United Nations......ersity / Gjovalin Macaj and Kalypso Nicolaidis.
- 件名European Union. Diplomatic relations. European Union countries--For......tions. Europe--European Union countries.
- 一般注記The chapters were originally published in the Journal of European Public Policy, volume 21, iss...
- 内容細目Parameters of European integration Enlargement The European commission The European council The council of ministers The European Parliament The European court of justi......s and balances The single market and ......nal policy and cohesion The common agricul......c and monetary union (EMU) Justice ......licy Trade and the common commerc......cy Environment The sovereign debt crisis in the Eurozone.
- 件名European Union.
- 内容細目Introduction by P...... Priorities of the EESC during the Czech presidency of the Council at the European Union Communicating Europe in partnership Li...... civil society The renewed Lisbon......c and monetary union and economic and social cohesion Single market, pro......mmigration and integration Agric......ironment, sustainable development Sustainable developmen......sport, energy, infrastructure and the information society Industrial change Europe in the world The European Economic and S......cial Committee The Czech members of the European Economic and S......Priorities for the Czech presidency of the Council, January-June 2009 So...
- 件名European Economic and S......ociaal Comité. European Union countries -- E......onomic policy. European Union countries -- Social policy.
- 別の媒体に関する注記Also available online.
- 内容細目...ral change and cohesion in the enlarged European Union: an introduction Spec...... concentration in a polarized country: the case of Italia......gions Economic integration and s......ctural change: the case of Irish regions A southern perspective on economic integration and s......ctural change: the case of Greek regions Southern enlargement ...... studies of Spain, Portugal and ......ural change at the interface between......member states: the case of Austri......rn enlargement in a nutshell: ca......udy of Germany European integration, regi......ral change and cohesion in Poland Economic integration and structural chang...
- 件名...mic policy) -- European Union countries. Regional planning -- European Union countries. European Union countries -- Economic conditi...
- 内容細目Priorities of the EESC during the French presidency of the Council of the European Union Communicating Europe The Lisbon Treaty ...... civil society The renewed Lisbon......c and monetary union and economic and social cohesion Single market, pro......ironment, sustainable development Sustainable developmen......sport, energy, infrastructure and the information society Industrial change Europe in the world The European Economic and S......mmittee (EESC) The French members of the European Economic and S......Priorities for the French presidency of the Council, July-December 2008 The Economic and S......amme of events in 2008.
- 件名European Economic and S......ee. Council of the European Union. Comité économ....... Conseil de l'Union européenne. Co......ades Europeas. Unión Europea -- Pol......ica económica. Unión Europea -- Política social. European Union countries -- E......ic conditions. European Union countries -- S......ons. Pays de l'Union européenne -- ......ues. Pays de l'Union européenne -- Conditions soci...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Priorities of the European Economic and S......l Committee during the French presidency of the Council of the European Union, July-December 2008
- 内容細目Introduction Europeanization and mul......vel governance in south east eur......and governance Cohesion Migration and border security...
- 件名European Union--Balkan Peninsula. Balkan Peninsula--Foreign e......mic relations--European Union countries. European Union countries--For......ons--Balkan Peninsula. Balkan Peninsula--Foreign relations--European Union countries. European Union countries--For......ons--Balkan Peninsula.
- 要約等"Taking an integrated approa......andbook places the terms 'citizen......n an equal footing, examining how they are related to each other, both concept...... and migration intersect in contemporary thinking, going beyond accoun......at often treat the terms separately or simply point out the implications of one term for the other. Organised into five parts, ......apters address the basic theoretical perspe......and migration, including normative app......al differences in citizenship re......ogical issues. The Handbook then moves on to look at the three fundamen......participation. The final part discuss......rspectives for the study of citizenship and migr...
- 内容細目...migration: Mapping the terrain / Marco Giugni......Grasso Part I. Theoretical perspe......and migration: The challenge of integration into citizenship in immigration so......and migration: The challenge of capturing complexity / ......ls and migrant integration: Rethinking the intersection of c......ip and migrant integration through (b)ordering / Luca Pfirte......li, Didier Ruedin and Stefanie K...... migration and the end of liberal......es toward granting citizenship s......atus and extending rights to immigrants in European countries / Alin M. Ceobanu and......ants' economic integration: Problematising economic citizenship / Natha...
- 関連情報Elgar handbooks in migration
- 要約等"On the one hand, the EU enlargement......2004/7 brought into the EU 12 new memb...... countries. On the other, the Lisbon Treaty signed in 2007 states that the 'Union shall be found......te 'to express the will of the citizens'. Is ......cracy possible in the enlarged and more diverse Union? What are the constraints and opportun...... assessment of the impact of enla......cal parties at the EU level. Theoretically, it builds on the literature on ......pment to frame the consequences of the Union's widening. Empirically,......e analysis combining qualitative and quantitative...
- 内容細目I. Context and Theory EU Democrac...... and Europarty Institutionalization Framing the Impact of Enla...... Analysis Widening and Deepening the Political Grou......nt Ideological Cohesion and Difference......and Pragmatism in the West and the East From Pref...... Behaviour: Voting Cohesion in the EP Left-Right ......ospects beyond the 2014 EP Elections.
- 件名Political parties--European Union countries. Pol......tical science--European Union countries. Democracy--European Union countries. POL....../ Government / International. Er......arteiensystem. European Union countries--Pol....... Europäische Union. Osteuropa.