
検索結果 3 件

Justine Pila, Paul L.C. Torremans.Oxford University Press[2019]<AE5-411-D3>
  • 要約等... each of the main areas of substantive EU intellectual prop...... law, situated in the context of......U legal system and international IP law, including EU constituti......ion 1973/2000, and private international law...... those regimes and to demonstrate...... European law, and decision-making on EU mmember states."--
  • 内容細目An introduction to domestic and international intellectual property law The foundations of European Union intellectual prop......ts of European intellectual property Introduction to E......ocedure of obtaining a European pa......ent protection and exploitation P......variety rights and supplementary ......n certificates Introduction to t......w of copyright and related rights......he subsistence and ownership of copyright and related rights......d by copyright and related rights Copyright and related rights exceptions and limitations Registration and use of the trade mark Infringement and revocation of ......rk Trade marks and the free movement aspects of ...
  • 件名Intellectual prop......s. Patent laws and legislation--E......ion countries. Intellectual property. Europe.
Now Publishers2007-
  • 一般注記Title from cover Also issued online HTTP:URL=http://www.nowpubli...
now Publishers
  • 関連情報...ss control for databases : concepts and systems Main memory databas......ystems Datalog and recursive query processing Query processing on probabilis......ern datalog engines Multidimensi......ment Consensus in data managemen......mit to blockchain Synopses for m......Privacy-preserving data publishing Information extra......tures for data-Intensive applica......ns : tradeoffs and design guidelines Data provenance : origins, applications, algorithms, and models
