
検索結果 16 件

Marilynn Shari Firmin, editor.Nova Science Publishers[2019]<KE12-D1>
  • 内容細目...on/Verb Processing in Patients with Parkinson's Disease: ...... Roque Baradel and Maria Alice de......f ABC, Brazil, and others Chapter......ence of Speech and Language Disorders: Identify and Outcome at the Learning Disabilities ...... Luz María Fernández Mateos, Ph.D., and Javier De Sant...... Salamanca, Spain, and others Chapter......r of Normal Brain Development / ......Stephanie Northington, Ph.D., and Hana Perkey, T......uston, TX, US, and others Chapter......ge Development and Psychopatholog......Michela Tantardini, Giulia Burrone and Ilaria Maria C......l Neurological Institute C. Mondino, Pavia, Italy Chapter 5. Int...
  • 件名Linguistics.
  • タイトル標目Languages and linguistics series.
edited by Adam Komisarof and Zhu Hua.Routledge2016.<FD33-B41>
  • 内容細目Crossing Boundaries and Weaving Intercultural Work, Life, and Scholarship in Globalizing Universities : An Introduction Orga......iated, Denied, and Gained : Breaking the Rice Paper Ceiling in Japan Twists and Turns : Forging a Career as a......ology Academic in Australia From Outside In : Cultural Practices and Organizational Life of a Chinese Immigrant in Japan Heart and Mind : Using Critical Incidents to Deci......ocial Support, and Connection: Co......st Environment and Cultural Adapt......truggles of an International Foreign Language Lectu......dentity Issues and Challenges in Constructing Identity in an Adopted Home ...
  • 件名College teachers, Foreign--Cross-cultura...... studies. Learning and scholarship--C......tural studies. Education and globalization-......tural studies. Education, Higher--Cross....... Universities and colleges--Cross-cultural stud...
edited by Martha Frederiks, Dorottya NagyBrill[2021]<HP93-D6>
  • 要約等"This selection of texts introduces students and researchers to the multi- and interdisciplinary field of mi......t discussions, insights and theories. The ......this book acquaint the readers w......considerations and recurring themes in the academic s......le parts three and four consist o......uch as mission and language, medi......ssion, mission and education, women and mission, mission and politics, and mission and art. The text-......iety of disciplines, authors and backgrounds. T......e complexities involved in studying the history o....... Critical Readings in the History of......or course-work and other educational purposes."-...
  • 内容細目Volume 1. Introduction / Dorottya Nagy and Martha Frederi...... Recent trends in the historiogr......f Christianity in southern Afric...... / Norman Etherington Writing of past times : an interdisciplinary approach to......sion history / Andrea Schultze "Trained to tell the ......ies, converts, and narration / Ga......d black voices in history: some pertinent issues in (South) Africa......toriography / Tinyiko Sam Maluleke Sources in mission archiv...... The midwest China oral history ......From beyond alpine snow and homes of the e......ct / Terry Barringer Missionarie......entators : the Indian case / Geo......rey A. Oddie Thinking missiologically about the...
  • 内容細目Race, culture, and identities in second language education: introduction to research and practice / Ryuko Kubota and Angel Lin Unpacking white racial identity in English language teacher education / Tonda Ligget...... globalization and language policy in South Korea and racialized lan......uage attitudes in the United Sta......achel A. Grant and Incho Lee Constru......al stereotypes in English as a foreign language (EFL)......ions of racism in the schooling of Latina/os and ELLs / Sherry Marx Uninhabitable ident......cations: unpacking the productio......ial difference in a TESOL classr......Ellwood Understanding the racialized identities ...
  • 件名English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers -- So......spects. Discrimination in education. Ethnicity.
  • 著者標目Kubota, Ryūko. [久保田竜子] Lin, Angel, 1962-
Temple University Press2009.<DC851-B14>
  • 内容細目Introduction : A ......the study of Chinatown and beyond Part I. Historical and global contexts : The Chinese diaspora and international mig......raphic trends, and community dyna......graphic trends and characteristic......contemporary Chinese America In and out of Chinatown: resident......al segregation and mobility among Chinese immigrants in New York City ......uburbanization and new trends in community deve...... The case of Chinese ethnoburbs in the San Gabrie...... Yen-Fen Tseng and Rebecca Y. Kim......trepreneurship and the enclave ec...... York City's Chinatown Chinese-language media in the United States Chinese sch...
  • 件名Chinese Americans -- Social conditions. Chinese -- United S...... conditions. Chinese American families. Chinese Americans -- Ethnic ide......United States. Intergenerational......le Situation. Einwanderung. China -- Emigration and immigration. U...... -- Emigration and immigration. Chinesen. USA.
  • 著者標目Zhou, Min, 1956-
project editor, Jacqueline L. LongeGale[2023]
  • 要約等... entries, covering topics in body systems and functions, conditions and common disease......th care issues and theories, techniques and practices, and devices and equipment. It ......h professions, including nursing, physical the......ratory therapy and more
  • 内容細目Abdomen Abdominal pain Abdominal ultrasound A......d-fast culture and smear Activities of daily living evaluation Ac......e Addiction Administration of me......tion Adrenal gland computed tomog......aphy Adrenal glands Adrenocortica......ses Aerobic training/endurance training Aerosol drug administration Affor......ble Care Act Aging and the aged Aging in place AIDS AIDS counseling Air embolism ......ts Alternative and complementary medicine Alzheimer's d......urgery centers American sign language (ASL) Americans with Disabilities Act Amino acid disorders screening Amniocentesis Amylase and lipase tests A......gy Aneurysm Angina Angiography Angioplasty Anor...
  • 件名Medicine--Encyclopedias Nursing--Encyclopedias Médecine--Encyclopédies Medicine Nursing
project editor, Jacqueline L. Longe.Gale a Cengage Company[2018]
  • 要約等... are new, covering topics in body systems and functions, conditions and common disease......th care issues and theories, techniques and practices, and devices and equipment. It ......h professions, including nursing, physical the......ratory therapy and more.
  • 内容細目Abdomen Abdominal pain Abdominal ultrasound A......d-fast culture and smear Activities of daily living evaluation Ac......Acupuncture Administration of me......tion Adrenal gland computed tomog......aphy Adrenal glands Adrenocortica......ses Aerobic training/endurance training Aerosol drug administration Aging and the aged AIDS AIDS counseling AIDS tests Ai......ts Alternative and complementary medicine Alzheimer's d......urgery centers American sign language Americans with Disabilities Act Amino acid disorders screening Amniocentesis Amylase and lipase tests A......gy Aneurysm Angina Angiography A......Antepartum testing Anthrax Antianxiety drugs An...
  • 件名Nursing--Encyclopedias. Medicine--Encyclopedias. Medicine. Nursing. Nursing Care. Allied Health Personne...
  • 内容細目Introduction / Andy Kirkpatrick Standardized English......ical variation in the contempora......English of England / David Britain Phonological innovation in contemporary s......glishes of Ireland : emergence and transportation......velopment of Standard American English / Will...... Levey English in Australia / Ka......es) of New Zealand / Margaret Mac......glish language in India / Joybrato ......hyanthi Mendis and Harshana Rumbukwella East and West African E...... : differences and commonalities ......ent of English in Botswana : language policy and education / Birgit Smieja and Joyce T. Mathangwane English in Singapore and Malaysia : diff...
  • 件名...- English-speaking countries. En......- Variation -- Foreign countries. English language -...
  • 一般注記...ber=018946416&line_number=0001&func_code=DB_REC...
edited by Cyrus Schayegh and Andrew Arsan.Routledge2015.<GE711-B44>
  • 内容細目Introduction / Cyrus Schayegh and Andrew Arsan The mandates and/as decolonization: preliminary thoughts / ......h Part I. The mandate states in the world: international institutions, transnational linkages Introduction to Part I / Andrew Arsan Globa......, imperialism, and the perspectives of foreign soldiers in the Middle East during World War I /......munal survival and national aspir......gue of Nations and the practices of interwar humanita......ugh Compassion and connections: feeding Beirut and assembling mandate rule in 1919 / Simon Jackson Exporting obligations: ......normalization, and mandatory anti-alcoholism fro...
  • 件名Mandates--Middle Ea......East--Politics and government--19......45. Great Britain--Foreign relations--Mid....... Middle East--Foreign relations--Great Britain. France--Foreign relations--Mid....... Middle East--Foreign relations--France.
  • 著者標目Schayegh, Cyrus. Arsan, Andrew.
SAGE Publicationsc2007.<FB82-B80>
  • 内容細目...nish colonists in Florida The Pilgrims and Puritans Puritan educational emphasis and educational philosophy T......hool Puritans' and Pilgrims' rela......ps with Native Americans Education contributions ......r groups Dutch and other settlers in the Mid-Atlant......onies Settlers in Maryland and other areas in the South The ......owth of higher education before the Rev......ion of Puritan and Native American relations Conc......ary War era on American education Distinguishing a truly American system of education The curricular......ity school Forming the foundation of future education The spread of ......s Free schools and African Americans Where Afric...
  • 件名Education -- United States -- History.
[by] Gordon DanielsEdition Synapse2004<GB411-B10>
  • 内容細目Bakumatsu and Meiji The Japa......e British role in the Meiji restoration Introduction to S......ow: a diplomat in Japan Review o......race Fox: Britain and Japan, 1858-83...... House-Japan's American advocate Sir Harry Parkes and the Meiji Gove......ent, 1868-1883 Foreigners in Meiji Japan Re......ught of Mori Arinori The British press and the Anglo-Japa......902-1923 Japan in the pacific wa......schoolchildren in wartime Japan Taira Introduction to G...... strategic bombing survey Before...... life, economy and war effort; defence forces and civil defence;......45-52, reform, international rivalries and British politics Nationalist ...
  • 一般注記Co-published by Japan Library Includes port
東京外国語大学, アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所1995<GF51-A45>
  • 一般注記"Sponsored by Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA)...... University of Foreign Studies.".Includes bibliographical referen...
  • 典拠情報(Author Heading/「を見よ」参照)Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies AA研 l'Institut de reche......langues et les cultures d'Asie et d'Afrique à l'unive...
WalterV.Kaulfers edby ; GraysonN.Kefauver edby ; HollandD.Roberts edby ; HollandD.Roberts edby ; Kaulfers,WalterVincent ; Kefauver,GraysonNeikirk ; Roberts,HollandDeWitteMcGraw-Hill Book Co., inc.1942
  • 件名Language and languages Study and teachin
  • タイトル標目Foreign languages and cultures in American education
  • 著者標目..., Kefauver Holland, D., Roberts K......ers,, Walter, Vincent Kefauver,,...... Roberts,, Holland, De, Witte
Walter V.Kaulfers/edMcgraw−Hill Book Company,Inc.1942
  • 著者標目Kaulfers,Walter Vincent
McGraw-Hill Book Co., inc.1942.<407-K21f>
  • 件名Language and languages -- Study and teaching.
  • 一般注記...by teachers of foreign languages, English, and social studies......o participated in the experiment...... language arts investigation during the triennium 1937-1940."--P...
  • 著者標目Kaulfers, Walter Vincent, 1904- Kefauver, Grayson Neikirk, 1900- Roberts, Holland De Witte, 1895-
edited by Walter V. Kaulfers, Grayson N. Kefauver, Holland D. RobertsMcGraw-Hill Book Co.1942
  • 一般注記Includes bibliographical references and index
  • 関連情報McGraw-Hill series in education
  • 掲載誌McGraw-Hill series in education
