検索結果 5 件
- 要約等...ost perceptive and original analysts of global development. In this major......s a compelling and practical framework for how global citizens can u......l degradation, and political-economic injustice: sustainable development. Sachs offers ......ronmentalists, and policy makers ......ools, metrics, and practical path......ve Sustainable Development Goals. Far mor......form, inspire, and spur action. B......the Millennium Development Goals, and his recent pre......of Sustainable Development is a landmark publication and clarion call f......out our planet and global justice.
- 内容細目Introduction to sustainable development An unequal wor......ief history of economic development Why some count......g biodiversity and protecting eco......es Sustainable development goals. Introdu......to sustainable development. What is sustainable development? ; An introduction to economic growth ; Conti......st of plenty ; Global environmental ......eats caused by economic development ; Pathways to sustainable development An unequal wor......ief history of economic development. The age of modern economic growth ; The I...... begins in England ; The great wa......e diffusion of economic growth ; Economic development since World War I...
- 件名Sustainable development. Economic development--Environmental aspects. Nachh...
- 要約等...ook provides a global historical ass......ental changes, and concluding wit......nd deployment, and an assessment of future optio...
- 内容細目1. Wind power and our energy nee......dmills ; Power and energy in the modern world ; Global warming and climate change......power's growth and potential 2. T...... ; Smock mills and tower mills ; ......l windmills ; Land drainage and other applicat......ic systems ; Grandpa's Knob, Verm......ergy concerns, and Denmark's Geds...... mill ; French and German post-wa......rs 6. Progress and economics in Europe, 19......k ; The Netherlands and Germany -- 7. ......K wind turbine developments ; Institution...... Privatisation and the Non-Fossil......tion (NFFO) 8. Development and deployment, 1990 to 2008 : Global overview ; Denmark ; Germany ...
- 一般注記... publication: 'Global warming and economic growth' (Tsuku......a : Center for Global Environmental Research, 1992)...