
検索結果 106 件

Jinfan Zhang.Springer[2020]<AC8-141-P4>
  • 要約等... on the theory of Marxism-Lenini......t and features of various legal ......l as the rules of the development of Chinese legal ......istorical role of the legal syst......specific rules of the development of China s legal ......m on the basis of the existing r......ject matter is of abundant theor...... understanding of China s legal civilization and offers guiding pr......r the creation of socialist lega......reconstruction of the legal syst...... in the period of westernization......; modification of the law during......owns and cases of malconduct aft......r the founding of the Peoples Republic of China.
  • 内容細目Introduction The Rise of the Ideological Trend of Updating the L...... War The Input of the Western Le......d the Updating of Chinese Settle......ing the Period of the Westerniza...... The Sprouting of the Constituti......he second half of the 1800s the ...... The Emergence of the Contemporary Chinese Legal Civilization: the Modification of the Law during......e Criminal Law Civilization Criminal Law of the Great Qing......raft Civil Law of the Great Qing......n the Judicial Civilization The National Program of Building a Dem...... the New Epoch of Chinese Legal Civilization The Development and Devastation of Modern Chinese Legal Civiliza...
  • 関連情報The history of Chinese legal civilization
edited by Simon Avenell and Akihiro OgawaRoutledge2022<GE87-D6>
  • 要約等...nant processes of policymaking a......utors conceive of transnational ......gates the role of such networks ......hrough a range of interdisciplin......ectual mandate of redefining 'As......s and scholars of international relations, poli...
  • 内容細目...: a case study of the Fukushima-......mi The hardest of hard cases : t......t Asia Freedom of expression in ...... society : microfinance and pove......ative politics of divorce in the......cue : the role of civil society ......ralism through development : transnational initiatives of the Aga Khan development network / Sali...... as a new form of transnational ......n. the romance of transnational Asian civil soc...
  • 関連情報Routledge contemporary Asia series
by Peter C.H. Chan.Brill Nijhoff[2017]<AC9-785-B11>
  • 内容細目Introduction Legal history of civil mediatio......amental tenets of contemporary chinese civil ......public spheres of civil dispute ......and the impact of Wang Shengjun'......cies on future developments An empirical analysis of judicial conci......utionalization of judicial prefe......ion : overview of principles and...... : seven areas of tension in Chi......-court and out-of-court mediation Afterword : t...
  • 別の記録形式...r Mediation in contemporary Chinese civil ......on : Brill/Nijhoff, [2017] (ISBN:9789004342392)
edited by Pavin Chachavalpongpun.Routledge2020.<GE561-P149>
  • 要約等"The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Thailand is a ......and assessment of the state of contemporary Thailand. Whil......oses that many of its problems h......onal relations of the country. A......dscape, Social Development, International......, in the field of Asian Studies,......o-date account of Thailand and initiates new di...
  • 内容細目...tsiri Economic Development of Post-war Thail...... The Two Faces of Democracy / Mi......nors The Logic of Thailand's Roy......co Ferrara The Development of the Hybrid Reg...... The Evolution of the Royal Thai......iland's Regime of Intimidation /......ative Analysis of the People's A......itical Economy of the Middle Inc......ce, and Uneven Development in Thailand / ......ural Borrowing of Thai Higher Ed...... Lao The State of Human Rights i...... the Aftermath of the 2014 Coup ......ures / Eli Elinoff and Vanessa L......y : The Factor of Status Anxiety and Thai Forei...
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Handbook of contemporary Thailand Contemporary Thailand
Toshio Yamada.Springer[2018]<DC55-B346>
  • 要約等...d to analyzing contemporary capitalism bot......ical framework of the French ré......ing the theory of civil society ......apanese theory of civil society ......nomic analysis of that capitalism of the period. On......its definition of postwar capita......he elaboration of a new conceptu......entral concept of Fordism. Inspi...... consideration of Japanese civil......y the concepts of "growth regime......p the dynamics of the world econ......ginal benefits of the book consi......apanese theory of civil society ......o the analysis of contemporary Japan, and 3) offering theoreti......the conception of the world economy. Consequent...
  • 内容細目...and the Theory of Civil Society;.......1 An Overview of Japan's Postwa......1.2 Directions of Economic Recon......2.1 The Theory of State Monopoly......ization Theory of SMC; 1.3.2 The......articularities of Japanese-Style......ematic Aspects of Marxian Theories of Contemporary Capitalism in ......Life and Works of Yoshihiko Uchi......pholds the Law of Value2.4 The B......ng and Selling of Labor Power Co......e Absoluteness of Being Alive; 2......Life and Works of Kiyoaki Hirata......nd the Circuit of Productive Cap......he Perspective of the Circuit of Productive Cap.......3 Germination of Civil Society Thought; 3.3 Ma...
Samuel Ojo Oloruntoba, Toyin Falola, editors.Palgrave Macmillan[2018]<GF35-B5>
  • 要約等...gle collection of well researche......governance and development from the pre-c......ver the course of these intercon......ifferent parts of the continent.......n the universe of the debate aro......governance and development and will serve as a ready ref...
  • 内容細目...governance and development Competing theo......overnance, and development Theory of the crises of the state Post......ogy in African development Theories of social change and development in Africa Theo......al Foundations of Nation-Buildin...... Relevance for Contemporary Africa Politic...... Governance in Contemporary Times Settler ......frica Theories of Military in Af......frica Politics of Identity and the Crisis of Nation-Buildin......itics and Wars of Secession in A...... and Political Development in Africa Poli......and Democratic Development Gender and Gov......rocurement and Development in Africa Challenges of Econo...
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Handbook of African politics, governance and development
edited by Katherine Brickell and Simon Springer.Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group2017.<GE556-P57>
  • 要約等"Offering a compre......nsive overview of the current si......, The handbook of contemporary Cambodia provi......broad coverage of social, cultur......l and economic development within both ru......ensions, Rural Developments, Urban Confli......ing parameters of its economic profile. The handbo......ghts the major developments that are unfo...... primary sites of change. The fo......understandings of the country, a......ral dimensions of Cambodia's cur......ogether a team of leading schola...... understanding of how sociocultural and politic...
  • 内容細目The contemporary geopolitics of Cambodia : ali......s and pitfalls of microcredit as a development solution / Mar......rough the lens of coastal fisher......The imperative of good water gov......d the politics of indigeneity / ......ental risk and contemporary resilience str...... : governing profits, extending ...... strategies in contemporary Phnom Penh : an overview of social, econom......a : the terror of gentrification......e obliteration of politics / Gio......o Kusakabe The contemporary landscape of education in C...... hybrid spaces of the "public" a......dered politics of power in contemporary Cambodia / Mona Lilja and Mik...
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Contemporary Cambodia
edited by Robert Springborg, Amr Adly, Anthony Gorman, Tamir Moustafa, Aisha Saad, Naomi Sakr, and Sarah SmierciakRoutledge/Taylor & Francis Group2021<GF64-D1>
  • 要約等"Investigating key features of contemporary Egypt, this vo......edia and modes of cultural expre......cities to meet developmental challenges, ......ts and demands of a rapidly grow......e macrohistory of Egypt is compl......microhistories of specific insti......, organization of the economy, n......d consequences of unbalanced civ......'s history and contemporary political economy and it serv...
  • 内容細目...ological Roots of Authoritariani......ypt : The Case of the Student Mo...... The Evolution of Military Rule ......erciak Genesis of Coup-Proofing in Egypt : ......if The Fingers of the "Invisible...... Brief History of Nation, State ......itical Economy of Subordinate In......itical Economy of Workers' Remit...... Accommodation of Authoritariani...... and Realities of the Struggle for Development / Aisha Saad S......vs. New Desert Development / Deena Khalil Livability of Egyptian Citie......tural Heritage of Egypt's Cities......t Trajectories of Creativity and......the Barricades of Allowable Art ...... The Evolution of Social Media Use in Egypt's T...
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Handbook on contemporary Egypt
edited by Guy Ben-Porat, Yariv Feniger, Dani Filc, Paula Kabalo and Julia Mirsky.Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group2022.<GE761-P164>
  • 要約等...nsive overview of contemporary Israel, accoun......g for changes, developments and contemporary debates. The d......erent chapters offer both a hist......dated analysis of politics, econ......iplinary group of experts, inclu......a wide variety of topics through...... the formation of Israel and Jew......ction examines contemporary institutions i...... Israel, their developments and the contemporary challenges the...... face in light of social, econom......ting questions of identity and i......ning processes of integration an......plores matters of culture, throu......phic shifts in contemporary music, poetry, and cuisine, a...
  • 内容細目...sraeli version of Republicanism ...... and Plurality of Cultures in Ea......and Challenges of the Nonprofit Sector / Mic......lmog-Bar Major Contemporary Trends in Civi......How the people of the book became the people of the media : Th......e Rubik's cube of Israeli-Europe......er Religion in Contemporary Israel : Hared...... A New Reading of Mizrahi Religi......s at the Start of the 21st Centu......r Relations in Contemporary Israel / Tair ......Levy Paradoxes of control : Inco...... Aviv in times of restrictive mi......ael's Economic Development : an overview ......liberalization of Welfare and So......and Re-Visions of War / Miri Talmon Bass and Si...
  • 件名...tions. Israel--Civilization.
edited by Fangzhu Zhang, Fulong WuEdward Elgar Publishing[2023]<EC124-D34>
  • 要約等... understanding of urban environm......ng the context of changing urban......light the arts of governance and......ical ecologies of eco-cities and......matic analysis of new environmen......cy researchers of environmental ......lary selection of contemporary research on China's urban env...
  • 内容細目...s in China / Guofang Zhai and Yu...... applicability of environmental ...... A perspective of local entrepre....... The politics of climate experi......ance: The case of the low-carbon......ing the 'good' of environmental ......ical ecologies of urban-rural co......ina's greenway development as land politi......The influences of government cap......ng dispositifs of governing e-wa......21. Ecological civilization, anti-incinera......he rolling out of 'compulsory wa......Green industry development and urban sust......ties: The case of dezhou / Zhen ...... and promotion of sustainability......hina's new era of ecological civilization: Oppo...
  • 関連情報Handbooks of research on contemporary China
edited by Tai-lok Lui, Stephen W.K. Chiu and Ray Yep.Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group2020.<GE446-P23>
  • 内容細目...p The autonomy of Hong Kong unde...... Becoming part of one national e......s in the midst of the rise of China / Yun-Wi......lative Council of Hong Kong : di......l battleground of "one country, ......97 : in search of a new relation......the precarious development of civic engageme......Lam Party underdevelopment in protracted ......he repertoires of contention / E......n and autonomy of metropolis Hon......ui A genealogy of business and p...... K.W. Shin End of a chapter? : H......n and the rise of right-wing nat......Ip Sustainable development in Hong Kong :......a new triangle of China's global cities and reg...
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Handbook of contemporary Hong Kong
  • 並列タイトル等Handbook of contemporary Hong Kong
Hiroyasu UemuraSpringer[2023]<DA6-D4>
  • 要約等...c achievements of Japanese insti......o Tsuru and Hirofumi Uzawa, whos......sm. In the era of globalization ......c achievements of those economis......ed for the aim of establishing a......r, the essence of research work that each of them developed......he total image of the economy for contemporary capitalism. Th......verse legacies of Keynes, Marx, ......ional analysis of contemporary capitalism wit......, with the aim of establishing t...... moral science of civil society. These importan...
  • 内容細目...ective and aim of the book ; 1.2...... Main contents of the book 2. Ei...... present state of economics. 2.1......n and academic development by creative ri......The stagnation of economic theor...... the dominance of the Walrasian ......" and theories of contemporary capitalism con......uru's study on contemporary capitalism wit......asuka's theory of contemporary capitalism : a......tural analysis of inflation and ......o's the theory of the capitalist......m and analyses of the Japanese e...... on Keynes and contemporary capitalism. 4.......the historical development of modern economi...... 4.3. Analyses of contemporary capitalism by Mi...
  • 件名...istory Schools of economics--Jap......nomics Schools of economics Japan
edited by Mark R. Thompson and Eric Vincent C. Batalla.Routledge2018.<GE514-P127>
  • 要約等...nating example of a 'poor countr......' where issues of economic development and poverty, p......ledge Handbook of Contemporary Philippines pr......nsive overview of the current po......ultural issues of the country. T......fferent aspect of the Philippine......d policymakers of Southeast Asia...... and economics of the Philippines"--
  • 内容細目...t Hodder House of clans : politi......unending story of particularisti......ing industrial development : the economy ...... configuration of capitalism / A......dem The allure of Pantawid Pamil......o grasya : microfinance / Asunci......protection and development aggression : i......The resilience of the peasantry / Eduardo C. Ta...
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Handbook of the contemporary Philippines Contemporary Philippines
edited by Tai-lok Lui, Stephen W.K. Chui and Ray Yep.Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group2019.<GE446-B23>
  • 内容細目...p The autonomy of Hong Kong unde...... Becoming part of one national e......s in the midst of the rise of China / Yun-Wi......lative Council of Hong Kong : di......l battleground of "one country, ......97 : in search of a new relation......the precarious development of civic engageme......Lam Party underdevelopment in protracted ......he repertoires of contention / E......n and autonomy of metropolis Hon......ui A genealogy of business and p...... K.W. Shin End of a chapter? : H......n and the rise of right-wing nat......Ip Sustainable development in Hong Kong :......a new triangle of China's global cities and reg...
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Handbook of contemporary Hong Kong
  • 並列タイトル等Handbook of contemporary Hong Kong
Anthony Butler.Macmillian education, Palgrave2017.<GF266-B24>
  • 要約等... economic life of South Africa. ...... takes account of recent key developments, including the impact of the economic crisis, the ongo...
  • 内容細目...0 The Creation of the state: 187...... Rise and fall of `high aparthei......e entrenchment of apartness unde...... The diversity of the provinces ...... policy. Human development in South Afric......nt. The making of the constituti......re The culture of everyday life ......economy, human development, and welfare Reconciliation, ...
  • タイトル標目Contemporary states and societies.
edited by David H. Slater and Patricia G. SteinhoffUniversity of Hawaiʻi Press[2024]<EF5-D23>
  • 要約等... With the rise of new generation......nd advancement of technology suc......ital networks, contemporary Japanese socia......efers to forms of political enga......ndard politics of political part......t engages with contemporary movements seek......o past periods of activism in Ja......960s and 1970s often characteriz......ng the decline of social movemen......ater and Steinhoff places the vo......haracteristics of the new social......ch description of a particular m...... the immediacy of the period whe......onal community of Japan speciali......n a wide range of courses"--
  • 内容細目...ricia G. Steinhoff 1. Transformi......ricia G. Steinhoff 2. The power of alternative un...... in Japan: the development of community powe......e: dismantling of mobilizing str...... in the cycles of protest / Yoko......r: the process of social movemen......the remodeling of new left organization / Vinic...
  • 著者標目Slater, David H., 1960- Steinhoff, Patricia G, 1941-
Jonathan ParkerPolicy Press2023<EG25-D24>
  • 要約等This book offers insights into the development of social welfare......ut history, it offers the potential for the development of new thinking, policy making a...
  • 内容細目List of tables List of abbreviations ......lfare Overview of the book 2 A brief history of British social......es Early roots of welfare: relig......rth and growth of the welfare state Impact of the welfare st...... the frontiers of the state: the......courses in the contemporary world Conclusi......xical crucible of welfare reform......al sacrificing of the poor Auste......l Credit? Ways of reducing welfare administrati...
  • 一般注記...ss, an imprint of Bristol University Press"--Ti...
Sidney TarrowCambridge University Press2021<A56-U-D24>
  • 要約等... a combination of events that wi....... In the midst of a devastating ......pt the results of the election w......took the reins of a government t....... In the midst of all this, the ......or the nadir - of what will sure...... by the events of those two mont...... changing, and often overlooked juncture betwee...
  • 内容細目List of tables List of figures and ma...... hybridization of the party system Part four: contemporary conjunctions Trumpism and the...
edited by David Chiavacci and Julia Obinger.Routledge2018.<EF5-B74>
  • 内容細目...otest cycle in contemporary Japan? : resurgence of social movemen......he uneven path of social movemen......Patricia Steinhoff "Asia and the development of civic activism......iscontinuities of Japan's politi......ima : the case of the nuclear di......epresentations of youth social movements in Jap...
Roderic Broadhurst, Thierry Bouhours, and Brigitte Bouhours.Cambridge University Press2015.<GE556-P67>
  • 内容細目List of illustrations List of figures List of tables Preface......edgements List of abbreviations Map of Cambodia Intro......ion Resistance of a peasant society Patterns of premodern criminality Development of the colonial s......e "golden age" of the Protectora......e golden years of Sihanoukism: 1......n in the midst of a civil war: p......nd violence in contemporary Cambodia: 1991......nd violence in contemporary Cambodia Discussion Appendix:...
  • 件名... 15.75 history of Asia. 89.58 political violenc...
  • 資料の内容に関する注記...ng the history of violence in Ca......historical and contemporary archival sourc......ends and forms of violence throu......lyzing periods of colonization, ......tionary terror of the 1970s and post-conflict development, the authors a......fying a series of universal factors that have h...